WIAW: Photo Dump

I’m not gonna waste any time…who came here to party?!

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!

As always a BIG THANK YOU goes out to Jenn of Peas & Crayons for hosting our weekly shenanigans! And if you’d like to get in on the fun posting your delicious eats, click here for all the deets!

So I totally had a whole slew of pictures from the other day all set and ready for the party…all I needed was to transfer them from my camera and do a little editing…and I totally forgot to do that before I left the house today!

Sooooooo, instead, how about some random deliciousness that’s yet to make it off my computer over the last month? πŸ˜‰

Just in time for summer, I’ve rediscovered my love of hot steamy oats…and what better way to have them than OIAJ (oats in a jar) topped with banana and cinnamon?

But on the days where I opt NOT to sweat all over my breakfast, I’ve been loving on some fried egg sandwiches (with Vegemite of course), cottage cheese with cantaloupe, blueberries, and cinnamon (rockin’ combo by the way), and Greek yogurt topped with granola, fresh fruit, crushed up Nerdy Birdy cookies…eh, pretty much anything goes with me!

I’ve also been doing some major damage on the fresh veggies I’ve been carting home from the farmer’s market each weekend!

Hellllllllllloooooooo salad beast!

Baby spinach, portobellos, roasted red peppers, corn…you name it! But what really makes a salad is the toppings…actually, that might be the REAL reason why I’ve been eating so many lately! πŸ˜‰

Nutritional yeast, Mrs. Dash, and salsa are nothing new, but what I’ve seriously been loving is the added CRUNCH of crushed up Beanitos or roasted soynuts!

Along with my mountainous salads, I’ve also been having fun DRINKING my veggies!

Yep, I’m not really having a problem with that part of my goals for the month!

I still can’t get over the surprise every time I throw random combos of fruits and veggies in the juicer and out pops something so fresh and delicious!

And well, since the theme this month IS sensible snacking…

Mmmm, snackages!

Gotta give a shoutout to my girl Debbie for introducing me to Snackimals and also Lizzi for sending me these amazing Bounce energy balls…just what I needed at work the other night when the sleepiness came!

What snack do you grab to ward off the sleepies?

What is your favorite salad topper (not dressing)?

Posted in Breakfast, Entree, Juicing, Raw, Snacks, What I Ate Wednesday | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 41 Comments

This Weekend, Brought to You By My ADD!

Hey guys!

I hope you all had a good start to the week! I began my night shifts last night and although I had a tough time around 4am this morning, I made it through and actually slept really well earlier today.

So, obviously since I’ve slept all day, I don’t really have anything fun and exciting to tell you…but I DID just spend the last couple of hours editing pics/reliving some fun from this weekend!

Due to BB having to work late on Friday and my having to prepare for the night shift, we only had Saturday and half of Sunday to spend together this weekend, but we did our best to make the most out of it.

We decided to take a trip to Joelton and check out a place that offered boat rentals for some lake cruising, a little fishing, and lot of relaxing!

Before we left, we stopped by Kmart to pick up a cooler and some water…while BB made his way through the sporting goods section checking out cooler capacities, I tried my best to help him…

Unfortunately, I have the attention span of a three year old and ended up quality testing on the reclining camping chairs, oogling over sparkly things, and had a “what the heck?” moment when I found a penny and noticed the back…seriously, how long have pennies looked like this?!

After we finally picked a cooler…and when I say “we”, I obviously mean BB, we both thought it’d be a good idea to grab some lunch before making our way to the lake. I got to choose the place…any idea where we went??

Which Wich of course!

I finally ordered the Monte Cristo sandwich that Carly suggested to me a few weeks ago. I wasn’t sure what toppings would go with ham, turkey, and grape jelly so I just got it plain on toasted whole wheat bread. It was pretty tasty, but I think next time, I might throw on some spinach and avocado or ask for extra meat as it wasn’t the most filling.

BB went with the shrimp po’boy sandwich loaded with veggies and yummy avocado (which I obviously stole some bites from)…no milkshake this time though.

Less than an hour after that, we were in the sun, on the water, and casting our lines!

Warm sunshine, a nice breeze, and nothing to hear but the occasional bull frog croak. It was the perfect day to spend out of the lake…even if we didn’t get a single catch until three and half hours later. There was still plenty to keep my attention, including cute little turtles, a family of geese, and the two dragon flies getting it on inside our boat…bow chicka wow-wow! πŸ˜‰

But seriously, how cute is this baby goose?!

I named him Steve πŸ˜‰

While BB diligently casted and re-casted his line, I gave up after about an hour (again with the attention span) and spent the rest of the trip taking pictures, reading, and snacking…what can I say, sitting on your bum in a boat can really strike up an appetite! πŸ˜‰

And yes, that would be a pepper that I ate like an apple!

We headed back to the dock for a little break after a few hours and while BB exchanged the battery for our boat engine, I walked around and had a little fun with my camera…

I really don’t know what it is about old rusty things and distressed wood, but I’m a bit obsessed…the middle two are my favorites!

Oh, and I also had a little photography induced revelation this weekend…the moment when I decided that I just HAD to climb the rickety old wooden ladder attached to this:

Why you ask did I risk life…ok so maybe not life, but CERTAINLY limb to reach the top of this?

Because THIS was what was on top!

All in the name of ART my friends.

I don’t even know what it is…just that it’s old, rusty, and really cool looking! Lol πŸ˜‰

Say hi to BB!

After being out on the lake for five hours and catching THREE fish, we decided to go and headed back to the house where I FINALLY cooked something!

It’s been a while since I’ve felt motivated to cook (I mean, surely you guys have noticed the lack of pancakes around here…sad, I know), but out of nowhere, I got this mad craving for pasta and with a crap-ton of farmer’s market veggies in the fridge, I couldn’t NOT whip something up!

Which is exactly what I did…threw handfuls of veggies and mushrooms into a skillet with a little olive oil, added some spices, and VOILA!

Summertime Pasta Penne and a little beer tasting!

I picked up a random assortment of seasonal ales the other day and BB and I made our way through 4 of them…the Shiner Ruby Redbird is my absolute favorite…it barely even tasted like beer, just ginger and grapefruit. YUM!

Posted in Photography, Snacks | Tagged , , , , , , | 10 Comments

You Guys!

Ok, so I just finished reading all the AMAZING comments you guys left on last Friday’s post…

My heart is truly warmed through and through!

I cannot thank you enough for the commiseration, suggestions, and new perspectives.

THIS really is what blogging is all about.




I love you guys SO much!

And guess what!

Over the last week, there HAVE been a few changes and I can definitely feel the impact they’ve made even in such a short time.

Like “checking out” for a few hours and walking around downtown with BB glued to my camera…

FINALLY finding my groove at the gym…

I’ve mixed it up a LOT…different times, different workouts, different music…and it’s all helping! In fact, yesterday, as I left from work, I was actually excited to get to the gym.

You like that stank face, don’t you?

Just do me a favor and in your best Austin Powers voice say…”Grr baby!” πŸ˜‰

And last but CERTAINLY not least, just enjoying life!

A life full of “skinny cocktail” tasting, nail painting, dollar store alphabet magnets, cookie topped yogurts, delicious meals out with BB, loving on kiddie foods (you’ve GOT to try these Buddy Fruits…so good!), stress-relieveing Crayola sessions, crisp morning juices, foodie pen pal shopping, book reading, and tv watching….

You know, just to name a few! πŸ˜‰

Oh, but there’s still one more thing…

I’ve realized that a lot of my stress lately has been work related. When I found out that one of our night shift techs was looking to retire, I started doing some thinking and I think I’ve decided to take the shift.

Sunday – Wednesday 8pm-6:30AM!

I know, right?!

Luckily, since the position is not officially posted, but we still need someone to cover, I will be able to take over and “try on” the shift until a final decision is made.

I’ve worked graveyard shifts before and I know that there WILL most definitely be times where I feel like an extra from Night of the Living Dead, but I think that the decreased stress of the evening shift along with having more days off (advantage of working four 10 hour shifts) will be good for me.

But ask me how I feel after Wednesday of next week to know for sure! πŸ˜‰

When’s the last time you “checked out” and what did you do?

Any big plans for the weekend? Do tell!

Posted in Photography, Workouts | Tagged , , , | 15 Comments