Happy Monday, my little turkeys!
Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving weekend?

Along with some MARVELOUS eats, there were a few other highlights over the last few days…
I got to dress up for the first time in forever…TWICE!
I feel pretty…oh so pretty…
What do you think? Hair better curled under or flipped out?
I had a good laugh watching my cousin try to dominate a turkey leg half the size of her head…
Go Emma, go!
I got some quality time with my beautiful baby sis…
Of course, we have the hardest time being serious whenever we’re together! π
And I got some much-needed downtime…
Nothing says R&R like fuzzy slippers and a four page spread of Channing Tatum while the Food Network plays in the background! π
Overall, it was a great weekend filled with good food, family time, and fun…all of which helped to assuage those pangs of grief as Big Bertha lay in my arms and took her finalΒ breath shot…
A traditional holiday side…healthified!
I want to thank you all for the kind words for dear Bertha on yesterday’s post and I’d like to take the time to commemorate her final day in the sun…
I love LOVE deviled eggs.
Besides the sweet potatoes, they are the side I look forward to most during the holidays, but I hate it when they are loaded down with heavy greasy mayo and sugared up with gobs of pickle relish. You just don’t need all of that. So I set out to lighten up a traditional family recipe this holiday and I have to say it proved to be a success being as no one at the dinner table even noticed the difference!
Herbed-Ricotta Deviled Eggs
Prep Time: 5-10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Keywords: boil side high protein low-carb eggs ricotta cheese Thanksgiving Christmas
Ingredients (Serves 6)
- 6 large eggs
- 1/4 cup fat-free ricotta
- 1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
- 1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh chives*
- 1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley*
- 1 Tablespoon finely chopped fresh dill*
- salt & pepper to taste
- paprika
- *If you don’t have fresh herbs on hand, feel free to use 1 Tablespoon of your favorite salt-free seasoning (I like Trader Joe’s 21 Seasoning Salute)
1. Place eggs in a medium-sized sauce pot, cover with at least an inch of water.
2. Bring water to boil, remove from heat, cover and allow to sit for 10 minutes.
3. Drain water from pan and immediately submerge eggs in cold ice water to halt the cooking process.
4. Peel eggs and slice lengthwise, carefully removing the yolks and placing them in a small mixing bowl.
5. To the yolks, add ricotta, mustard, spices, salt & pepper and mash with a fork until smooth (add water or milk if needed to thin).
6. Spoon egg mixture into egg white halves or transfer to a zip-top bag, cut off a corner, and pipe mixture into whites.
7. Garnish tops with paprika.
Nutritional facts per TWO deviled eggs:
How ya like them apples eggs?
Bertha, you truly will be missed.
But you will soon be replaced…thanks to Best Buy and Cyber Monday!
Seriously, can we say STEAL?!
Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas/Happy ValentinEaster to meeeeee! π
What is your favorite traditional Thanksgiving side?
What did you do this weekend (besides eat)? π

I think i like your hair curled under better. Either way you look beautiful π
Awww, thank you love! xoxo
YES! Perfect timing your camera broke, GREAT DEAL!! So happy you will have a new camera!!!
I love your hair both ways, looks pretty! <3
Happy Monday love! <3
I know, right? Must’ve been some weird twisted version of fate! Lol
Thanks doll! And as always, thanks for giving us all a chance to really appreciate the marvelousness in life! I always look forward to my MIMM posts! π
You look gorgeous either way, but I like the curled in/under better! π I don’t usually like deviled eggs because of the mayonnaise, so I will definitely have to try these!
Aww, thank you Brittany! I swear I spend so much time in scrubs with my hair in a ponytail that I never really get to see myself any other way!
I’m the same way about the mayo…you’ll LOVE this! Good with Greek yogurt too if you don’t have ricotta! π
I like your hair curled under a little better and I LOVE those earrings you’re wearing in that picture π And don’t worry about Bertha, Channing Tatum will ease all of your pain π
Thanks girlie! I got them at a funky little jewelry shop in Nashville…LOVE them…though not as much as I loved drooling over that magazine! MMMM! Lol
I’ve never made deviled eggs but they are definitely on my “Heather’s version looks delicious must make” list now! So glad you found an amazing deal on a new camera. You know the blog world couldn’t survive without more Sunday pancake creations! So glad you had an awesome Thanksgiving!
You just brought the biggest smile to my face, Tess! Like seriously…ear to ear! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving too! xoxo
GAH I wish I had the money for that thing!! I really need to save up when cyber monday comes around, for some reason, I always forget about it!
I’d take you either way! But if I have to choose…flipped out! π
Cool new camera you are looking at! Make sure and tell it not to somersault off the table!
Aww, Eric, you are too sweet! But don’t think that means I’m gonna go easy on you on WWF! π
I have never the ought of Deviled eggs for a winter holiday. Is that weird? We always had them around Easter. What if you made the center with sweet potato and sprinkled it with cranberry bits?! Mmmm…
Omg, seriously?! My eyes just bugged out of my head! Lol I know most people only have them for Easter, but my dad and I always whine enough to end up having them for every holiday! Now I need to get on this sweet potato idea…my dad would never touch them…then I could have them ALL to myself! Muahahaha!
Aww I think it looks great both ways, but flipped out is so fun! Dressing up is always a special treat. Your idea of R&R is so similar to mine–magazines, snuggly clothes, and food network! Glad you had a good weekend dear!
Thanks girlie! I thought the same thing…maybe it can be my fun and flirty weekend hair! π
I keep wanting to get that issue of People to read, but alas, I’m too cheap to buy magazines. Haha.
Woaah, maybe I need a fancy camera too, cheap stuff! I definitely need that People mag…
So sad to read about losing your leading camera lady. But then happy to read about ricotta deviled eggs. I don’t really like the traditional deviled egg, but am currently in love with ricotta. Ricotta on everything!
Heck yeah! And it would probably work just as well with whipped cottage cheese…since I know you’re just as addicted as I am on that one too! π
I like your hair both ways! Pretty!
My hubby loves deviled eggs!!! Must print this out & try for him! π
Enjoy your new camera!!!!
Thank you Jody! Hope your hubby approves! π
It’s sad to hear your camera broke but at least you didn’t end your two-year-relationship in grievance, right ;)? And it looks like you found a mighty fine replacement.
My favourite part of the weekend was being with my loved ones. Not having seen my parents in month made for a joyous reunion for sure :). Oh, and eating my grandma’s red cabbage (traditional German dish) didn’t hurt, either.
Mmmm, I LOVE German style red cabbage! So glad you got to spend the holiday with your family!
You look pretty, oh so pretty! π And it’s great to hear that you had such an awesome weekend with your family π Aaaaaaand that you made out like a bandit with that camera! Holy.wow that was a sweet deal… I guess if there was ever a good time for Bertha to go, this was definitely it.
Aww, thanks doll! π And I know, right? It was cyber-deal fate! Lol
My vote would be for curled under, but either way you’re beautiful!
And I ADORE deviled eggs – this recipe is being pinned immediately! My entire family is obsessed; one of my uncles makes them for every holiday/family gathering and they’re always the first things gone.
Same here…they’re ALWAYS the first to go…IF they even make it to the table! Lol I swear I have no idea how people can say they don’t like deviled eggs…or egg yolks even! Wha?!
Your hair looks gorgeous either way! π
Also reading magazines with the Food Network on = my idea of perfection! That’s always what I do when I need a low key night in.
Also umm can you say sweet deal on the camera!? Wow I wish I’d waited to buy my new camera until I saw that sale!
You ARE pretty!
And you are BEAUTIFUL! …I’m still jealous of that hair! π
You are gorgeous girl! Doesn’t it feel nice to be in real clothes and not in scrubs every now and again??
I need a DSLR camera, but I can’t decide what to get. I need to pick your brain sometime!
Amen sistah!! It’s nice to be comfy at work, but sometimes a girl just wants to feel pretty!
Yeah I read that same spread in People, and I could read/see it again. Man is sexy, and I’m digging the eggs with the ricotta. Genius!
Isn’t dress up fun? I get yo do it every day, and I love it because it allows me to indulge my shoe fetish. Your hair looks great in both shots, but if you are forced me to chose, I’d go with the flipped out. Either way, you’re a hottie. Too bad Channing is taken.
Oh Meghan, how I love thee! I like it both ways too, but I do think that flipped out is more “fun”! I already have a problem when it comes to shoes…mostly sandals and sneakers…but I can’t even IMAGINE what my closet would look like if I actually had an excuse to shop for heels!!! π
I LOVE deviled eggs too! I just made some hard-boiled eggs for tomorrow, maybe I’ll devil them!
Flip that hair!
[It’s beautiful both ways. :)]
What a clever idea! I’ll have to try this next time I’ve got bunches of eggs *and* ricotta.