Better Put on Yo Dancin’ Shoes!

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaay guys!

Guess what! It’s NEWS time! But first, please join me in a little Carlton happy dance!

Haha! That will NEVER get old!

Ok, so I was trying to figure out the best way to share my super incredible, awesomely fantastic (adjective overload) news with you. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, and it really is a whole lot quicker to see rather than read them all (trust me, I could get wordy with this…I mean c’mon, I just used 4 words to describe “news”!) why don’t we just start out with a picture intro?

Obviously this is meant to be me and my strong, yet oddly shaped, biceps muscles! 😉

Haha! I know you are all super impressed with my artistic ability! Can you believe I’ve never had one day of professional training??









Ok, ok…so what’s the big deal? It’s not like I’ve never moved before! The reason that I am thisfreakinexcited is:


Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!



A tad bit of history: The house I currently live in (originally purchased by my ex) has been on the market for almost a whole year! There have been a couple of handfuls of showings, but nothing promising. Just last week, after I’d pretty much given up all hope and figured I wouldn’t have any more interest at least until Spring, there was a showing….and the person LOVED it…and made an offer the very next day!

I’ve leisurely looked at some houses before, but obviously there was a huge need to shop fast so my realtor and I hit the pavement! Out of the batch of houses the agent gathered up for me, I narrowed it down to this one, but really, how much considering is needed with a 9×20 kitchen?!

I made an offer last night and it was accepted late this afternoon! I close at the end of the month! Ahhhhhhh!

So….who out there owns a truck and wants to help me move?? I guarantee a killer workout and some on the house recovery fuel, because what’s a moving day without a little of this:

I know…food porn at its greatest! 😉
It’s okay, I understand if you’re drooling over my
paaaaaper-paaaaaper pizza!

Alright, I’m off to bust out some Carlton moves look through carpet/hardwood samples while I munch on some Puffins straight from the box because I’m classy like that!

Did you know that it’s National Cereal Day?

It’s not too late! Go grab a handful…or pour in a bowl like a respectable person! Do as I say not as I do! 😉

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51 Responses to Better Put on Yo Dancin’ Shoes!

  1. Namaste Gurl says:

    Yayyyy–congrats, sweet girl! What fun and big news indeed 🙂 Can’t wait to hear the remaining and continous news of how it all plays out!

  2. Anastasia says:

    OMG! How exciting! The kitchen is beautiful. I can’t wait to see all the delicious food you make in it! :]


  3. Congrats!

    I’ll help move if you pay in pancakes 😉

  4. BrittFit says:

    AHH it’s soo pretty! congratulations girl 🙂

  5. CONGRATULATIONS on buying your own home! That is a HUGE deal! I wish I lived close so I could help you move 🙂 That kitchen is gorgeous!

  6. woo – congrats! that’s awesome, and the kitchen looks FAB ! can’t wait to follow your adventures of home ownership! <3

  7. Jenny says:

    Yay congrats!!! The first thing I’d look at is definitely the kitchen and yours looks beautiful! Happy moving girl and enjoy those Puffins 🙂

  8. OH MY GOSH! that is so so so exciting! congratulations!

    so much room for me to sleep on your floor when I come visit! 😛 haha.

    typical that on national cereal day i have JUST run out of cereal and don’t want to open another box coz i go home kind of soon… sigh. 😉

  9. This is so exciting Heather!!!! CONGRATULATIONS on being a first-time homebuyer!!! 😀

    Haha, I love the lil’ cartoon of youself. Nice biceps! I am totally jealous! 😉


  10. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU, LOVE! 🙂 Best news EVAR! I wish I could help you move! That kitchen is seriously majorly badass.

    And um, yeah… I’ll be needing you to draw me some photos. Can you do a purple bird? I’m impressed with your abilities!!! 😀

  11. Catherine says:

    Let Erik and I know when moving day is…we’ll do our absolute best to be there!

  12. Congratulations on buying a house! 🙂

  13. Sherri Tyson says:

    Congrats Heather!

  14. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG congrats!!!!!!!! THAT KITCHEN IS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you gotta have an awesome kitchen for all that cookin’!

  15. Congrats!!! That is SO exciting. Purchasing a house is soo fun! The kitchen looks awesome and I can’t wait to see more!!!

  16. AHH! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you! And seriously, that kitchen is HUGE and GORGEOUS! Love it!!

    I wish I lived closer, I would totally help you move! I’ve helped so many people move over the years, I’m a pro. 😉 But yeah, sooo excited for you, girl! 🙂

  17. Janine (Mom) says:

    I am VERY happy for you!!! What a kitchen…I’m jealous! When do we “finish” packing????!!!!

  18. caitlinoco says:

    O my goodness CONGRATULATIONS!! I am crazy jealous that you’ll have a nice kitchen but so happy for you!! And I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the Carlton happy dance reference =)

  19. Oh my gosh, that’s so freaking exciting!! And that’s a HUGE kitchen!!! You lucky duck 🙂

  20. Mowenackie says:

    Congrats! That is fantastic news! And your drawings are boss, yo.

  21. Wooooowwwwww! Congratulations! Brilliant news and what a great kitchen 🙂
    I had loads of cereal last week but it was our Pancake Day today so it would have been rude not to celebrate it… We don’t get a peanut butter day though; you’re definitely winners on that one!
    And I’ve got a horse lorry which you’d be welcome to use… but as I reckon I’m about 3,000 miles away, that’s possibly not very helpful 🙂

    • Oh, I agree! Pancake Day > Cereal Day for sure!

      Well, once we figure out the whole distance thing, you’re gonna have to teach me to ride! I’ve only been on a horse once (that wasn’t metal and mechanical) and I was sooooo nervous! I felt like I was going to fall off with every step it took!

  22. Kayla says:

    WOW, how awesome!! I am sooo jealous of all that beautiful counter space you’ll have in that kitchen!

  23. Congratulations Heather! That is amazing news! That is one great kitchen you’ve got there! Can’t wait to see the amazingness you have coming from it!

  24. Mrs. Fish says:

    Happy dance! So happy for you!

  25. How freakin’ exciting!!!! Congrats!!! Awesome kitchen- TONS of space, right?! Yay!!
    And yep, food porn at it’s finest. Love the drawings! Especially your of your big muscles. 😉
    Oh, and PB Puffins and I are lovers… you can have the cinnamon ones. 😉

    • Haha! So glad to see an appreciator of fine art! 😉

      I’ve never tried the PB Puffins! Last time I was at WF’s, both the PB and cinnamon were on sale for $1.99, but of course all the PB ones were gone! 🙁

  26. Ma Ma Megan says:

    Congrats on your new casa! Can we trade kitchens? 😛

    I love those puffins 😀

  27. Lee says:

    Awesome news! Congrats!

  28. Congratulations! I wish you a smooth, quick and painless buying/ moving process!!!

  29. Priyanka says:

    This is awesome news girl, congratulations!! I am so happy for you!!!

  30. Congrats on the house!!!! The kitchen looks amazing!!!!!

  31. I am SOOO excited for you!!! Hooray!!! Your kitchen is beautiful. Congrats.

  32. Pingback: Packing It In | kissmybroccoli

  33. ohmygosh I cant wait to see more of the new casa broccoli! how did I miss this post? im uber mad that I got so behind!!!!


    I call roxy pappaaaa-roxi all the time. and Paul is Pauli-andro. we’re all for shameless gaga references in this house =)

  34. elise says:

    i already read this post, but enver commented so…CONRGATS!!!!!!!!!!!

    obvs the kitchen is the most important room 🙂

  35. Pingback: Coconut Pancakes with Raspberry Maple Sauce | kissmybroccoli

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  37. Pingback: Kickin’ Barbecue Hummus | kissmybroccoli

  38. Pingback: The Journey Starts Here | kissmybroccoli

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