Happy Monday, broccoli fans!
I hope you all had a wonnnnnnderful weekend! Mine was fantastic and should I even go as far as to call it MARVELOUS?! Oh yes, yes I shall! 😉 Come, walk with me, talk with me, read with me, as I take this Monday morning to recall the delicious memories that were made!
*Cue foggy/blurred scene fade in*
Marvelous is…
Finding my FAVORITE apples at the farmers’ market on Saturday morning!
Step aside Honeycrisp, as of last fall, my new love is Mutsu! <- which always makes me think of a mutt puppy…like at the pound…like I “adopted” them from the market and now I’m going to EAT THEM ALL!! Muahahaha! Wait, ok…so forget about the whole puppy thing…we’re talking apples here, not Chinese food! Oh, but I DID adopt a bug! That little black speck in the top center one? Yep, that would be a gnat…talk about FRESH, right? 😉
Marvelous is…
Getting INSPIRED in the kitchen with some of the last bits of summer fruit!
AND having decent lighting for photography! Even if it DID mean being an hour a teensy bit late meeting the man-friend for lunch! Just shows how much I love you guys! Recipe coming tomorrow…as long as you keep our little secret! 😉
Marvelous is…
Having my MIND BLOWN by the one freakin’ incredible sandwich!
Yeah, that lunch date with the man-friend? Well, we had another successful Yelp experience on Saturday after searching for a good sandwich place for lunch. Mitchell Delicatessen in East Nashville DEFINITELY held up to their high rating! I was in love with the place from the moment I spotted this turkey, apple, and brie with cranberry jalapeno relish on the menu, but even more so once I found out that they only use natural and seasonal ingredients from local sources! That whole wheat bread? It came from Silke’s German Bakery right here in Clarksville!
Marvelous is…
The sight of perfectly melty ooey gooey #CHEESEPORN!
Enough said. 😉
Marvelous is…
Spending the rest of the day RELAXING with the man-friend.
And talking, and shopping, and scratching our tomato butts out in the garden! 😉
Marvelous is…
Perfectly warm, crusty edges yet doughy on the inside HERB-FILLED BREAD!
The man-friend and I had intended on grilling some steaks at his house, but after a long day of shopping and butt scratching, we decided to go out instead. 😉 We tried another new place, a family owned and operated restaurant called Ellendale’s. Based out of a historic farmhouse, the decor was rustic, yet elegant. I loved that the live music wasn’t too loud and we actually had one of the dining rooms all to ourselves!
Marvelous is…
This seemingly average house salad with an amazing BASIL VINAIGRETTE!
Originally, I didn’t think I wanted a salad but when the man-friend let me have a taste of his dressing, I quickly flagged down the waiter and got one of my own! It was fantastic…a little citrus and a lot of basil but not in a way that was overpowering.
Marvelous is…
A perfect filet mignon topped with caramelized onions, mushrooms and TRUFFLE BUTTER!
Oh yeah and a really delicious baked sweet potato and some asparagus…but let’s talk about the life-changing amazingness that IS truffle butter!! I’m not really a steak sauce kind of gal, and up until this point, I’d chose to either have my steak plain or maybe with some blue cheese topping, but when I saw the truffle butter on the menu, I knew I had to try it. HOLY friggin’ CRAP, I about had a Harry Met Sally moment…especially when I used that perfectly crusty yet doughy bread to soak it up off the plate! Do me a favor…when you bury me with those coconut chips, be sure to throw in a good drizzle of this stuff too!
Sorry, but Godiva has got you people FOOLED! 😉
Have you ever tried truffle-flavored butter, oil, etc?
What was the MOST marvelous thing from your weekend?

i had bought my parents and my brother a truffle salt one time because they all like the flavor.. i like it too but itz super strong so only a little is needed!! also have you ever posted about your photography station thing? (and if not, can you?!) i don’t know what itz called but it looks man-made and uhhh with it getting light a lot later in the morning and earlier in the evening is becoming a problem for me! 🙂
Ohhh man that produce looks marvelous indeed! YUM! I’m also jealous of your little photography set up! I have roommates, so it’s hard to get that stuff to fly in the kitchen 😉
I’ve been seeing so many toasted sandwiches around recently and its making me crave one like crazy!!
I’ve had truffle oil before over pasta – soooo goood! I love anything like that.
Looks like you had a great weekend 😀
YUM to all those eats!! I want them!
Best part of my weekend was going to a wedding on Saturday and changing from my dress to jeans and cowboy boots in the truck on the way to a western bar afterwards. I’m pretty sure I accomplished the impossible by putting skinny jeans on while sitting down.
Sufficiently drooling at 7:45 AM…thanks!!! Truffle-anything I have to order! Have you ever tried truffle popcorn. WOW. That’s all I have to say…
I have truffle oil at home which I buy on a market in Italy every year, and even though the smell is a bit special in the beginning, I love it! I put it on pasta – BEST!!
Oh my God, that SANDWICH! Thank God I am eating lunch right at this moment, otherwise I would take a bite of my screen!
Those apples look like golden delicious which are my favorite! Oh man, I’m so excited for apple picking this year!!!!!
I havent heard of those apples. My favorite apple is honeycrisp but as they are usually really expensive I would love to have another apple that is somewhat similar to them to try 🙂 That sandwich looks amazing! Does the tinfoil looking board behind the new recipe picture help with the lighting?
I don’t think I’ve ever tried truffles in any form…the price tag tends to scare me away! But ummm, that sandwich. Want. Like immediately.
oooohoohohoh hold up- that herb-filled bread.
Heathherrrrrrrr gimmie some of that sandwich. WHY would you eat that and not share any with me? So lame.
I’m super jealous of your lightbox thingy. I need to make something like that so I too can be a fancy photographer. One day.
Have a happy week, lovely. Eat lots of good food <3.
That sandwich looks pretty incredible. I am seriously chomping at the bit for apples to start popping up all over!
Heather your posts always make me laugh so much!! The Mutsu apples sound delish- I’m gonna go try and track some down at the local shelter 😉 Hahaha
I have never heard of those apples…lol mutts!!
Talk to me about that photography set-up…is that aluminum foil for your background?? I am STILL so bad at pictures!! I only recently started attempting to get the food closer to the window and having a backdrop lol! Apartment lighting is not my friend…I miss all of the windows at the dad’s house!!
That sandwisc looks ahmazing!
I spent the weekend at a music festival camping with my best friend, making new ones, and dancing to lots of fun music. 🙂
Cheeseporn and tomato butts! You had a FABULOUS weekend!!
This is my fave post for a while now.. Everything on here looks soooooo good GET IN MY MOUF!
I’ve never heard of those kinds of apples before. We just have the plain usual ones: red delicious, golden delicious, granny smith, gala, fuji, etc. I’ll have to keep an eye out and grab one if I ever spot that kind!
What exactly is “truffle” flavoring? It sounds like it would be amazing, especially paired with butter, but what would you liken the taste to for comparison sake?
Haha I love When Harry Met Sally reference! one of my all time favorite movies! Looks like we both enjoyed truffle butter this weekend. That sandwich looks friggin amazing btw!
Fluffy, crusty bread is my weakness. Seriously. I have NO SELF CONTROL. I’m dying over that bread basket!
I’m glad you had such a marvelous weekend!
I just went apple picking this weekend and wish they had some of these. I’ve never tried them, and I’m an apple fanatic.
PS I’ll be stealing your light box prop so maybe I’ll actually be able to take some decent food pictures. Thanks!
I have never heard of that kind of apple, but I SO want to try it now! I made homemade apple sauce for the first time this weekend and I am officially in love :).
Oh wow, that’s awesome! I’ve been saying I’m going to make applesauce since LAST fall! Maybe I’ll finally get around to it this year! 😉
The apples also go by the name of Crispins…they’re very mildly sweet…like a baking apple. 🙂
CRUEL! That’s what you are for taunting me with so much amazing food when I’m feeling particularly hungry. Ugh! How long until dinner?! And girl… I’m completely OBSESSED with apples right now. We’ve been blessed with huge boxes of orchard-fresh apples in the stores lately, and I’ve been going buck wild with em. Pumpkin might have some serious competition this season!
I need to keep my eye out for Mutsu apples this fall so I can finally try them!
And omg, steak with truffle butter? Yes please! I’ve had truffle oil/butter in various dishes at restaurants and it always manages to take the dish to a whole new level!
The most marvelous part of my weekend was going to a vegetarian food festival in Toronto and stuffing my face with free samples. 😀
Haha! Love it! Free samples are the BEST part of food festivals…I just don’t understand the ones that make you pay! 😉
Truffle oil is amazing- I once had this white pizza which was a plain base, topped lightly with minced garlic and truffle oil and sea salt… no words!
Your sandwich pictures just enhance the craving. That looks epic!
Oh wow, that pizza sounds out of this world!
That sandwich looks gooooood!!
I had fries that were supposedly cooked in truffle oil just last week in Vegas, and they were super rich. Nor sure I really enjoyed them though.
Haha I love that you were late due to a food photography session. I’m sure the man-friend understands that importance of capturing the end of summer fruits though. 😉
I sooooo want that sandwich. Sometimes I think I could eat a sandwich a day forever.
I am currently of the same opinion…I’m pretty sure I’ve had one every day for the last two weeks and I’m not sick of them YET!
An hour late to a date with the man-friend? But … Heather … how dare … I mean: How absolutely sweet and blog-dedicated of you ;).
Aaaah, Farmers’ Markets, right?! Soon enough I won’t be able to visit any of those around here anymore as they all take place on weekday mornings. But until then nothing can stop me from going produce crazy. Those apples and mirabelles …
A German bakery, you say? Definitely another sign you should come over here and try all varities of whole wheat bread. Oh, and while you’re here already I wouldn’t be opposed to a meet-up :).
Aww, this comment made me smile! But how sad about the markets…only on weekday mornings? *pout* Err, what’s a mirabelle?
I need a trip to Nashville!!! 🙂 Everything looks amazing friend. I’m with Linz… can you post on your photography gadget??
Back in my carnivorous days, I liked my filets with blue cheese on top and of course butter. You can’t pass up a sliver of butter with your hunk of meat. Filets were also one of the few cuts I actually enjoyed. Mmm, fond memories.
I love your dirty little tomato, your farmers market apples, and the cool behind the scenes photo shot. I need one of those reflector things, and I’m sure the Man Friend understood you being late, especially because you would have made it up to him. Wink, wink.
I don’t eat red meat often, but when I do I almost always go for filets because I feel like it’s harder for places to mess them up! And I seriously can’t believe I went all those years not knowing the beauty of having butter with my “hunk of meat”…truthfully, the only way I would eat steak up until my twenties was with ketchup on it! 😯
The light bounce (aka reflector thing) is super easy to make…just take a three-ringed binder and wrap it in aluminum foil (dull side out)! 😀
That sandwich looks incredible. Haven’t made an amazing toasted sandwich like that in ages. I like to save my best toasted sandwich for the colder months that are just around the corner! 😀