Three “P” Thursday

Hello my loves!

I’m so glad you liked the recipe for the Salsa-fied Salmon Salad yesterday…and you guys had some awesome ideas for variations in the comment section! You’ve definitely got my wheels turning…be on the lookout for a spin-off recipe in the future! ๐Ÿ™‚

So, after a LONG and CA-razy week, I can finally say helloooooooo weekend!ย I swear this entire week at the hospital has just been a continuation of Friday the 13th…who knew it could be a weeklong “celebration”?

Once I get to the end of a week, I like to reflect and pick out the positives…no need to dwell on the negative…plus, I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying:

“It takes 37 muscles to frown but only 22 to smile”*

*According to several websites I clicked through just to copy/paste that phrase…the jury is still out on the exact number!ย Eh, some people use too many muscles to suck the fun out of everything…this one sounds good so let’s keep it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anywho, on to the positives!

Let’s start with a new hashtag I’ve discovered and started using:

1. #PROOF:

Gotta love accountability!

I’ve actually pried by butt out of bed EVERY day this week BEFORE 6am and made it to the gym for a workout. I’d like to think it was the thought of knowing I had the support of my fellow Tweeps and IGers, but I know for sure I would never have even made it out the front door without a little help from an old friend:

He may look old and wrinkly to you, but he packs a punch in the motivation department! ๐Ÿ˜‰

And speaking of packing a punch…

2. Pumped up Kicks Snacks:

Since I’ve been following Jamie Eason’s LiveFit training program, I have started to see a difference in what my body craves throughout the day and one thing is protein! I typically get enough protein in my diet as is, but I’ve started to turn to my protein powder more for post-workout or bedtime snacks.

A couple of my favorites:

More than just hot chocolate!

Why look to hot cocoa mixes that contain god-only-knows-what and a TON of sugar when you can get the SAME thing from chocolate protein powder?

Since the weather has been turning chilly after sundown, I’ve enjoyed a cup before bed for ย the last few weeks and have fallen in love!

And I have to say, I was pretty smitten until I dove into this tonight:

Pumpkin puree + chocolate protein powder = DELICIOUSNESS

And you know, sprinkles just make it even better! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Let’s face it ladies, sometimes we just want something to make us feel pretty…well, I found a makeup duo that not only does just that, but it’s affordable and is really all you need to get through those hellacious days at work…school, or you know on a trip to the mailbox…

Maybelline’s Baby Lips lip balm and Rimmel’s ScandalEyes mascara!

I’ll tell you right now, I am Ahhhhh-dicted to chapstick…if I go more than an hour or so without it, my lips start to feel dry and cracked…so I’m always sure to keep one or two three or four in my purse, locker, car, breadbox, etc. Since I bought the Baby Lips, I haven’t let it out of my sight…I love the flavor (peach kiss), the color, and my lips feel oh so soft!

As for the mascara, I’m always experimenting with new brands to find ones that are anti-clumping and va-va-volumizing…because unfortunately, it’s not really acceptable to wear fake lashes on a daily basis…unless your a Las Vegas showgirl or Lady Gaga, but isn’t that almost the same thing? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Well, the proof is in the picture:

“I’m ready for my close up Mr. Deville”

Do you have any “P’s” to share from your week?

Who else out there would be lost without a tube of chapstick?

Posted in Thursday Things, Workouts | Tagged , , , , , , | 21 Comments

Salsa-fied Salmon (or Tuna) Salad

What’s up guys?

Glad you liked the His & Hers post from yesterday! Sounds like I’m not the only one who has a bottomless pit male in her life and thanks to all of those with advice on how to maintain the balance when it comes to mealtimes!

Now who wants the deets on that salmon salad?

This is a “recipe” that I’ve had in my arsenal for many many years. While I’d love to take sole credit for it’s original creation, it’s actually from the genius mind of a friend of mine who was my personal trainer in college.

He was the best at coming up with throw-everything-in-a-bowl-and-see-what-happens kind of recipes and they NEVER failed to disappoint in the flavor department…even if they weren’t exactly easy on the eyes.

Over the years, I’ve changed up the ingredients a bit, but you’re still left with a SUPER simple recipe great for a healthy lunch that’s a cinch to pack up and go or, with the weather getting warmer, a light no-cook dinner for those too-hot-to-cook nights. And well, if 70 degrees+ days are not in your immediate future, it also tastes great after a spin around the microwave! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Salsa-fied Salmon (or Tuna) Salad

by Heather Powers

Prep Time: 10-15 minutes

Cook Time: N/A

Ingredients (Serves 2)

  • 1/2 cup canned salmon (or 1 small can of tuna)
  • 1/2 cup cooked brown rice*
  • 1/4 cup mild-flavored salsa
  • 2 tablespoons finely diced onions
  • 1/8 cup shredded carrots (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon seafood seasoning (or other all purpose seasoning)
  • salt & pepper to taste
*You could also substitute for any other grain (quinoa, bulgar, or couscous would be great)!


1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.
2. Stir to mix.
3. Serve “as is” or on top of a bed of greens in true “salad” form.

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And then, if you’re in a similar situation, you’ll hand over the bowl to your significant other and go back to the kitchen to fix some for yourself! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Until making this the other day, I forgot how much I liked it! I love making up a BIG batch and then packing it up during the week for lunch…and it also forces me to use up some of the 500 containers of grains I have in my pantry instead of always relying on my quick and easy quinoa!

How many grain-horders do I have out there? Do you find yourself always cooking a particular one and leaving the rest?

What is your favorite it’s-too-hot-to-eat meal?

Posted in Entree | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

WIAW: The His and Hers Edition

Hey guys!

Sooooo…didja miss me?

Sorry about leaving you guys hanging for Pancake Sunday, but unfortunately I had an e-date with Uncle Sam hosted by the Service de Internal Revenue which ended in me lacking the brain cells necessary to measure ingredients.

Note to self…next year, don’t procrastinate!…haha, yeah right!

But you had to know I missed you guys…and look, I’m back just in time to party!

Be sure to head on over to Peas & Crayons for all the deets on the biggest block blog party to hit the interwebs!

Plus, you know…it’s always fun to drool over other people’s food! ๐Ÿ˜‰

This week, I decided to do things a little differently. I’ve been doing some thinking lately and as ashamed as I am to admit that the idea had to come in the form of a veggie pizza slap in the face, I’m willing to face the truth…

Remember mine and BB’s Friday the 13th pizza?

My plate of yummy cheesy (and vegetable-y) goodness!

And then BB ate the REST of the pizza!

All of a sudden it dawned on me…I’m not feeding my man enough!

After being on my own for a while and learning to cook for one, once BB and I made it official, I thought,

“Well, I guess now I’m cooking for two!”
Only that’s not the case when you have a man who works out 4-5 days a week thus giving him the title of “bottomless pit”

So this weekend, I experimented a bit…and took pictures for comparison ๐Ÿ™‚

And so the His & Her’s Edition of WIAW was born!

Two slices of French toast with 1/2 a banana and about 1 tablespoon of PB

FOUR slices of French toast with 1/2 a banana and probably 2 tablespoons of PB!

Spinach topped with Salmon salad*, tomatoes, and 1/4 an avocado

*super simple recipe coming soon!

Spinach topped with salmon salad x 2, tomatoes, and 1/2 an avocadoย 

The difference is subtle…but his bowl is actually about two times the depth of mine.

Five egg WHITES mixed with Incredible Greens, two slices of toast with PB,
and 1/2 an orange

Three WHOLE eggs, two slices of toast with 1/2 an avocado, and 1/2 an orange

Two of Jamie Eason’s turkey muffins*, roasted asparagus, and steamed carrots

*Seriously, if you haven’t tried these yet, make them NOW! They are so simple to make, so filling, and the spices can easily be switched around for endless flavor combinations!

FOUR turkey muffins, roasted asparagus, and steamed carrots

Believe it or not, he only ate half his carrots…I finished the rest!

Oh, and I just HAVE to show you the ninja pic I snuck in the car the other day:

That would be ONE Dr. Pepper and TWO Red Bulls to my ONE liter of water!ย 

Where DOES he put it?…but more importantly, how were his eyes not bugging out from all that sugar?! Lol

One thing I love about BB is that he will eat ANYTHING I set in front of him….he is not the least bit picky, but I just have to remember that he is my “growing boy” and I have to amp it up a bit in the kitchen if I’m going to compete with his metabolism.

So now…

Now, I just need to know where I can get some industrial-sized cookware so I can start getting in touch with my inner cafeteria lady! ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you are in a relationship, how do you prepare meals for you and your significant other so you are both satisfied?

Fill me in! What exciting things did you get into over the weekend?

Oh AND check it out…

Kiss My Broccoli is the Featured Food Blog of the day on! ๐Ÿ˜€

Posted in Breakfast, Entree, What I Ate Wednesday | Tagged , , , , | 35 Comments