Baby It’s Cold Outside

Hey hey guys and gals!

It’s time for another What I Ate Wednesday!

But this time it’s the “Brrrrrrrrrr!” edition!

As always, a big thank you to Jenn of Peas & Crayons for putting this shin-dig together each week!

I’ve mentioned how crummy the weather’s gotten lately, but what I failed to stress was the fact that just a week ago, it was pushing 70 degrees outside with the sun shining so bright you wouldn’t even think of driving without sunglasses…

And now?

Now it “feels like” it’s freezing it IS freezing outside and we haven’t seen the sun in over a week! πŸ™

Needless to say, my body was craving hot comfort food today!

All starting with my festive red and green breakfast:

Oat bran cooked in water topped with a fried egg, steamed broccoli and nooch with a side of black coffee (1/2 Sumatra blend from TJ’s, 1/2 Teccino)

WarmedΒ me from my head to my toes!

And yes, I had broccoli in my oat bran…I’ve been craving vegetables like mad lately.

A few hours later, I had a warm solution to my cold snack selection:

TJ’s Vanilla & Cinnamon tea steeped in unsweetened almond milk to go with my Fage yogurt I found on sale for $1 at the store the other day! πŸ™‚

Like breakfast, another slightly odd appearance from the vegetable department happened Β to my lunch…anyone ever tried chili as a salad topper? I love how the heat of the chili wilts the spinach just enough….mmm!

Warm leftover chili on a bed of baby spinach topped with plain Greek yogurt, cheddar cheese, crushed tortilla chips and jalapenos.

Am I the only person that reads that to myself as
“ja-LAP-inos”? πŸ˜‰

Before I left for work, (and braved the elements) I made sure to make a big ol’ mug of this:

The trick is to burn your esophagus after taking a sip much too soon…that way you don’t feel the goosebumps form all over your body the moment you step outside πŸ˜‰

When it came time for dinner, all I wanted was a big bowl of hot soup and I wanted it quick!

Enter shortcut miso soup!

1 cup water + 1/2 cup veggie broth + sauteed veggies + 1 Tbsp miso



I also roasted some broccoli & brussels…you know, since I was running low on green foods for the day!

Actually, this was my first time ever trying roasted broccoli…LOVED it!

As far as water consumption goes, I think I squeaked out about 48 ounces (that would be approximately 1500cc, Elise)…could’ve done better, but heck…


Oh and I totally forgot my multivitamins…oops!

What is your favorite warm food/beverage to have on a super cold day?

What’s the best thing you ate today?
I would have to say dinner was by far the best!!

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29 Responses to Baby It’s Cold Outside

  1. Looks like you had some great eats! Loving all the veggies. πŸ˜€ And that savoury oat bran looks mmmmmm, I have to try it someday.

  2. katie says:

    Your miso soup looks amazing! I love miso and so does my son, always get it when dining out japanese style ; )

    Happy wednesday love!

  3. I love roasted broccoli too, it’s my favorite way to eat most veggies, but especially broccoli!

  4. Everything looks delicious! I love chili over salad! I put hot things in my salads all the times, grains, roasted veggies…I always warm them before adding to the salad. Makes it a little different.

  5. It’s freezing where I live too! It hasnt snowed yet..but it should soon!
    I like tea and hot chocolate during the cold months πŸ™‚

  6. You and your awesomely strange combos! I know you’re not the only one who is into savoury oats, but I just don’t know how I’d feel about it. Like it would break some strange breakfast food taboo or something. But in all serious, if you’re going to go savoury, go broccoli. On that note, I often pair sweet and savoury things together, like broccoli and nut butter. heaven in vegfat form.
    I love chili as a salad topper! Honestly, there isn’t much that I won’t put on a salad. I love warm spaghetti sauce (chock full of veg) on my salads. It really makes them deliciously….crunchy warm, and cold?
    everyone has been talking about miso and roasted veg lately. I want ittttttt. I’ve got miso soup packets, but somehow I’m thinking that’s just not the same? and brussels sprouts are another nut butter combo winner.
    I had the other half of my zucchini bread for two warmed in the oven this morning with some yogurt for breakfast. That’s all I’ve had so far, but after a bit of a run this morning with a friend, it warmed me up just right.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I’ve never tried the packets before, but I would think they’d be a lot saltier tasting due to the preservatives…and you probably wouldn’t get the “good tummy vibes” like you would with the concentrated stuff.

      I’ve never tried broccoli with nut butter before, but now you have me thinking some sunflower seed butter drizzled over some roasted broccoli would be ahhhhmazing! πŸ˜‰

      And as far as your description of the salad combo, “crunchy warm, and cold?” …spot on! I think that’s why I love it so much…having all the different textures and temperatures!

  7. The weather has been so cruddy here too! It rained for 2 days straight and now it’s just plain freezing! How long til summer??

    Your brekkie looks delicious – I just recently tried savoury oatmeal with egg, spinach, and nooch for the first time and I’m obsessed!

    My favourite food to have in this kind of weather is a heart soup. I made a batch of kale, butternut squash, and bean soup over the weekend and it’s been the perfect dinner to warm me up after class each day!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Mmm! I love adding kale to soups! I just saw a recipe in my Whole Living magazine for a kale, chicken, and b.nut squash soup…can’t wait to give it a try!

  8. Just curious – why do you take a multivitamin? Do you actually suffer from any kind of deficiencies?

    I love warm salad toppers! Chickpea curry on fresh baby spinach is the best thing ever.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I used to work in a supplement store when I was in college and it kind of got ingrained in me to take a multivitamin everyday. Since then, my diet has changed drastically and I eat a LOT cleaner than I ever thought possible back then, but still I feel like I get a bit more energy on the days I take a multi…of course I’m sure it’s mostly a mental thing! Haha!

  9. i have a serious obsession with roasted broccoli and brussels sprouts these days. omg… i can eat an entire tray of it. i cant get enough!! its kind of a problem. well not really, but still. it must be the touch of olive oil and salt!
    ps- i love runny eggs on oatmeal, so good! especially with avocado πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      “Its kind of a problem. well not really, but still.” <-Haha! So true! Runny eggs on oatmeal with avocado and salsa is the best thing ever!

  10. Ahh I LOVE miso soup! That’s awesome that you made your own. I always crave veggies!! Broccoli and brussels are the bessst.

  11. Lindsay says:

    Everything looks really good. Not a surprise though because you are amazing and you take the best photos of your food. You should win an award or something. I really am in the mood for chilli now, especially because it is in the low 30s in Texas. What is up with that? Not complaining though because I secretly like it.

  12. Jessica says:

    Breakfast looks delicious! I love adding a runny egg on top of my oatmeal, so I assume this would be similar. And I like the broccoli addition….great idea!

  13. We are in the same weather boat as you guys, though at least the sun is out today even if its balls-cold outside. I’ve been enjoying soup like crazy, roasted veggies, and tons of hot tea too!! And wearing a scarf 24/7, but I enjoy that aspect of chilly weather! πŸ™‚

  14. the miso soup looks delicious. i haven’t had it in a while and now i am craving it πŸ™‚ must find miso. . . .

  15. I love chili as a salad topper! I do that a lot with my leftovers πŸ™‚

  16. Great minds my friend! I am about to post my chili over spinach too! Perfect meal! I LOVE roasted broccoli. It is just so dang good. Try to stay warm. It’s freezing in Atlanta too and the rain is just horribly cold!

  17. Lou says:

    miso miso miso… LOVE. I chuck heaps of pink pickled ginger in my miso, man I love that stuff!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh my gosh, WHY have I never thought of that?! LOVE pickled ginger…which is so weird since I used to hate it with a passion!

  18. i CANNOT believe this is your first roasted broccoli experience! roasted broccoli is divine. im glad you finally tried it and like it.

  19. Emily says:

    Yum! I spent all of Monday (the day of my WIAW eats this week) freezing cold as well! It’s the worst. I usually warm up with a hot cup of tea/coffee and oatmeal. It seems to do the trick. πŸ™‚
    Your salad looks amazing! I never think to use chili as a salad topper- brilliant!

  20. I am NOT digging this cold weather either. It definitely makes it harder to keep drinking water. πŸ™

  21. mmm, that orange spice tea sounds really good! I’m going to have to try it!

  22. Pingback: Food is Love | Kiss My Broccoli

  23. Elise says:

    Thanks for the cc conversion πŸ™‚

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