Pumpkin Spice Pancakes with Maple Yogurt Sauce

Good morning loves and happy Pancake Sunday!

A couple of weeks ago, a little Nerdy Birdy asked me if I could whip up a batch of pancakes that would satisfy her cravings for the wonderful flavors of fall, yet not leave her gluten-intolerant tummy upset with her.

No grain? No Pain? No Problem! 😉

Filled with pumpkin spice and EVERYTHING things nice, you’d never even guess that they’re grain free!

Pumpkin Spice Pancakes with Maple Yogurt Sauce

By: Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10-12 minutes

Keywords: fry breakfast gluten-free grain-free high fiber coconut flour brown rice flour pumpkin Pancake Sunday fall

Ingredients (Serves 1)

For the Pancakes

  • 1/4 cup buckwheat flour (ground from buckwheat groats)*
  • 1/8 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon sodium-free baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/8 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon maple extract (optional)
  • 5-7 drops liquid stevia or other preferred sweetener
*Feel free to use any other gluten-free or glutinous flour to meet your dietary preferences.

For the Maple Yogurt Sauce

  • 1/8 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/8 teaspoon maple extract
  • 3-5 drops liquid stevia or other preferred sweetener


For the Pancakes

1. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and coat with cooking spray.
2. In a bowl combine flours, baking powder, and pie spice.
3. In a separate bowl combine egg, yogurt, milk, pumpkin, and extracts.
4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir well.
5. Spoon batter onto skillet surface, forming 3 medium-sized pancakes.
6. Cook 5-6 minutes per side flipping when edges begin to stiffen.
7. Top with maple yogurt sauce, toasted pecans, and dried cranberries.

For the Maple Yogurt Sauce

1. Combine all ingredients, whisk until smooth.

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Nutrition facts for pancakes, PRE toppings:

Now you can top your cakes with anything your heart desires, but really?

With a creamy maple-infused sauce like this…

Dripping down each pillowy spice-filled cake…

HOW could you turn away?

Oh Lord, I’ve gone and drooled all over myself!

Excuse me while I go change…and make another batch of these pancakes! 😉

What fall-flavored eats have you enjoyed this weekend?

Posted in Breakfast, Gluten-free, Pancake Sunday | Tagged , , , , , , , | 31 Comments

#FunFinds Friday

Yesterday my little foodie mind was blown.

I live in a small town…both geographically and minded. So a couple of weeks ago when I heard there was a little country shop across town that sold bulk grains, homemade spreads, and other fun things, I couldn’t help but be skeptical KNEW I had to check it out!

I couldn’t believe it…I drove all this way (20 minutes) and they wouldn’t let me turn my semi around! Sheesh!

But I HAD to forgive them the minute I walked through the door and spotted this:

Pick a jam any jam…you name it, they had it! Including some you wouldn’t think to name…

For the record, it’s a variety of muscadine grape…thanks Wikipedia! 😉

And the other side of the tower of jams? A pickled paradise…eggs, beans, okra, cauliflower…and with jams like “scuppernong”, you know they had more than just regular pickles:

Oh yes, this was MY kind of place! 😉

Whole grains, flours, baking mixes, sprinkles, homemade fudge, and…


I nearly had an aneurysm right there in the middle of the shop!

The store couldn’t have been more than 3000 square feet, but I still managed to spend over an hour walking up and down the aisles playing foodie paparazzi…somehow I managed enough restraint (only because I know I don’t have the space in my pantry) to get out of there for under 100 bucks.

Wanna see what I got?


Oh c’mon, you can’t seriously tell me your surprised about the marshmallows! 😉

The bulk of my purchase came from this little big guy but it was TOTALLY worth it…$40 for nearly a half gallon of organic UNREFINED coconut oil? I’ll take it!

And coconut flour for HALF the price as Whole Foods!

I also picked up some SUPER cheap wheat bran and some tapioca
(I have had the strangest craving for tapioca pudding and I wanna try my hand at making my own…we’ll see how that goes!)

Of course I couldn’t say no to the cinnamon pickles and the peach pecan jam practically jumped into my cart!

Yeah, these did too! 😉

And as if all THAT wasn’t enough…I just had to stop by TJ Maxx before heading home (in my defense, it’s on the way)

Of course the one I was MOST excited about was the spread!

So excited that I just HAD to find a way to incorporate it into last night’s dinner. So I roasted up half a kabocha (my fave) and stuffed it with cottage cheese, chickpeas, and the garlic and fig spread…

And then I figured, hell, why not add some cinnamon pickles and peach pecan jam too? 😉

Mind blown yet again!

Now about that title…join Kristin and me as we celebrate our awesome foodie finds! Just add #funfinds to any image you upload on Twitter and/or Instagram so we can all envy/drool over/devise a plan to sneak into your house and steal your goodies! 😉

What #funfinds have you discovered recently?

Anybody got any recipes for healthy tapioca pudding?

Posted in Friday Fun, Fun Finds Friday | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 34 Comments

Weird Foodie Club

In the words of a true Blend:

“One thing that I’ve learned from being a member of the healthy living blogger’s community is that many of are pretty weird. More specifically, we eat some pretty weird stuff.”

If you’ve been reading my blog for ANY length of time, you’ve probably noticed I can get a little…um, creative with my food sometimes. So when Lauren contacted me last week asking if I’d like to share my favorite “weird food combo” in a post of hers, the only question I had was…


If you’ve been reading long, you know by now I am no stranger to the strange, but believe it or not, before I started blogging, I really didn’t have any odd combos that stood out…well, unless you count the obscene amount of ketchup that made it’s way onto my plate on a regular basis! 😉

It all started with my first Green Monster

Circa 2010…only two months before I started the bloggy.

I’m pretty sure I see spinach in my teeth 😉

Next thing you know I’m whipping up bowls of savory oats…

Oats topped with green onions, feta cheese, and salt and pepper.

Throwing avocado in my baked goods…

Vegan Chocolate Avocado Cake with Avocado Buttercream Frosting

And adding nut butter to just about anything…

Sloppy Nutty Joes, HEAB-style

Now, two years later, no holds are barred…the weirder the combo, the more it appeals to me!

A few of my latest and greatest…


Fried Egg (and a crapTON of veggies) In A (sunbutter) Jar.

Popchips dipped in cashew butter.

Tuna, ricotta, and peanut butter…with roasted kabocha and falafel thins.

Chipotle-spiced chicken breast with almond butter.

Are we noticing a theme here with the nut butter?
#sorryimnotsorry 😉

But the one that takes home the Weird Food Award under the category of
“Use Up of All Leftovers in the Fridge”:

Sweet potato meets Tuna-LESS Melt topped with olive spread and balsamic vinegar.

A sweet and savory flavor EXPLOSION!

Think THAT sounds weird, head on over to Oatmeal After Spinning and check out a few of Lauren’s, Laura’s, Sarah’s and my favorites!

Wanna join our weird foodie club? 😉

What’s you FAVORITE weird food combo?

Posted in Entree | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 26 Comments