Hey guys! Hope you are all enjoying your Saturday! I have to say mine is going rather peachy! 😉
The other day as I was driving to work, no not THAT day, but another day, I heard something on the radio about a green event going on here in Clarksville. They said something about local farm stands, a recycled art contest, and free goody bags to the first 100 people to show up…welllll, you don’t have to twist my arm! 😉
I got pretty excited about it before I even arrived! For those of you unfamiliar with the south, it really is hard to find people who are interested in sustainability, renewable resources, or even recycling. I think a lot of it is due to plain ol’ ignorance when it comes down to it. People don’t understand how easy it is to make certain lifestyle changes that can benefit the environment, their health, and their wallets!
Anywho, enough ranting! How bout some pics?!
First up, the recycled art contest put on by some of the local elementary schools:
A “quilt” made out of woven plastic grocery bags
A recreation of some buildings from downtown
A hornet made from plastics and empty TP rolls
T-Rex! Love his bottle cap teeth!
The “Good”
Versus the “Bad”
And the bridge between!
A recycled recycling plant
I loved all the little details!
And I couldn’t get enough of the “bolt men”!
Seriously, how flippin’ cute are these guys?!
They even had their very own stop light!
So I’m sure you guys can guess which one I voted for! 😉
After checking out the art contest, I perused some of the other stands.
I found this stand selling local honey, jams, fresh eggs, and veggies
And well, I couldn’t turn down $2 for a dozen!
Then I found these guys! Guess where Heather’s getting her grass-fed beef from now on?
I already pre-ordered 4 pounds! 😉
All made from old bracelets, earrings, etc! Aren’t they beautiful?
I learned a lot about some of the new ZERO ENERGY homes being built on the base
(I live very close to Ft. Campbell)
And I talked to a woman about “clean” household cleaning supplies.
I REALLY need to look into this…I was sure to get a catalog from her!
On the way out, I admired all the pretty things that I would kill if I took them home! 🙁
Then I spotted tomato plants for a BUCK!
And of course, one screamed “Take me with you!”
He fit nicely in Andy’s cup holder!
Just keep this little guy in your prayers! I swear I have a black thumb!
He needs a name!
Any suggestions?

Frank…he looks like a Frank. Looks like a great place to go today! It was gorgeous outside. Is that the same farm HEAB gets her beef? I looked in to it since we will be in Winchester, TN in a month and I need to find some good options. I’m glad you had a good day Heather! You really needed it! Enjoy the rest of your evening!
Oh my gosh! How cool! I can’t for your little tomato! 😀
You never see stuff like that where I live. I live in a small and very close minded town. Definitely ignorant too, like you said.
Believe me, I was shocked to see this in MY town! Guess it’s about time we had some change!
call him Goliath! 😀
it makes me SO sad that there are (still!) places that do not care, do not do anything. it has been the normal here for most of my life, and I always am shocked when I travel and see things not happening.
looks like a fun day – I love the quilt!
I really wish you would have told me about this. I would have LOVED to go!
I’m sorry sweetie! I wasn’t really sure I was gonna go until yesterday morning! And I didn’t know what to expect from it either! The farmer’s market opens May 21st! You game?
Of course I am! Lmk!
Way to go!!! I have been experimenting with dfefirent ways of cooking meats and chicken to keep from getting bored. Tonight was burgers on the grill with swiss cheese and of course BACON. Everything tastes better with bacon, even bacon!!!!! What abouts do you live? I’m around the Houston area. Meat is getting expensive so I’m always looking for sales and stocking up when prices are low. I SO MiSS PASTA!!!! LOL Take care.
Oooh how cool. Love the bolt men! People are SO creative!!
I’m not good at keeping plants alive myself, so I probably shouldn’t suggest a name–don’t want my bad luck to rub off! I hope it thrives as fresh tomatoes will be AMAZING!
What a super cute little convention!! I love that it’s all recycled! and woop for 4 lbs of GRASSfed healthier beef:)
Tommy the Tomato!
That sounds like such a fun little festival! I’m loving all the projects made from recycled materials. So cute! 😀
Hahaha, I saw the Frank comment first, and now I can’t see past that tomato plant being called Frank! I LOVE that, so random and brilliant 😀
That looks like so much fun! I’m lovin the quilt!
My first tomato plant was Tom =) So creative… haha not! Then there was a green spider that kept the bugs off our garden. We named that little guy George… I miss george! He ate flies like a champ and he will forever be the only spider that I didn’t want to smush! bleh! hate spiders! not green ones though=) obv
Wow… that festival is sooooo effing cool!! I cannot wait until Alex and I live alone so we have more freezer room and I can do cool stuff like order grass fed beef in bulk and actually have some place to store it!! And killer steal on those eggs! 🙂