What’s up my peeps?
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend and spent the holiday with family and friends if you could. If not, I hope you had a regular ol’ relaxing couple of days. Honestly, I’m so glad the weekend’s over…because now it’s MY time to relax!
I was thinking the other day, with packing for Blend, going to Blend, and RECAPPING Blend, there hasn’t been much time to just catch up with all you guys. I’ve got so much to show you from the last couple of weeks, but well, the words just aren’t really flowing at the moment. SO, I thought I’d take the cheater’s alliterative way out and make my writer’s block work for me. Enjoy!
Missed Him.
Much Needed
Salad Beast
Good Sleep
Still. Coffee.
Baby Muscles
Hippie Life 😉
“Sunday Breakfast”
Neighborhood Walk
So Refreshing
Sandwich Porn
Too Funny 😆
Bestie Love
Cereal Killer
Peanutbutter Jelly [Time] 😀
Page Turner
Well, looks that just about clears out my photo library! I hope you all have a great day. I’m off to go reheat my coffee for the THIRD time and then to the gym to nurse this baby bicep someone left on my doorstep. 😉
Give me some two-word combos to describe your life lately!

Looks like you’re having fun!!! I’m loving all those cute printed leggings 🙂
Chipmunk Saver.
Veggie Slayer.
Cheese Lover.
Missing You.
Missing YOU…like crazy, doll!! I need a tunnel to Cleveland. Hmm, maybe I should talk to a few of your wild rodent roommates. I’m sure a mole or two could help me out here! Lol
Gah what I wouldn’t give for a massage right now! Good thing my benefits at my new job kick in soon.
Two words to describe my life right now: birthday celebrations, wine overload, and crazy busy!
Awww, sounds busy, but sounds FUN too! Hope that massage comes soon for ya love! I just had a another one last week and feel like I could use another! I really need to start playing the lottery so I could just hire a masseuse to live with me. Haha!
I had the Prickly Pear Shiner this weekend too. It was really carbonated.
Yeah it was pretty bubbly!
Here we go:
Back Home.
Train Hard.
Book more Trips.
Sunshine’s here.
You rock that Baby Biceps my Dear! I’d be happy to give you some of mine, mine starts to scare me.
I also love that Quest Protein Powder! I think my Quest package just arrived, let’s hope they threw some in there!
Haha! You are such a beast, babe! I’d be MORE than happy to borrow some of your mus-culls! 😉
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miss you.
hi chicken.
sexy arman.
So happy..
To see…
Your comment! 😀