Thinking Out Loud: I Can SEE!

And it’s time for another edition of Thinking Out Loud!

Heeeeeeeeeere’s JOHNNY HEATHER!


FOUR eyes are better than two!

I’ve been trying to come up with an idea for a costume for Halloween for months now…ok, that’s not entirely true. I actually just keep forgetting that I need to come up with an idea for a costume for Halloween. Think these’ll do?

Coffee Creamer

Could someone PLEASE tell me why I keep buying coffee creamers when I prefer my coffee black?

I keep seeing all these flavored coffee creamers in the stores and I can’t help myself but be curious. Then, when I get home with it and add it to my coffee, I’m A.) bummed that I have to reheat my mug in the microwave because it’s no longer hot enough and B.) disappointed that my coffee doesn’t taste like COFFEE! To remedy this, I’ve taken to drinking 2/3 of my mug black and THEN adding the creamer to the last few swallows.


Retail therapy is a real thing.

Last week, I was really moody for some reason. Just one of those No Good Very Bad Days, ya know? So I took some time to myself and ended up at Tuesday morning to buy ALL THE THINGS…that just so happened to color coordinate. 😉

PB Ginger Chews

Sometimes happy dances are not only expected but completely necessary.

Any of you how have ever shopped at TJ Maxx for peanut butter ginger chews knows just how much of a search it can be. How about I’ve been looking for these off and on for the past FOUR MONTHS and the moment I stop looking, I stumble over four packages!

#winning 😀

Food Network Magazine

Food rut? What food rut?

After posting about my food rut yesterday, I took a good long look at the latest Food Network magazine and? I can’t to cook EVERYTHING! Knowing me though and how easily I can get visually over-stimulated and not make anything, I think I’ve decided to try making the Caribbean Beef Stew first! What better way to reenter the culinary world than by means of the slow cooker?

Gum - Problems

Have your dessert and chew it too!

Ok, so I totally ripped that one off the inside of the Extra packet, but DAMN! All these new flavored gums are just too much! Clearly I have issues.

Another day, another concert!

While I’ve never been much of the concert-going type of person, tonight I will be going to my second out of three for the month. Perhaps you remember me telling you guys about Shakey Graves? Well, I’ll be seeing him LIVE tonight and I can’t wait!


Be sure to hop on over to Spoons and check out all the other links today! Hope you guys have a great weekend! 😀

What’s the last concert you went to?

Are you dressing up for Halloween? What are you going as?

Posted in Thinking Out Loud | Tagged , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Confessions of a Lazy Foodie

Alternative post title: That Time I Joined the Brown Food Club

Alright guys, it’s time I came clean.

Pumpkin Cereal & Figs

I ate cereal for two out of my three meals THREE days last week. 😯

Bacon Pizza

I’ve started convincing myself that “making” a pizza homemade consists of throwing mozzarella balls on a frozen pizza.


And coming from a self-proclaimed oatmeal connoisseur, this is just embarrassing BUT I’m sorry, there’s just something about warm strawberry oats mixed with plain Greek yogurt topped with peanuts…that’s ready in like two minutes.

Grilled Cheese

Three words: ghetto grilled cheese
Explanation: Toast bread -> sandwich cheese between toast -> microwave -> consume.
Statement made in my defense: I only do this at work when I don’t have access to a stove.

Soup & Sandwich

And I dunked that ghetto grilled cheese in a big ol’ mug of CANNED tomato soup!


When I DO actually make soup from “scratch” it involves throwing precooked meatballs and everything else in my kitchen in a soup pot, simmering it for an hour, and then eating dinner at midnight.

Egg Sandwich

And all the eggs I’ve eaten over the last few weeks have been scrambled (because it’s quicker) and sandwiched between two slices of bread with mayo (because I lack creativity it reminds me of my childhood).

So yeah, I’ve gotten in a rut. I haven’t cooked…I mean REALLY cooked in ages. I can’t actually remember the last time I had a green leafy vegetable. But I have been blowing up my Pinterest boards with soups and easy one-pot dishes so hopefully soon, I’ll dig out on of my sauce pans, and uncover my kitchen mojo. Until then…I’ll be over here, ya know, perfecting my semi-homemade skills! 😉

What do you do to get out of a rut?

What’s the last thing you COOKED?

Posted in Confessions | Tagged , , , , , , , | 20 Comments

Just Call Me Super Woman!

As of riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight now…no, wait…NOW!

Work Selfie

I am a FREEEEEEEEEE woman!

I have just finished working 3,180 minutes in the last five days. For all you mathematically challenged folks out there, that would be 53 hours. I have the next four and a HALF days off and I have absolutely nothing to do…no plans, no chores, NOTHING!

Now normally, working 10-11 hour shifts five days in a row would leave me with a mountain of laundry, dirty dishes, and an empty fridge, but not this time! While my fridge may still be more populated by condiments (and wine) than actual FOOD, you and I both know I could live for years out of my pantry…and really, I’ve been living off of cereal lately anyhow. But no, what I’m really yammering on about is the fact that I was able to knock out ALL of my chores, hit up TWO grocery stores, ran to Target, bought a step-ladder, found a dead mouse, AND still managed to get a solid EIGHT HOURS OF SLEEP every night day!

Oh wait, what was that about the dead mouse…? 😯

Long story short, many many months ago, the light in my pantry quit working. It’s the kind of attic-type light with a pulley down chain thingy (I told you to call me Super Woman, not an electrician). It felt like something was wrong/caught in the chain, but since I still have no kitchen table (with chairs that I could climb up on), I had no way to get up there. So I came home the other day with my little step-ladder ready to do a little DIY-ing…

I removed the bulb, unscrewed the fixture from the ceiling, and reached up

OMFG Mouse!


Remember when I had problems with mice last winter? Well, after I had the pest control people come out, I haven’t had any problems. I guess this poor little loser got lost on the way out…and got electrocuted in the process. 😯

Now, while I’d LOVE to say I put on my big girl pants and did what needed to be done, in actuality, I screamed a lot, washed my hands five times, ran around the house repeating, “oh ma god, oh ma god, oh ma gahhhhhhhd!” Then I proceeded to Snapchat it to everyone I know, call my dad, and whine/text to my sister…who I will confess actually had to be the one to get rid of the little vermin.


But back to MY super human abilities! Because while Tori does deserve a medal for sister of the year, I’d like to see her…

Wash AND FOLD two never-ending loads of laundry.
Empty the dishwasher AND reload it.
Sweep the kitchen.
Clean the ENTIRE bathroom including the shower of doom.
And STILL have time to…

Milk - Decisions

Spend 15 minutes picking out one freakin’ carton of milk…

For an experiment that will later be revealed.

Target Goodies - Pumpkin

Hunt down ALL THE FALL THINGS at Target

“My precious”

Pringles Sale

And collect eight cans of her favorite Pringles all for a BUCKeach.

While also catching up on emails.
Responding to blog comments from the last 3 weeks (whoops!).
Painting her nails.
AND scheduling a massage for this coming Saturday!

And that, my friends, is why I get the cape! 😀

But I could never claim to conquer all my feats with a scrub brush and a debit card alone. Oh no…I have to take a minute to thank my faithful sidekicks…

Insomnia NO MORE!

Who have asked to be referred to as the Pink Ladies!

In yo’ FACE, insomnia!

And now, to enjoy my four and a half day weekend! 😀

What has been your super power this week?

If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be?

Posted in Randomness, Shopping | Tagged , , , , , , | 22 Comments