Wedgies, Waffles, and WINNERS!

What up, Wednesday?!

I’m gonna make this one short and sweet today. Why you ask? Well, to be Frank (because sometimes that’s more exciting than just being Heather), I’m having a bad day…yesterday, by some act of GOD, I managed to get through my night shift on only THREE hours of sleep. After I got off, I went home, took a Benedryl, and promptly faceplanted without a single thought to eating, teeth brushing or even changing into PJ’s. Unfortunately though, the TEN hours I got ended up being a mix of wild dreams where I was hunting down persimmons in the middle of a desert while trying to figure out why Laura, dressed like Miley Cyrus, was swimming in a pool of blue jello (seriously, I can’t make this shit up)!

Long story short, I’m STILL tired, I have a Benedryl “hangover” from hell, I got a little carried away with the coffee drinking and now feel like my heart’s going to pop out of my chest, AND to top it all off, I totally picked the WRONG underwear today. You know the ones…if they’re not sliding down, they’re going…well, you know. I swear, if I didn’t have such an aversion to going commando, I would…wait, where was I??

Oh yeah…LOOK guys, I made you WAFFLES! πŸ˜€

Almond Joy Waffles on

I’ll give you not one, but TWO guesses as to what’s in ’em!

Ok, so I tend to get a bit obsessed with certain flavor combos, but I just couldn’t help myself! I still can’t get the peanut butter pumpkin one out of my head and obviously, neither can Laura! When she’s not confusing the heck of me in my dreams, she’s freakin’ one-upping me with pie forΒ breakfast!

Almond Joy Waffle for One

By:Β Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 2-3 minutes

Cook Time: 5-8 minutes

Keywords: waffle iron breakfast pancake/waffle mix cocoa powder coconut milk

Ingredients (Serves 1)

  • 1/3 cup Kodiak Cakes Flapjack & Waffle Mix
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (optional)
  • 1/3 cup (carton) coconut milk (plus 1-2 Tablespoons if using protein powder)
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract
  • Toppings: Coconut-flavored Greek yogurt, almonds, toasted coconut chips


1. Plug in waffle iron and allow to come to temperature, coat with non-stick spray.
2. Combine all ingredients in a small bow and stir well.
3. Pour mix into waffle iron and cook according to manufacturer’s directions.
4. Transfer to a plate, add toppings, and relish in the fact that you’re eating candy for breakfast!

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Almond Joy Waffles by

BAM! Candy for breakfast! In yo face, Laura! πŸ˜›

Umm, yeah, so this was supposed to be short and sweet, wasn’t it? I guessΒ MeghanΒ must’ve rubbed off on me a little more than I thoughtΒ last week!

Almond Joy Waffle from

And speaking of last week…I have some winners to announce today, don’t I? With nearly one hundred and FIFTY entries, the random four lucky winners of the Kodiak Cakes giveaway arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre…

Kodiak Cakes Giveaway Winners

Congratulations ladies!
I’ll be emailing you today to get your addresses! πŸ™‚

When’s the last time you had dessert for breakfast?Β 

Anyone else have any weird dreams lately?
Pray for me that today ends up better!
And remind me to throw away this underwear!

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47 Responses to Wedgies, Waffles, and WINNERS!

  1. oh gosh these look AMAZING BABY!!!!!!!!!! nice work! will have to try these once i get coconut milk! it’s on my list. i just ran out.

  2. My goodness, Heather!!! That looks so delicious! And is there anything better than candy for breakfast?! πŸ˜‰

  3. Aw, I’m so sorry you ended up getting a long but weird night’s sleep. Maybe I didn’t cross my fingers the right way yesterday? I’ll take the blame :). Oh, and I’ll respond to your amazing comments later but YES to glitter crayons! Hope you’ll feel better soon <3!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Yessssss! Totally breaking into the “scrapbooking box” later…that would be where I keep all the stuff I’ve collected over the years for scrapbook making yet have never EVER used! Don’t be surprised if your letters come with fancy scissor-cut edges! Haha! And I’ll respond to YOUR amazing email later…I promise! *hugs*

  4. Sooo…that’s a weird dream. Weird fact about me: I never remember dreams. I’ll remember maybe a couple a year, and that’s usually after I’ve been watching a scary movie or something. It’s nice that I rarely have nightmares or anything, but I wish I could remember some of them so that I could analyze them!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I rarely remember mine either! So crazy that they say you dream almost every night too…I’d like to know what my subconscious gets up to every now and then! Hmm, maybe I should start watching more Ryan Gosling movies! πŸ˜‰

  5. I had a weird dream the other night! It’s what ended up waking me up at 3:30 AM and I couldn’t fall back asleep after that. Just please don’t ask me what it was about — I forget like 5 minutes after I wake up, even though I tell myself I’m going to remember. Fails.

    And dessert for breakfast… hmm. Isn’t that kind of like… every day? I swear, my breakfast NEEDS to be sweet. I tried not adding any kind of sweetener to it a little while ago, and just couldn’t do it… Talk about a lack of satisfaction 😑

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh yeah, that’s usually me! Makes me so mad too because I feel like if I missed out on sleep, I should at LEAST remember what it was I was doing in my dreams! And I totally understand the sweet thing. I don’t always need my breakfast to be sweet, but when I do, it has to be just right…nothing like eating a bowl of cardboard flavored oatmeal! πŸ˜›

  6. Kat says:

    GIRL go get yourself some sleep!! Benadryl does nothing for me but I tried that Zzz-quil stuff it does give me some funky freakin dreams! I only use it when Im desperate now lol
    I ended up waking up at 130am this morning and was WIDE awake, so I feel you on the exhausted thing! I hope you can relax a bit today lady!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thanks, lady! And oh yeah, I’ve heard some crazy stuff with that Zzz-quil…plus I was traumatized with Robitussin as a child so anything liquid as far as medicines go scare the crap out of me! Haha! I hope you’re able to get some sleep tonight…I know that’s probably making for a long day and can’t help much since you’ve been feeling under the weather lately. Has it gotten any better? Did those pills work for ya?

  7. Not sure why you have an aversion to going commando… So much more comfy ;). Plus, less laundry! Hahahahaha.

    And I can’t even read about your jell-o pool dream without getting claustrophobic. I’ve always had a fear of tight spaces, and as a kid, I used to dream that I would be swimming underwater, and the whole pool would turn to Jell-O, so I couldn’t breathe and I could only just barely move. Traumatizing.

    Happy Wednesday, m’dear. Get some SLEEP <3 <3 <3.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! Not sure why, but I’ve always liked tight spaces (maybe that’s why my ass prefers drawers…it’s like a little hug! πŸ˜‰ When I was a kid, I used to read books in the closet with a flashlight! My worst fear was the thought of getting sucked down the drain in the bathtub! My mom once pulled the plug while I was still in the water and I FREAKED THE HELL OUT!

  8. Lucie says:

    I am so sorry Hunn for not feeling well and not getting any sleep, but I have to tell you that I am sitting here with tears from laughing cause I have this image of your dream in my head. Seriously, WHY do we dream shit like that? My last dream was that I was in New York, riding camels on a street that was covered with snow. Mom was there too and she tried to kill bugs which constantly changed their shape and actually looked like Disney painted creatures. Oh Gosh, stop.
    I need those waffles like, right now!!! They look heavenly. I would say that I eat dessert every morning since my breakfast is most of the time sweet!

  9. Chrystal says:

    All these waffles..going to have to dig out my iron. Benadryl hangovers suck…feel better soon Heather.

  10. Oh yum those waffles look amazing! I’ve been on such a waffle kick recently; I would be making these ASAP if I hadn’t ran out of coconut extract, boo hoo!

  11. It would make my life if I could appear in your dreams! And omg Laura dressed as miley cyrus in a pool of blue jello. ABSURD.

    I legit haven’t slept in 3 weeks. Even melatonin won’t do it’s trick anymore so went to the doc to get some of the hard stuff…looking forward to the wacko dreams to come!

    • I hope I was twerking in the jello.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I want to see the doctor about my insomnia. I just hate the thought of HAVING to take something to go to sleep. Unfortunately, natural remedies don’t always work (I swear I’m immune to melatonin) and even just ONE Benedryl makes me feel like a total zombie the next day! What do you take? And do you feel like you have to take it everyday?

  12. I think I actually have ALL those ingredients! Wahoo! This looks super yummmO.

    p.s. HOW did you do a night shift on 3 hours of sleep?!? Holy smokes. Wonder woman. I can not do ANYTHING on less than 6 hours… having this baby (SOON hopefully), should prove interesting πŸ˜‰

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Ha! Like I said, act of God! It was rough, but the last couple of hours, I swear I was having out of body experiences! Just be warned, sleep deprivation hallucinations are a real thing! Whenever I think of new moms, I always picture that scene in Look Who’s Talking where Kirstie Alley puts coffee in the baby bottle! Lol

  13. Those are some perfect looking waffles.

  14. You tell Frank to take a hike; I like me some Heather.
    The waffles look marvelous, and I hope you get your sleep schedule to rights soon. Or else, I have to come and rub off on you some more. πŸ˜‰

  15. Broccoli, I do love you and your crazy mind. And YOU one-upped ME. Those pancakes were the shizz. Please remember this and continue making pancakes. Not waffles. I do not own a waffle maker. πŸ˜‰

    Have you thought of taking up drinking heavily? That will put you to bed.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! Well, I happen to be quite fond of my liver…otherwise I would totally consider it! Funny you should mention it…this may just happen to be the next flavor I plan on working with for Pancake Sunday! And seriously, thank you so much! You know how much I love your recipes so it means a lot to me when you try mine! Now about that jello… πŸ˜‰

  16. Your breakfast posts always make me SO happy….AND HUNGRY! πŸ˜‰

  17. That Kodiak mix has so many purposes! I would have never guessed that one of the ingredients came from a mix πŸ™‚ Lovely idea to make a candy-themed waffle. So many other possibilities open up with this… Snickers, Twix, Reeses. Oh me, oh my! πŸ˜‰

  18. Oh gosh, being sleep deprived is the worst! I seriously feel like a zombie all day, I can’t concentrate, my head hurts, my body feels like it can’t function properly… I’m crossing my fingers for you that you get a glorious sleep tonight!

    Also, I love how you used Kodiak cake mix for these. For someone like me who doesn’t like to spend too much time prepping breakfast, these are perfect!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thanks girlie! Last night didn’t go as hoped, but tonight I have big plans with my masseuse and a bottle glass of wine…though not at the same time…I’m not that kind of girl! πŸ˜‰

  19. Emily says:

    Ahhh THANK YOU! I can’t believe that I actually won something. haha. I’ve been wanting to try Kodiak cakes forever and now I’ll have no excuse not to! xoxo

  20. Oh no I hope you get some better sleep soon. Having to take a sleep aid can sometimes the next day just make you feel so much more tired and terrible than not taking any at all but I understand the need to still take it to get some decent sleep. I sometimes have the weirdest dreams too especially when I have had red wine, nothing that I can recall as crazy as your recent one but I do sometimes talk in my sleep. And I also sometimes laugh in my sleep which freaks the crap out of my boyfriend at times when I will just be cackling away!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg, that would scare the piss out of me! Haha! My ex would talk in his sleep a lot of times…I always tried to get him into a conversation, but it usually died after one sentence! Yep, there went my chances of getting a pet unicorn for Christmas! πŸ˜‰

  21. dream ever. Screw weird dreams= #strangebutgood dreams for the win :p

    You continue spark cravings after I proclaim to myself not to OD on a food product…Waffles are on the weekend agenda now. I’ll name my waffle maker Heather just in your honour.

    Hope your day goes well, Soldier!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I guess it IS just a matter of perspective isn’t it? Haha!

      May your weekend waffle mornings be made heavenly with the help of Heather! <- Oh God, I'm a complete dork! Lol

  22. The waffles look great!! Sorry about the Benadryl hangover & the undies! πŸ˜‰

  23. Carlie says:

    Cannot wait to make your creations with this mix! Woohoo!

  24. Oh boy am I having one of those days also. Class didn’t happen, but ginger tea, kombucha, and tissues certainly did. For some reason I have not felt like pancakes or waffles at all lately (likely just because of the warm summer weather) but hopefully now that is is fall (and now that we are officially out of seasonal denial πŸ˜‰ ) those cravings will start t0 resurface.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh no honey! I hope you get to feeling better soon! It may be fall now, but I hate that you can’t enjoy the last bits of warm weather when you’re stuck inside with your box of tissues! Get well vibes coming your way!! <3

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