Category Archives: Running

Music Monday: The Workout Edition

Hey guys! I hope everyone is having a fantastic end to the holiday weekend! And for all my international friends out there, don’t be too jealous…I have to work today too! So, I’ve been getting all kinds of itches lately and I feel … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Running, Workouts | Tagged , , | 23 Comments

Good Thing I’m Not an Egg

Hey guys! So on Wednesday, I put in for Thursday off…and then I kept it a secret. Wanna know why? Because since the moment my feet hit Tennessee soil after my EPIC weekend at Blend, things have been NON-STOP! I … Continue reading

Posted in Personal, Running, Workouts | Tagged , | 19 Comments

Things Up to Thursday

Hey boos! So, by the looks of the comments on yesterday’s post, not a single person celebrated National Fro-Yo Day with me?! Well, as long as you’re not vegan, you BETTER be celebrating this weekend: I’m trying my best, but … Continue reading

Posted in Food Holidays, Running | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments