What I’ve Been Craving Wednesday

Hey guys!

I LOVED reading through all the comments on yesterday’s post. I’m so glad to hear that most of you do your best to listen to your body and give in to true cravings, but it’s also nice to know I’m not the only one who gets a little confused sometimes.

In an effort to be more in tune with my body, I’ve been doing my best to take notice of my cravings over the last couple of days…and they’ve led me into some pretty delicious AND filling eats! πŸ™‚

So just in time for this week’s edition of What I Ate Wednesday, here’s a look into what I’ve been craving AND eating over the last few days…

Be sure to head over to Peas & Crayons and give our lovely hostess a bit of comment love for putting together our links of deliciousness each and every week! We love you Jenn!

Now onto those cravings!

Lately, it’s gotten a bit chilly in the mornings. I couldn’t believe it when I left the hospital the other day and could see my BREATH! Needless to say, all I’ve wanted on these particular mornings is something warm and comforting…

Like big bowls of creamy PEANUT BUTTERYΒ oat bran!

I stirred some peanut flour into this bowl and THEN topped it with a spoonful of peanut butter for double the nutty fun and I also added a bit of FROG jam!

By the way, check out Sarah’s homemade version of my beloved FROG…I’m trying that out just as soon as I finish my jar! πŸ˜‰

And perfectly poached eggs!

When Laura posted her tried and true method for the poaching eggs, I couldn’t help but give it a try…

It doesn’t get any easier! Just put a tablespoon of vinegar in the water and boil like usual, reduce the heat to simmer, drop in your egg, and in 2-3 minutes you get this:

#yolkporn at it’s finest!

And I have to say this was one amazing breakfast!

Mashed chickpeas, roasted eggplant, this sun-dried tomato spread, basil, and of course our lovely star of the show…I swear I may never fry an egg again!

But come afternoon, once the temperatures rise, the craving strikes for something cool and refreshing…

Like SUPER thick and creamy smoothies!

This one had a bit of everything in it…mixed baby greens, mangoes, avocado, ginger…it was kind of a “clean out the fridge” smoothie! πŸ˜‰

And if you’ve never added avocado to your smoothie, you just haven’t LIVED! It brings on a WHOLE new level of creaminess! πŸ˜€

And even BIGGER veggie-packed salads!

This one had romaine, chick peas, red bell pepper, roasted eggplant, olives, and some tomato basil mozzarella. I topped it with the same sun-dried tomato spread as I did the eggs and it was PHENOMENAL!

Seriously, one of the best salads I’ve ever made!

Yet even with the deliciousness of unseasonal eats, fall is now upon us, and there is no denying those cravings that come with the changing of the leaves…

I’m sorry, but I just can’t seem to get enough pumpkin!

Whether it be adding it to big bowls of yogurt with crunchy granola and crack nuts

Or in sippable form, giving me that little pick-me-up midway through a shift.

But the one that tops them all?

The one I think you guys will be most excited about?

This morning’s breakfast:

How about a nice slice of pumpkin cake for breakfast?

Or better yet, how about a WHOLE pumpkin cake for breakfast?

And guess what…it’s ready to eat in 3 minutes or less!

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Cake for One

By: Heather @Β Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 2-3 minutes

Keywords: microwave breakfast snack dessert high protein no sugar added low-carb gluten-free pumpkin peanut flour fall

Ingredients (Serves 1)

  • 1/4 cup peanut flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon sodium-free baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 tablespoon applesauce
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5-7 drops liquid stevia or other preferred sweetener


1. Combine all ingredients. Stir well.
2. Coat a microwave-safe dish with coconut oil or cooking spray.
3. Transfer batter to dish and microwave on high for 2-3 minutes.
4. Serve drizzled with healthy chocolate sauce,Β chopped nuts, and/or anything else your heart desires! πŸ˜‰

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Nutrition facts for just the cake:

Low in calorie, but PACKED with protein…you know what that means…


What would you top your pumpkin cake with?

What’s the best thing you’ve eaten lately?

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117 Responses to What I’ve Been Craving Wednesday

  1. @pluvk says:

    Is it wrong to salivate on your laptop? All those meals look incredibly delicious! Especially that pumpkin cake. πŸ™‚ I’ve been seeing avocado a lot in smoothies… can you taste it?

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      If you are drooling, then I’ve done my job! But just so you know, I’m not responsible for damage to technology in the wake of such things! πŸ˜‰

      The avocado is GREAT! I was a little leery at first too, but it makes it SO super creamy (almost like adding butter) and you can’t taste it AT ALL!

  2. The pumpkin cake for one looks good but the poached egg with roasted eggplant looks incredible!! I need to try the poached egg…never made one!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh Fran, you just HAVE to try it! If you like a runny yolk, then poaching will be your new favorite! And this method is so incredibly easy! I’ve “attempted” poaching MANY times and I ended up with a scrambled mess on more than one occasion before I eventually gave up! Who knew all it took for poached perfection was one capful of vinegar?

  3. Jessie says:

    Holy Moly Goodness!! I know exactly what I’m having for dessert this evening!! :).. I may forget to let you know how I liked it, so just remind me haha πŸ™‚

  4. Aimee says:

    I must admit that I have never tried avocado in my smoothie! I just can’t seem to say no to the nut butter! I must try it though. The pumpkin cake looks delicious! I dont think peanut flour has been introduced in Australia yet, do you know any substitutions?

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I can add nut butter as a TOPPING to a smoothie, but whenever I mix it in, I always feel like the flavor is lost. You can’t taste the avocado once it’s mixed in, but the creamy consistency that it gives is amazing!

      Besides PB2 (which comes in too small of a container for the money if you ask me), I can only find peanut flour online. But if you’re looking for a good substitution, I’ve tried the recipe with a 30g scoop (average size) of protein powder plus 1 tablespoon of coconut flour…the trick is having a flour/powder that will absorb the liquid of the recipe without drying it out! πŸ™‚

  5. Hi Heather! Thanks for visiting my blog, I can’t believe I’ve never stopped by yours before. I love your blog, your pictures are beautiful and EVERYTHING you posted above looks absolutely mouthwatering. I can’t believe I’ve never stirred in nutbutter directly into my oatmeal {will have to give it a try soon} and I’ve always been a bit scared of making poached eggs. Yours look picture perfect! Happy WIAW!!!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you Antonia! I love WIAW for the opportunity of discovering new blogs! I’ve always had a hard time poaching eggs until now…the vinegar trick really does work! If I can do it, ANYONE can! Lol

      You just HAVE to try nut butter in oatmeal…it gets all warm and melty and absolutely perfect! Sometimes I stir it all in, but I’ll admit, sometimes I just save most of the spoonful for the last bite! πŸ˜‰

  6. Meg says:

    thanks for sharing this recipe, sweetie pie! It looks unbelievably good! I really love making phenomenal salads, too! Sometimes they surprise you on how good they are! Yours looks great πŸ™‚ Oh and that poached egg? WOW! I want that right now πŸ™‚ <3

    I miss you lots Heather and just want you to know I'm taking a little step away from blogging for school reasons. I'll miss you A LOT, but I'll read your posts when I can because YOU truly make me happy.

    Love you

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Awww, girlie!! I just love you to tiny little pieces! Like I commented the other day, I COMPLETELY understand taking a step away from blogging. We need to live to blog, not blog to live, right? πŸ˜‰ It’s all about enjoying what we have now and living in the moment…blogworld’s not going anywhere…and neither will faithful readers!

      And if you’re happy, I’m happy! πŸ˜€

  7. So many things to drool over….YUM!!!

  8. milkandspoon says:

    All looks so yummy – ive jst made that peanut pumpkin cake for my breakfast but used chocolate PB2 instead of peanut flour as dont have any. so yummy!

  9. These eats all look fantastic! I just bought two cans of pumpkin and can’t wait to make pumpkin smoothies and now this cake. Loved all your food!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you Jodi! I know what you mean, I totally have that pumpkin itch too…and it doesn’t help the fact that I found pumpkin on sale in bulk at Sam’s Club yesterday! I had to refrain from buying like 15 cans! LOL

  10. Thanks for the recipe – it looks great!

    I also like the sound of having sun-dried tomato with egg. Mmmmm

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thanks Tiff! And omg, YES! I’ve always been a fan of tomato and eggs, but sun-dried? A WHOLE new level of yum! πŸ™‚

  11. lindsay says:

    always listen to your cravings! they are brilliant. I had poached egg and bacon on salad, kinda like that. it was just want i needed. yes, needed! and now i need that pumpkin cake.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I’ve been having bacon cravings lately…but ever since a couple of months ago, I’ve been a little skeeved out by raw bacon! So weird! Come cook some for me? πŸ˜‰

  12. i am obsessed with these microwave cakes for one! havent seen one yet with pumpking – doin’ it!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh my gosh, me too! I can’t believe it took me so long to try my first one…I’m totally addicted…but I have to say, I think mine is the most moist (gah, hate that word, but it HAD to be said) one I’ve ever tasted! I hate the ones that taste like you’re eating a sponge…eww! πŸ˜•

  13. That poached egg looks terrific…what am I saying, EVERYTHING looks terrific! Awesome single-serve pumpkin cake! I don’t have a microwave, do you have regular oven instructions?

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Aww, thank you Jennifer! Hmm, I’ve not tried it in the oven yet, but I would imagine 350F for maybe 20 minutes would do the trick? Let me know if you give it a try so I can pass it on! πŸ™‚

  14. WOW!!! That PB Pumpkin cake looks amazing and in 3 minutes!!! You are the bomb! All your food looks fantastic!

  15. That cake looks delicious. So sad that I am traveling for work right now and can’t make it immediately. Will definitely try it out this weekend! Thanks again for another fantastic recipe!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you Tess! I just made ANOTHER one today…5th one in a week (addicted much?)…believe me, you will NOT be disappointed! πŸ˜‰

  16. Joanne says:

    You had me at toppings. πŸ™‚

  17. That recipe looks awesome! I love pumpkin too and have been eating it constantly. If I were to make one, I would top mine with… pumpkin/apple butter or shredded apples. Looks yummy! πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh….my….GOSH!! Why have I not thought to pair it with apples?! Genius! I totally need to try that…and you do too! πŸ˜‰ haha!

  18. I’m obsessed with all of your meals. Your pictures are gorgeous!!!

  19. Kendra says:

    That peanut butter oatbran looks fantastically delicious, and the picture is gorgeous as well:) That salad also looks amazing; I love sun-dried tomatoes, and that spread sounds quite tasty!! Roasted eggplant is the BEST; I am definitely not one of those people who can’t stand eggplant:) Olives are also great on salads, especially Kalamata olives–they can be pricey, but I love them!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you Kendra! And oh yes, I used to hate olives until I had my first Kalamata…SO good! And I think I’ve recently become addicted to roasting eggplant! I bought a big one from the farmer’s market thinking I would do all sorts of things with it, but once I roasted up half of it, I couldn’t bring myself to try anything else. Haha!

  20. Amanda says:

    that pumpkin cake sounds amazing! can you sub regular or whole wheat flour for the peanut flour? And what size dish do you use? would a large mug work?

    thanks for the recipe!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you Amanda! I wouldn’t recommend using regular flour as you really need something that will soak up the moisture of the wet ingredients better. If you have access to protein powder, I think that would be the easiest substitution. I used a medium-sized ramekin, but a large mug would work just fine. Just remember to grease it up so it doesn’t stick…I speak from experience! πŸ˜‰

  21. Wow! Everything looks great! I have never thought to add avocado to my smoothie, I think I’ll try it this afternoon since we are still in 95 degree temps here. I love your pumpkin cake! Will try soon! πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh wow, 95 degrees, huh? Today was the warmest day we’ve had in WEEKS and I think it only got up to around 80-something! You’ll LOVE the avocado in your smoothie…so creamy…almost like pudding! πŸ˜€

  22. Nice job on the poached egg. It looks so fancy πŸ™‚

  23. Poached egg AND eggplant? Holy egg porn. And with the basil chiffonade. *swoon*

    Annnnndddd… I know what my midnight snack will be tonight. That cake looks awesome and you KNOW I love me some PF. Nom.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Ohhhh, “chiffonade”….you make me sound so fancy! πŸ˜‰

      Omg, I could LIVE off peanut flour! I just realized I’ve already gone through one of my 2 pound bags I ordered…and it’s only been like a month! Lol

  24. Eric Sack says:

    Every time I hear about poached eggs I’m reminded of Archer..which is awesome!

    I’ve been seeing pumpkin pie stuff everywhere, I almost ran into a lady at the grocery store while staring at the pies..she gave me the “mmmmhmmmm you better watch where you goin” look with a side of evil eye πŸ™

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! You gotta watch it getting the stank eye at the grocery store…soccer moms are there on a MISSION…don’t get in their way! Lol

      Archer? Really? Am I forgetting a poached egg episode? Gah, I hate to admit I like that show! haha

  25. I definitely need to get on this peanut flour bandwagon! I see it everywhere, but have yet to try it. I’ve been eating a lot of salads lately as well. Such a great way to get an abundance of veggies, and with the right dressing, it’s something I look forward to! Poached eggs are awesome too! I love to use the yolk as a sauce on veggies. Happy Wednesday Heather!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh yes, runny yolk > salad dressing FOR SURE!

      And you HAVE got to try peanut flour girlie! Ever since I first tried it (back in the day when Trader Joe was cool and stocked it on the shelves), it’s been a staple in my kitchen. I get the big bags from http://www.netrition.com and they usually last me a month or two (if I’m lucky)! πŸ˜‰

  26. I have to make that pumpkin power cake! Yum!

  27. Simone says:

    i’m so upset I just used the last of my trader joe’s peanut flour πŸ™ I live in Canada and we don’t have trader joe’s but I was sure to stock up with 6 bags last time I was in the states… looks like another trip is in order πŸ™‚

  28. Mmmm that pumpkin cake looks so good! I would top mine with soy nut butter, pumpkin butter, and raisins!

    Okay I’ve never made a poached egg before because I’m scared of messing it up. But holy cow do they look good! I need to try that out this weekend. Maybe with some smoked salmon and avocado on toast? πŸ˜€

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh girl!! You’ve got me DROOLING! Smoked salmon, avocado, and a poached egg? I die! I swear we are like foodie twins…did you know when I Google stuff from my own blog (like pictures and stuff), half of the links that show up are yours? Looks like we have VERY similar tastes! πŸ˜‰

  29. Allie says:

    I’m making that cake for breakfast tomorrow! I opened a can of pumpkin this morning and thought I’d have no idea what to do with the rest. Problem = solved. Aaaand I have a box of that pumpkin spice tea sitting at my desk ;D

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      No idea what to do with a freshly opened can of pumpkin? Hmm, I have no idea the dilemma you’re speaking of! πŸ˜‰

      And I LOVE the tea! I actually bought it last year and wasn’t a huge fan, but when I started mixing it with the ginger tea, I found I liked it more…that way it’s not all like SPICE IN YO FACE…know what I mean? Lol

  30. Wow! I want that Peanut Butter Pumpkin Cake…delicious πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing.

    Happy WIAW!

  31. That pumpkin peanut breakfast cake looks epic!!! Some gorgeous pics!!!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you so much Shel! I can’t wait to make your blueberry bake! It’s on my list of things to try this week! πŸ˜€

  32. Sophie says:

    Oh my god, I want that pumpkin cake NOW! Any ideas on what to use instead of peanut flour? I don’t have any.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I tried it with a scoop of protein powder and a tablespoon coconut flour the other day. If you don’t have coconut flour, you could do all protein powder, but I’d leave out the milk. The trick is to use a flour/powder that will absorb the liquid without drying out the cake…for that reason I don’t suggest using regular flour. Let me know if you give it a try and what you end up using! πŸ™‚

  33. I am in love with all things pumpkin so this looks absolutely amazing! Can’t wait to try it out!

  34. I love making single serving cakes. So good!

  35. I’ve been LOVING runny yolks lately! And that breakfast looks beyond amazing!

  36. I was so excited to see pumpkin spice tea, I bought 3 boxes. So delicious!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Isn’t it great? Actually, I bought it for the first time last year and didn’t really like it (a bit spicier than I was expecting) but when you mix it with another tea, it’s PERFECT! And I’m totally wanting to try steaming some almond milk and turning it into a latte! πŸ˜€

  37. Purelytwins says:

    best thing eaten lately thin mint cake πŸ˜‰
    so excited for pumpkin season!!

  38. I don’t think I’ve ever made a poached egg look that pretty – yolk porn at it’s finest!

  39. Oh my gosh, everything in your WIAW post today is serious food porn. I’m drooling! Especially over that peanut butter pumpkin cake!! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe. I cannot wait to try it!

  40. caren says:

    PEANUT BUTTER CAKE???? omg….I’m in love….. ugh.

  41. Julie says:

    Your breakfast looks fantastic. Thanks for posting the recipe – I’ll be making it!

  42. Lizzi says:

    Okay, so I don’t often have specific cravings (mostly “I want something sweet” or “I want something salty”… or, most of all, “I want something sweet AND salty!”), but right now I am craving EVEEEEEEERYTHING in this post! Daaayum.

    I also totally need to try that homemade FROG jam! My boyfriend discovered the jar you sent me in our pantry (I thought I’d hidden it so well…), and consumed the entire remaining 3/4 of the jar on top of several bowls of yoghurt. In the space of 3 hours. Sighhh.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      You are KIDDING me! Almost a whole jar? In 3 hours?! hahaha! Please tell me you fought him for the last bite!

  43. Your food KILLS me! It looks so good!! I would top that bad boy with some PB2 or even better…Justin’s Hazelnut Butter!!

  44. It’s a good thing I just finished having dinner, because all of your food looks so good that I’d be drooling all over myself if I were even the least bit hungry. I loooove the idea of being able to eat a whole cake πŸ˜€ But I can’t do the whole peanut flour thing, so I have no idea what I would replace it with πŸ™ I’ll still play along, though, and say that I’d top my cake with chocolate, or maple sweetened cream cheese…. I just haven’t been able to get enough of the chocolate and pumpkin combo lately, so I’m gonna say that my chocolate chip pumpkin bread is the best thing I’ve been eating lately πŸ˜€

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Awww, I forgot…NO! Don’t touch the peanut flour!!! But I DID try it the other day with a scoop of protein powder and a tablespoon of coconut flour and it came out great…or you could use all one or the other…but you may have to decrease the liquid. Either way, I’m sure it would be FABULOUS with that maple sweetened cream cheese! Mmm!

      And yeah, I think it’s pretty safe to say that your pumpkin bread is the best thing I’ve eaten today too! Thanks so much for the rocking recipe girlie! πŸ˜€

  45. All of your meals look so great! I love avocado in smoothies.

  46. Iris Lee says:

    That pumpkin cake looks AMAZING! I have to try it soon. And yes to poached eggs! I love them drippy too – such a good “sauce” for whatever else I’m eating. πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you, Iris! And oh yes, runny yolks make the BEST sauces! And I love adding them to a nice big salad…SO much better than salad dressing! Mmm!

  47. Wow, yolk porn is right! I tried poached eggs before with no success, but think I need to try again. Then I’ll make a pumpkin cake to celebrate and top it with plain Greek yogurt and a little peanut butter and vanilla extract mixed in.

    Then again, it may need no topping at all. Thanks for the recipe and have a great week!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh my gosh, I have tried poaching SO many times in the past without any success, but this little trick makes it SO easy! Definitely worth a try!

      Mmm, greek yogurt and pb “frosting” sounds wonderful! πŸ™‚

  48. Leelu says:

    Love love love pumpkin! All your eats look delicious. Enjoy the rest of the week

  49. Wow wow wow can I just say.. your photos are just stunning m’dear!! That perfectly poached egg is indeed perfect, the yolk.. oh my lawd, I am needing a few eggs today in one form or another now πŸ˜‰ The individual dessert is great too, I already have it pinned!

  50. This breakfast treat looks fantastic – I just need to not be rushing out the door one morning so I can give it a try. Actually, I wonder if you could prep the night before and then microwave. πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      You may need to add a little more liquid in the morning, but I’m sure that would work just fine! Then it would be the perfect on the go breakfast! πŸ˜€

  51. The picture of your breakfast drew me into your post and boy am I glad! Not only does the pumpkin cake look out-of-this-world, your salad looks delicious too. Great eats! P.s. – I can’t get enough pumpkin either!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you Dana! I’ll admit, I’m probably going to turn orange before the end of this month since I can’t stop with the pumpkin! Once I pop open a can (and I guess it doesn’t help that I buy the jumbo ones), I just can’t help going for it over and over again! I’m thinking some pumpkin pancakes are in order for next Sunday! πŸ˜€

  52. Georgia says:

    Wow!! Love the idea of the peanut butter – and what fantastic looking poached eggs! Mine never seem to go to plan πŸ™‚
    Love your blog – new follower


    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Hey there, Georgia! So nice to “meet” you! You HAVE to try the peanut butter in oats…it get’s all smooth and melty when you start to stir it up…and I always make sure to leave a little “hunk” in the bowl for a perfect last bite! Mmmm!

      And speaking of “mmm”, those salmon cakes look great! Never thought to add potato as a binder! GENIUS!

  53. Pingback: Cake Talk | Kiss My Broccoli

  54. Oh here I think you need something:
    You’re welcome, you naughty girl you, trying to make me see (food)PORN so early in the morning, tsk tsk tsk! I love your pumpkin cake and I’m totally gonna try it very soon, I love how low in calories it is too. Your recipes are ALWAYS the shizz though.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Bahahaha! I wasn’t sure what to expect before I clicked the link! Omg, too funny!

      And thanks girlie! I was really impressed/surprised with how well this came out…AND with how many people have loved it so far! Can’t wait to hear what you think! πŸ™‚

  55. Ashlea says:

    Hi Heather πŸ™‚
    I’ve just stumbled across your blog (sheer tragedy for only discovering it now!) and am completely hooked. I’ve been scrolling through the pages and am so inspired and excited to try your recipes. I love how humorous (and mouth wateringly amazing) all your posts are:) I just wish they had some of the ingredients in South Africa, I’ll just have to get creative. Look forward to reading more, making your recipes and daily inspiration:) xx

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Aww, thank you SO much Ashlea! You just made my night! And it’s so nice to “meet” you! πŸ™‚

      Please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email if you have any questions about substitutions in any of the recipes. I try my best to vary the ingredients that I use so that everyone can enjoy them, so if something doesn’t quite work for you, I may be able to make a few suggestions!

      Hope you had a great weekend and thanks again for such a sweet comment!

      • Ashlea says:

        Aw… so nice to “meet” you too;) I will be checking your blog daily for idea’s, I just got married last year so I need to get a little more creative with all my meals (love the his and hers edition:) Totally going to practice my yolkpornage:) hehe.

        Thanks so much, that’s so sweet of you! Cape Town definitely seems a little behind with some of the ingredients, but I’ll hunt around.

        Hope you had a great weekend too! x

        • kissmybroccoli says:

          Yay! Congratulations girlie! You know, I hear…the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach in the form of some good solid yolkporn…yep, I’m pretty sure that’s how the saying goes! πŸ˜‰

  56. Yolkpornβ€”love it! I get so excited by egg/oatmeal/smoothie photos that sometimes its worrisome. ha. I’m always working on tuning into my cravings and be a more mindful eater. I succeed a lot of the time and fail plenty…it’s a process! The journey of figuring out the “food psychology” part of healthy living is actually what prompted me to start my blog. It can be hard and confusing, but I’ve learned some tricks along the way. πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh yes, I’ve had my fair share of fails when it comes to deciphering my cravings…nothing like that feeling you get after you realize what you THOUGHT you wanted wasn’t what you REALLY wanted at all! πŸ™ It’s definitely a trial and error type process.

      And I hear ya, girl! Runny yolk pictures get me EVERY TIME! Lol

  57. Pingback: Recipe Recap and Banana Woes « La Cocina de Karina

  58. Pingback: what NOT to do with pumpkin - | - Lindsay's List

  59. Pingback: I Feel Scrambled + WIAW » Sprint 2 the Table | Sprint 2 the Table

  60. That peanut butter pumpkin cake for one has tempted me for awhile now. I’m printing the recipe and making it this weekend!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Sometimes you just have to give into temptation…and I may be a bit biased, but I have to say this is one of the best ones to succumb to! πŸ˜‰ I know you’ll love it!

  61. Kayla Clarke says:

    Hey !

    Ok .. So I’m a Canadian, who has been living in Scotland the past 2 years (but am moving back home in December!)
    Anyways – the lack of pumpkin here is HEARTBREAKING. No joke. They just do not seem to harvest nor grow pumpkin. I had to get my mom to mail pumpkin puree, and I’m basically savoring it for when me and my roomie are going to make pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving (we also had to go on a turkey hunt? SERIOUSLY Scotland is killing me!) However – mom says she just mailed me an extra can of pumpkin puree and I’m dying to make this cake for breaky! Only problem is (once again – dumb Scotland) – peanut flour is non-existant. Do you think I could sub oat flour? I know it won’t be peanut-y .. but .. maybe still work? Just lemme know your thoughts!

    THanks so much !!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh my gosh girl, how do you live?! I can kind of understand the pumpkin thing…I had to go without for much of the year back in 2010 due to a horrible frost that killed off most of the pumpkin harvest, but you had to hunt down a TURKEY? What on Earth do the Scots eat?? Lol

      I wouldn’t suggest subbing oat flour…peanut flour has a knack for soaking up excess liquid in recipes so if you only used oat flour, I’m afraid the cake wouldn’t set. BUT do you have access to coconut flour or maybe some protein powder? If so, they would have the consistency that you would need to balance out the wet ingredients.

      Let me know how it goes if you give it a try! πŸ˜€

  62. Pingback: What I Ate Wednesday: Pumpkin Paleo “Oatmeal” | Kiss My Broccoli

  63. Erin says:

    I’ve had this bookmarked for ages…. because I live in Australia, where we can’t buy peanut flour, so I couldn’t make this! I discovered that netrition ships to Australia (thanks for introducing me to that site!), so I ordered some peanut flour online. I received it the other day (impressively fast shipping!) and made this cake for breakfast this morning. Om nom nom…. I topped it with a mashed-up combination of mashed pumpkin, yogurt, sweetener and pancake syrup flavdrops (also from netrition) – kind of like a maple-pumpkin frosting – and blueberries. I’m loving the nutritional profile of peanut flour, so would love to see more peanut flour recipes! Thanks for this recipe! πŸ˜€

  64. Pingback: MMAZ November + Pumpkin Protein Breakfast Cake {Recipe} - Better With Veggies

  65. paula deemer says:

    Am allergic to peanuts could I use GF flour for the pumpkin cake I m not a fan of whole wheat flour either

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      You could try it. Peanut flour absorbs liquid a little differently compared to other flours though so I would recommend adding the milk last…you might could leave it out! I’d love to know how it works out for you if you give it a go! πŸ™‚

  66. Pingback: Peanut Butter Mug Cake |

  67. Pingback: MMAZ November + Pumpkin Protein Breakfast Cake {Recipe}

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