
Does anyone happen to have a bandaid?

Like a really REALLY big one?

Or maybe just a can of red spray paint…

Because obviously, my girl Vickie has a target on her!

Remember this?

Exactly 7 months and 7 days ago Vickie was assaulted by a Chevy Silverado.

Tonight, she had an encounter with a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

I swear I’m not a horrible driver. Before this year, my last accident was like 5 years ago!

Besides some minor bruising from the seatbelt and a bit of a stiff back, I’m ok. And Vickie is still drivable, but if you notice in the last picture from tonight, the back door is stuck open…so hopefully I can get her to the doctor body shop soon and get her bandaged up!

I was lucky. It could’ve been worse. And I’m so grateful to have had some of the best responders in Clarksville come to my aide.

Have a good night and please, always remember to wear your seatbelt!

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29 Responses to Ouch!

  1. Lou says:

    Oh you poor thing… actually, poor Vickie! The main thing is you’re OK – far out car smacks are scary though. Makes you realise how vulnerable we are… hope you can get her fixed up quick smart 🙂 Chin up, tiger.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thanks Lou! And yes, it does make you realize that just because you’re enclosed in thousands of pounds of steel, doesn’t mean you’re invincible. Kinda scary.

  2. Ahh sorry about your car! 🙁 But at least you’re okay!

    If it makes you feel any better, I smacked up my car a bit on the metal pole next to my parking spot in my parking garage….what a dumb spot for a pole. 😛

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh man, I swear sometimes those poles just jump out in front of you when you least expect it…mailboxes too! 😉

  3. Susan says:

    Eek! Glad you are okay. Accidents happen to even the best drivers. I hope the repairs aren’t too expensive – that’s usually the worst part!

  4. Emily says:

    Glad you’re okay! Sorry about your car–Sorry Vickie, hopefully someone can find you a really good, cheap band-aid.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Yes, definitely…a REALLY cheap one…oh, but not the ones that are so cheap that they rip and come apart the first time you go to wash your hands…hmm, maybe I’ll call Curad! 😉

  5. PB&Jenny says:

    that is one big boo boo 🙁 poor Vickie! I’m just so relieved that you’re okay. I’ve only been in one REAL accident (a few bumps in bruises here and there as well, but those were my own fault) and it was really traumatizing. I hope you’re not too shaken up! If so, I’m more than willing to be your chauffeur. I’ll drive you to whole foods 🙂

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thanks girlie. I’m a little more sore today than I was last night, other than that, I’m fine, but hey, you can come drive me to Whole Foods ANY time! 🙂

  6. Hoping you’re not too sore today, my dear!! Hugs!

  7. janetha says:

    DUDE. the world is out to get your car. i’m sorry!

  8. Glad your okay!! Getting into accidents is no fun, especially when it’s out of no where. I have been in one major accident several years ago. Just picked up my friend from campus, light turned green, I was half way through intersection when a guy plowed through my rear (bumper and trunk stuff flying all over) and kept on going. 🙁 If I had been going any slower or he had been going any faster, he would have T-boned us. Funny thing was, immediately my friend jumped out the car and ran down the street screaming obscenities and trying to get a license plate number. LOL.

    I hope insurance covers the majority of the cost and your back on the road as soon and safely as possible.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh wow, what a total creep! I’ve never had anyone run on me before, but my car did get hit once in the parking lot at the mall with no information left…I didn’t even notice it until the next morning since it was on the passenger side of the car! And good for your friend! I probably would’ve done the same thing! Haha!

  9. lizzie says:

    awww girl! im sorry about the car!
    im sure vickie will be healed in no time! haha 🙂

  10. lindsay says:

    oh man, poor vicki. she might need some vicodin for that!

  11. Oh noo I’m so sorry!! I’ve been hit a few times but I swear it wasn’t my fault either, I’m a good driver! I think the other people are the bad drivers 🙂 I’m glad you are okay!!

  12. YIKKES! glad you are okay… hope the car gets better soon. 🙂

  13. Oh no, you have really had some bum luck with this lately. As I get older, I start to get more worried about other people on the road. I can’t believe my son will be driving in 3 years. I hope you get your girl fixed soon and that you feel better soon too!

  14. yikes, sorry this happened again!

    glad you are okay, though.

  15. Aw, noooo! I’m so sorry for this, I’m glad you’re okay!

  16. elise says:

    omg you have the WOSRT luck with your cars!!! wtf dude.

  17. Oh no!!! that’s awful! I’m glad you’re ok!!

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  19. Anastasia says:

    I’m so glad you are okay! People here are constantly on their phones or texting while driving which is so scary. They’ll be swerving everywhere and not paying any attention. Be careful out there and I hope Vickie gets fixed soon!

  20. So sorry Heather. That looks bad. Glad to hear you’re okay, and I hope you treated yourself to an extra spoonful of coconut peanut butter! 🙂

  21. Lauren says:

    Oh my god, I’m so glad you’re okay!!! Wish I could say the same for your poor car 🙁

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