My Bloggie’s Too Bootylicious For Ya Babe!

Happpppppppppppppppy Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday!

Is it just me or did today take like 7215 hours to go by?? Maybe it was that I didn’t sleep so hot last night, or that it was 70 degrees outside and I was stuck inside a windowless hospital department all day, or maaaaaaaaaybe it was that 85% of people in this country were off work/school today while I worked, mumbling all the while how crazy it is that hospitals don’t close for holidays! I mean, c’mon…if you have the flu today, I’m SURE you’ll have it TOMORROW! Hmm, well, I guess that wouldn’t work so well for people having a heart attack, or a stroke, or a….ok, nevermind, forget I said anything! *grumble*

Seriously though, I hope all of you that had the day off, enjoyed it and spent it well! How cool that Good Friday and Earth Day fell on the same day this year? Any of you do anything special today? I was really hoping to plant a tree now that I’m in the new house, but I’ll have to get a “raincheck” (haha, get it?) from Mother Earth since my backyard still has to be grated and seeded…yeah, nothing but rocks and dirt out there now! Sooooo attractive! πŸ˜‰

So recently I was tagged by two of my favorite bloggers for the newest award to hit the blogosphere:

ThanksΒ Jenn & Nicole!

So here’s how this works:


1. Post this award with the picture and name whoever tagged you in it
2. Do the STUFF!
3. Award to 7 others and tell them you did so!


1.Β Name 3 things that are lying right next to you
2.Β Name 2 foods you cannot live without
3. Name 1 thing you did today

Alrighty, so here goes! Three things currently taking up space around me:

My iPhone, which I love and would nevah evah have anything different!
Only minus the “drawer cubby” πŸ˜‰

My 1000mL Camelbak bottle
I swear this thing is attached to my hip!

And of course my little punkin head!
Another thing I swear is attached to my hip! πŸ˜‰

Two foods I can’t live without (how sad would my life would be if I did not have):

Salad Beasts

Eggs…better yet, perfectly fried eggs! Ya-ummmm!

Nothing like a warm runny egg yolk!

One thing I did today:

Practiced the art of being a bad example and took my sis to get her nose pierced!

PS, Dad’s gonna kill us! Lol

And ok, I totally know how to count, but something else that was equally exciting today:

Oh yeah! 80 points baby! Read ’em and weep! πŸ˜‰

How sad is it that this was almost the highlight of my day?

Now for the fun part! It’s your turn ladies:

Heather of Heather Eats Almond Butter
Jess of Healthy Exposures
Lori of What Runs Lori
Emilia of Namaste Gurl
Sarena of The Non-Dairy Queen
Christin of Purple Bird Blog
Kate of What Kate is Cooking

FACT, I was totally singing Destiny’s Child the whole time I was typing up this post!

I don’t think you’re ready for this smoothie

I don’t think you’re ready for this tofu

I don’t think you’re ready for this

‘Cause my bloggie’s to bootylicious for ya babe!

Name it: 3 things lying next to you right now!

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32 Responses to My Bloggie’s Too Bootylicious For Ya Babe!

  1. namastegurl says:

    Oh NO! Another award given to me? Hehe, totally just kidding. Luf you girly- thanks so much for the award!
    It’s scaring me how much we’re alike– i have the SAME camelback and go everywhere with it. I also can’t go a day without massive salad beasts and I, too, LOVE runny eggs. Oh boy, I can’t wait for our future times together πŸ™‚
    Happy easter and earth day, friend!

  2. I used to have that camelback! I LOVE it. oh goodness. now I miss it… I need to stop losing/breaking waterbottles πŸ™

    loved this πŸ™‚ esp the song at the end. you are hilarious.

    also your nose-piercing story reminded me of my ear-piercing story… I was 6 months old and left in the care of my two aunts adn grandmother in Brazil while my parents went househunting in Seattle. In Brazil it’s fairly common for infants to get their ears pierced, even IN the hospital. My dad was apparently against it though, so my aunts/grandma took me to get my ears pierced while they were gone… hahaha πŸ™‚


    • Ellie says:

      haha! how funny πŸ˜€ that’s so cool! in Argentina it’s common to get your ears pierced too when you’re just born! I got mine like, 2 days after I was born. The same earrings are stuck to my head. haha just kidding, but I’ve never taken ’em off since. And heather, I hope your dad doesn’t go berzerk!

    • Haha! That’s too funny! Sounds like something my sneaky relatives would do!

  3. Lee says:

    80 point word??

  4. Valerie says:

    what is in that salad beast? it looks delicious!

    • Thanks, it most definitely was! In this particular one there is spinach, leftover cooked bulgur and squash sprinkled with smoked paprika, chickpeas, sweet corn salsa, and cilantro. Most of my salad beasts are a clean out the fridge type! πŸ˜‰

  5. lindsay says:

    Your bootylicious bloggie song just made my morning!

  6. Nice word! Tony and I play scrabble almost nightly and he is way better at it than I am. Which only makes him slightly irritated when I beat him. We have cat twins! Your kitty looks like my cat Luke! He is such a great companion. Thank you for my award! Have a great weekend Heather!

    • Aww, kitty twins separated at birth! Mine can be a little skittish. I found him as a stray and even after 5 years of being with me, he still gets jumpy after sudden movements or noises…it’s sad and funny at the same time!

      You’re very welcome! Hope you and your family have a happy Easter!

  7. AWWWWWEEEE!!!! I absolutely MELTED when I saw your kitty’s face!!!! AWE!!!!

  8. your cat is so pretty!
    -also addicted to words with friends. highest points at one time 103 πŸ˜‰

  9. I need a new water bottle, and I think I shall use my REI dividend check to buy that one.

    Thanks so much for the award. Such an honor coming from my beloved Broccoli Kisser. πŸ™‚ Tell you sister her nose stud looks so cute. I want to get mine pierced again, but I can’t decide. Had it for about 5 or 6 years and just took it out last year. Kind of miss my teeny-tiny stud.

    Love slightly runny egg yolks, especially when warm buttery toast is involved.
    Happy Easter Heather. Hope you get outside today!

    • You’re so welcome! And girl, you should definitely get your little stud back! It would look soooo cute with your pink streak! I love mine!

      And yes, nothing beats a runny yolk with some toast to sop it up! Mmm!

  10. ahhh your sis looks so great with her nose gem!!… yay for the bootylicious award!! i lov seeing it appear over blog world!!>. 3 things.. my phone, my water bottle, my slippers!

  11. You’re a fun big sister, she looks adorable! AHAHAHAHAH I love that song, you are too amazing!
    3 things next to me,
    my stuffed dog
    my salad
    the medal from my race this morning (I’m a dork)

  12. Katie says:

    3 things next to me right now –

    People Style Magazine
    My iphone

    Your sis is pretty like you! How fun you took her, hope your dad does not have a heart attack!

    Happy Easter!!

  13. Vivianne says:

    Your kitty is so pretty! I love that picture (: and your salad beast looks super yummy (;

    3 things: my phone, tea (always!), and some random shoes! (I’m sitting on the floor)

  14. Jenny says:

    I love a perfect fried egg!!
    3 things next to me are my cellphone, remote controller, and a whole foods bag lol

  15. Your cat is adorable! I want a cat, but we can’t have one in the house as my brother is allergic–so sad!

  16. Thanks for tagging me πŸ™‚ Your kitty is SO cute! I’m dying for a cat. I’m allergic, but I would still get one… unfortunately I have a tiny little bird that would probably be a meal for a cat πŸ™ One day I’ll get one!

    • I used to have terrible allergies! If little man gets up in my face too much, my eyes start to water a bit, but I wouldn’t dream of ever getting rid of him! Small price to pay when this level of cuteness is involved! πŸ˜‰

      And I don’t know, if your future kitty is anything like my scaredy cat, you’re birdy would be perfectly safe! Haha!

  17. Thank you for the award… now I have something to post about tonight! πŸ˜‰ Your sister’s nose ring looks super cute… I love mine… definitely my favorite piercing (and I’ve had many!). And SUPER props to that giant WWF (ha, not wrestling!) word!!! I LOVE when that happens!

  18. Pingback: Strawberry-Almond Buckwheat Pancakes | Kiss My Broccoli

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