Welcome to Kiss My Broccoli
My name is Heather! I'm a southern gal with a passion for food, fitness, and photography...and alliteration if you didn't notice! Here you'll find a mix of random musings, delicious recipes, and hopefully a chuckle or two! Check out my "About' tab to learn more!
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Tag Archives: waffle
Thinking Out Loud: Before My Mind Turns to Mush
Ugh…hey. It has been A WEEK around here, people, let me tell you! Actually, don’t, because I’d rather not relive it all. Suffice it to say (ha, that always makes me feel somewhat Shakespearean) that work has gotten the better of … Continue reading
Posted in Thinking Out Loud
Tagged bacon, cheese, ice cream, peanut butter, selfie, waffle, Waffle House, zoo