Tag Archives: Game of Thrones

April: The Month of Teeter Tottering

Hey guys!! Wow! Can you belieeeeeeeeve it? The last day of April!?! How in the HECK did that happen? We’ve been pretty lucky this month and have actually had some fan-TASTIC weather, but it seems lately that Mother Nature’s been making up … Continue reading

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In and Out!

Good morning, ma’ dears! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I have to say, mine went by entirely too fast (thanks to that extra shift I picked up on Saturday), but you know what’s great about Mondays? You have the … Continue reading

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Marvelously MY Way!

Happy Monday, friends! I hope you all had an amazing weekend! Unlike last weekend, the weather here was fantastic (I’m talking break out the shorts kind of weather!) so I made sure to make the most of it…and actually, it … Continue reading

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