Springy Dippin’

Hey there my little doodle bugs!

Did ya miss me yesterday?

I WISH I could say that I took the day and basked in the wonderful spring weather that Tennessee has been graced with this week, but sadly, my gimpy fin prevented such things…so instead, I made the most out of my time indoors…

With some puzzle piecin’ (fittin’?…puttin’ together’n?), Downton Abbey watchin’, and
oh yeah, a littleΒ skinny SPRINGYΒ dippin’! πŸ˜‰

Springy Dipping Pea Dip

Hey, if I can’t go TO the spring, then the Spring is coming to ME!Β 

Thank you Tori for being my babysitter, sous chef, AND photography assistant…and for maintaining crowd control after the ants showed up and tried to start trouble! πŸ˜‰

Strange But Good - Spring

So who’s ready for a little #strangebutgood spring picnic? Just be sure to make a plate and take it over to Laura at Sprint 2 the Table when you get ready to leave! πŸ˜‰

Now gather up your “crunchables”…


Shoo away the ladybugs (sheesh, always gotta have a piece of everything…
greedy little girls!),

Sweet Pea Dip & Crunchables

And get ta dippin’!*
*Because we ALL know that spoon’s just there for looks! πŸ˜‰

Wait, what exactly are we dippin’ into?

Follow me for a moment, while we trace the convoluted and twisted, inner weirdness of Heather’s mind (if you get scared just grab a “love” bug!)…

I wanted a snack.
I wanted something crunchy.
As always, I wanted to take that crunchy and DIP it into something creamy.
So I grabbed my new favorite CRACKers and a jar of almond butter.
Then, all of a sudden, I really wanted some bananas and…
Well, I’d be lying if I didn’t have
the WIAW “going green” theme on my mind.

So THIS is what happened…

“Spring” Pea Dip

By:Β Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 5-10 minutes

Cook Time: N/A

Keywords: food processor appetizer snack breakfast high fiber high protein no sugar added vegan vegetarian peas #strangebutgood

Ingredients (Serves 1-2)

  • 1 cup peas, fresh or frozen
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 Tablespoon creamy unsalted almond butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 19 1/2 ant legs* (Ha! Just making sure you’re reading)
  • 6-7 mint leaves or 1/4 teaspoon mint extract (optional)


1. Place peas in a microwave safe bowl and add 1 inch of water.
2. Cover with plastic wrap, leaving a small gap for air to escape, and cook on high for 1-2 minutes, or until tender.
3. Drain and rinse under ice-cold water.
4. Combine peas with the rest of the ingredients, place in a food processor and blend until creamy.
5. Serve with your choice of “crunchables”

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Spring Pea Dip

The dip is REALLY like none other…and I’m not just saying that because I made it…OR because it has peas AND bananas in it! πŸ˜‰

Actually, you can’t even taste the peas…

*Or the ants! πŸ˜‰

What’s the last thing you went “dippin'” in?

Has spring sprung where you live?


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49 Responses to Springy Dippin’

  1. Ha! Ant legs! Too cute. What a great dip idea, and I agree . . . that certainly is a strange combination. Happy Friday!

  2. katie says:

    Loving it! I love the easter graphics too! Got to love picmonkey πŸ™‚

    This post has me all excited for spring and easter! Hope you are feeling good girl!!

    Happy weekend! <3

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I know, I swear I lose just about as much time on that website as I do Pinterest! Haha! And I wasn’t even really thinking about Easter until I spied all the cutesy graphics they added! Now I want to run to the store and buy an egg dying kit and some jelly beans! Lol

  3. Lee says:

    This is certainly strange! Is it sweet from the banana?

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Yep! It actually tastes like baby food bananas…only creamier thanks to the addition of the almond butter! It’s SO good!

  4. Bananas, peas, almond butter, and mint (and ant legs haha)? I think you may have out-stranged yourself! πŸ˜‰ It actually does sound really good though!

    Spring poked its head out over the weekend, and then it went back into hiding. I hope it returns soon because I’m sick of snow!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha, ya think? And girl, I feel for you! I’ll definitely do what I can to push some of this sunshine over your way!

  5. I am definitely intrigued but a little weirded out…yup, I’d say that hits the strange but good mark :-p I’m probably going to leave out the ants legs though!

  6. That sounds so interesting!!! Would you say it’s sweet? Savory? Either way it looks so good!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thanks, Liz! It’s definitely a sweet dip! It actually tastes like baby food bananas…only a bit creamy with the almond butter!

  7. This sounds delicious and oh so easy! I’ve never of putting peas and a sweet-type recipe before, but this just looks great.

    And where did you find those adorable little critters? So fun!

    Totally proud that I read the ingredients and caught the ant legs πŸ˜‰ You can totally tell it’s a Friday.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I know, this is actually the first time I’ve ever really played around with peas before! It’s definitely got me thinking of a few other combos! Can’t wait until I can finally get back in the kitchen and actually start experimenting again!

      I use Pic Monkey for all my photo editing and each season, they add new graphics and fun designs! You should check it out! http://www.picmonkey.com/ Just be warned…it’s SUPER easy to get sucked in and waste like 2 hours of your life playing with little doodle bugs! LOL

  8. This was such a cute post! The recipe looks yummy, and thanks for making me smile with the doodle bug greeting. Haha!

  9. LOL! You crack me up. I want extra ant legs!!! I love anything green so you know I love this… and I’m pretty sure this is a baby food flavor. πŸ˜‰

    You are one strange bird. In a good way. Thanks for linking up this tastiness! I bet it’s good on pancakes…

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Dude, I bet it IS good on pancakes! Can’t believe I never even thought of that! I could even add some almond milk to it to make it more of a sauce…hmm, ORRRRRRR I could turn the dip INTO pancakes! Damnit woman, what did I tell you about giving me more ideas! My friggin’ head is going to explode! Lol

  10. This is strange for sure! I love all those ingredients on their own so maybe they would be good together. I may be making this just out of curiosity.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Do it!! You never know…this might be your next favorite food obsession…that’s how I got started on my BBQ PB&J sandwiches! Lol 😯

  11. This definitely sounds strange but good! I actually think it would be a great way to get my son to eat his peas! Thanks Heather and happy Friday!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      That’s what I told my sister! I couldn’t talk her into trying it (at the time…I haven’t give up just yet! Haha!), but I swear it just tastes like baby food bananas…creamy and sweet!

  12. I actually think mint and peas is a fabulous combination. As is almond butter and bananas. However, even I have never thought of combining them all together. I am extremely intrigued…

    You are getting even weirder than me. πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Umm, is that even possible?! πŸ˜‰ I swear, I have NO clue where the idea came from! I surprised the heck out of myself with this one! Lol

      Oh, guess what…guess what…guess whaaaaaaaaaat! I bought some mango salsa today! I see some mango olive tapenade in my VERY near future! πŸ˜€

  13. I can handle a lot of things incuding a pair of hoes, but ant legs….ain’t gonna happen. Although this dip looks great. I am loving all the Easter graphics and hope you’re on the mend.
    I like to say Everyday I’m puzzlin’; I’m a fan of the double entendre though.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha, LOVE it! Hmm, no ant legs huh? Welp, guess that just means more for me!

      So I REALLY hope you’re coming back from your Tom Cruise stent soon…I read your guest post over on Jessie’s blog today, but I’m totally missing your random rants and raves! :X

  14. Your graphics are adorable–so happy & springy! Love it on a gloomy, San Diego Friday. Hope you have a GREAT weekend and maybe start to walk πŸ˜‰

  15. Omigod SO cute!! Those little creatures… I die! I’m seeing peas everywhere, definitely need to jump on that train. I hear TJs has fresh english peas.
    And this actually doesn’t strike me as strange at all. Then again, I’ll eat nearly anything with mint.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I know, aren’t they adorable! I think I got a little carried away sticking them on every pic, but I couldn’t help myself! Especially once I realized I could change the color of all of them! LOL And I LOVE how you almost always back me up on my weird food tendencies! πŸ˜€

  16. What a bizarre combination! Especially the ant legs πŸ˜‰ but seriously this dip looks like one that is all kinds if wrong but is somehow right at the same time. It’s going in my bookmarked ‘to try’ recipes πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Honestly, I thought the SAME thing! I went to take a bite after it was done blending, and I was like, oh my god, HOW is this going to taste?! Haha! Luckily it was MORE than a pleasant surprise! πŸ˜€

  17. SPring has most definitely NOT sprung over where I am – in fact, it’s been snowing for the past two days so it looks a lot more like winter πŸ˜₯ And it’s crazy to think that just last week I was living it up in Hawaii, “dippin” in the ocean. Hopefully this is the last of the nasty weather!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh honey, I hope so too! When I was reading that it was ONE DEGREE up there the other day, I swear my bones started hurting for you! Double up on the tea and lattes for now while I try to do my best to “will” the nice weather up your way! πŸ™‚

  18. Er…..and what do I do with the ant legs? Topping? Frying and stir under? I mean, this is the ingredient I will double up – I will put in 39 instead of 191/2 hahahaha giiiirl I am laughing. And I SO love the bugs-graphic!
    My bike’s gears were frozen this morning. I did ride it and it was dangerous because the breaks were frozen too. Is that the answer to your spring question??
    I did some dipping tasting a few days ago to make sure a package is filled with only good stuff *hinthinthint* *winkwinkwink* πŸ™‚ and I need to do some baking on Sunday, whooooops *hinthinthint* *winkwinkwink* πŸ™‚ Happy Weekend love!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Hahaha! Yay to all the hints and winks…YAYYYYYYYYY! πŸ˜€ Hopefully, you’ll forgive me if your “hint hint wink wink” package is a little late since I’ve yet to try driving myself around and well, I actually, I need to make out a list first…there are SO many things I’m thinking of and well, I have a tendency to go a little overboard sometimes…don’t be surprised if you rip off the tape and the box explodes in front of you! Lol

      I was already like “HOLY CRAP!” when I read that you rode your bike through the snow storm, but riding with basically NO BREAKS?! Girl, you is CRAZY!!! Hahaha!

      Oh and I definitely recommend toasting up the legs and throwing them in just before serving…satisfies that extra “crunch” craving…and the MORE the merrier! πŸ˜€

  19. This definitely sounds interesting! I’m not a big fan of peas, but I can see that it would taste good! We have been enjoying some nice warm, Spring weather in Northern California. I hope it continues! Happy Friday!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      It’s funny, I really just started liking peas within the last year, but you actually can’t even taste them in this dip…it’s just sweet and creamy! πŸ™‚

  20. Kendra says:

    Wow, this is such a creative recipe! I will definitely have to try it sometime–though I should probably omit the ant legs, being vegetarian;) I love dips of any kind: hummus, guacamole, salsa, you name it. 90% of the time, though, I just eat the dip straight out of the jar instead of dipping things into it. That’s the best way to consume it, right?:)

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha, EXACTLY! Actually, if I wasn’t such a crunchy food addict, I’d probably do the same! Of course, most of the time my dip to dippER ratio is about 3:1! LOL

  21. Looks amazing! Love the color πŸ™‚

  22. Umm, I adore peas. And dips. And ants. And bananas. And almond butter. Why the heck NOT put them all together? Strange? Maybe. Good? I guess I’ll have to make it and find out for myself! However, I highly doubt I won’t love this springy dip…it’s so pretty, too! Oh, and as for the ant legs…I conquered grasshoppers when I was living abroad in Mexico (fried…in a taco), so my fear threshold is pretty high. πŸ˜€

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend, Heather! <3

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      You tried grasshoppers? REALLY?! Wow, I am IMPRESSED! I went to the zoo this past summer with my family and spotted a section FULL of candy insects…ugh, just holding the packages gave me the heebie-jeebies! Lol

  23. NICE! I have never thought about using peas as a hidden green but seeing as they are so sweet naturally they would probably be perfect. I crown you the queen of weird food combos that work, I’m impressed!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      To tell you the truth Anna, I never thought about it before either! I swear it’s scary how my mind works sometimes! And thank you, I take that as QUITE the compliment! πŸ˜€

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