A Belated Birthday for My Beefcake!

Hey you guyssssss!

I just want to say the comments from Monday’s post have me smiling till it hurts. I’m so happy to hear that the emotions I feel are coming through in my words. Hopefully, when you leave the blog you’ll come away with a little buzz of sorts.

I also hope that all the lovey dovey-ness (I’m so making that a word) isn’t too gag-worthy because I’ve got more to share today. Since Jason’s birthday was last Friday and I totally FAILED as a girlfriend without a plan, a card, or even a gift (just because you pay for two-day delivery, doesn’t always mean you will get it in two days when it’s something that has to be assembled first…DOH!), I decided to do my best to make up for it Monday night.

Jason and the girls had spent the day with his family while I slept and were due home around dinnertime. So after a quick run to the store for all my ingredients, I set to work on a special dinner and then sent him this text…

Happy Birthday Jason

Ohhhhh, the anticipation! 😀

I’ve known for a lonnnnng while now that Jason is a big fan of shepherd’s pie so a few months ago, I set out on a world-wide [web] search for the best recipe out there…that wouldn’t immediately clog our arteries. Although I was a bit suspicious, I finally decided on a recipe I found from Rachel Ray (sorry, but I’ve never been a fan). With a couple of substitutions and a LOT of patience (30 minute meal, my ass!), I had one HELL of a dinner ready not long after the three of them walked in the door!

Shepherd's Pie - Before

Also, can we stop to appreciate the fact that there was a decent serving of vegetables crammed in there as well? I meant to add some mushrooms, but with three pans going at once (yeah, it was crazy), it kinda slipped my mind.

Shepherd's Pie

The final product was a perfectly crisp and brown top with warm comforting goodness inside. Everyone loved it and they ALL asked for seconds!

Little Helpers

While the pie was doing its thing in the oven, I got the girls to convince their daddy to hang out in the living room and read while we snuck back into the kitchen to work on dessert. Jason, like me, isn’t a big sweets person, but I was able to weasel out of him that he really likes tiramisu!

I found this recipe in one of my Cooking Light cookbooks for White Russian Tiramisu. Instead of adding kahluah, we subbed in some coffee creamer. The girls did a great job working together to measure ingredients and then helped me layer everything into the pan. They were rewarded with cream cheese-covered spatulas.

Making Tiramisu

Since it had to chill in the fridge for a couple of hours and I wasn’t about to have a houseful of caffeinated people at 10 o’clock at night, we decided to save it until the next day…for breakfast! 😉


The flavor was fantastic! A little too sweet for me (not a big surprise) and a little too grown-up for the girls (again, not a big surprise), but Jason liked it just fine and well, that’s all that really matters, isn’t it? 😀

And as for the boy’s belated birthday gift?

Jason's Birthday Print

I ordered this print (which I bookmarked from deviantart.com MONTHS ago after we found it on a random Google search) and had it matted and framed through the site for a pretty good price. After breakfast, we headed to the movies!

Family Movie Date

And saw Jurassic World in 3D! Jason and the girls had marathoned the previous films over the weekend and all had differing opinions on which of the four movies they liked best. I thought the movie was decent, but feel like you just can’t beat the first one! Besides, it IS the movie that made me want to be an archeologist when I grew up…till I found out that most of them end up in libraries and museums!

What (non-cake) dessert would YOU choose for your birthday?

Name one thing you wanted to be when you grew up?

Posted in Friday Fun, Recipe Review | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Meow I’m Feeling Marvelous!

What uhhhhhhp?!

Promise I’m still alive! Last week just kinda took off and damn, the next thing I knew, it was time for my weekend at work and then wouldja look at that? it’s Monday again! I know most of you dread Mondays, but after being stuck at the hospital for the last three days, I’m ready to be reunited with my little family. So…since I don’t get to see them until I get a little shut-eye today, I’m gonna use this rare quiet time at work (shhh, our little secret) to reminisce over our first full week of summer break!

Last week was absolutely awesome. I swear I fall more in love with these girls every day. But even so, it always takes me a couple of days to slide into “mommy mode” and get used to the constant go-go-go life without loosing track of a few of my marbles.

Me & Jason - Meow

Knowing that, I called upon the power of the kitty for strength. 😆

I should’ve known that mine and Jason’s accidentally matching kitty shirts would prove to be a good omen for the week. We picked the girls up on Monday night, enjoyed a nice dinner at Crackel Barrel (am I the only one who says that?), and then made our way back home while the those two little girls proceeded to get cracked out on old-fashioned candy they suckered their dad into buying them.

After a full day of running errands that included stops at TJ Maxx for summer clothes, Olive Garden for ALL THE BREADSTICKS, and Lowe’s for what would’ve been Heather’s herb garden before she got overwhelmed and walked out (read: marbles misplaced), we decided it’d probably be best to relax for the rest of the night…


And relax we did. Hours spent in the backyard lounging in front of the fire pit, listening to music, telling stories and of course…

S'mores with the Girls

Making s’mores! I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I enjoy MAKING s’mores much more than eating them (don’t hate), so I am now, happily, the designated S’mores Putter Together-er. 😉

Gym Selfie

The next morning, I got the chance to sneak away for a little gym time while everyone else slept off  their chocolate hangovers. A little cardio, a little weights, and a good cleansing sweat sesh in the sauna and I was back and feeling better than ever!

I can see now that this was the turning point in the week for me because after that, the hustle and bustle felt more like an ebb and flow and the rest of the week just carried me away!

Taco Salad

There were big family meals…

Tiger Lilies

Walks around the neighborhood…


Drippy watermelon faces…

Jason's Birthday Cards

And someone had a birthday! 😀

Along with playtime with the cousins, a baseball game played in their uncle’s garage, a night spent giggling while recording ninja moves on slow-mo, and my favorite, a dance party that lasted till 3am, just the four of us!

And then, as if my heart couldn’t get any bigger, the girls surprised me with a call while I was at work Saturday night just to tell me they missed me. This weekend has been TOO long! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta find a way to get some sleep so I can have an even more MARVELOUS time this week!


I hope you all have a fantastic Monday! Be sure to head over to Healthy Diva Eats, give Katie a little love, and check out all the link ups for the day!

What’s your favorite summer activity?

Can anyone guess how old Jason is?

Posted in MIMM | Tagged , , , , , | 8 Comments

Thinking Out Loud: All Over the Place!

What up, chitlins?

Please don’t look too far into that greeting. It’s early and I can’t always be held responsible for the words that come out of my mouth before coffee. But just a peek into the window of my warped little mind would tell you that chitlins = children = sometimes I say “hey kiddos!” So yeah, now it toooooootally makes sense, right? Moving on!

I wasn’t really sure if I’d post today, but being as Jason and I get the girls on Monday for the start of their summer break, I didn’t want to leave you guys hanging for too long. You might…get lonely. Here, have a picture so you don’t forget what I look like…

Gym Selfie

Gym selfie: I don’t sweat, I sparkle! 😉

So, since the start of the summer of chaos…FUN! I mean FUN, is about to begin, this week’s been pretty mellow, but that doesn’t mean it’s been anything short of amazing.

On Monday night, Jason and I met up with some friends (whom we haven’t seen in MONTHS) at one of our old favorites, Pbody’s! Now, even though this place serves up some killer (and free) house-made chips with every meal, the last time we visited, I wasn’t too impressed with my entrée salad so I have to admit that I wasn’t expecting much this time. Boy, was I wrong!

Pbody's Monterrey Chicken

I ordered the Monterrey Chicken which is topped with sautéed mushrooms and onions and melty Jack cheese and served over rice pilaf along with some steamed broccoli and a house salad and was totally blown away by BOTH! For a house salad, the toppings were great: bits of ham, bacon, cheese, and RIPE tomatoes and as for the entrée, everything was cooked to perfection. Jason ordered the Chicken Parm and I have to say, the bite I ninja’d was pretty darn tasty. Also? Two baskets of chips were harmed during this dinner. 😉

Premier Jewelry Bracelet

On Tuesday, I went by my mom’s and picked up my Premier Jewelry order from the party she hosted a couple of weeks ago . I wasn’t really sure about the bracelet I ordered at first (I’m really not much of a jewelry person) , but after a couple of days of wearing it,
I’m now in love.


Later that day, Jason and I decided to go for a walk at the park down by the river. We don’t go to this one much because it can be pretty windy and even on pretty days can feel kinda chilly, but this was the perfect day. After he humored me and my little mushroom photo-shoot, we found ourselves walking right past the back entrance to Pbody’s and started joking about how we should go in and get chips and drinks.

Pbody's DrinksSo that’s exactly what we did! I ordered the Strawberry Lemonade (which I swear tasted like freakin Koolaid) and he got the Electric something-or-other which I found oh so amusing that it came out in a girlier glass than mine! And seriously…those chips?


Yesterday, we took another walk…this time without a happy hour intermission, but it was just as much fun. You don’t realize how much you lose interaction when you sit in front of the TV together ya know? And? Since my clutz-burger self is always watching where I put my feet, I found a little friend! Is it just me or do you just not see as many snails these days? For obvious reasons I had to harass the poor thing all paparazzi-style. 😉


Then I took a little “me” time and drooled on myself for TWO WHOLE HOURS! I decided to discontinue my Massage Envy membership since I’m not really making it in as regularly as I’d like and I could kinda use the money to go elsewhere this summer (we’re thinking about taking the girls to the beach!). Wouldn’t ya know this, the final massage of my year and a half long membership would be the best on yet!

And the day just got better after that becaaaaaaaause…

S'mores Oreos

I found the cookie of my DREAMS!!!

Seriously you guys, last week, I drug Jason ALL OVER TOWN looking for these little bastards. We went to five stores in two days and came home with nothing. Then, just as soon as I give up, I walk into Wal-Mart and BAM, a freaking wall of them! The graham flavored cookie and the marshmallow/chocolate swirl filling is spot.on! So worth the wait!


Meow, if you’ll excuse me, there is something else that I’m sure will be worth the wait…we’ve been waiting for months to see Lexie perform in the musical Cats and today is THE DAY! Ohh, do you see what I did there?


Be sure to hop on over to Spoons and see what it is everyone else is thinking on and out loud today! I’ll see ya on the flip-side! xoxo

Name three places you’ve been this week!

What’s the best thing you’ve eaten lately?

Posted in Restaurant Review, Thinking Out Loud | Tagged , , , , , , | 16 Comments