Welcome to Kiss My Broccoli
My name is Heather! I'm a southern gal with a passion for food, fitness, and photography...and alliteration if you didn't notice! Here you'll find a mix of random musings, delicious recipes, and hopefully a chuckle or two! Check out my "About' tab to learn more!
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Tag Archives: Game of Thrones
May: The Month of Music & Merriment
And just like that, it’s the FIRST day of June! Wow, how the HECK did I let that happen? I swear I thought we had one more May day left, but well, obviously I was mistaken. Looks like my little “currently” post is … Continue reading
Posted in Currently
Tagged books, Game of Thrones, kombucha, music, pizza, Portugal. The Man, selfie, shopping, yoga, yogurt
Pretty F-ing Marvelous!
Faaaaaa-UCK! HOW is it Monday already?! Sorry I’m not sorry for the abrupt intro, but DAMN! Is it just me or does it feel that the further we get in the year, the shorter the weekends get? Thanks for nothing, Daylight Savings … Continue reading
Posted in MIMM
Tagged cheese, family, flowers, fruit, Game of Thrones, massage, pizza, Southern cooking, walking
Thinking Out Loud: Bits, Pieces, & the Mega-Torch of DEATH!
What up, my peepalicious peeps?! Uh, just go with it. Hey, look at that…it’s Thursday…so I don’t have to make any excuses for the way my mind works! But I do have some pretty crazy bits and pieces floating around in there … Continue reading
Posted in Randomness, Thinking Out Loud
Tagged eggs, Game of Thrones, kombucha, music, nails, shopping, yolkporn