July: Swimming, Sweets, and Swelling with Love

Friends, amigos, freunde, amis…how are you??

I hope you are all doing well and having a fantastic summer! I’m sorry again for not being around much this month, but I know you guys understand. When you get five weeks out of the entire year to spend with your kids, you have to make the most of it. I always bring bulk bottled water for my kids after they play sport to keep them hydrated.

Duck Selfie

If the girls have had HALF the amount of fun I’ve had this summer, I know Jason and I have done something right!

Current Confession:

Number of times I’ve been to the gym: eight. Total amount of time spent in the gym: three and a half minutes. Explanation: I recently discovered that the hospital reimburses $75 a quarter on gym memberships if you go at least eight times each month. Thoughts: I may be sticking it to the man this month without a problem with my conscience but I can’t WAIT till I can get back in the gym regularly again!

Current Book:

Summer Books

When you have a twelve year-old bookworm sniffling, laughing, and wanting to talk about all the stuff in the books she’s been reading lately, there comes a time when you can no longer stand the curiosity. And well heck, I figured if I’m cruising through the kids books lately, I might as well finally get around to reading the Harry Potter books. Yep, it’s been almost twenty years since the first book was published and I’m just now reading it.

Current Music: 

This.entire.album.ROCKS! Zedd may look like a twelve-year-old, but he knows a thing or two about mixing up a sick beat! Also, I love music videos that make you think.

Current Guilty Pleasure:


The self-proclaimed Oreo taste tester strikes again! Do not question why Oreo filled a cookies and cream cookie with cookies and cream filling. Just get your booty to Kroger and BUY THESE THINGS! You can thank me later.

Current Entertainment:

Fat Hands Mickey

If my pictures didn’t make my point in this post, perhaps this and the confession that the made up song that went along with it has been in my head for nearly TWO WEEKS will help you better understand. Lol

Current Wish/Needs:

More time. Strike that. FREEZE time! I never want this summer to end!

Current Food:

PizzaBreakfast BuffetGolden Oreo Truffle

I think it’s safe to say this has been the summer of indulgence. Between the pizza, buffet dinners, and cookies in any form or fashion (including but not limited to truffle-ized golden Oreos), I’ve hit an all time high this month…as in my waistline. Like I said, it’ll be nice to get back in the gym again.

Current Drink:

Beachaven Wine

While this month has basically been fueled by coffee, I had to share my newest wine discovery. We took the girls and met up with some friends for “DJ on the Dock” at the local winery a couple of weeks ago where they do a family friendly music night and discounts on all their wine. We got bottles for buy one get one half off while the kids played life-size Jenga. It was awesome.

Current Triumphs:

Summer Selfie with the Besties

The besties and I made a promise a couple of weeks ago that we would get all the kids together this summer and do something fun and…WE DID IT! Seven hours in the pool with seven kids, one diving board, ten water guns, five kinds of cookies, and an unlimited supply of good music? Yep, I’d say we had a good time. 😀

Current Bane of Existence:

The realization that my old body has a hard time keeping up after seven hours in the pool with seven kids, one diving board, and ten water guns. Needless to say much ibuprofen was needed the following day.

Current Blogger Crush:

I think it goes without saying that I have nothing for this entry this month.

Current Indulgence:

Jewelry Selfie

I’m a firm believer in the old adage “the little things matter” and right now, my little things are shiny and sparkly. Not long after receiving my first Premier Jewelry order last month, I’ve considered myself a convert. This normally non-jewelry-wearing gal over here is now trying to figure out exactly how many pieces is too many pieces when accessorizing an outfit. In other words, I’ve created a monster…a cute red-headed green-eyed on who looks to have some fashion sense. 😉

Current Blessing:

Flowers from the Girls

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t realize how lucky I am to have two little girls who accept me into their lives and love me just as much as I love them. And the fact that they surprise me at work with flowers with a card written in a code that only our little family understands just makes me melt inside.

Current Outfit:

As shown in the several selfies scattered throughout this post. Whenever I’m not sporting the shiny and sparkly, I’m splashing around in my sweetest swimsuits.

Current Excitement:

I have this weekend off and get the girls ALL to myself! The current plan is to whip up a batch of macaroons and homemade popsicles and Brook is now trying to talk me into making huge peanut butter cups. My pancreas is crying for mercy.

Current Link:

See this Instagram post to see our vote!

Current Mood:

Sugar wasted? 😉

What is your current favorite sweet treat?

Am I the only one who’s never read/seen Harry Potter?

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Summer Snapshots

Hiya peeps!

What’s up? How ya been? Am I missing much? Sorry to be MIA this month, but honestly there is just NO TIME! We’re shaking things up this summer and finally getting to do stuff we’ve been talking about for half a year. The summer to-do list is getting smaller and smaller while our smiles get bigger and bigger.

Banana Faces

Kinda like these little cuties Brook left for me a couple of weeks ago. Well, maybe not the fangy one…but in his defense, it was daylight when I took this picture. 😉

Minion Movie

There’s been another trip to the movies…made cheaper this time by going during the discount time (4:00-5:30pm at the mall!). Oh and just so you know, the Minions Movie was AWESOME! I about fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard toward the end. 😀

Duck Selfie

There’s been trips to the pool. And when the Jason’s apartment’s pool was closed for stupid maintence…


A day at the river!


Complete with a park picnic…


And some fun on the man-made beach!

I was so excited to take the girls to the Cheatham Dam. I have so many memories from when I was a kid and it made me so happy to see them have so much fun that day.

Chucke Cheese

There’s also been a trip to Chucke Cheese where I remembered just how much I suck at skeeball, battled some pirate zombies with Jason, and had some surprisingly tasty pizza for lunch.

Pie Five Pizza

And then pizza for dinner at our new favorite place, Pie Five! Luckily for me, these guys share my undying love and devotion for pizza.

But even with all that running around, there has been a fair share of fun at home too!

Peanut Butter Pancakes

There’s been peanut butter pancakes…adorned with M&M’s and later drowned in cocoa-laced syrup.


There’s been late night juice toasts…

Family Game Night

Several hands of Uno…

Chalk Flower

Chalk murals on the patio…

Chalk Man DeathAnd homicides in the driveway. 😆


There’s been breath-taking sunsets…

Family game nights…


Campfires (with s’mores of course)…

Family Rave Night

And a late night rave party in the kitchen!
FYI: a few highlighters and a black light can provide HOURS of fun!

Now you have to excuse me, for ten more days at least. I’ve got more fun on the agenda and it’s not gonna wait around for long. I can’t believe we only have two more weeks of summer left!

What has been the highlight of your summer thus far?

 Have you seen the Minions Movie yet?

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June: Rapunzel, Pizza, and Poison


Don’t hate me, but I actually wasn’t going to post today…BUT THEN I realized that it’s the last day of June and if I didn’t get this currently post up, I was going to hate myself…and end up bombarding you with millions of pictures for my next post…which I may end up doing anyway. You don’t mind, right?

So this summer has been FLYING by! The girls have kept Jason and me running and dancing and laughing and yeah, we’re having a blast! Also, I think at some point they slipped some Miracle Grow in my morning coffee because…

Long Hair Selfie

Holy Rapunzel Hair! Guess I’ll be breaking out the selfie stick before too long if I want all of it to fit in the frame of my pics, huh? 😉

Current Book:

Game of Thrones Box Set

I’m still making my way through A Game of Thrones…only 100 pages left to go! And to think, I let it intimidate me for so long. To celebrate my bookworm victory, I gifted myself with this book set last week. Ain’t they purrrrrdy?

Current Music:

In addition to the ten songs I gave you earlier this month for my summer playlist, (which, by the way, was my 1000th post!!!) you can go ahead and add this one too. I have to say I haven’t liked anything by Madonna in a lonnnnng, but this is just too damn catchy.

Current Guilty Pleasure:

Gym Selfie

I’ve realized in the last few weeks that if I’m going to maintain any form of sanity, I have to get in some sweat therapy at least every 3-4 days. To do this, I’ve been sneaking out of the house on the mornings I wake up first and scooting off to the gym for a bit. I usually make it home in time to feed the clan as they shuffle into the kitchen with bed head…Jason included. 😉

Current Entertainment:

Since the summer days (and a lot of the nights) have been sweltering, we’ve been forced to keep our fun indoors and since we can’t really afford to drop $100 for dinner and a movie every week, there has been many a movie night at home along with coloring, board game playing, and fort building…that last one being my favorite.

Current Wish/Needs:

To shave my legs…but I can’t…because they’re covered with poison ivy blisters! Wahhhhhhhhhhh!

Current Food:

Chicken HelperPersonalized Pita PizzasHamburger & AsparagusBreakfast Burritos

I have to say I’m a bit impressed with myself for cooking more at home this summer. I’ve taken a couple of semi-homemade shortcuts with spruced up Chicken Helper (added chickpeas and veggies) and personalized pita pizzas, but those burgers and breakfast burritos (complete with BACON) were alllllllll me!

 Current Drink:

Strawberry Smoothie

Current Triumphs:

One of the hardest things to do is to get Jason and the girls out the door and somewhere we have to be ON TIME, but a couple of weeks ago when we went over to my parent’s house for lunch, I got us there with FIVE MINUTES to spare! Never mind the fact that I had to start the process two and a half hours before we walked out the door. Lol

Current Bane of Existence: 

Sick - Meds

No one likes being sick, but try being sick in the middle of summer vacation! After about five days of self-medicating, I finally gave up and went to the doctor. He told me I had one of the worst sinus/ear infections he’s ever seen. I got TWO shots in the butt AND a round of antibiotics. I’m feeling a lot better than I was, but I still can’t hear well out of my left ear. To top it off, last Saturday while I was mowing the lawn, I got into some poison ivy. It’s bad. Somebody shoot me.

Current Blogger Crush:

Alright, so I know she was just featured back in January, but I’m gonna have to remind you guys about the love, adoration, and this time a little jealousy I have for Miss Snack Therapy Carly. Have you guys SEEN her new apartment?! I’ve lived in my house for over four years now and still don’t know what I’m doing with the place. Come over and decorate for me, my love? I’ll let you raid the cheese drawer in the fridge as payment! 😀

Current Indulgence:


Ooey gooey melty CHEEEEEESE! Yep, pizza has been on the menu more than a couple of times a week this summer. Sometimes of the personalized pita variety, sometimes of the frozen variety,  and sometimes of the smack-yo-mama-good variety at a new pizza place in town!

Current Blessing:

I’ve all but said this before, but…motherhood. These two little girls may not “be” mine, but they ARE mine and always will be. And there’s your monthly dose of sappiness. 😉

Current Outfit:

Leggings On the days where I want to feel a little more put together (read: something other than workout clothes), I just open up the Leggings Drawer and take my pick. Yeah, there is officially a “Leggings Drawer” now. I haven’t decided if it’s admirable or embarrassing how many pairs I own.

Current Excitement:

Chutes & Ladders

I always wanted a family game night when I was little, but since my parents worked opposite schedules, it never really worked out, but thanks to the unforgiving heat (?) we’ve been having game nights…and days and afternoons all summer! Confession: This was my first time EVER playing Chutes & Ladders!

Current Link:


Current Mood:


Now I’m off to do some meal planning, fix a smoothie, and slather myself in copious amounts of calamine lotion…definitely NOT all in that order!

What has been your “current indulgence” this month?

How have you been enjoying the summer? Any cool (temperature AND wow factor) ideas for fun activities?

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