Hello my little tofu junkies! It seems more of you than I thought have an appreciation for the ‘fu! And for all you timid souls out there, bite the bullet and try a wheat grass shot. I promise it won’t kill you…and well, if it does, according to Lindsay, you’ll have super fresh breath! 😉
So I saw this fun little survey on Janetha’s blog while getting caught up on my reader over the weekend annnnnnnnnd since I have such an odd fascination with question and answer type things, I figured I’d play copy-cat!
A is for Apple, what’s your favorite variety?
Honeycrisp all the way…so sad that they’re only in season for a short time in the fall! I swear they are the perfect balance of sweet and tart with an amazing CRUNCH!
B: is for Bread, regardless of nutrition, calories, or whole grains what is your favorite type to have a nice big piece of?
To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever met a
carb bread I didn’t like, but my current fave is this marbled rye I bought at the farmer’s market last weekend!
C: is for Cereal what is your favorite kind currently (just one!)?
I have SO many favorites, but lately I’ve been kickin’ it old school with some good old-fashioned Cheerios!
D: is for Doughnuts, you might not currently be eating them but what kind do you fancy?
Unglazed blueberry cake doughnuts have always been my favorite!
E: is for Eggs, how would you like yours prepared?
Oh my gosh, how DON’T I like them? If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you know by now that I could never live without eggs…or nut butter…and sometimes together!
F: is for Fat Free, what is your favorite fat-free product?
G: is for Groceries, where do you purchase yours?
Mostly from Kroger, Walmart, and Sam’s Club but when you know I live for the Whole Food’s/Trader Joe’s runs!
H: is for Hot Beverages, what is your favorite hot drink?
Do you really need to ask?
I: is for Ice Cream, pick a favorite flavor and add a fun topping.
I’m much more of a fro-yo girl these days with taro being my new all time favorite and toppings?…well, just about anything as long as it includes sprinkles!
J: is for Jams or Jellies, do you eat them, and if so what kind and flavor?
Yeah, I guess I like jams…
K: is for Kashi, name your favorite Kashi product?
Who could hate on a cereal that is packed with protein and fiber with only 6 grams of sugar?
L: is for Lunch, what was yours today?
Today was our monthly potluck at work…no pic but it was quite the smorgasbord including: a small deli sandwich, potato salad, broccoli slaw, shrimp pasta salad, and peanut butter cup cheesecake! Mmm!
M: is for microwave, what is your favorite microwave meal/snack?
I recently tried Carrie’s method for SUPER fluffy oat bran…and now I’m addicted!
N: is for nutrients, do you likes carbs, fats, or proteins best?
Um, refer to the letter “B”! 😉
O: is for oil, what kind do you like to use?
Olive oil for cooking, coconut oil for baking!
P: is for protein, how do you get yours?
I don’t eat a lot of meat, I prefer to get my protein from:
- eggs, eggs, EGGS!
- beans
- cottage cheese
- protein powders
- tempeh/tofu
Q: is for Quaker, how do you like your oats?
R: is for roasting, what is your favorite thing to roast?
S: is for sandwich, what’s your favorite kind?
It’s really hard to choose a favorite. I’d have to say either a PB&J tofu or a hummus & pickle…mmm!
T: is for travel, how do you handle eating while traveling?
What’s there to handle? You only live once, right?
U: is for unique, what is one of your weirdest food combos?
Hmm, just one? Since I started this blog, I keep getting weirder and weirder…
Here’s the latest:
Marbled rye with creamed corn mixed with nooch, topped with sliced tomato, bread ‘n butter pickles, and fresh basil! You know what I always say…don’t knock it!
V: is for vitamins, what kind do you take?
Shhh! They’re not vitamins…they’re “candy” 😉
W: is for wasabi, yay or nay?
I’m a complete and total wimp…nay 🙁
X: is for X-RAY. if we x-rayed your belly right now, what food would we see?
Well, since I ate so much for lunch (they really should start having siestas in America), dinner was a random trips to the kitchen for snackage: a handful of bloobs, one slice of rye with pb and carob chips, and some bread ‘n buttah pickles straight from the jar because I’m classy like that!
Y: is for youth, what food reminds you of your childhood?
- School cafeteria chocolate milk in the baggie that you had to poke with a straw (anyone know what I’m talking about?)
- Lucky charms that I would always save the marshmallows for last
- Squeeze Its and Mondos
- Toast with butter and sugar
- Mom’s homemade chicken pot pie and pot roast with veggies
Z: is for zucchini, how do you prepare it?
Cut that sucker up and eat it raw baby!
Now to copy Janetha even more, I’m going to steal her question!
Quick! What are your initials?
Take the two to three letters from your initials and find the corresponding questions, then answer them!

You have the most gorgeous photos! They really made this survey interesting and fun to read. 🙂
i always love these. too fun! and you gotta try tahini and pickel sandwich with a little ketchup. Weird, yes….good, HELL YEA!
Oh, I’m all over that one! 😉
That sandwich made me barf. LOL.
what are those two square vitamins? they look tasty, i might need to start taking them 😛
that bread looks so. good. and i love your new combo!
Initials are JK. I KNOW, they would be, right?
J: oh man, you know I’m all about the jams and jellies! haha. too ironic. my fav is the FROG preserves. I need to move to where you are so I can loiter outside the doors of spring valley farms.
K: Kashi….I love their cereals. If I HAD to choose a favorite, any of their biscuits! Autumn wheat, cinnamon harvest…i’ll take ’em!
JK?….of course! Haha! The square vitamins are calcium chews. 500mg of calcium per 2 pieces. I get the store brand at Target and I think they’re around 9 or 10 bucks. I swear they taste like Lifesaver Cream Savers!
Oh my gosh, I completely forgot about the biscuits! I LOVE the cinnamon harvest!
what’s there to handle IS RIGHT !! I knew I loved you, girl.
this was fun… and I am a gummi FREAK – every time I see your vitamins oops, candy, I want them! I cannot buy those – Jason and I both eat way too many and the bottle lasts a few days. ha!
STS are my initials so, my favorite sandwich is hummus, lettuce and tomato…as for traveling and eating I tread carefully only becaus of allergies otherwise I would go crazy! Oh and I love you a little more with that creamed corn concoction. I am so doing that!
LoL! I’m the same way with taking my “vitamins”… I try to get all mine in tasty chewable form, because then I’m more likely to take them. I’m currently eyeing up some “gummy bears” 😉
Initials: AD… Apples: pink lady all the way… Donuts: chocolate chocolate glazed; although I can’t even remember the last time I had one 😯
A is for Apple: Love Gala! So sweet and crunchy. Just had one sliced up with PB!
K is for Kashi: Gotta agree with you on this one. Kashi Go Lean Crunch is a close second!
Am I weird that I don’t like raw zucchini? Yes, I probably am being the avid veggie lover that I am :)!
You are WAY too funny girl…. WAY too funny!
I had fun reading your survey answers!
My initials are RIM:
(R)oasting: currently I am obsessed with roasting (and toasting) nuts and seeds
(I)ce cream flavor: Tempt Chocolate Fudge (yum-o!)
(M)icrowave: We don’t own one!!!
*My maiden name initial is (A)pple: Pink Lady 🙂
Lunch – corn on the cob, couscous mixed with tomatoes, beans and hot sauce.
Roasting – veggies! onion, broccoli, mushrooms, I could go on and on.
Bread – Pretty much any kind that doesn’t have raisins in it.
My initials are CAS 🙂
C is for cereal which is BY FAR my fiber one w/ raisins mmm <3
A is for apples which the gala apple is my favorite 🙂 Thanks to my friend Angela for having a produce man daddy and pointing these amazing babies out to me haha!
S is for sandwich which is…I'd have to go with a grilled cheese or pb&j both bring back good old childhood memories :)))
LOL, I thought you were going to have us answer all of these and was thinking your comments section was going to be ten miles long!
V(eronica) is for multi-vitamin and a probiotic with 66 billion (!) organisms.
E(uvena) is for over easy eggs.
D(avis-) is for maple glazed doughnuts.
M(iller) is for popcorn in the microwave. I recently tried throwing plain kernels into a paper bag but it didn’t work out so well. 🙁
And how sad is it that with my first two names, which I think are unique, I was born with the boring last name of Davis and then married a Miller! booooo 😉
I like it! It’s a nice balance! I’ve never heard of anyone with your middle name before….very pretty! Is it a family name?
I’m sprecial. %) hehehe Yeah, a great aunt (or someone–I don’t even know who, she died b4 I was born) was named Heuvena and my parents just lopped off the H for me. I’ve never heard of Heuvena either so I guess she was sprecial too. 🙂
Hmm, neat! I went to school with a girl named Luvena…that’s pretty close!
Haha! That would’ve been insane to read!
Oh I know! What is it with people that swear by the paper bag trick?? It made such a mess!
Love the gummy vitamins 🙂 That sandwich looks good except for the pickles- barf! I can’t even stand to look at them. Disgusting!!
I just recently posted the same survey on my blog, love your answers 🙂 And I envy your jam selection!
I never get sick of reading these surveys. I am glad you did one! I loved the “what is there to handle” answer-YEP, so true!