*movie man voice*
“And now
the moment you’ve ALL been waiting for…
tighten up those bibs folks,
it’s time to get yo drool on!”
So I know most bloggers seemed to have put they’re cake batter lovin’ ideas aside as of late, but when I opened the door to the pantry the other day and spied that open box of cake mix in the wake of a French toast hangover, I was nearly knocked over by a sudden stroke of genius!
Why should oats have all the fun?!
I tinkered around with this recipe for days and this was the ratio that seemed to be the closest to that cake-battery taste I was going for!
Cake Batter French Toast: (serves 1)
- 2 slices soft, whole wheat bread (I used my new favorite)
- 2 whole eggs
- 3-4 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons vanilla protein powder*
- 2 tablespoons yellow cake mix (remember gluten-free mixes are less sketchy)
2. While waiting for skillet to warm up, whisk together eggs, milk, and vanilla.
Now comes the fun part! Icing your “cake”
You can make them rich and decadent with a bit of coconut butter!
Or maybe some banana “frosting”
(1 small ripe banana blended with 1 tablespoon almond milk)
Or you could go for the goods…
the, “I can’t believe it’s not icing” icing!
Creamy Cashew Drizzle: (serves 2)
- 1/8 cup soaked, drained raw cashews
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- unsweetened almond milk as needed to thin (I used a little more than 1 tablespoon)
Combine all ingredients in a mini food processor or magic bullet (smaller is better…TNWSS!) and blend until creamy!
And of course sprinkles are NOT optional! 😉
I am a firm believer in the thought that sprinkles make everything better!
Birthday bash lull…sprinkles!
Boring plate of French toast…sprinkles!
Got distracted and burnt dinner…sprink-
Well, oooookay, maybe not EVERYTHING! 😉

thank you so much for adding to my “I can eat cake batter at any meal” menu 😀
Nice! I like that menu!
somehow I’m more interested in that “icing” than I am the french toast (says the raging carb-a-holic) how long do you reckon I need to soak the cashews for!?
p.s. I love how you manage to make cake batter inspired recipes look better than actual cake. You amaze me!
Well think you Miss Jenny! I take that as a nice compliment!
They say 4-6 hours normally on soaking cashews, but I just let mine soak in the fridge overnight (about 8 hours) and they turned out fine!
Covet. So. Much. Coveting.
Oooh I have got to try that cashew “icing”. Looks incredible!!
And cue the drool 😮 Yummy!! I love all things cake batter. Mmm
That looks like a party breakfast! Perfectly delicious and fun!
That is all…
hercules! hercules!
OK, this made me laugh! bwahahahaha
Just when I thought you couldn’t get any cooler, you go and do this. What will you think of next?! Whatever it is, I can’t wait to see 😉
Now, just to get that yellow cake mix and protein powder…hmmmm!
You are so cute– what’s next, brownie batter french toast? I always am in for a special treat when reading your creative posts. These look awesome!
*Runs to the store to get GF cake mix*
Wow sounds delicious
I can’t wait to make this! You are keeping my French toast-addicted tummy very happy 🙂
Oh. Lawd. Thank you for the bib warning because… I made a mess. This just went on my “must make” list, but I think I have to try out the oatmeal variation first, because I liiiiive for those.
And yes, sprinkles DO make everything better… I think it’s been scientifically proven or something.
Sprinkles do make everything better! Your cake batter oats are the first thing that brought me to your blog and now I will have to try this too, as I have a bag of cake mix to use up after opening it for some crispy treats. I love cake batter eats!
AWWWHHH!!!! I want that RIGHT NOW!
This is so PRETTY!
I’m reintroducing eggs back into my diet so I’m bookmaring this for suure. 😀
No words Heather. For you I have no words. Couldn’t hear them anyway over my growling belly. 😉
Oh. My. Gosh.
Um, feel free to come over and make this for me ANYTIME. Seriously. I won’t complain 😉
Such a good idea! I want this right now.
Umm you are a genius. That is all!
P.S. Totally making that cashew icing 🙂
WOW! Good work lady! I’m impressed as always! 🙂
Wow, these look amazing! I love that idea for faux frosting! Super creative AND yummy!
This look insanely delicious 🙂
I loved your intro, I could TOTALLY hear a man’s introductory voice saying that! LOL
This looks SO GOOD! AAHHH
im moving in. and youre making me this for breakfast lunch and dinner on the reg. ok? good. also, im playing catch up on your life and i just wanted to say, you, my dear, are turning into QUITE the muse for my eats. im drooling constantly with each post more than the previous. love love love what your cookin up in the kitch.
Wow, thanks girl! That really means a lot to me since I get so much inspiration from your eats as well! Welcome home! I hope you have a great weekend!
Uhhh best idea ever? I think so!
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I want sprinkles and frosting and cake!!!!! Ahhhhhhh looks so damn good! I want to just smash my face in it ; ) ha!
Happy weekend love!
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Looks amazing! and yes i realize this is a realllyy old post but I was just browsing your recipes(: I’m a little confused though, how did you make the cake batter omelette?