Since I’m feeling a bit rusty with the whole blogging thing after my little break, how about you guys give me a free pass and I just jump in on Amanda’s link up with some Thursday randomness? Yeah? Sound good? Can we get started now?
1a. How…seriously HOW could this be my LAST cookies & cream Quest bar? 1b. And why did it have to be chocked FULL of chunks that made me want to run to the computer and order five thousand boxes even though I have a million other bars I need to eat? 1c. How’s that for a good run-on sentence that’s not really a sentence at all since it started with a fragment? 😉
2a. Why did I honestly think these were going to tasted the way I imagined? For the record, they taste like butter…straight up BUTTER! 2b. Maybe they shoulda called ’em Paula Dean-os? 2c. Am as funny as I sometimes think I am?
3a. Do you think having FIVE different bags of coffee open at once is a bit much? 3a. Or the fact that I practically drooled all over myself after I spotted a few of these babies at Publix the other day? 3b. Who’s with me in the fact that life is totally unfair since my store only carries THREE out of all those flavors they have?
4a. How many trips to the park, weird glances from strangers, and bugs up my nose do you think it’ll take to get my flexibility back after being out the yoga studio for nearly three months? 4b. Would the extra protein from the bugs be enough to be considered a post-workout supplement? 4c. DID YOU SEE CARLY EAT A BUG?? 😯
5a. How AMAZING is this sunset? 5b. Does it make you think of my favorite Portugal. The Man song? 5c. Did you know that I’m going to fall at their knees at Loufest this weekend??
Oh and speaking of the festival…? 😉
6a. Did you know Glass Animals is gonna be there? 6b. Have you HEARD this song? 6c. Is it crazy that since I found it two weeks ago, I’ve played it about three times a day EVERY day??
7. Did you know I have this weird thing about ending lists with sixes?
Now I think it’s time I passed the torch…give ME some questions!!
And then hop on over to Spoons and show our hostess a little love! 😀

The whole cookie dough oreo thing could totally draw me in to buy a pack to try except that I HATE butter and you’re not the first person I’ve heard that from. No, thank you!
I don’t think 5 open bags of coffee is strange at all! That would be like saying that having 7 jars of AB is strange… which everyone knows is completely normal 😉 And be grateful that you HAVE at least 3 of those flavours! I’ve never seen them up here in Canadaland, and you can call me all sorts of jealous. I guess I’ll just have to stick to my vanilla Kcups from Bux… which I thought were fabulous until now 😛
Gurrrrl, you’re gettin’ it with the backbend. If I saw you doing that in the park I’d probably be jealous and/or want to be your best friend.
Ugh, those Oreos. How sad. I’m glad you did the dirty work though, so I don’t have to.
Well ya know…whenever I can sacrifice myself for you, m’dear! 😉 Aww, miss you! xoxo
I don’t even remember the last time I ate Oreos… weird! I don’t know I’d ever try that flavor though lol. The mint ones were always my favorite. Next to the double stuffed. Duh.
I picked up a pack of Cookie Dough Oreos when I was in the States, and I know what you mean with the butter-tasting thing…I like them, but not exactly like Cookie Dough!
Cookie dough Oreos? This just gets crazier EVERY YEAR!
That wheeeeeel in the park!! Love the pic!!
Oh, don’t worry about 4566 open coffee bags. I have 8! open nutbutter jars. I seriously stand in front of my pantry every day not knowing in which I want to stick my spoon 🙂
Haha! I used to have the same problem back when I had a good 10-12 open at once! I’m actually quite proud of myself for only having ONE jar of coconut butter and ONE jar of peanut butter at the moment! Lol
I looooove Glass Animals!!!! I heard them on XM and nearly wrecked my car. Of course, now they’ve played the song 45489575895769 times…
You and that car! Be careful lady! And seriously…why do we not trade music more often?! Have you heard of Little Hurricane? They’re my most recent find!
Hmm… those oreos are interesting, I like the taste of butter but more on bread and less on cookies. My goal this fall/winter is to staring doing yoga, so hopefully we can both progress with our flexibility. Have fun this weekend!
If you’re strange for having 5 bags of coffee open, then I’m strange for having at least 8 jars of almond or seed butter open right now. Either we’re both normal or we’re both strange. Hmm, I wonder which one it is. 😉
Hmmmmm…such a conundrum! 😆 Oh and you should know that I saw soy nut butter on sale at the store yesterday and I’ve been kicking myself since for not bringing some home with me…fingers crossed it’s still there when I go by tomorrow! #foodieproblems? 😉
….is it bad that I really need to try those oreos purely because they taste like straight up butter? Carly eating the bug was the best thing ever so now we can totally go on protein dates.
I have to admit, there is a big difference between Cookies n Cream bars as a whole box VS the single ones. I’m converted.
Haha! The addiction is real! I’m seriously thinking about doing some sort of undercover investigation to prove that Quest does in fact put crack-like substances into their bars. If you’d like to join me, I’m pretty sure we could swindle a nice little blackmail deal where we each get a lifetime supply…and they must agree to finally make a damn birthday cake flavor already! Lol