Hola mi amigos! How is everyone’s week going so far? I guess you could say that mine STARTS tomorrow. Yes, sadly today was the last day of Heather’s staycation, but although I’m not quite where I want to be as far as decor/organizing go in la casa, I’m feeling much better about my to-do list (since I’ve actually had some time to shorten it)!
Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on yesterdays “battle with the laundry room“! Ha, for some reason, now I’m thinking about that Brady Bunch episode where Peter overflows the washing machine! Any Brady fans out there?
Well, you know what day it is! Time for a little What I Ate Wednesday hosted by the one-of-a-kind Jenn of Peas & Crayons!
And for those of you that haven’t noticed…look up! Yeah, up there ^^^ That gorgeous new header is brought to you from the creative genius of this girl right here!
Anywho, let’s get to the guds!
Breakfast (8:00am)
1 egg + 2 egg white omelet stuffed with Greek yogurt and pumpkin butter
with a drizzle of unsalted almond butter +
whole wheat bagel thin topped with banana soft serve (1/2 banana) & chias
1/2 caf “crack” in one of my Xpress Cups that I won from Janetha’s blog
Pre-workout Snack #1 (11:00)
1/2 a large Braeburn apple with cinnamon +
a “shot” of cocoa roasted almonds
I planned on getting to the gym (gotta use up that free pass!) around noon, but yeah, that didn’t quite workout (ha, pun!)….
Pre-workout Snack #2 (1:00pm)
Banana SoyJoy bar
I got this a while back and just got around to trying it. I’ve had a couple of the SoyJoy bars before and their just “ok,” but this one? Yeah, it tasted like banana taffy meets stale banana bread! Will not be getting again! Bleh!
Β After my not so delicious snack, I drove to the gym, only to realize that they were closed from 1:30-3:30 (it’s an unlimited hour gym, but with a free pass, there has to beΒ a staff member present)!
So, what’s a girl to do that’s all fueled up and ready to work?
Did you say make Mama Pea’s Mmm Sauce? Well! Don’t mind if I do!
And of course I had to “test it for poison”!
I may or may not have owned the food processor with a spatula too! π
What can I sa…mmmmmm!
The only tweaks I made besides halving the salt (not a fan) was using fresh cilantro instead of dried and Italian seasoning instead of oregano because let’s face it, Mama Pea knows her stuff! You don’t HAVE to change anything!
After these shenanigans, I headed over to the gym and got my sweat on! 30 minutes on the elliptical, a mix of upper body, and finished it up with 15 minutes on the stationary bike! ‘Twas amazing!
Dinner (7:00pm)
Mixed baby greens, tomato, celery, carrots, zucchini, and grilled tempeh
with a fair amount of mmmmm!
Of course, as soon as I got showered after my workout, I had one thing and one thing only on my m- mmmmmm!
Have you tried this yet? Seriously, if you haven’t, you need to get on that ASA- mmmmmmmmmmm!
Well folks, there ya have it…another WIAW! Head on over to Peas & Crayons and see what everyone else cooked up today! I know that’s where I’m heading!
What’s the best thing you ate today?

I made that MMMM sauce too. I also licked the food processor.
Haha! Can’t let that good stuff go to waste!
Um this all looks so good… such an interesting spin on that omelet up there! π and i tried a soyjoy bar and it was not good… very stale-tasting. it kind of grew on me but i would definitely not buy it again :/
I LOVE YOUR NEW HEADER!!!!!!!!!!!! π
I love the gym!!! I’m just kind of sad that we are cancelling it. But at least we are going to get an elliptical!!! I love them! π
Thanks doll! I’ve been contemplating getting an elliptical for a while now…I just can’t make up my mind!
MMM!! That “mmmm sauce” doesn’t look like it could have a better name.
SoyJoy, on the other hand, could have a better name. Like SoyBlech, maybe? I don’t think I’ve had a single one that I’ve liked of those bars :X You win some you lose some, right?!
Banging WIAW!! I love your crack juice haha I’ve been meaning to make an omelet with some sort of nut butter but I always chicken out and never do it. Cocoa roasted almonds are my crack O_O
Omelet…chicken! Bahahaha!
Just think of the egg as in French toast…not an omelet. That should help your chicken-ness! π
Yum! I really want to try Mama Pea’s mmmm sauce. Anything she makes is always delicious! Your dinner looks so fresh and yummy. How do you grill your tempeh (how do you slice, marinade, etc.). I love tempeh at vegan restaurants, but I can never seem to get it just right at home. Please share your wisdom :).
Have a lovely day!
I haven’t tried marinating it yet (I’m so bad at planning ahead), but this time I just sliced it at an angle like this / <- haha! and then seasoned it with garlic, pepper, and doused it in some liquid smoke (that stuff is insanely good) and cooked it in a skillet over medium heat! Bada bing, bada boom…grilled tempeh! Good and crunchy with a hint of smokiness! Mmm!
Hooray!!!! Or should I say MMMMM???? (I’m so glad you liked it!)
Mmmmmm! π
I love how you arrange your foods and snacks! The first pic with the bagels looks like a face hehe!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your blog name even though I’m at “like” with broccoli, and not yet “love.”
Thank you! And yeah, I always get a kick out of my breakfast “faces”! I totally understand, I love broccoli…but only when it’s cooked! Raw = bleh!
Your header is super cute! I’ve been wanting to try Mama Pea’s mmm sauce and now I want to try it even more!
Hmmm…today I had this really good beef with sage cream sauce and I’m currently eating some delicious strawberries.
I just realized I think your vegetarian, don’t be bothered by my beef comment!
Haha! No, I’m not vegetarian…I just don’t eat a lot of meat! That actually sounds really tasty! π
Thanks for stopping by! I think I will really have to try that mmmm sauce!!
Everything looks amazing as always! Your pre-workout snack #1 looks delicious.. the bar sounds disgusting though! haha.
Your food looks so good! I have been consistently disappointed or underwhelmed by Soyjoy bars as well.
AHH that mmm sauce looks GREAT!! esp on your salad! that SUCKs abour your gym being closed!!! UGHGGH at leas you gotta go later!
Your omelette looks like a crepe! or a egg burrito! so cool how you folded it! and I’m totally making that sauce! BOOKMARKED! whoohoo!
Thanks girlie! It does kinda look like a crepe….only thicker…crepe on STEROIDS! You knew I was going to the gym, but…the eggs? π
Make that sauce. Now! That is all!
Toooootally need to be making that MMMM sauce stat!! π
Lotsa yummy eats! I need to do a WIAW sometime… π
Yes you do! Jump on the blogger bandwagon with us! It’s fun, I promise! π
ew, i hate soyjoy bars. they should change the name to spoiledjoy bc theyre gross.
Ok, Idk how I’d feel about egg whites with sweet stuff like almond butter/any kind of fruit or nut butter. Maybe I’m weird…
Best thing I ate today? Does beer count π
Don’t knock it till you try it! Think French toast! And as long as it’s GOOD beer, then it counts! π
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I haven’t tried Mama Pea’s version YET, but I have had the sauce she was asked to base the recipea on… and it is amazing! – one of the restaurants actually calls it their “crack sauce” π
your omelet looks tasty – I love pumpkin butter!
Crack sauce! Haha, love it!
Oh it was tasty! The pumpkin butter definitely took it over the top! It’s funny how many people think it’s a little weird to have a “sweet” omelet yet never give the thought of a crepe or French toast a second thought!
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