Keep Calm & Make Pancakes

Hey guys!

Hope you all had a very restful and relaxing Sunday!

So, my “free” wi-fi decided to be no more tonight…but instead of stressing, I took this as an opportunity to bust out the ol’ Starbucks gift card (thanks Cat!) and treat myself to a little iced decaf coffee while typing up today’s post! I’m actually sitting outside and it feels AMAZING! Better soak up the nice temperatures while I can since I hear a bad storm is coming in for tomorrow!

Fate didn’t make liar out of me this week, so you guys know what that means…

Happy Pancake Sunday from the new Casa de Broccoli!

Gluten-Free Lemon Poppy Seed Pancakes

Gluten-Free Lemon Poppy Seed Pancakes: (serves 1)

  • 1/4 cup brown rice flour
  • 1/4 cup tapioca flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon xanthan gum
  • 1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flax to 3 tablespoons water)
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon poppy seeds

1. Stir together flax and water and allow to set for 2-3 minutes.
2. Combine dry ingredients in a small bowl and whisk together to break up any lumps.
3. Add wet ingredients into the dry mix and stir to incorporate.
4. Stir in poppy seeds and zest
5. Pour batter into a greased skillet and cook over medium heat for about 3-5 minutes           per side.

These pancakes are gluten-free, vegan, dairy-free, and sugar-free!

I topped my 3 small cakes with a swirl of Sarena’s coconut cream, more poppy seeds and zest, and a little coconut. I loved the light color of the cakes…it went perfectly with the “pop” of color from the lemon zest!

This was my first time creating a gluten-free pancake from scratch. After doing a bit of research, I learned that the addition of xanthan gum is an absolute MUST in gluten-free baking to get the batter to stick together. Next time, I may fiddle around with the ingredients to see if I can make them fluffier like Alex’s because, I don’t know about you, but there are few things in my life that top a stack of big fluffy pancakes! 😉

The kitchen has officially been christened!

A pancake batter tear of happiness! 😉

After breakfast, I did a little catching up on some blog reading. The other day, Janetha shared a glorious cheese-loving casserole recipe in her post “Keep Calm & Make a Casserole” (if you are a cheese fiend like me, I suggest you go take a gander at that beauty)!

Her post got me thinking about the “calm after the storm” that I’ve experienced today. I spent the day doing light stuff around the house…I got all my clothes unpacked and put away and both bathrooms are stocked and organized! Quite a change of pace from the last few days. Honestly, I think there’s just something to be said about taking the time to make a special breakfast on a Sunday morning (or any day for that matter) that can set the mood for a relaxing day!

I mean, c’mon, if I had lost internet service a couple of days ago, I wouldn’t have thought, “Hey, I’ll just go to Starbucks!” I would have thought, “Ohmigod! I don’t have internet! My life is OVER!!” Yeah, I wish I was kidding. 😉

So, I’d like to steal Janetha G’s question…

Finish the sentence according to your mood today:
“Keep calm and _________.”


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43 Responses to Keep Calm & Make Pancakes

  1. keep calm and do online puzzles.

    i mean ordinarily it’d be “bake cookies” but that frankly takes more effort than I felt like exerting today… long week!! 😉

  2. Namaste Gurl says:

    Keep calm and exercise mindfully– does the trick every time for me 🙂 Oh, and also eat lots of coconut, of course 🙂
    You’re getting fancy for me, sadly I do not own any gluten- free flours, other than chickpea. That’s totally my “go- to” bread or pancakes. You can make them sweet or savory any which way you want 🙂

    • Haha! I decided to break out the other flours since I really need to start making a dent in my “collection.” Plus, my chickpea flour is getting a little low and I want to save it for as long as I can! 😉

  3. Keep calm and watch some TV while bloggin! 😉

    Thanks for the lovely GF pancake recipe! I love poppyseed muffins! Do these taste like those?
    And yes, xanthan gum is a must! I learned that the hard way!!

  4. caitlinoco says:

    Take a nap =) or call your mom!

  5. Mama Pea says:

    Keep calm and wash your hands.

    Sorry, you’d get it if you had little ones.

    I can smell and taste your pancakes from here. MMM!

  6. BrittFit says:

    keep calm and keep dry….. it’s been raining all weekend here and it’s going to continue into monday 🙁 wahhhh haha

  7. Jenny says:

    I see you’ve already made good use of that kitchen, I like it!! 😀 Loving those pancakes

  8. Those pancakes look awesome! I love lemon poppyseed. Gluten free baking is something I really would like to start experimenting with, so I’ll have to keep that xanthan gum bit in mind, too. I don’t have any!
    I hear you; a relaxing morning sets a good tone for the whole day! Bummer you can’t have free wi-fi anymore, but it looks like you’re settling in nicely. Your kitchen is beautiful.
    Keep calm and smile. Sounds silly, but whenever I find myself in a less-than-stellar situation I just have to smile or else I’ll lose it 😛

    • Thanks Jess. You know, it’s kinda like how they say if you ever have to make an important phone call, you should smile as you talk because it comes across in your voice! Makes perfect sense!

  9. Catherine says:

    Keep calm and pray…at least, that’s what we should be doing! I will be the first to admit I don’t always do it.

    Glad you were able to put the gift card to use! 🙂 And…how about 12/noon for Chipotle on Saturday? I’m thinking a nice big burrito as a reward for being good all week. Breakfast was rice cakes and peanut butter…Erik did the oatmeal this morning. But these pancakes look great…may need to try them out when I have an easy morning!

    • I hear ya girlie…I really should have just stopped and said a prayer this weekend instead of freaking out about everything. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in life and forget who you are supposed to give all your worries to. Thankfully He took care of me when I couldn’t take care of myself. Everything is all coming together now and I know I couldn’t have done it alone!

      Noon sounds great! You said the one on West End? And you should definitely give these pancakes a try…you can always use whole wheat flour, egg, and omit the xanthan gum to make it easy!

      • Catherine says:

        Yes, the one on West End…don’t know if that’s the one you usually go to, so hope it’s “close enough.” Can’t wait to see you!

  10. Lee says:

    Keep calm and…snuggle with your doggie.

  11. Gluten free baking is so complicated!

  12. i LOVE that keep calm quote… i need to tell myself that everydayyY!! you always make the best looking pancake.s. JUST SAYIN

    mine is keep calm and shake yo booty!

  13. Ma Ma Megan says:

    Those pancakes look delicious! Love the lemon and poppy seeds in them, I’ll have to give that a try 🙂

  14. …only deal with what you can handle. I am definitely working on that today. The pancakes look like a work of art! Perfect spring breakfast! Have a great day Heather.

  15. I love anything lemon poppy seed!!! Great idea for a pancake! Today’s motto: keep calm & if you miss your subway stop (as I did this morning), just go back where you came from. Hah. Apparently it’s been a rough Monday for me 🙂

  16. Loving your pancakes!!!! I took last week off for some emotional/mental break that I needed…I missed reading your blog!!!!! Glad to be back 🙂

  17. You and I make similar messes in the kitchen — i spread ingredients and stuff out ALLL OVERRRR the counters like that =) and hate cleaning it up! hehe

    the pancakes look awesome!

  18. Oh my gosh, best looking pancake EVER! So pretty. And yayyy for breaking in the kitchen! I love that you stole my question because I have fun reading the answers. I will have to come back and see what people say today. Mine for today is “Keep calm and remember it only takes 21 days to form a habit”–I had my first early morning workout today.

    • I totally understand where you’re coming from…I am such a wimp when it comes to early morning workouts! Even if I actually get up and do it, I’m yawning 3/4 of the way through it! Haha!

  19. Amy says:

    Your new kitchen looks wonderful all broken in! Congrats again on the new house. May you make lots of new memories there 🙂

  20. Michelle says:

    Oh, I love lazy Sunday mornings with pancakes! I created a pancake recipe from scratch yesterday too. Mine involved coconut flour and they turned out great. I’m going to do more baking with coconut flour in the near future!

  21. Oh girl, I am just now catching up on your last couple of posts – I am SO glad you are okay (saw the car wreck post)!! And I’m glad that you are settling in so nicely at home and chilling out a bit. That’s so great! And those pancakes sound yummy! I love that they are “free” of a lot of problem ingredients. 🙂 Love ya, chica and I hope you are doing SO well adjusting to life in the new house!

  22. Haha, I spill so often on my oven that for a second I thought that was my kitchen! I cannot get over how beautiful your kitchen is 🙂 What a delicious way to christen it!

  23. Pingback: The Journey Starts Here | kissmybroccoli

  24. Lemon Poppyseed????!!!! WiTH Coconut cream???!!! Oh my. I must make these! EEEP!

    Sorry, just a little excited there 😉 But congrats on breaking in the new kitchen!

    “Keep calm and work!”

  25. Keep calm and change your life for the better! You and your house, me and my job… we have to make this life the best it can be! <3

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