Hashtag #Marvelous


I just had the BEST weekend!

First of all, I did get caught up on some sleep (thank you all for the kind comments/good vibes on that)! I even managed to get a nap in before work last night so here’s hoping luck’s on my side this week on the insomnia front…though I will say sleep deprivation makes for some pretty innnnteresting post titles! ๐Ÿ˜‰ But anywho, onto the bigger and BETTER things that went down this weekend because well, there were quite a few things that were friggin’ MARVELOUS!

Gym Selfie

Like busting out a killer leg workout and still feeling sore three days later!


Yolkporn Vegan Pancakes

Like bastardizing yet ANOTHER plate of vegan pancakes!


Me & the Besties - Ladies Night

Like getting together with my best girls after MONTHS of not seeing them!

#ladiesnight #besties #whydoesthispicmakemelooklikeademon


Like sipping wine, laughing, pointing, and blushing over old photos!

#throwbacks #chokers #crunchybangs

Wine - Cheers

Like toasting a ten PLUS year friendship while chatting into the wee hours of the night and totally forgetting about anything else!

#clink #wineoclock #wetotallyhadpopcornfordinner

Peanut Butter & Banana Bagel

Like refreshing my memory on the deliciousness that IS a peanut butter and banana topped (P28 Foods) bagel!

#hangoverfood #omggetinmypiehole

Hot Yoga High

Like sportin’ some sparkles after another kick ass hot yoga session!

#justcallmebella #yesiwentthere #twilightfanย 

Sweet Potato Fries, Salmon, & Broccoli

Like meeting up for an impromptu lunch date with a good friend and catching up over some of the BEST grilled salmon and my FAVORITE sweet potato fries!

#sweetporTAYters #foodporn #heylookgreenfood

Cheese & Wine

Like having my yoga friend/coworker over to the house for a little wine and a
WHOLE lotta cheese!

#ladysnightpartdeux #omgcheese #iswearimnotanalcoholic

Yoga Love

Like getting up early the next morning and randomly deciding to go to yoga AGAIN…

#addicted #namaste #atleastitdidntsmelllikeballsthistime


Now hop on over and check out all the other MARVELOUS moments over at Healthy Diva Life…and as always, a BIG thanks to Katie for always being such a happy hostess!


What was marvelous about YOUR weekend? Bonus points for hashtags that make me wanna pee myself! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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35 Responses to Hashtag #Marvelous

  1. Looks like a marvelous weekend indeed! I love when you do an awesome workout and you feel sore days afterwards. Those are my fav! All that cheese is making me drool…want it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. HAH Your hashtags made me laugh out loud. And yay for girls night(s)! We had dinner with a couple of friends on Saturday (one of them made bear soup. Like BEAR.) I didn’t eat that, but I did drink a lot of delicious wine ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. haha looks like an awesome weekend!!!!!!!! my marvelous weekend hashtag: #iworeamuumuu #enoughsaid

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg, I had to see what you meant…I love it! What a cute idea to replicate those old pics of your mom! And that last pic at the end? Oh girl, you are GLOWING!! So beautiful!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. #GoT #assprintoncouch #twihard #trufflepopcorn

  5. Kat says:

    What a killer weekend girl!! I had a not so great weekend, courtesy of Mother Nature and that time of the month.
    #killmenow #wheresthedamnchocolate
    BUT we did get a new youth pastor at our church, and seeing as how I work in the high school department, that’s pretty cool. Looks like Ninja and I now have a new young married couple to hang out with, which we need desperately, because we seriously have no friends.
    #oldmarriedcouple #werekindoflosers #itsthegingersfault

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Awwww! Haha! But it’s true…it’s really hard to make new friends at our ages…and I think finding couples to hang out with is the hardest so that’s definitely something to celebrate! Hope you got you some damn chocolate, girlie! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. #FinallyWatchingLastSeasonOfDexter #ItsNotThatGoodButINeedClosure #OrderedPizzaForDinner #HawaiianPizzaForLife

  7. Ummm I think you know how to have the perfect weekend, can I come visit? Hot yoga, wine, fun? Count me in. And sleep! I wouldn’t say my weekend was super marvelous, we had to visit my pap pap in the hospital but then it was also relaxing so, #isatonthecouchandmybuttmoldedintoit #permanentbuttimprint #stolemydadscouchspot #crazyspringbreak

  8. Mmmm all that food… looks so good!

  9. Lisa says:

    Haha your hashtags rock.
    Girls nights are the best of times, I had one myself. I’m still in the boat that I refuse to use hashtags in real life;) so let’s just say my weekend was a little on the crazy side.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I’ll take that. At least you didn’t say “cray” <- I can hashtag everything up and down and sideways but that word seriously makes me shudder! lol

  10. #icantdohotyogabecauseoftheballsmell

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I like to think all the grapes are just soaking up all my impurities and then going to hot yoga is just my way of flushing them out faster! Ha! #drinkmorewine

  11. Awwwww, girlsnights are the BEST!! Plus wine and popcorn.
    And isn’t sleeping the freaking best hobby ever? I caught up on MUCH needed sleep as well this weekend and I feel like a newborn (or so).
    #canibea35yearsoldnewborn #ineedwinenow #youlookgorgeous #andineedthosesweetpotatoesfriesrightnowinmaface

  12. I have never thought to put an egg on pancakes…but dippy eggs are the BEST so I imagine it has to be delicious!

  13. Girl. I swear, I can’t hardly WAIT for our weekend. And yoga.
    I literally just finished a workout video and have a pounding headache and churning stomach. Have I eaten today? Um, a fraction of what I normally would bc I can’t stomach it. Why am I whining in your comments section? I dunno, I’m sorry. #pathetic
    Anyways, I think my point was I can’t wait to see you!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      And I can’t wait to see you!!! I keep looking at the calendar and I’m like, “Eeeeee! It’s almost tiiiiiime!!” I plan on making out our detailed agenda of places to go and things to do this weekend…with multicolored pens and stickers and hell, I might even throw on a little glitter! And you tell that troublesome tummy of yours to GET WITH IT before you leave…we ain’t got time for that! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Ha you do not look like a demon. It looks like you had a marvelous weekend. I love catching up with ol friends, although it’s typically just with long phone calls for me now that a lot of us are working and going to school in different states.

  15. Wow, you had a pretty epic weekend my darling filled with good food, good people, and good fun!
    I love leg day. LOOOOOVE IT. ๐Ÿ˜€
    I would love to try hot yoga some time.

    Yolk porn to a whole otha level! I love sweet potato fries and salmon.. plus the pb & banana combo. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  16. Hahaha I love all the hashtags. Looks like a killer weekend! Any weekend involving wine, cheese, and girl talk is bound to be a good time!

    The best parts of my weekend were visiting the boy (#watchedbreakingbadallnight #partyanimals), getting together with my extended family (#grandmawantedtogopubcrawlingwithme #forrealz), and baking 2 different batches of brownies (#totallypiggedout #yolo)!

  17. That cheese plate has my name all over it!

  18. #hoorayforboobiesandsleep #whenididhotyogaifaceplantedinapoolofmyownsweat #smelledlikecheeese

  19. Julie says:

    Yoga, wine, and cheese rock. Fancy.

  20. Holy cow I wanna be friends with YOU.. What a perfect weekend #amazeballs

  21. Lol love everything about this post especially since it proves like me and Johnny Depp you are also a #winoforever ๐Ÿ˜‰ (hope you get the reference)

    Loving all the cheese on that amazing platter. Definitely having #foodenvy and thoughts of #getinmybelly over here right now.

    Once my paw heals I need to get on the yoga train too #sayingitmakesmethinkitmayhappen

  22. #SundaymorningsequalAbombingthebroccoliqueen.

    So this pretty much epitomises all things marvelous- You know I’m praising the wine to cheese ratio- and look at that (self added) sparkles to the pictures.

    Seeing as it’s currently the weekend AFTER this post- Yesterday’s marvelous was booking flights for my mum and sister to come visit me here in Sydney!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Ahhh, I always look forward to my Sunday A-bombs! Love it! Annnnnnd you, my friend are long overdue for a B-bomb! I’m thinking I’m going to continue with the element of surprise strategy though…you’ll nevvvvvvvverrrrrrr know when it may be coming for ya! Muahaha!

  23. Pingback: Farmers’ Market Frolicking |

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