When I saw this survey on Laura’s post yesterday, I couldn’t help myself…
1. Favorite cereal as a child?
Hands down, I was seduced by the Leprechaun…
Anyone else try to pick up the marshmallows with the back of your spoon?
2. Coffee or Tea? With milk or without?
This is so weird for me to say…coming from a former coffee addict, but nowadays, I’ve actually found myself craving tea more and more, but you can forget the milk…just hand me some cinnamon!
3. The one food you eat most often at breakfast?
Although lately I’ve been practically LIVING off Pumpkin Cakes,
You guys know…there’s no giving up my pancakes on Sunday!
1. Sandwiches are generally considered a “lunch food.” If you had to choose between a grilled cheese and a peanut butter and jelly, which would you pick?
Peanut Butter & Jelly!!
…preferably with a little BBQ tofu thrown in there! 😉
2. You can only put four ingredients in your salad (not including greens); what do you throw in the mix? Additionally, which greens and dressing do you pick?
Since I missed the farmer’s market last weekend, my produce stash has been getting pretty low, but I whipped up a salad yesterday that was simple, delicious, and coincidentally only had 4 ingredients:
Golden beets, cucumber, pickled peppers, and hemp seeds!
On a bed of mixed baby greens (spinach is my favorite, but I like to mix it up) and drizzled with a bit of plain balsamic vinegar…the tanginess mixed with the sweet of the beets and peppers was AMAZING!
3. One food you can’t live without at lunch?
I’m really not a creature of habit, but I’ll admit I get into “food fascinations” quite easily…
Over the past FOUR days I’ve eaten a different variation of the same thing…
Chickpea Tuna Melts!
*Recipe coming soon*
1. It’s the end of the day. You’re tired, hungry, and your fridge is empty. If fast food (from a chain) is your only option, where do you go and what do you order?
2. TV/computer on or off while you’re eating?
Computer…on…always…I’m actually just finishing up my lunch now! 😉
3. The one food you eat most often at dinner?
Again, not really a creature of habit, but I do pack a lot of salads for work…quick and easy, but NEVER the same!
1. Choose between these two American desserts: cheesecake or apple pie?
Cheesecake…sorry, never really been a big fan of apple pie…though apple COOKIES are a completely different subject entirely!
2. Choose between these two foreign desserts: tiramisu (Italy) or flan (Spain)?
Ugh, I HATE flan…all it is is sugar and eggs…basically the Spanish version of a chess pie…you can keep it…but I’ll take that Tiramisu off your hands! 😉
3. Ice cream: cone or cup?
How else am I supposed to cram all my colorful toppings in?! Funny, you’d think my favorite cereal was Fruitty Pebbles! 😉
Now it’s YOUR turn! Pick one (or more) and tell me your answers?

Ice cream cup for SURE! But if I get it in a cone (sometimes gotta change it up), I prefer those little “styrofoam” cones. Don’t ask me why, I like ’em.
And I used to love Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks, Golden Grahams, Captain Crunch, Peanut Butter Crunch…should I keep going? 😉
Heck yeah! The “styrofoam” ones are the best, especially once they soak up all the melty ice cream and get that soggy texture to them!
Ohhh, Captain Crunch! How could I forget?! I swear my little adolescent mind was completely blown when they came out with the Oops All Berries! lol
i’m so with you gals. i love my cups for ice cream, grilled pb and j, and i was obsessed with pops and fruit loops.. yea!
Oh yes! But honestly, if I’m gonna grill a pb sandwich, I gotta have banana on it…and maybe some bacon! 😉
I need to try that BBQ PB&J. Grilled, of course. And do I spy P28 bread on the melt?! Mmmmm…
Your Which Which names rock. Mine is alwyas Rhiannon. Or Anastasia Beaverhausen.
Yes, you do! And seriously, I could slap myself for not ever thinking to grill it! Genius! And yes ma’am, I finally got some! I contacted the company and they sent me a HUGE box…I’m still in shock! I’ve actually tried the bread before (about a year and a half ago…obviously before they got so popular), but I swear I don’t remember it tasting this good! I love it! Can’t wait to try the flatbreads…I’m definitely making a pizza or two out of those little buggers!
Anastasia Beaverhausen, huh? Haha! And Rhiannon?…do I sense a bit of love for Fleetwood Mac? If you say yes, I’ll love you forever! 😀
Fleetwood Mac is a jam! I am obsessed with Stevie Nicks. 🙂
Ahhhhh! I KNEW I loved you for more than just foodie reasons! Stevie and I go waaaaaaaaaaaay back…back to singing into my hairbrush at the ripe old age of 10! 😉
I agree with so many of these! I can’t wait for the chickpea recipe too, the pcs looks super appetizing. You already know 🙂 I might have to do this survey soon too!
I LOVE chickpea “tuna” melts…don’t know if yours will have actual tuna in it…but the versions I’ve made without are AH-mazing! Who knew?? Can’t wait to see your recipe! 🙂 Again…love following your food…errr…blog 😉
I actually did a little bit of both (tuna and chickpeas) in the original recipe, but made a tuna-less version the other day that was out of this world amazing! The post is up now!
And thanks for following my food…it’s good to know if any of my meals ever end up cornered in a dark alleyway, they’ll have some protection! 😉
Despite the fact, my answers were almost always the opposite of yours, I’d eat anything you make. Without a doubt.
Thanks for all the comment love the other day. It made my night and yep, your comments are just as funny as your blog. Thanks!
Aww, you’re welcome m’dear! I’m just glad for the time to catch up with ya! And I’m happy to return the favor on the laughs…you always have me cracking up with your posts! Love ya!
I still love that you used to pick up the marshmallows with the back of your spoon!! I just got hemp seeds last week, and I’m loving them in my salads too!
Ohhhh man I need to get on the foodie pen pal bandwagon!!! Yours is totally lucky. I LOVE Yogi tea 😉 Definitely a great bonus.
I love how all your recipes show the nutritional info!!! (You know, now that I’m calorie counting and all that, haha) It’s super helpful!
Aww, thanks girl! I like to thank of myself as a pretty good pen pal! I can’t help it…I just love surprises!
And I’m glad you appreciate the calorie counts…I’ve started to wonder if people really care if I included them anymore. It’s not the easiest thing to plug them in sometimes so it’s good to know I’m not doing it for nothing! 🙂
Love this survey! I keep meaning to do it.
Also love how similar I am to you…LUCKY CHARMS! YUM! 🙂
I need to try your pumpkin cake. And hello to food fixations…I am pretty sure one of the reasons I question my blogging ability is all I want to eat is a big bowl of whatever I can find in the fridge. Over and over and over.
Haha! I’m slowly slipping into that habit as well…I’ve just been unmotivated to cook. And it’s so easy to just make a dinner out of multiple layers of fridge scrapings! 😉