I Went To The Store For Milk and Yogurt

…and I came home with this:

But there was a sale!

And I had coupons!

Look! Look!

Total savings=$26.25!

Oh, and then I got this:


Ok, let’s review…

  • Puffins x 3 (2 original, 1 cinnamon) $2.99 each
  • Yogurt (Stoneyfield & Chobani) FREE with coupon
  • Yogurt (Dannon Greek) on SALE for $0.69
  • Putney Pasta Chicken Piccata on CLOSEOUT for $4.19 (regular $8.99)
  • Luna Bars x 7 on SALE for $1 each
  • Organic Garbanzos…ok, not on sale, but I neeeeeeded them! 😉
  • LiteLife Italian Style Veggie Sausage COUPON $1 off
  • Starbucks Natural Caramel Coffee COUPON $1.50 off*
  • Organic strawberries on SALE for $1.79! What?!
  • Locally grown cuc…hmm, not sure HOW that got in there! Haha!

The rest of the items were on a “Mega Event” sale…purchase 10 qualifying items and save 50 cents per item on top of sale prices! Cha ching!

  • *Starbucks Coffee………………………………………$7.99 before coupon
  • Hunts No HFCS Ketchup……………………………$1.26
  • Purity 2% Cottage Cheese…………………………..$1.79 each
  • Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk…………………$2.39 each (won’t lie, Blue Diamond holds my heart, but Silk was cheaper AND it keeps me from drinking it straight from the carton!)

Yes, you did see that right…I bought SIX tubs of cottage cheese. 

Promise I’m not crazy

They don’t expire until September…and I’m thinking they will last me…oh about 2 weeks! 😉

Actually, after last night’s dinner…maybe less!

Peanut flour oats topped with cottage cheese, BBQ seasoning, and FROG preserves.

Mmm, mmm, mmm!

Come to mama!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an open box of Puffins and a carton of Blue Diamond vanilla almond milk to finish off…

Oh yeah, I’m classy.like.that!

PS, this post made me feel kinda like an extreme couponer! Lol

Do you ever go to the store for one or two things and come out with an armload?

Do you use coupons when you shop?


Posted in Shopping | Tagged , , , , | 39 Comments

What I Ate in a Hurry

Hey lovelies! I hope you are all having a marvelous week so far! Can you believe it’s already time for another What I Ate Wednesday Party? Well I can’t…but that’s no surprise given my present absent condition! I finally got a chance last night to read your comments on the Pancake Sunday post! Thank you all so much for your sweet comments! You really know how to stroke this girl’s chef ego! And here I was thinking I’d lost my touch! 😉

Anywho! Let’s get this party started shall we?

As always, a big THANK YOU to Jenn of Peas & Crayons for putting on one of the biggest parties in blogworld!

Please…enjoy yourself and drink drool responsibly!

Breakfast (6:30am)
Golden honeydew melon with Kashi Go Lean (I promise it’s in there), 2% plain Chobani, and granola

Black coffee with ma’ vitamins!

FYI: Melons do NOT make the best take-and-go breakfasts! I was running a tad bit late today and had to rush out the door with my melon. Anyone see me? I was the weird girl driving with her knee and slurping on a melon on the interstate!

 Snack (10:30am)
Cinnamon Roll Larabar: One of my (almost forgotten) favorite flavors
Thanks Amanda, you’re the sweetest!

Not gonna lie, this bar was gone in three bites…such is the life of a busy hospital worker!

Lunch (12:30pm)
“Un-salad”, horsey hummus, Barney Butter, and a super juicy peach!

Yeah, remember how I said I was running late? Well, this is what happens when I open up the fridge and just start throwing things in my lunchbox! Lol

And yes, that would be a whole tomato included in my lunch!

No shame!

{Insert GLORIOUS nap right about the time I normally have my afternoon snack}

I was feeling extra tired today, so I decided to take my rest day and have a day of REST!
Best.decision.ever. Sometimes you just gotta listen to your body, right?

Snack (6:30pm)
I woke up with the hugest craving for chips and salsa

Since I haven’t bought a bag of chips in I don’t even know how long, I just sliced up two corn tortillas and threw them in the oven for a couple of minutes until nice and crispy. Reminded me of my teenage years when I could AND would polish off a bag of chips and a jar of salsa in a weekend!

‘Twas delicious!

 But what REALLY hit the spot was dinner…

Eggplant, red onion, and black olive pizza with parmesan cheese and fresh basil
on a TJ’s whole wheat crust

The base:



Sheer brillance if I do say so myself!

Dinner (8:30pm)
2 slices pizza and spinach salad with purple bell pepper, tomato, & balsamic vinegar

I’ve been craving pizza for over a month now but every time I thought to make it, I was out of something…cheese, sauce, dough…tonight I had them all…AND I found a use for my sorry looking eggplant!

And the best part about this dinner? It was ready in less than 30 minutes! Made and eaten in enough time so that I could go meet a friend for a game of late night trivia at our local pub brewery.

Water Consumption: 64 ounces 

What’s the strangest thing you’ve eaten or done in the car while driving?
I have to say I was pretty talented this morning with my melon munching, but I’d say the thing that tops them all was when I changed clothes one time while I was on my way to work [let it be known that this was in my younger “I am invincible” years…I do not recommend it!]

Posted in Breakfast, Entree, Snacks, Vegetarian, What I Ate Wednesday | Tagged , , , , , | 43 Comments



Anyone ever have one of those days where you are physically present, but wonder where in the world your mind went? Well, I seem to be having one of those summers…apparently my brain is chilling poolside at some resort in Cabo while I’m stuck in this 100 degree 500% humidity we call Hades Tennessee.



Today, I took a look around and realized that my “absence” is starting to catch up with me. Behold the following evidence.

Exhibit A: The GINORMOUS eggplant I just had to have from the farmers market over a week ago

…sad little bugger…

I totally forgot about him! 🙁

Exhibit B: Remember this guy?

Tell me something, how is it that it’s already July and I have failed to even open the box?!

Exhibit C: The icing on the cake if you will.

This would be the salad that I made for lunch the other day. The salad that I placed in the FREEZER after taking 10 minutes to chop all the frickin vegetables for!

Exhibit D: Google Reader Overload!

Hey bloggies, I promise I haven’t forgotten about you guys!

Miss you!

Exhibit E: The fact that the dishwasher has been full of dirty dishes for TWO days and I have yet to put soap in it and start it…and I’m out of spoons…and forks…

Is it running right now?

Of course not!



Well, other than finding even MORE ways to incorporate my BBQ PB&J addiction?…wait, no I had that right


{Peanut butter pancakes layered with BBQ spice spike cottage cheese and topped with FROG preserves}

Hmm, why do I have an Amy Winehouse song in my head now?



Where has the time gone? How in the world did I use to work full time, go to school full time, AND have a life? Who can I pay to come over and make me ice cream? Just what exactly can’t I put BBQ seasoning on?

These are the questions I ask myself on a somewhat daily basis

Well, while I may be mentally check out on many things, there is one thing I don’t have question…

For those of you in blogworld who haven’t heard, the beautiful and talented Susan of The Great Balancing Act was recently diagnosed with lymphoma. As a health care provider, I understand the high costs of medical treatment which is why it warms my heart so much to see our community of bloggers banding together for such a great cause.

Mark your calendars and prepare to bid!

The Great Fundraising Act
July 25, 2011

Now, the only question that is truly important:

What goodies to donate?

Everything-But-Sugar Oatmeal Cookies?


PB&J Hummus Balls and a jar of the infamous FROG?

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