Hey peeps!
Didya miss me yesterday?
Sorry to leave you hanging on the pancake front, but there was just too much fun happening this weekend to get to blogging.
Howabout a little party to take your mind off the MIA pancakes?
What kind of party, you ask?
A BIRTHDAY party!!
Yep, that’s right, my dear little blog is already one year old…my how time flies!
I’ll do my best to hold back the tears 😉
Hard to believe it all started with me cooking my first Thanksgiving dinner last year. Check out the post if you haven’t seen it before…let me just warn you that the photos are horrendous! Thank God that’s improved!
Over the last few days, I’ve been doing some reflecting on this past year. There have been so many changes in my life both blog related and not. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading because honestly, what would blogging be without someone to share it with?
Discovering life-changing sandwiches…
Finding my passion for running…
Moonlighting as paparazzi in Nashville coffee shops…
Entering into the dating world and detailing my experiences…
None of it would have been the same without you guys!
I absolutely love coming home after a hard day and reading through all of your comments. It never fails, I always end up with a smile on my face by the end of the night!
To thank you all for your faithful readership, I’ve complied a little giveaway of a few of my absolute FAVORITE foodie items:
The highly coveted Biscoff Spread
My absolute FAVORITE jam…Frog Preserves
Trader Joe’s Fig Butter
2 Erin Baker’s Breakfast cookies (Oatmeal Raisin & Banana Nut)
2 Cashew Cookie Larabars
2 Chocolate Cherry Jocolat bars (discontinued)
1 Peanut Butter Chocolate Power Crunch bar
1 Honey Graham Clif Z bar
And a few bags of my favorite Yogi teas
(Relaxed Mind, Lemon Ginger, and Chai)
So what do you have to do to get your hands on this fantastic prize?
Tell me…
What is one thing in your life that has changed over the last year that has brought you happiness?
That’s it! No facebooking, twittering, or standing on your head…just share some joy!
The giveaway will run until Sunday, December 4 @ midnight.
I’ll announce the winner next Monday!
Sorry guys, the giveaway is only open to US residents…I really wish I could include everybody, but I just can’t afford the international shipping rates. 🙁

In February I ran my first mile EVER and on Sunday I will complete my first half marathon. I have also lost almost 65 pounds in the last year. I found my passion for running, active living, and eating real food and now I want to share it with the world. My entire life has changed in the last year and I could not be more happy about it!
I met the man of my dreams. I have never been happier with someone. He is everything Ive been looking for. I love him for all he is and all he makes me.
I ran my first run (a warrior dash!) and participated in 35 mile bike ride. Both were something I never saw myself doing, but finished strong!
happy birthday KIA! I remember when i first “met” you. hehe. So glad you are making things happen. love it! a year has a brought a lot of craziness in the cotter house. like now we are in NZ!!
Happy birthday to your blog! I also remember the first time I discovered it, and saw how it became that successful in a short time. Now, it’s one of the few blogs I read on a continuous basis. Congratulations!!
Yay how exciting! Happy Birthday Bloggie 😉 I started my own blog and ran my first race!! 😀
I’ve reached a healthy weight (packed on the pounds), and have so much more confidence now!
Thank you so much for the chance to win. On November 15th, I was accepted into PA school! I have been waiting 7 years for that moment 🙂 The program starts in July and I can’t wait.
I got into running this year- ran my first half-marathon this month! I never thought running would make me happy.
Happy blogiversary! I can’t believe you’ve only been blogging for a year – I thought it had been MUCH longer!
What a fun giveaway! The one thing that has changed most for me over the past year was removing the major negative energy that was in my life (a bad relationship I was in). I am a totally different person now than I was this time last year and without getting into details, let’s just say that I am so much happier and better off 🙂 !
The one thing that has changed over the past year is that I’ve stopped worrying so much and just started letting things happen. It has made me much happier. 🙂
Happy 1st birthday! I had no idea your blog was around this long!
One thing that has happened this past year that has brought me happiness, moving back to PA near my family! Oh damn I have 2, getting married as well!!! <3
Being kinder to myself, so that in return I am kinder to others! Wonderful giveaway…thank you! <3
i started intuitive eating instead of dieting. it. is. amazing. i feel so much healthier and happier!
Happy Blog Birthday! We have done a lot to our house in the past year that’s really made it feel like our home. That makes me happy.
I’ve started training for a marathon, I LOVE running! And I’m thankful for my health to be able to do it. 🙂
Congrats on the first year! And I moved back closer to family and I have never been happier. Life and God are so good!
Happy 1st birthday!
I was accepted into law school last week and I am so excited! I’ve been out of college for quite some time, and I’m finally ready for this next big step. Oh yeah, and I got engaged in May. 😛
I also started running this year and I love reading posts like yours about running. I actually think I found your blog by searching posts about running, and now I read it “on the daily.”
in the last year i’ve explored new passions and interests and have finally found a life/career path that i know will be fulfilling!
wow heather!! congrats on the 1 year blogging milestone! i was just talking to brad about how it’s almost been a year for me too – craziness!
anyway, i feel like so many amazing things have happened over the past year for me too! of course, #1 is getting married! but there also is having brad graduate & move to madison to our first apartment together, adopting another puppy, and so much more.
here’s to another wonderful year ahead!
I lost 20 pounds! ….All these wonderful blogs, like yours, dedicated to healthy eating have been so helpful and inspirational! 🙂
Happy Birthday, Broccoli! I met the man of my dreams and could not be happier!
I got a yorkipoo! Little Charlie Dean has brought me so much happiness 🙂 I love him!!
yayy thats so exciting! – Happy 1st Birthday!! 🙂
This past year and a half I’ve worked hard to get on track with a balanced lifestyle (exercise, food, life…) and I feel so much stronger and better!
Happy Birthday/Blogiversary, Heather! Your blog has so much personality, it just comes right through in your writing. Keep up the great work, stay witty, and stop crashing cars. 😉
Happy 1 year! Wow time flies! I remember when you bought your house just like it was yesterday.
Hmm, I guess one thing that has made me happier, oddly enough, is cutting back on reading blogs. It sounds strange, but I was reading or trying to read so many blogs/links, that it was giving me anxiety! So I finally realized it wasn’t good for me and have major cut down on how many I read and the content. Too many blogs are triggering for me. But obviously I still read yours ;)!
So here’s to another great year of Pancake Sundays and the Adventures of Heather!
Congrats! Finding out about this amazing blog world!
Happy 1st Birthday to your blog! I’ve enjoyed reading 🙂
Over the past year, I’ve been baking tons, which has given me so much joy! I’ve always enjoyed it, but tried not to do it too often because I didn’t want to waste time in grad school and have a ton of tempting treats around all the time. But experimenting in the kitchen is so relaxing and therapeutic, and it makes me happy to see others enjoying my treats! I make time in my schedule to bake!
in the past year i have moved cities and started an intense MBA program. it’s been scary and overwhelming, but it’s also really exciting!
I moved out of town to a small country ranch and loving it… Oh and found some very cool bloggers to check out.
I got the chance to live temporarily in France!
Aw, congrats on one year!! I want to say my blog because I do love it, but expecting baby #3 is by far the most exciting and happy thing to happen in the last year 😀
Happy First Blogiversary! I got my first solo apartment with my boyfriend of 4.5 years and we have been having SO much fun decorating, painting and furnishing it together 🙂
starting my blog this past summer has given me so much joy. and new friends!
Happy blog birthday, pretty lady… we’re practically bloggie litter mates! 🙂 The last year for me was an amazing one full of badass changes as well… namely graduating from massage therapy school, and Alex and I getting our first place together without roommates! So grateful for both of those events! 🙂
2011 has been a great year for me. I moved in with my roommate who has become my best friend over the past year. We got kittens a few months ago and we are a big ‘ol happy family! 😀
Happy Blog Birthdaaaaay 🙂 !
This is an awesome giveaway. For the frog preserves alone! i’ve been dying to get my hands on a jar.
The best thing that has happened to me in the past year is a growing acceptance of myself, which has led me to be more “true” to myself and my family. As a result, i’ve gotten super close with my family.. mom especially!
Isn’t family the greatest? 🙂
Oh, I love this post! I have been here for almost all of it! That feels pretty special. This past year has brought a lot of change for me, but the biggest thing that I hope to have by the end of the year is my nutrition certification. It’s the first time, in a long time, that I’ve something completely for myself.
Happy anniversary Heather!
I moved to australia without knowing a soul and had the best 8 months of my life thu far. Then i came back to start law school in a city id never visited without knowing a soul. Being independent and making a few dreams come true are things that have made me very happy this year (especiallyknowing that amazing friends and family support you and cheer you on even if you are far away!)
Congratulations on the blogaversary! I met my current boyfriend this year, and he has enriched my life so much.
Love this post and your blog! Happy blog birthday! The thing that has truly brought happiness is being back with my family after many month of being at school 🙂
In the past year, I’ve recovered from an eating disorder and am now at a very healthy weight and without that.. i could’ve lost my life, including my amazing family, friends & world. I’m so glad to have come so far in the past year, I’ve matured so much that i can already see myself being successful!
this year has been great for me! not only did i meet my fabulous boyfriend (on new years eve no less!), but i have also discovered my passion for working out and eating clean. after a family trip to brazil for christmas, i am off to start a new adventure with crossfit!
Happy B-day! 🙂
One thing that has changed was I became a foodie, I really watched what I ate made sure it was healthy, but still am trying to come over my ED voice and indulge every once and a while doesn’t hurt! So in general being a healthier person! 🙂
Congrats on a year of blogging. I always check in with you a few times a week! Over the last year I would say you introducing me to oats has been a life changer! I used to be a huge snacker and now with my pumped up pumpkin oats, I’m snack free, AKA HAPPY!
Congratulations! This past year, I studied abroad in Russia, which turned out to be an absolutely life-changing experience for more reasons than I could possibly list here.
Hapy 1st birthday!!!
Actually I have 2 things (hehe)
1. I went vegan and through veganism I have discorvered a new passion for health, animals, nutrition etc.
2. (an effect of #1) I discovered food blogs!!! So much fun! Im addicted:)
I made the decision to transfer schools in order to follow my desired career path. Definitely excited to see what next year will bring!
The discovery of “Blog Land!” I have endless recipes of anything I could ever imagine to make & workouts that never leave me bored!
I finally sold my mom’s house in California. She died 2 years ago and I am still going through probate(almost done!), but we got the house sold last summer! It was in terrible shape and made me sad and anxious when I thought about it (my mom died, there, too). It was hard to remember the good times and when it was a great house(my mom and dad bought bought it in 1978 so there were a lot of good memories). A guy I went to high school with ended up buying it with his company and they did major renovations to flip it and it is now back on the market! There are pictures on the real estate website and it is beautiful again! So that made me really happy to know they got it back to it’s former glory (and are turning a nice profit on it 😉
Happy Blog Birthday!
Happy 1st birthday darling!!! 🙂
I’ve learned SO much in the last year of blogging. It’s CRAZY. I’ve also learned that nut butter is nothing to fear, but rather to embrace every single day 😉
Omg I just peed myself a little when I saw all those goodies! You know I’m now obsessed with the fig butter (ahem thanks to a certain someone) and have been dying to try the biscoff spread!
This year has brought me so much but one of the main things that have brought me happiness is my health! Finally admitting I had an eating disorder was very hard but my progress has brought so much happiness! It brought me to the blogging word and meeting wonderful people like you! It brought Matt and I closer as my Ed had put a wedge between us and it made me follow MY dreams and I’m now going back to school for something I am passionate about. So yes it is a negative but I try to only look at the positives it has brought me! This year has been crazy for me but I am finally getting to a point of REAL happiness.
Happy birthday to you, I truly enjoy reading about your adventures!
I ran my first Ultra Marathon!!! 50k baby!!
Happy Bloggiversary! (Rolls off my tongue easier than blogirthday?!)
Starting my own blog has brought another layer of joy into my life I never expected to find – this is coming from a girl who claimed to hate writing. I love the foodie blog world, and your blog is one of my faves 🙂
One major thing that has changed is becoming healthier. I am so much happier than I was a year ago. I felt so ashamed of my body and myself in general. I decided I couldn’t feel like that anymore and I deserve better. Therefore, I started eating healthier, and exercising. Over a few months I became a vegetarian. I’m no where’s near perfect, and I don’t wish to be. But I am a lot happier than I was and that makes me perfectly imperfect.
i have discovered strength training and i love the way it makes me feel so strong!
Happy Blog Birthday! I’m not sure I’ve ever commented but I read every day and love your posts. You’re alway so happy and entertaining while still being realistic. Plus my best friend is a nurse and so I feel like I get an insight into her worklife through you =)
This past year I haven’t really changed all that much to be honest, but I’d like to think I’ve become a bit more patient. I’m a very anxious person and sometimes I take it out on those around me (particularly my mom) but I’ve been working to calm myself down more before interacting with others and not letting my stress get to me so much!
Nicole G
oh man- this is a tough one! prob breaking up with my BF of 3 years and trusting the Lord with it all. its been AMAZING what He has done for me over the past year and how He has blessed it after I took a step of obedience! it was scary but i am SO JOYFUL now and so peaceful!
One thing that changed for me was taking a class on innovation and entrepreneurship that has really inspired me to get creative and think big!
Congrats on 1 year….. hooray for broccoli! Umm yes, biggest thing for me in the past year would have been having a child – life changing? Hell yes, but all for the better, he is the best thing I have ever done 🙂
In the last year, I bought my first house! Although there have been ups and downs, having a place that is my own has brought me much happiness. Oh yea, discovering your blog has been a nice addition too!
I feel like this giveaway was made for me! I want that FROG preserve so bad!!
2011 has been my first year of consistent working out and eating healthy. I finally made the change to a healthy lifestyle not just a diet, and that has brought much happiness!
And of course reading your blog! 🙂
awww..one year already!!!! congrats! so so glad i found your blog because you are now one of my very favorite bloggers. 🙂
Hi Heather, happy 1st blog birthday! One thing that has brought me happiness this past year is discovering blogs, especially yours! I love your recipes and positivity, thank you!
I met my boyfriend, Jarid playing basketball at the Y. We are soulmates and I couldn’t be happier (:
happy 1st birthday!
My neice – one hundred percent. My life is better every day because I’m blessed to have her in it. She’s so smart and so stinkin’ cute.
Congratulations! Thanks for blogging 🙂
Today I had my final college class and am, all at once, happy, nervous, and excited about what comes next.
aww I love this post. Crazy too because my blog turned exactly a year old last week too! I have been too busy studying for finals to blog much lately 🙁 but blogging and interacting with other bloggers has definitely been one of the joys this past year has brought me! I’ve loved every minute of it and wouldn’t change it for anything 🙂 Happy 1 year!!!!!!!!
Yay!!!!! Congratulations!!! I transferred to my dream school this year. It is terribly difficult and expensive, but I am having the time of my life and am learning so much. I feel incredibly blessed to be there! (:
I finally sought help for my eating disorder and am so happy to enjoy life again! Your blog is inspirational! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Pingback: I’m Dreaming of…a Giveaway Winner! | Kiss My Broccoli
Happy late Blog-i-versary!Such a great giveaway. Hate I missed it 🙁