I Went To The Store For Milk and Yogurt

…and I came home with this:

But there was a sale!

And I had coupons!

Look! Look!

Total savings=$26.25!

Oh, and then I got this:


Ok, let’s review…

  • Puffins x 3 (2 original, 1 cinnamon) $2.99 each
  • Yogurt (Stoneyfield & Chobani) FREE with coupon
  • Yogurt (Dannon Greek) on SALE for $0.69
  • Putney Pasta Chicken PiccataΒ on CLOSEOUT for $4.19 (regular $8.99)
  • Luna Bars x 7 on SALE for $1 each
  • Organic Garbanzos…ok, not on sale, but I neeeeeeded them! πŸ˜‰
  • LiteLife Italian Style Veggie Sausage COUPON $1 off
  • Starbucks Natural Caramel Coffee COUPON $1.50 off*
  • Organic strawberries on SALE for $1.79! What?!
  • Locally grown cuc…hmm, not sure HOW that got in there! Haha!

The rest of the items were on a “Mega Event” sale…purchase 10 qualifying items and save 50 cents per item on top of sale prices! Cha ching!

  • *Starbucks Coffee………………………………………$7.99 before coupon
  • Hunts No HFCS Ketchup……………………………$1.26
  • Purity 2% Cottage Cheese…………………………..$1.79 each
  • Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk…………………$2.39 each (won’t lie, Blue Diamond holds my heart, but Silk was cheaper AND it keeps me from drinking it straight from the carton!)

Yes, you did see that right…I bought SIX tubs of cottage cheese.Β 

Promise I’m not crazy

They don’t expire until September…and I’m thinking they will last me…oh about 2 weeks! πŸ˜‰

Actually, after last night’s dinner…maybe less!

Peanut flour oats topped with cottage cheese, BBQ seasoning, and FROG preserves.

Mmm, mmm, mmm!

Come to mama!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an open box of Puffins and a carton of Blue Diamond vanilla almond milk to finish off…

Oh yeah, I’m classy.like.that!

PS, this post made me feel kinda like an extreme couponer! Lol

Do you ever go to the store for one or two things and come out with an armload?

Do you use coupons when you shop?


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39 Responses to I Went To The Store For Milk and Yogurt

  1. Whaaaat?!?! I need to take you shopping with me next time. Puffins for $2.99? I’d have bought just as many boxes, myself. That’s almost like stealing! Were they just on-sale or did you find a coupon somewhere? If you had a coupon I need to get you to spill your secrets πŸ˜‰
    I love the Silk PureAlmond Unsweetened! Sometimes I wonder if I can actually taste a difference, or if I just say I like it better because it was the first one I discovered I liked, lol. Unfortunately, the store that’s closest doesn’t stock the unsweetened kind – only the unsweetened vanilla blue diamond :[
    Oh – I will say, I’ve been lucky to see Lunas and Clif bars being on sale for $1 each for the past…couple months, too! Each time I’m in, though, I think “hey! look! they’re on sale – might as well grab a couple!” only to discover it’s not as much of a sale as it is a forever price, hah.
    As for using coupons – I try! I try to find some for milk, cereal and a few munchies, but otherwise it’s mostly produce I buy…which, save for an Olivia’s coupon, I can’t seem to find πŸ˜‰
    -end novel-
    Happy FRIDAY!!

  2. katie says:

    SOML – Story of my life !
    Going to any store for one thing and coming out with 30 things! You and I would shop well together, hmmmmm that could be dangerous!

    U got some great deals and my favorite milk and cereal!! Love the goodies you got!

    happy Friday girl!

    xoxo <3

  3. Missy says:

    That’s my kind of shopping! I use coupons and sales as well. But I can’t say a word on the cottage cheese – I just bought 14 containers – but the reason is that they were on sale at Kroger and I don’t have a Kroger on my town. I took my cooler and loaded up! Of course I’ll go thru it quickly as I eat it daily.
    I love Blue Diamond too but when Silk is on sale and I have my Internet coupons, I get it instead.
    Great grocery haul!

  4. You are my kind of shopper! I am a coupon fanatic πŸ™‚

  5. I think the Pure Almond Milk is creamier and thicker than Blue Diamond…in my opinion. I am totally guilty of going in for two things and coming out with 15. I’m the worst, but when I see a good deal on something, I have to cash in on it! I will do coupons rarely, but I don’t really buy much that uses coupons.

  6. Mrs. Fish says:

    My best friend just started couponing and came over for dinner the other night after her grocery store trip and had to store that very same Silk Almond Milk in the fridge while we ate dinner. πŸ™‚ I enjoy coupons, but only use them on products like Chobani, Almond Breeze, etc, meaning I find most of my coupons online but sometimes my printer and the coupon sites don’t like Firefox. Great deals!

  7. Story. of. my. life. Honestly, I can’t even remember the last time I went to the store planning to buy one or two things and only walked out with one or two things…. usually it’s like one or two bags worth. And I can’t even use the sale excuse! I mean, I always love a good deal so I stock up when I see stuff that I need, but I also end up picking up a lot of stuff that just… looks so pretty sitting there on the shelf πŸ˜€ Ahh well. ANd you could probably teach me a thing or two about using coupons… I always mean to get more into it but then I get lazy… Bad Amanda!

  8. Anastasia says:

    You got some great deals! I love the local Kroger’s here because no one touches the natural foods section so everything is always marked down.

    I use a ton of coupons! Mambosprouts.com has some really great ones. I save $10 and I feel like an extreme couponer haha!

  9. Oh m’dear…this happens to me ALL THE TIME. πŸ™‚

  10. i was just thinking of doing a post on my latest deals! my kroger’s loot from this week looks JUST like yours.. except, i’m sorry to say .. luna bars are always 99cents at my kroger! and i had a bonus coupon for barbara’s puffins which brought them down to 1.50 a box! i don’t know if you have meijer’s around you, but i got larabars for 75cents a piece πŸ™‚ ultimate scoooore
    ..now, why can’t fresh produce have such awesome deals?
    thats where my grocery bills add up!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Amen sister! Produce coupons…now THAT’S what we need! And Larabars for 75 cents?! Ugh, totally jealous!

  11. I’m awful at couponing, haha. I’m so impressed by you. I’m alright at checking for sales and buying things accordingly but forget coupons. And I used to be guilty of coming out with a ton of things when I only need one or two. My solution was to bring my kids with me and then I just want to get what I need and get out. If I spend too long in there I just keep finding things I “need”, haha.

  12. I would’ve never thought of that oat combo. Looks interesting!

  13. Kelsey says:

    you are my hero! where do you get your coupons??

    I definitely always walk out with more than I plan. But as long as it’s healthy good stuff, I’m kind of okay with that! πŸ™‚

  14. Lauren says:

    More like when *don’t* I go to the store for a couple things and come home with an armload. I’m seriously jealous though. That was quite the steal. Maybe I should start taking advantage of coupons! I wish I could find organic straws for that cheap!

  15. Haha, that seems to be a common theme for people who love food. I can NEVER go to the store and walk out with just a couple things. I always end up getting way more than I intended. Oh the beauty of food πŸ™‚

  16. Hahaha first thing i thought was extreme couponer πŸ™‚
    I suck royally at coupons, i always remember them after they have expired
    I’m uber jealous of your chobani!

  17. Megan says:

    Hahah I can never go to the store and leave with just one thing. I think “OMG I NEED THAT” do i really? Probably not, but whatever πŸ˜›
    I try to use coupons but it doesn’t always happen.

    P.s that caramel starbucks coffee is SO good, I just bought some recently (with a coupon actually!)

  18. Robyn :) says:

    I went to Kmart today for a foldable wagon and also ended up buying 2 pairs of shoes, a pair of pants and 4 tops!! They were on sale, too!!(the pants were $1.99 because the material was too heavy for summer LOL).

    I only use coupons for places like Bed Bath and Beyond and craft stores. I do not get the Sunday paper to get the grocery coupons and I do not have a printer to get them online. Plus, I have a tendency to want to use them just to use them and then get things I end up not using. Kind of like those extreme couponers!! I will stock up on certain things if there is a sale and our commissary has a shelf of reduced price stuff.

  19. That was pretty epic! way to go! =) I cant find any good coupons lately! bahhh!

  20. Looks like you got the dairy covered…until September anyway. πŸ™‚

  21. Great shopping trip with some amazing deals!
    Sometimes I go to the grocery store with the intention of buying just ONE thing – almond milk, but somehow I end up with a whole basket worth of stuff. You can’t buy almond milk without some new cereal too! At least thats what I like to think. πŸ™‚

  22. Gillian says:

    Story of my life. I can never get out of the market with just one thing. At least you got a good deal, though πŸ™‚

    Mmm. almond milk straight from the carton. So good.

  23. Jodie says:

    I never pay more than a dollar for a Luna. The regular price at my TJs and WF is $.99. Move to MPLS!

  24. Lee says:

    That is a lot of cottage cheese!

    Kroger has a lot of closeouts in their natural foods section. I often buy that stuff, although I get disappointed when I like it and realize that it’s on closeout because they’re not going to sell it anymore.

  25. Katie says:

    I LOVE KROGER! They always have awesome deals! And, manager’s special is my absolute favorite because it’s always the organic/natural stuff that nobody buys in my town (not enough people to appreciate the natural foods!). So, I get to gobble up the deals and yummy food. πŸ™‚

    My Kroger had that sale this week, but I don’t think Daisy cc was in it. πŸ™ Or Silk! They need to get on this!

  26. Oh, that always happens to me– definitely with you on that one! Going food shopping is like exploring disneyland or gambling for me; I can never seem to get out! Hehe. πŸ™‚

    PB, bbq and cottage cheese? I think you’re going to need to simmer down by the time I come visit you– i’m not that adventurous with food combining πŸ™‚ Maybe, just maybe, I’ll try it!

    PS– you must share where you get all those coupons!

  27. Priyanka says:

    This is something that happens to me often, I go for a couple of things and come out with at least 10 other things. I really want to get into the coupon groove, saving money would be awesome!

  28. That oat combo sounds pretty sweet! I would never think of that combo, but now I really want to try it πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Well, well! Have to say I’m impressed! Most people are way too scared to try it! The key is McCormick BBQ seasoning…not BBQ sauce!

  29. Jen says:

    I went to Costco today for bread and english muffins. $75 later we left.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Hahaha! Yeah, you can NEVER go to a warehouse type store and come out with one thing! Actually, I’m pretty sure they have little gnomes that secretly add to your cart while you’re not looking! πŸ˜‰

  30. Haha, this is the story of my life! Every ttime I got to Whole Foods, I never take a cart or a basket because I’m always going to get ‘one thing’… and then I start getting more stuff and can’t hold it all! At least you scored some great deals. I love coupons, I can just never find ones for the stuff I want!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Totally me! And then people look at you funny when you stagger up to the cashier and DUMP everything on the conveyer belt! Haha!

  31. Amazing saving on all that shopping! Not sure about that oat combination though πŸ˜› Sorry haven’t been commenting lately!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      No worries LB! I’ve been having a hard time keeping caught up in blogworld myself recently! I know how it is! πŸ™‚

  32. elise says:

    you are a coupon fiend!!! omg i am soo so impressed. i only shop at WF but it looks like kroger is pretty legit. (we dont have that store here in so cal)

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