Annnnnnnnnd she’s BACK!
After nearly two months out of the game, hopefully if Amanda can find it in her heart to forgive me, then you guys will too. Also? Posting twice in the same week for TWO WEEKS in a row? Yeah, I may be onto something here. Maybe. 😉
While I’ve been getting that itch to throw shit away like I do every year (please tell me that’s not just me), I haven’t quite made it happen just yet. I blame it on the weather and the fact that it has.not.stopped.raining all week. So, instead of skipping around the house collecting things to add to the growing Goodwill pile in the garage, I’ve been a little more mellow in my motivation. I’m sorta easing into it, if you will, with a few things that have been neglected lately.
Getting my ass in the gym…for the first time…in over two weeks…and then leaving after a walk and fifteen short (and incredibly sweaty) minutes. Seriously, the amount of endurance you loose in such a short time always gets me! The selfie I took on the way out the door explains the weird looks I got. Ha, gotta love curly hair.
Making my way over to the “new” Chipotle on the other side of town that opened oh just like two years ago. Well? And I have to say that I only did this to myself BUT…it just wasn’t that good. I’m sorry, but my heart belongs to Cafe Rio…and their crack-like tomatillo ranch dressing that I could bathe in without a second thought. Womp womp. 🙁
Finding a yoga class that fit into my schedule! I was a little disappointed that my favorite instructor wasn’t teaching due to illness, but I tried someone new and I really liked her…especially when she came over at the end of class and gave everyone a little head and shoulder rub with some fragrant oil! It’s been over two months since I was last in the studio so I had trouble with some of the poses…but the real trouble was holding down that burrito bowl from lunch four hours earlier. Ugh.
Can we say “Namabarf”?
Buying my plane ticket to Blend! And then proceeding to harass Melissa with emojis. I had to wait to get my time off approve for work and then, I don’t know, I just kept putting if off. But I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the cost…especially after waiting so long. Gotta love not having to fly into Salt Lake City airport!
Finding AND spending the Bob’s Redmill gift card that I won in the Blend raffle TWO YEARS AGO! Oh and can I just say how amazing those people are? When I got online to make my purchase and realized that I had to call to make a gift card purchase, I was a little put off, but after dialing the number, an actual person picked up! “Bonita” helped me pick all my items quickly and easily and even evened out the shipping so I wouldn’t have to pay a couple of dollars extra. 😀
Busting out the Trader Joe’s cheese that I bought back in um…January? The amazing caramelized onion cheddar has already come and gone, but SOMEhow, the truffle cheddar got pushed to the back of the cheese drawer and was almost forgotten about. Yeah, I had to scrape off a fair amount of homemade penicillin but I have to say, it made a DAMN good lunch melted over these leftover potatoes!
Breaking out the big guns and taking some REAL pictures! Which was actually more of a process than it sounds because I had to…find the battery charger, curse a lot while searching for it, charge the battery, remember how the hell to use the damn camera, take my pictures, find the cord that connects it to my computer, curse a lot while searching for it, upload my pictures, deem them marvelous and then…
Keep them from you until next week! 😛
Don’t worry. It’ll be worth the wait, I promise. I just have to remember how to do all this recipe stuff again and get it all typed up for ya!
In the meantime, why don’t you all cruise on over to Spoons and check out all the link ups today and then have yourself one HECK of a weekend! Jason and I are traveling to see the girls today and then its three nights of zombie-walking before a week of fun in the sun…I hope. Speak it into existence, right? Mother Nature?!
Do you get “junk claustrophobia” and an urge to throw stuff away
What’s something at the bottom of your to-do list
that you need to get done?

You got your tickets! I’ll see you in less than a month!! 😀 I actually -just- bought my plane tickets last night as well, so it’s time to start freaking getting excited. And YES to feeling claustrophobic when there’s too much junk around. I actually go through my stuff on a pretty regular basis and toss out what I don’t use because it literally stresses me out to have clutter around. Eeeeg.
Omg, I can’t WAIT to see you, love! And I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one who gets stressed out over clutter…I actually spent about two hours last night, going through my filing cabinet…relabeling, reorganizing, and throwing away documents from YEARS ago! Walked away with a pretty hefty garbage bag full of crap…and a lighter feeling in my chest too! Lol
What kind of Nikon camera do you have? Do you like it? I’m looking for a camera right now, so I figured I’d ask 🙂
I have a Nikon D3000. Honestly? No, I don’t love it. I had a Canon Rebel XS a few years ago, but it suffered an untimely death when it slipped from my hand and went crashing to the floor after a photo shoot one day. I ended up getting the Nikon because I got a pretty good deal on a Cyber Monday sale, but after getting it and using it for a while, I can tell you that the Canon was MUCH more user friendly. If I had it to do over, I’d have paid the extra money to get another Canon.
Ahhhhh I wish I was coming to Blend this year!!! Why do flights anywhere in Canada have to be so damn expensive?! 🙁 bah….i’ll have to live vicariously through you guys who are going.
And I like to think I’ve gotten pretty good at throwing away clutter…but that’s what moving 3 times in 7 months will do to you.
I wish you were too sweetie! I was just thinking about it the other day. Gonna be missing you like crazy!
Ugh, I hate moving, but yeah, it definitely does help you to keep the clutter down. The few years between the time I moved from my parents house to my own house, I moved a handful of times and I could basically fit it all in my car. Lol
1. Who has leftover potatoes? Ever?
2. I giggled at your bun on instagram. I like….hair buns and I cannot lie.
3. Blend. Then NYC. Right? RIGHT? RIIIGHT?
Actually..let’s gate crash meg’s place. I’ll wear my best formal gown.
Also clutter….I claim to be good at removing it then move and nope. Reality check.
1. It’s all in the planning process…make extra so you HAVE leftovers! 😛
2. Bahahaha!
3. Ohhh, so is that where you’re gonna be planting roots? I have always wanted to visit NYC. Just do me a favor…get settled in a place that you’re less likely to get mugged! Just kidding…wait, actually, no, I’m not.
I’ve always wanted to go to Blend-sounds like so much fun! Can’t wait to see the upcoming photos, have a great weekend!!
Thanks Jess! I’m sure my selfie stick will be getting lots of use that weekend! 😉 Now to just find a dress to wear to the cocktail hour!
I bought my plane tickets last week too, which makes it feel more real. I’ll be seeing you and your funktified ass soon. I can’t wait.
Also, I need to get back to yoga too. Desperately.
Wooo HOOOO!!! Just so you know, I’m doing the booty shake in my seat right now! Lol
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