Tag Archives: scallops

“Falling” Into Good Habits

Hey guys! Well, I’ve already been at it for a couple of days, but now that the long weekend is over, it’s time you guys joined me in getting back to the grind! But don’t dread it…think of it this … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Desserts, Entree, Snacks, What I Ate Wednesday, Workouts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 53 Comments

Beating the Heat

Hey guys! How was everybody’s weekend? You may have noticed the Pancake Queen gave her royal spatula a break (haha, I totally just typed breakfast!) yesterday, although I’ll have you know, Pancake Sunday was still rightfully celebrated…which I’ll get to that … Continue reading

Posted in Entree, Pancake Sunday, Restaurant Review | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Thursday Things: Recipes!

What up peeps? I hope everyone is having a maaaaaaaah-velous week…only one more day and you’ve made it to the weekend! I’m actually already there since last night was my “Friday”…and boy am I glad THAT week is over! I … Continue reading

Posted in Breakfast, Entree, Thursday Things, Vegetarian | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments