Happy Friday everyone! Hope you all had a great week! It’s been a busy one for me at work…feels like it’s taken 193 days for Friday to finally get here. Not sure if it was the anticipation for the weekend in general or knowing since my birthday that my mom was planning a special dinner for me tonight!
I knew I was going to have a good day when I took Heather’s advice and finally made myself some of her delicious and super creamy High Tea Oats.
I was all out of heavy cream so I subbed in 2 Tbsp of coconut milk that I placed in the refrigerator last night. All I did was whip with a beater (no aerolator for me…yet!) until it got fluffy and then poured the oats over top. Then I added in the jam and some unsweetened coconut flakes. I couldn’t believe how creamy they turned out and you were right Heather, the jam adds just enough sweetness!
After a busy…busy…BUSY day at hospital, I headed to my parent’s house to see what mom had in store for me! As soon as I walked in I could smell the nostalgic aromas of my mama’s home-cooking! She definitely knows how to make a girl miss home!
My mom is a busy woman. She doesn’t go all out like this very often so you can imagine my excitement to see this! Pot roast with gravy, roasted potatoes and carrots, roasted yellow squash, and the fluffiest biscuits ever!
Yeah, so I had this with the veggies x 3 AND went back for another biscuit and some gravy for dipping! Mmmm!
But wait, it gets even better! My mom was so excited when she finally found this:
So that she could make THIS:
So warm it even started to melt the candle! Oh, and look, I’m 1 year old! 😉
When I mentioned something about the candle, my mom said, “Well, you’re up to a whole new box now. Why don’t we just stick with one!”
Wow, way to hit a girl when she’s feeling old! THANKS mom! Hahaha!
It was nice sitting around my parent’s dinner table talking and laughing like the good old days. Although they don’t live far away, it’s difficult for all of us to our coordinate schedules. I had a great time tonight! Perfect way to start out my much needed weekend break. Thank you mom, everything was absolutely wonderful!

Sounds like a nice birthday dinner. There certainly is something special about a mom’s cooking, huh? 🙂
There really is Tina! That and sharing a dinner with family!
Ooooo girl, pineapple upside down cake!!!! Love it!
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AHAH we have that cookbook too! SOOO OLD School!
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