I’m So Excited…and I Just Can’t Hide It!

Hello beautiful people! 😀

Let me just take a minute to say that a big, HUGE thank you to all of my loyal readers and to all you newbies out there as well! I came home today to an inbox FULL of comments and I just wanted to let you know that it totally made my day! I swear I had the biggest smile on my face while reading and responding to them! Without you, my little bloggy would just be a little void speck in the world-wide web! I love you guys!

So, some excited things are possibly…maybe…about to happen in my life! I really want to let you guys in on it, but I don’t want to jinx it, so for now you’ll just have to be patient…but I promise, it’s REALLY good stuff! 🙂

Other exciting things that I CAN share with you include my bomb diggity breakfast and dinner!

I FINALLY got around to trying Julie’s famous bagelwich!

Cinnamon raisin bagel thin, Muenster cheese, egg, and sautéed mushrooms (which I can never get enough of) with a side of nanners, steebies, and a little smattering of chias!

I’m sure this would have tasted great on a regular bagel or English muffin, but the sweetness from the cinnamon raisin bagel thin takes it to a WHOLE new level!

Breakfast gets an A+ for Awesomacity!

After work today, I had to partake in some secret, yet to be announced exciting stuff so dinner was a bit late. I need something QUICK…especially since I was about to gnaw my arm off! Hmm, another spaghetti squash dish? I think so!

Cool Peanut “Noodle” Bowl with Sesame Chicken: (serves 1)

  • 1 cup cooked spaghetti squash
  • 2-3 scallions, green and white parts, sliced
  • 3 ounces grilled chicken topped with sesame seeds
  • 3 tablespoons peanut flour
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon Bragg’s liquid aminos (or soy sauce)

1. Whisk the last three ingredients for you peanut sauce (adding more or less milk for           desired consistency).
2. Pour over noodles and sliced scallions and toss to coat.
3. Top with sliced sesame chicken and more scallions.

Doesn’t get much easier than that does it? And holy cow! This was far better than any actual peanut noodle dish I’ve ever had! I definitely need to stock up on some spaghetti squash because I see many more of these quick and easy bowls in my future!

Dinner gets an A+ for Amazeballs!

Alright, howabout a little treat for my fantabulous readers?! This is especially for you Carlee! Another vlog…produced, directed, and performed by moi! Enjoy!

[vimeo 20418987 w=400 h=300]<p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/20418987″>Untitled</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/user6065783″>Heather Powers</a> on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>

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38 Responses to I’m So Excited…and I Just Can’t Hide It!

  1. caitlinoco says:

    LOL nice work! I would never think that it would be hard to do but after many videos of it I believe that it is! And that breakfast looks ridiculously good, since we like so many of the same foods I suspect I will like it =). Have a great weekend!

  2. Mrs. Fish says:

    What a fun vlog.
    Um confession.
    Sometimes I just eat saltines with butter. I’m thinking it’s a habit I picked up from my grandma, kinda like cinnamon sugar doughnuts. 🙂

    • With butter? That’s interesting! Although, in high school, I used to eat them with mustard…or ketchup!

      Tomorrow’s agenda: Buy doughnut pan and make Grandma Fish’s doughnuts. That is all! 😉

  3. Kayla says:

    Ooh, the bagelwich looks super tasty!

    The video isn’t showing up for me!!

  4. Carlee says:

    hahaha! That’s cool! I like that challenge! Thanks for the video! Lovin the voice and your beautiful accent! 🙂

    I need to try Julie’s sandwich with muenster! YUMM.

  5. YOU GO GIRL! Maybe the lack of salt made it easier… or you’re just a badass! 😉

    Look at you, with your secret information, teasing the people like I have been about my own secret goings-on over here… I’ll tell you my possible news if you tell me yours! 😀

  6. That breakfast and those berries just look….delish!!!

    And the vlog…awesome 🙂

    TGIF girlie!

  7. Catherine says:

    Oohhh! Leaving us in suspense! Can’t wait to hear the good news!

  8. lindsay says:

    we love you!! Can’t wait to hear about the good news!!

  9. AHAHAHAH OMG YOUR video just made my day- WATER IS DEFINITELY needed after that!! ALSO- i really wnt to know your news!! you better tell us sometime soon 🙂

  10. BrittFit says:

    loving this post chica…..you breakfast looks delish and the vblog is GREAT!!!

  11. bahahahahahahaahaha

    LOVE IT! I totally would not have been able to eat all 6 in time… or maybe I could? hmmm… I might try when the camera is not rolling though! hehe

    love you! and stop being MIA and go check out your FEATURE, woman! pshh!


  12. annnd i think i’m going to spam. boo

  13. Cait says:

    that looks so awesome 🙂 i love coming home to a full inbox filled with wonderful comment! it turns a bad day to a good day in a matter of sweet minutes! xo love your blog! xo

  14. Anastasia says:

    Your breakfast looks delicious! I love bagel sandwiches in the morning.. I need to make them more often!

  15. Lori says:

    OMG I love that chicken peanut bowl of goodness. Seriously looks and sounds delicious… and oddly kind of like my meal last night. Anyway, yum!!!

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. LOVE vlogs! 😀

    Your fruit salad looks delicious! 😀 Are those poppy seeds sprinkled on top? 🙂


  17. Haha, that is so funny! I need to get some Saltines so I can try this!!

  18. Priyanka says:

    I cannot wait to hear about the exciting news, so happy for you nevertheless. I went to Einstein bros. bagels last friday and asked for the lox sandwich on power bagel which is basically whole grain with cranberries in it (and a little on the sweeter side). The lady at the counter gave me a very suspicious look, but really that combination of saltiness and a hint of sweetness is just amazing. Your bagelwich looks so so good.

  19. Pingback: These Are My Confessions | kissmybroccoli

  20. YAY! Congratulations! I’m very impressed because it sounds easy but saltines are kinda dry especially if you eat them one right after the other.

    Your bagel sandwich has me drooling now I want that as a side to your yogurt bowl! I used to think cinnamon raisin bagel would make a horrible sandwich with items like that but once I tried it I knew I was so wrong…gotta have it!

    • Oh yes, saltines=edible sponges! I swear I downed that whole bottle of water in like 2 minutes after the video!

      I once thought cinnamon raisin bread/bagels always had to be sweet too, until I had a panini with cinn/raisin bread, ham, leeks, and cheese on it! Ohhh, it was fantastic…totally changed my life…well, when it came to sweet breads anyways! 😉

  21. Pingback: Butter Toffee Almond Butter | kissmybroccoli

  22. Pingback: Pancakes and Turnips | kissmybroccoli

  23. janetha says:

    I can’t do the saltine challenge. I have tried tried tried. Failed Failed Failed. The cinnamon challenge, too. Fail.

  24. alison says:

    Ohhhh my!! I have been craving an egg sandwhich since I saw this post and I finally got around to making it. I never thought to put egg on a cinnamon raisin bagel before. Brillant idea I tell you lol. I just had a regular cinnamon raisin bagel (i couldn’t find the thin ones), 1 fried egg, and a slice of swiss cheese. I’m addicted and can’t wait to make it tomorrow. Thanks Heather 🙂

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