Spring a Ding Ding!

What uuuuuuup?

How’s everyone feeling today? Good? Great? Fantastic? If not, you should becaaaaaaaaaaause…


Woo HOO! I thought the day would never get here! And though it’s been raining on and off for most of the week and I hate it because it makes my hair look like an unkempt poodle, but damn, I’ll take rain over snow ANY day!

Besides, even with the gray skies and sporadic showers, I’ve been able to enjoy more and more time outside which means…

Green Smoothie

Lounging on the front steps sipping a now socially acceptable green smoothie…

New Shoes

Taking my BRAND NEW kicks for a walk at the park…

American Wife Book

While enjoying a WHOPPER of a romance novel (note to self: books over 400 pages are a little tedious to walk with but can I just say, I really think I’m boosting my inner bookworm’s ego. I may even start reading Game of Thrones next! 😯 )…


Grilling Out

♫ Grillin’ out maxin’ relaxin’ all cool! ♫

Oh yeah, I just busted out some Fresh Prince. Don’t pretend like you don’t know the rest of the song. And if you’re too young to know what I’m talking about, PUHLEASE for the love of all things holy, Google that shit!

So yeah, yesterday I got my grill on with some steaks, asparagus and some amazing red potato salad picked up from the local butcher’s market. Enjoyed with a glass of wine, some music and the best of company, it was the perfect way to ring in the new season!

Well, since I’ve waited until the last-minute to get this post up, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to cut it short since I have to leave for w0rk like riiiiiight NOW! Please, enjoy this song from Marian Hill in my absence. Perhaps you recognize that sick beat in the background?  It’s has been featured on Taco Bell’s new Siracha burrito commercials! Gotta love it when my music sneaks into the minds of the unknowing! Lol

I hope you all have a great weekend, enjoy some good weather, and hum this song for the rest of the night! 😉

What is your favorite springtime flower?

Anyone else on a green smoothie bender right now? 

Posted in Friday Fun, Randomness | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

The Art of Racing Through the Week

It’s Friday? Already?

How the HELL did that happen?? Now it wouldn’t be too bad if I worked Monday – Friday, but the fact that I’m sitting here only moments before having to jump in the shower and ready myself for the next three nights of zombie walking, has me looking back over the last five days, recognizing the bittersweet ticking of the clock of life. There’s a reason that John Burrough’s famous quote is one of my favorites…

“I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.”

Though I have to say, I did think a lot of thoughts, walk a lot of walks WHILE reading a book, and while I didn’t see many friends, I did spend a few special hours with two of my favorite little family members. And I was also able to indulge my foodie side on more than a few occasions, but don’t let me get ahead of myself. 😉

Gym Selfie

I found it amusing the other day when, while doing laundry, I noticed over half the clothes I was washing were my workout clothes. I have been to the gym nearly every day since Monday…logging in a LOT of hours. No, I’m not on some crazy new diet plan. I’m just flexing my little book-worm muscles…pretty soon, I’m sure I’ll evolve into some sort of creature not of this world and take over New York City…storming the Barnes & Noble for all its newest releases…or something like that. You’ve been warned.

The Art of Racing in the Rain Book - Treadmill - Gym

After finally checking out the book, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, I began reading on Monday in thirty-minute increments while walking on the treadmill at the gym. Well, as of today, I’m up to TWO HOURS and I only have a few chapters left! Ha. Thank you Amanda…from food to cosmetics, to literary recommendations, you’ve never steered me wrong. Do yourself a favor and get your hands on this book…from the sarcastic humor to “make you think” life lessons that pop up every few chapters, it’s one of the best books I’ve read in a long time! And it also doesn’t hurt that it embraces my alliteration-loving self. 🙂

Other things that were scattered about my week…

A trip to a new-to-me sushi place in town called Shogun. I’ve been there before for the hibachi grill, but after hearing from more than a few coworkers that their sushi was phenomenal, I had to go check it out for myself!

Sushi - Shogun - Monkey Brain

Behold the Monkey Brain! Crab-stuffed mushrooms battered and deep-fried and then drizzled with an artsy tie-dye mix of lick-the-plate-clean sauces!

Sushi - Shogun - Red Bull RollAnd the Red Bull: A crab and avocado roll, topped with seared beef, BBQ sauce, and scallions. It may not have given me wings, but I do think I got a glimpse of Heaven after the first bite. 😉


Midway through the week, I knocked off another of “my list” items on Netflix…Chef! Seriously? So cute. Just a word to the wise…don’t watch it while hungry…you’ll end up ransacking your kitchen! Lol

Foodie Goodies - Salted Caramel JIF Whips Peanut Butter

Yesterday, while traveling out of town to visit family, I stopped in at a Super Target (because well, duh) and finally…excuse me, FINALLY found the salted caramel Jif Whips that I’ve been tracking for months now. I got two just in case…and now I wished I had grabbed twelve!

Foodie Goodies - Big Lots - Strawberry Bread & Root Beer

I also got a chance to run in a Big Lots (know, what foodie luck?!) and had to pat myself on the back for only spending $10! I’m sorry, but after spotting that strawberry bread at TWO other grocery stores this week AND seeing it for only a buck fifty…I had to take it as a sign. And damn, what a tasty sign it was!

PB & Banana Jelly Toast

FYI: Strawberry bread toast + salted caramel Jif whips + banana = Mouthgasm! I’m pretty sure this loaf will barely last me through to next week!

Ok, now seriously…I gotta run! I maybe kinda sorta only have twenty minutes to get my ass in gear and out the door! Sorry again to be flying by the seat of my pants this week, but I guess this month has just got me a little twitterpated! 😉

Later ‘gators!

What have you been up to this week?

Any amazing foodie goodie discoveries?

Posted in Foodie Friday, Product Review, Randomness, Restaurant Review, Shopping | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Snow-Covered Sliver Linings

Another week down, another week of missing Broccoli. 🙁

Sorry guys, but the seasonal hermitude has been in full force lately and I think I have a pretty good reason…

Snow 2015

Yup, that would be the return of Snowpocalypse 2015 with a whopping SEVEN inches of snow…officially the most this southern girl has ever seen in her LIFE! Can someone do me a huge favor and tell Mother Nature she can take this shit and shove it where the sun don’t shine…I’ll even let her borrow my new shovel! 😉

All threats to personifications aside, I have to say my hermitude (sorry, I’m kind of a fan of my newly coined term) is staying on the safe side of seasonal depression this year. Though it may have to do something with the fact that I’ve been in the gym practically every day this week and I’ve had some pretty attractive friends along for the ride…

Library Book - Sliver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick

Everyone, please say hello to Bradley and Jennifer. 😉

Or perhaps it’s goodbye since it only took me jusssssst over four days to finish this book (that was of course better than what I remember of the movie). Is it sad that Bradley Cooper’s character, with his warped mind and addiction to exercise, helped motivate me to get to the gym this week? Like, if Pat can do 600 sit ups, 500 push ups, and get a 10-mile run in ALL IN ONE DAY, surely I can do an hour of weights with a little literary-assisted cardio. Lol.

Pitch Perfect

In other entertainment news, I’ve been hitting up my stash of unopened DVD’s too….yes, I have a habit of buying movies and then waiting a year to watch them. After catching a preview for the sequel when I went to see Fifty Shades of Grey a couple of weeks ago, I just had to see Pitch Perfect again and I swear I laughed my ass off just as much as the first time. Also? If you’re a Netflixer like me, you’ve GOT to watch Housebound on instant streaming which is a comedy/thriller from New Zealand that had me scream-laughing until I cried! I’m SO glad I lucked up and found it in my list of suggestions. So you see, there IS something to be said about mindlessly browsing Netflix for over an hour while you wait for FOUR loads of laundry to finish washing.

Granny's Chicken Stuff with Veggies

And apparently, whenever I’m held prisoner in my own home by nature’s elements, I turn into Betty-fucking-Crocker! Can I get a round of applause for this…my SECOND meal cooked this week?! I made another roasted chicken but decided to turn the leftovers into some of Granny’s Chicken Stuff (one of my FAVORITE family recipes) with some added veggies. I also whipped up some of the best damn cornbread EVER…totally the “m” word!

Maybe if Mother Nature hears my plea for some friggin sunshine, I can make it again and get some decent pictures to post? *Hint hint, wink wink, bitch* 😉

Alright, I think I’ve let my sailor mouth run enough already…just in case you wanted to know, my true feelings can always be discovered by reading between the lines expletives. Ha. Anywho, I’m off to get ready for work…which will end in the greatest of ALL sliver linings…daylight savings time! Don’t forget to set your clocks back! While you guys miss out on a little sleep, I’ll be happy dancing my way to the time clock one hour early come Sunday! 😀

Who else is ready for SPRIIIIIIIIING?!?!

Posted in Friday Fun, Randomness | Tagged , , , , , , , | 9 Comments