Hair Today…

Gone tomorrow!

Well, actually…yesterday to be more exact:

I did it!

One…two…TWELVE inches…


And I absolutely friggin’ LOVE it!

Then I came home and took 383756 pictures of myself…

Tried out a ponytail (ain’t it cute?) before going on a run…

Dominated said run in the sweltering heat…can’t you tell by the look on my face thatΒ it totally kicked my butt I made that run my “you know what”? πŸ˜‰

Almost to my goal!

Then I showered, styled/played with it Β and took another 94387 pictures…

FACT: I CANNOT take a round of pictures of myself without making at least ONE funny face! πŸ˜‰

As for the 12 inches of luscious strawberry blonde hair…

It’s soon to be on it’s way to Wigs for Kids*

*NOT Locks of Love who is known to charge families for their wigs…read this article if you’re interested in donating.

What do you think?

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36 Responses to Hair Today…

  1. go shorter! it’s addicting i promise you! when i chopped my hair off, i just keep going shorter and shorter and you can style it so many ways. love it.

    gorgeous of course <3

  2. oh Heather!! It looks so wonderful!! I love the angle of the cut- it really suits your face πŸ˜€
    I always make funny faces at myself….it must be like…some strange compulsion. I always take multiple pictures of myself post haircut as well. It’s fun to see yourself in a new light! The first shower is also quite fun. My hair used to be down to my *ahem* bottom (that suits your ‘oh my!’ giff above) and I cut it to donate twice. I had no idea that LOL did that or I’d have done WFK like you did!! (or perhaps it didn’t exist then?) Either way, it is a great thing to do and feels fab, doesn’t it? Plus, it is fun to get a new ‘do.
    I haven’t done it lately because it’s just been getting shorter and shorter but I actually cancelled my last hair appointment to grow it out for the summer so we’ll see where this goes…

  3. Sonia the mexigarian says:

    What a beautiful cut! For some reason, now I can see you with a pixy. I also really like e color of your hair πŸ™‚

  4. Oh my girl! You look amazing!! Short hair and I don’t mix, so I don’t think I could ever pull off that look but you look beautiful! πŸ™‚

  5. Tess says:

    So cute! I love it – the cut looks great on you.

  6. you look fantastic! Feels *so* good to refresh your look like that, it’s amazing what a simple cut can do – I acutally just cut mine off this past weekend (after like 5 years of having it ridiculously long).
    And perfect for a super hot summer as well.

  7. nidia says:

    i think you look phenomenal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you did a great thing!!! i cut mine close to two years ago in honor of my mother who at the time was fighting through her battle with lymphoma cancer (we won!!!!) and i cried i think from both the joy of knowing i was helping someone just like her and two because it was actually gone!! mine however was was shorter like nothing could be put up into a ponytail. Your hair was longer so in order for it to be 10 inches alot more of mine had to be cut.

    okay back to you lol, you look adorable, cute, fresh, and young(er)!!!! go you!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      That’s INCREDIBLE, Nidia! So awesome of you do that and honor your mom’s strength and courage for kicking cancer’s ass! I donated for the first time a few years ago and it was even shorter…and totally unmanageable, so I made sure to grow it out a bit longer this time so I’d have more to work with. So glad I did too. Makes a big difference when you can still get it up into a ponytail!

      And you know, you’re the FIRST person to say I look younger…most people are saying I look older/more mature/in a good way. I prefer younger…fresher…not child-like! Thank you!

  8. Lizzi says:


  9. Emily says:

    OMG! I love it! I cut mine off and donated it 4 years ago (first time since I was a toddler that I had short hair) and I just now decided to grow it back out. You have the perfect face shape for that bob!

  10. I love it! Seriously it looks amazing!
    I never knew that about locks for love. Thanks for sharing!

  11. lindsay says:

    what do i think?!! I think you are ONE SEXY THANG!! LOVE!

  12. I Love it!! I bet it’ll be so much cooler this summer. Washing for the first time must have been a trip. Did you use waaaaay toooooo much shampoo?

  13. Amy says:

    I LOVE it!!! I admit, I love your long hair too, but I am *really* loving your new style! (My husband just told me it should inspire me, mine is about 4cm shorter than yours and I’ve been on the fence for at least 12 months about whether or not to chop the majority of it off). It suits you perfectly πŸ™‚

  14. Amy says:

    It looks amazing!! I think it’s a perfect fit πŸ™‚ enjoy your weekend!

  15. Ahh your new cut looks great on you! And I love that you donated your hair to such a great cause. πŸ™‚

    I’ve been thinking about cutting my hair to shoulder length, but I’m scared to do it. It’s always so hard to take the plunge!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Just think of it the way I do…it’s just hair…it’ll grow back. And worse case scenario, if something goes wrong, bobby pins are uber cheap! LOL! πŸ˜‰

  16. Janine Powers says:

    I loooooooove your hair! You look older…..great for you…but sad for mom. πŸ™
    Where did that little bitty 5lb baby girl go???!!! Love you sweet girl!!!

  17. It looks AMAZING! After our little IG ‘chat’ yesterday I was driving home from the gym just now thinking…maybe I should cut off all my hair, too? And I imagined a cut VERY similar to yours…

    Thanks for the info about Locks of Love. Didn’t know that.

  18. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! That is SO much hair cut off! I would freak out, but you have a great face so it actually looks REALLY good on you! I wish I could pull that off.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you Kammie! I have a really round face so I have to be careful with short cuts so I don’t look like I have chipmunk cheeks, but I think my girl did a pretty good job with the face framing layers. I love it!

  19. Nicole says:

    I love it! It looks so good!!

  20. Lee says:

    It looks great. That is a really good length for you! Does it feel really light?

  21. Kara says:

    I absolutely LOVE it!!! I’m the same way, I cannot take myself seriously, I always have to make a funny face in my pictures!

    Interesting about Locks of Love! I never knew that, but good to know.

  22. I LOVE your hair! And I love that you donated it! I did the same thing a couple months ago, but my cut was not nearly as cute as yours!

  23. Amber says:

    Absolutely adorable!

  24. You look beautiful! Love the short hair! I’m really loving mine being short right now with all this heat. I didn’t donate to Locks of Love either due to them charging for their wigs. I did Pantene’s beautiful lengths. It makes me feel so good knowing that my hair will make someone else feel beautiful. It really is such a special thing to do.

  25. I friggin’ LOVE IT!!! Such a great haircut- I would be taking a million photos of myself too!!
    And now I want to chop mine…

  26. I absolutely LOVE it! I’ve been dying to cut mine, but I’m too scared! You rock the short hair.

  27. SO cute! love the short look on you. ps your hair color makes me jealous. very, very jealous.

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