Music Monday: The Summer Playlist Edition

And just like that…

It’s freakin’ JUUUUUUUUNE!

Holy hell, where is the time goin? Like seriously, wasn’t it just…January, or February, or some month where I wouldn’t shut up about the cold? Ha. I guess I’ll have to start complaining about the heat here pretty soon because umm yeah, curly hair and southern humidity do.not.mix!

Anyway, here I was like WHAAAP, smacked in the face with a calendar this morning when all of a sudden (could’ve been the whapping), I was like “Ohhhh, I make a playlist for the summer!” Translate that into, check all my Spotify playlists to see what I’ve been adding lately and then WAM BAM, combine them into one killer playlist! Whew, things are getting a little violent today, huh? Guess we better just focus all this extra energy (what can I say, good music gets me excited!) into some booty shaking…’cause this little collection of tunes is gonna have you kickin off those flip-flops and movin’ to the beat!

Summer Playlist

[original source]

Note: Songs are listed in no particular order…because I have ADD! 😉

1. Where Are U Now (feat. Justin Beiber) – Jack U

2. Somebody – Natalie La Rose

Can we just take a second to appreciate the throwback to the days of my youth in this video?! Ahhh, bring back the 90’s! 😀

3. Talking Body – Tove Lo

4. Worth It (feat Kid Ink) – Fifth Harmony

5. Hey Mama (feat. Nicki Minaj) – David Guetta

I know Katie will be pleased to see this made the cut. HOW many times have you hit repeat on this one now? Yup, I’m just as guilty! 😆

6. Nobody Love – Tori Kelly

7. Love Me Like You Do – Ellie Goulding

8. Wild Eyes (feat. RAVVEL) – Broiler

Relax. Close your eyes. And allow that sexy sax to seduce you! 😉

9. Cardiac Arrest – Bad Suns

10. Reflections – Misterwives

And that’s the TOP TEN songs on my playlist for the summer…or at least for right now. Give me another month and it’ll probably all be different. Well, except for Misterwives. I’ve had that album on repeat since I saw them in Nashville and? They’re gonna be at LOUFEST this September! Which I bought tickets for just a couple of weeks ago. Yep, I had so much fun last year, I’m going again. Wonder if my liver will survive this time around? 😉

What songs are getting you pumped for summer?

Posted in Music Monday | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

May: Blends, Balance, and Blessings

Hello there, my pretties!

Is it just me or has this month FLOWN by?! I mean, it seems like just yesterday I was breathing in the mountain air and now here it is, almost time for new month to start…which meeeeeeeans it’s time for another Currently post!

Sock Bun Selfie

First and foremost, I gotta give my girl Kait a shout out for teaching me how to rock my socks…in my hair! With the Tennessee humidity already increasing, I’m pretty sure this will be my look for summer.

Current Book:

I’m still powering my way through the first Game of Thrones book and I have to say I’m pretty proud of myself for making it a quarter of the way through in only a couple of weeks. I usually have a hard time reading a book after watching the movie (show, in this case), but even though I know what’s going to happen, I’m still flipping pages like a mad woman!

Current Music:

I have been ALL OVER THE PLACE with my music lately. Rocking out Misterwives, Alt-J, Borgore, and even Justin Beiber…though I will save face and tell you it’s the awesome beat from Skrillex/Diplo I’m more interested in!

Current Guilty Pleasure:

May Current Guilty Pleasure - Snapchat

I think I’d have to go with harassing my closest friends on Snapchat on a daily basis…it only seems to further my selfie addiction. 😉

Current Entertainment:

Umm, guys? I may need a social media intervention soon. Instagram, “I just can’t quit you!” Lol. But seriously, since I did a little following purge and dropped about 100 people out of my feed, I’m seeing all the stuff I WANT to see now…to include all the fun posts from my fellow Blends!

Current Wish/Needs:

Ohhh, I’m keeping this my little secret for now. You know what they say, if you tell it, it won’t come true. 😀

Current Food:

Salad with Protein ChipsI love the fact that when I look at my photos from the last month, the food pictures are all over the place! There’s been delicious homemade enchiladas, pizza, oatmeal, bagels, sandwiches, cereal, sushi, and even more yet I seem to always come back to my veggie-loving ways…or as Jason calls it, my “rabbit food”. Ha!

Current Drink:

Barnie's Coffee

Oh coffee, how do I love thee? Not this particular flavor so much, but still, your warmth every morning envelopes me like passionate embrace. How lucky I am to have such a dark and handsome love AND a boyfriend who’s pretty hot too. 😉

Current Triumphs: 

I think yesterday’s post really says it all. I still can’t help but find my new state of “normal” a bit surreal. Like, wow, I finally made it. It’s crazy how everything seemed to fall right into place the minute I stopped obsessing about it all.

Current Bane of Existence:

Mama Bird Strikes AGAIN!!

Godd@#* Motherf@%&ing B!tch BIRD!

Current Blogger Crush:

Kait. And not just because she picked me up from the airport in Colorado, gave me a place to stay, and let me love on her adorable little polar bears…I mean PUPS! No, since coming back from Blend, I feel like our friendship has grown immensely and I couldn’t be more grateful. Love you girlie!

Current Indulgence:

Wine Fest Loot

I Heather Powers, do solemnly swear NOT to buy any more wine for the next…year. Oh wow, a whole year? Don’t you think that seems a bit long? What if there’s a sale? What if the apocalypse comes? What if I start using the bottles as weights? I do need to work on these sexy baby biceps I got over here. 😉

Current Blessing:

May 2015 Current Blessings

Family, friends, love, laughter. I really do feel like I’m the luckiest girl alive!

Current Outfit:

Gym Selfie - Soybu Leggins

Confession: Though it’s been two weeks since I decided to overhaul my wardrobe and embrace my inner hippie, I’ve spent the majority of the month in work out clothes, but hey, at least I’m getting good use out of my new kicks. See them? Also, I’m LOVING my new workout bottoms from Blend. They don’t call them “killer caboose” leggings for nothing! 😉

Current Excitement:

Well, how about in ONE week and THREE days, Jason and I will have those cute little monkeys up there for a WHOLE MONTH?! And I only thought I had a month of adventures this month. Can’t wait to go swimming, stomp in creeks, cuddle up for movie nights, and whatever else we decide to throw in there! 😀

Current Link:

Killer Caboose Leggings

Current Mood:

GAHHHHHH! <- Is that a mood? 😉

Alright you guys, that’s a wrap! I’ve got places to be and then a bed to crash back into before work tonight. But first, three cheers for getting this 700-word post up in UNDER two hours! Woot woot!

What is your “current” blessing?

What food do you keep coming back to lately?

Posted in Blend Retreat, Currently, Music | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Thoughts on Balance

Happy Thursday everyone!

It’s been a while since you’ve seen a “Thoughts” post here on KMB, huh? Honestly, I’ve been wanting to do this since the day I got back from Blend…there’s just the little trick of getting the words to come out right. As much as I love to talk about anything and everything, these more personal posts are a bit hard for me. But nothing in life worth doing (or saying, in my opinion) comes easy. So, in contrast to the few words I put up Tuesday, now I have some talking to do and as always, stream of consciousness style is just the way to go…so I don’t sit here for hours staring at a blinking cursor.

Thoughts on Balance - ScaleOver the last couple of years, I have been through many ups and downs as I started recovering from a very disordered way of life. I knew this change wouldn’t come overnight, but like I’ve said before, I’m not a patient person and for a while there, I started to think I was well…broken. Now, as I look back to where I came clean about calorie counting and what it had done to my life, I feel like I’m seeing a whole other person.

Me & Jason at the Circle Track

There was no specific turning point. No “ah ha” moment where I felt like the stars aligned and all of a sudden I could be “normal” again. Actually, what I remember most is fighting the extremes to get to where I am today. When Jason and I started dating, I struggled with the transition from only eating my “safe food” to flying by the seat of my pants and having no regard to what was coming next in terms of meals. That didn’t go over so well. I decided somewhere along the way that I was going to eat whatever he did so I wouldn’t seem so “difficult” and so the fast food, chips, and candy binges began.

But that wasn’t the letting go in the way that I needed. It was rebellion. I started to gain weight…more so, I started to “feel” the weight gain and my clothes stopped fitting. Match that up with the fact that I was struggling to get eight hours of sleep each night and you can maybe see the inner turmoil I was going through. In a way though, I needed this. I needed to see how the opposite extreme to dieting would affect both my mind AND my body.

After the first of this year, Jason and I realized we’d gained about 10-15 pounds each since the start of our relationship. We started making plans to walk at the park whenever it was nice outside and then, as it came time for Blend, I started to do more. At first, there was a little voice in the back of my head saying: “oh my god, all these girls are gonna be so fit and there I’m gonna be, the fat slug huffing and puffing in the background”. But I fought that voice. I decided that if I was going to get back in shape, it needed to be for ME and it needed to be FUN!


So I tricked that voice. I started walking at the gym. Just walking. No pressure. Then, when I got bored with that, I moved over to the elliptical. As the days went on and I was able to power through thirty minutes at increasing resistances, I started to feel a sense of empowerment. There is catharsis in a good sweat session. I believe it. I also believe that since turning thirty, I’m more able to recognize that self-sabotaging voice and nip it in the bud.

Before I knew it, I was craving the gym…or some kind of movement daily. Even if it was just a walk around the neighborhood, with the fresh air and the tiny muscle twitches in my legs afterward, the endorphins were there, but at the same time, if there was a day where exercise didn’t fit in the cards, no big deal. At the same time my eating just seemed to fall into place. I made a conscious effort to reach for more whole foods instead of my usual bars, pretzels, and crackers and it wasn’t long before I was feeling good again…while still being able to enjoy some indulgent foods as well. Because let’s face it, a life without pizza is not one I want to live. And then, just like that, my favorite shorts from last summer fit again! No, for real. Here, I’ll take a pic! 😉

Favorite Shorty Shorts

Long story short, that was my mental journey before Blend. So during Blend…
I HAD THE TIME OF MY LIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE! Someone cue the lights, bring Patrick Swayze back from the gave, hand me a pink dress, and just let me SHOW you! And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, we clearly can’t be friends.

But seriously, it’s hard to describe it…the feelings I felt during one of the most amazing weekends of my life. I was surrounded by some of my closest friends in a beautiful setting and I just soaked up every minute of it. Heck, I even had to steal pics from people just so I’d have enough to do my recap post! Nothing got in my way…no voices, no limitations, nothing. And where I used to have a hard time transitioning from “vacation life” to “real life”, none of that has even come up. If anything, since getting back home, I’ve felt MORE motivated to move and laugh and finally just…live!

The balance I never thought I’d have is now mine. Things are falling into place and I’m on cloud nine. Oh yes, I’m proud of myself for just making that rhyme, but I really should go because I’m running out of time. 😉

No questions today, just YOUR thoughts!

Posted in Intuitive Eating, Personal, Thoughts | Tagged , , , , | 23 Comments