Chocolate Chip Bacon Pancakes

Hey hey peoples!

I hope you all had a marvelous weekend! How many of you celebrated Pancake Sunday with me this morning?

All last night, I was dreaming of pancake ideas…when you’ve made as many pancakes as I have in the last year, it’s harder to think of what to make next!

Should I focus on the “stuffing“?

Or maybe the topping?

Should I play with color?

Well, when it came down to it this morning, I decided going with a blend of two of my favorite KMB pancake recipes…

Elvis Pancakes meet Carob Chip Pancakes:

Chocolate Chip Bacon Pancakes 1Anyone up for some chocolate chip BACON pancakes? 😉

Chocolate Chip Bacon Pancakes

By: Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Keywords: fry breakfast bacon chocolate chips Pancake Sunday

Ingredients (Serves 2)

  • 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour*
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1 large egg
  • 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 servings bacon, cooked and diced
  • 1/4 cup semi-sweet/dark chocolate chips (I used mini chips)


1. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and coat with cooking spray.
2. In a medium-sized bowl, combine flour, baking power, salt, and cinnamon and stir with a spoon or a whisk to mix.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk together the butter, egg, milk, and vanilla.
4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir just until combined.
5. Fold in diced bacon pieces and chocolate chips.
6. Spoon batter into skillet (makes 6 medium-sized pancakes) and cook for approximately 4-5 minutes (or until batter starts to bubble) before flipping and then 2-3 minutes before plating.
7. Plate and top with maple syrup and sliced bananas.

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*If you do not have access to whole wheat pastry flour (which produces lighter baked goods and pancakes due to it’s lower gluten content), feel free to use any all purpose flour or a mixture of all purpose and whole wheat.

Chocolate Chip Bacon Pancakes 3I just happened to spot a lonely speckled banana in the fruit basket and decided to throw a few slices on top of my cakes…

BEST decision ever!

Chocolate Chip Bacon Pancakes 4

The combination of the bacon with the chocolate and then with the maple and banana was out of this world!

Chocolate Chip Bacon Pancakes 2Each bite was either salty…sweet…or that perfect mixture between the two!

Oh, and to all my wonderful veggie lovin’ friends out there, don’t be scared of trying this recipe out with a little fakin’ bacon! I’m sure it would be deeeeelicious!

I know I’ve probably asked this before, but what is your favorite sweet/salty combo?

Anything exciting happen this weekend? Do tell!

Posted in Breakfast, Pancake Sunday | Tagged , , , , , , , | 27 Comments

Friday By Number

Hey loves!

I’d like to start this post out with a BIG thank you to all our veterans out there. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have the freedoms we have today!

Happy Veterans Day!

Love you Dad!

So you guys remember color by number, right?


Well, with today being “the day” for number lovers everywhere (I’m looking at you, Janetha)…


I thought it’d be fun to do a little Friday by number to celebrate:


The number of canvases turned modern art with the help of some spray paint, masking tape, and inspiration in the form of Pinterest.


The number of failed attempts at repurposing an old print.

My idea was to pull the print off the backing and mod-podge it to a couple of canvases mosaic style, but as you can see, it rebelled.

Guess it’s back to the drawing board canvas!


The number of items on my plate yesterday for breakfast…er, lunch (when I woke up after my last night shift for the week).

Chocolate Cherry Cake Donut + Scrambled eggs + Hashbrowns + Mini Green Monster

Totally random…totally delicious!


The number of times I’ve cursed the rental car when trying to pull myself out of the driver seat! I swear the thing is only 6 inches off the ground…I’d have better luck if I just rolled out of it!

By the way, her name is Midge…short for Midget the Malibu…we’re not friends.

Which brings me to the part of the post that gets a little sad.


The amount in damages that Vickie suffered from the accident earlier this week.

It saddens me to say that Vickie is no longer with us.

I got the call from the hospital body shop today and had to go pull the plug gather my belongings.

She was a good car…faithful to me for the last four and a half years…she will be missed!


The number of days I have to find a new car…

And the hunt has already begun!

What number best describes your Friday?

Any exciting plans for the weekend?
I think you know what I’ll be doing!

Posted in Randomness, Shopping | Tagged , | 21 Comments

The Dating Game

There’s been something I’ve been meaning to tell you guys…

This summer, I started dating.

It was hard to let my guard down and get back out there, but as a gal who’s not exactly getting any younger, I felt it was time to just close my eyes and jump right in.

After countless hours on all the internet dating sites, I finally saw a small glimmer of hope when I received an email response from my friends over at Artisana.

I put all my trust in them when they told me they could provide me with a variety of slim single guys packs and a couple of short stocky types to have my way with get to know for free as long as I documented it on the blog.

And so began my summer of nut butter promiscuity.

I was so overwhelmed at first.

I had no idea just how many eligible bachelors to expect and when they all arrived at my doorstep on the same day, well…

things got a little awkward.

I decided the best way to get started was to place them into groups according to their similar characteristics…you know, let them mingle with each other a bit before I made my selections.

I enlisted the bigger guys as part time bouncers for the duration of the summer for crowd control purposes. You have to be careful with this many nuts in the same vicinity of each other.

Of course I let them know there would be some perks to the job…including but not limited to a few morning quickies in my bowl of oats. 😉

And well, as you can see, I couldn’t really help myself once Coconut Butter gave me
“the look”

The first round up of men butters where what I considered the “all American” guys. A little bit of representation from all different areas without getting too exotic.

I figured it’d be a good group to start with to get my feet wet.

Here is how the dates went down:

Walnut Butter: On his own, he was a little bland at first, but after a few drinks bananas, he opened up more and really showed me he knew how to handle himself around a lady.

Pecan Butter: This guy was a show stopper from the very beginning. If you know me, you know that pecans have always been my favorite so I was more than a little giggly on our date. We enjoyed a nice evening together and talked about everything from pies to pralines. I gave him my number. 😉

Almond Butter: Oh, Almond Butter, how disappointing you were! From the very beginning he lacked any spark…the night was long and boring…and at the end of the date, I was left with regret and a bad taste in my mouth (literally).

Macadamia Butter: Wow, talk about a guy that is FULL of himself. I knew before the date started that he wasnt’ really my type and I had my reservations knowing he came from a rich family, but seriously, if I heard one more story about saving children on the beaches of Hawaii by feeding them coconuts he had cracked open on his chest, I was going to shoot myself. I guess if you have to have that one “bad date” experience, he was most assuredly mine.

After the All-American Rejects (favorite band, btw), I turned my eyes to the crew of exotic boys!

Why hello there!

I was a little nervous at first and admittedly a little intimidated…the three of them were all so cultured…so sophisticated but I managed to shake the apprehension and had a pretty good run of dates!

Tahini Butter: Proof that sometimes big things come in small packages. Though I was only guaranteed one serving date from Artisana, the two of us managed to sneak in a couple of trips to Hummus Land. Have you ever been?…They have the most amazing ride call the Big Dipper! It’ll knock your pitas pants off!

Cashew Butter: I’ve had my fair share of trysts with cashew butters…remember Broccoli ‘n Cheese Sauce and the Creamy Cashew Drizzle for my cake batter french toast? But to be honest, I was a little nervous about my date with CB. Would there be enough chemistry flavor between us or would my experienced palate leave me wanting more? Luckily, his refined qualities (or excuse me UNrefined qualities showed me that you don’t always have to have sugar or spice and everything nice to have flavah!

Cashini Butter: I knew I was risking a bit going out with Cashini. It’s no secret that he tends to get around a bit with the ladies…or how hippies just can’t seem to contain themselves around him, but I went for it anyway. And although I may never see him again, I will never ever forget our night bonding over a roasted veggie wrap. *tear*

The final group of bachelors were so similar and yet so very different.

Coconut Oil: Unlike the rest of the guys, when it came to appearances, Coconut Oil had nothing to hide. No flair, no ego, just pure unadulterated coconut-flavored love. I couldn’t get over how smooth he was…or how he looked with nothing but a chocolate cherry cake donut on. Mmm, mmm, MMM!

Coconut Butter: As I alluded to earlier, I couldn’t help but go weak in the knees every time I caught a glance of Coconut Butter. And on top of that, he has this amazing way of making me feel like a kid in a candy shop…a candy shop full of white chocolate fudge! We had many nights (and mornings…wink, wink) full of giggles and….well, other noises. 😉

And then, there was one…

Cacao Bliss: You guys, I swear, it was love at first sight bite. And then I found out that he and Coconut Butter are fraternal twins! No wonder! Everything I adored about my albino love but with a little soul cacao. We took it slow at first…savoring every minute together, until the day he had to leave…his family needed him in South America. But I promised him that when the postage time was right, I knew he would be in my arms again.

Our last night together was “bittersweet” but before he set sail in his boat of oatbran, he pledged his love to me…


Isn’t it exciting?! I’m thinking oatmeal colored bridesmaid dresses with some cinnamon dusted bouquets…and of course, for all traditional purposes, I’ll be wearing a coconut bra under my dress!

Disclaimer: Artisana sent me these samples free of charge. All of the opinions are of my own and I was in no way compensated for this review…because that in fact would make me a hooker…not cool!

I in no way condone real life promiscuity…this is just a lighthearted take on product reviews so please keep any and all abstinence comments to yourself. 😉

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