WIATIFTBA: A Vegan Meat Sandwich

Hiya kids!

Welcome to the post for the short-term memory-challenged…

The ADHD-stricken…

And of course, the regular Wednesday celebrator!

Otherwise known as…


What I Ate That IΒ Forgot to Blog About!

Big thanks to Jenn and her weekly blog party for giving me a reason to scour my photo library and RE-discover these gems! And since these pics just happen to be full of GREEN,Β coinciding with our latest WIAW theme, perhaps you’ll forgive the fact that they’re almost a MONTH OLD?!

Oops? πŸ˜•

This particular weekend of deliciousness started with the man-friend and me satisfying a HUGE craving…


A doughy, cheesy, get-in-my-faceΒ pizza kind of craving!

Old Chicago

We were both eager to try out Old Chicago’s new Tavern Thin Crust pizza and since I just happened to get a coupon in the mail that week, we figured it must’ve been a sign! πŸ˜‰

I ordered an individual-size topped with my pizza must-haves:
Mushrooms, red onions, green peppers and black olives.

And the man-friend went with a large topped with manly must-haves:

And no, you didn’t read that wrong…nor are your eyes messing with you. Notice the pies are the same size? Well, the kitchen goofed and ended up making us TWO LARGES…buuuuuut we were only charged for the sizes we ordered.

See, I told you it was a sign! πŸ˜‰

The next day, I met up with my favorite purple-haired, chicken-loving gal at a new-to-me restaurant in Nashville…one of our ONLY vegan options, The Wild Cow!

Vegan Artichoke Dip

We started out with a plate of spinach and (heavy on the)Β artichokeΒ dip along with some perfectly seasoned crostini.

Then it was time to bring it on down to Veganvilllllllllle….

Wild Cow

Buffalo tempeh salad for Allie and a seitan Philly with a side of garlicky kale for me!

I tried a bite of Allie’s tempeh and while it was a bit spicy for me, I thought it had a good flavor. My sandwich was absolutely amazing…filled with “meaty” seitan,Β peppers and onions, stuffed inside a perfectly toasted whole wheat bun…and the “cheese”? YUM!

After we’d finished basking in the glory of our veggie-filled lunch, we decided to head next door for some dessert at Jenni’s

Jenni's Ice Cream

Because you know, the best way to end a VEGAN lunch is with ICE CREAM! πŸ˜‰

After sampling HALF the store (I kid you NOT!), I ended up going with a scoop of the goat cheese with red cherries and the pistachio honey!

There were SO many incredible flavors to choose from: toasted coconut, wild berry lavender (that tasted like friggin’ Fruity Pebbles!), Bangkok peanut butter (with a nice spicy kick), and they even had an absinthe flavor that was soooo interesting!

I will DEFINITELY be going back!

On my way home that night, I took a small detour and headed over to have dinner with the parentals. My sister, Tori, was at work that night so it was just the three of us!

Stew & Mustard

Mama’s homemade beef and vegetable stew with a side of Heather’s #strangebutgoodΒ crackers! And a little un-pictured dip (or three) into the sweetΒ pickle jar for a little appetizer! πŸ˜‰

Later that night, back at Casa de Broccoli, was when I first discovered February’s Indulgence

PB&J Sundae

PB annnnnnnnnnd J!

Because you can never have too much ice cream

Because I needed an excuse to eat cereal

Because I wanted it!

What is the last craving you satisfied?

Did you catch Justin Timberlake latest hosting of SNL?
I may be behind the times but I watched it on Hulu last night and laughed until I almost cried!

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56 Responses to WIATIFTBA: A Vegan Meat Sandwich

  1. The last craving I satisfied was for chocolate – and I did it in the best way possible! One of my healthy double chocolate brownies (and it’s a no-funky ingredient recipe – I don’t want no beans in my brownies!) topped with chocolate cream cheese. Ah-freaking-maze-ing! I could swim in chocolate cream cheese hahaha

  2. One month old pictures? Well, just goes to show how far ahead you were already thinking with your green food choices ;).

    You know I’m all over those veggie-filled dishes but that ice cream beats everything. I’d have gone sampling-crazy, too, and wish German ice cream parlors picked up the idea of samples, too. I mean, you want to know what you might be missing out on before picking a flavour, right?!

    Last craving I satisfied: some Salt and Vinegar chips pre-breakfast today. No shame because that’s what intuitive eating means to me :).

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Yep, Jenn and me…we totally have matching brainwaves! πŸ˜‰

      Salt & vinegar first thing in the morning, huh? Girl, you’re hardcore! Guess I can’t say too much though, I made had a leftover burger for breakfast today! πŸ˜‰

      So true about the ice cream! I already have the hardest time making decisions…I’m just lucky/happy they were so willing to give multiple samples! I kept waiting for them to cut me off! Haha!

  3. I am literally drooling over your eats! Particular the Seitan Philly. Let alone the pizza..yumm.

    Last craving was for McDonalds ice cream and so I had it in a waffle cone with chocolate sundae sauce, so not good for you but oh so delicious and worth it!

  4. I want to go have a vegan lunch in Nashville with you and Allie! Maybe someday πŸ˜‰

    I had no idea PB Toast Crunch existed but now I’ll have to add that to the list of things I’ll look forward to having when I go home!

  5. Ommmmmg Jeni’s is the BEST! Everytime I go back home to Ohio, I HAVE to go there. It’s seriously one of my favorite things on earth. And holy monkeys that pizza looks delicious!

  6. I don’t even know where to begin…everything looks so amazing! I am sadly way behind the times lately. I need to watch that JT episode still!

    I hope you’re feeling better and everything is healing nicely! Have a great Wednesday Heather!

  7. I love when restaurants mess up and you end up with more (free) food.

    I haven’t had cinnamon toast crunch in forever, but the peanut butter version sounds amazing… I’m going to have to tell my brother about that one πŸ™‚

    Hulu and I have not bonded in awhile, so no, Justin Timberlake’s SNL episode has not made an appearance on my computer screen… YET πŸ˜‰ It’s only a matter of time though because his Single Lady’s dance with Beyonce is one of my favorite SNL skits ever (Aside from Baldwin’s Shweddy Balls πŸ™‚ ).

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! LOVE Shweddy Balls! Now I’m gonna have to Google the Single Lady’s dance…haven’t seen that one!

      Warn your bro…the PB Crunch is total CRACK!! Lol

  8. I guess you can’t really complain about extra pizza! :-p
    And absinthe ice cream?! I’m definitely intrigued by that.

  9. Mmm that pizza! And the seitan sandwich looks really good too. I’ve only had seitan once before, but I remember liking it!

    The last craving I satisfied was my craving for meatballs. I made beef + pork meatballs with parmesan cheese last night and they were SO good!

  10. Lucie says:

    GOAT CHEESE ICECREAM? Now that is something I heard of the FIRST time in my life (YES, I am from SWITZERLAND).
    But I would LOVE to try it!!
    The Pizza looks so good, I would like to eat it, you know, like NOW. I just came from the gym and am starving, WIAW posts reading is just making it unstandable πŸ™‚
    My last craving was last night, Almond Butter with Chocolate Protein and Stevia aka Chocolate Cream, yumm!!!!!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Finally, someone commenting on the goat cheese! I loved the pistachio honey too, but the goat cheese was OUT OF THIS WORLD! So rich and creamy yet crisp and tart too!

      Girl, I give you props for blog reading right after the gym…I swear I’d eat the letters off my keyboard! Lol

  11. I cannot get enough opizza lately. What is it about melty cheese?!

    You didn’t get the sweet potato-marshmallow ice cream? Please tell me you sampled it!!! They once had a pear-proscecco flavor… I died.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I did sample it (it was a limited edition flavor…no way I was missing out on THAT!) but I was a little disappointed…it didn’t really have a strong roasty/toasty flavor like I was expecting! πŸ™

  12. bahhh I MUST try that cereal..I don’t know if I’ll be able to have any self control around it though!

  13. I still have not tried Jenni’s ice cream. I would have died for that pistachio and honey.

  14. Everything on here made my mouth water! Those pizzas! The ice cream!! Those flavors sound fabulous!

  15. Allie says:

    You just let me know when you’re ready for another vegan + ice cream (…or just ice cream…) adventure, and I’ll be there ;D

  16. Absinthe ice cream, eh? Well now I’m definitely intrigued. But I have to say that the pistachio honey sounds like all sorts of amazing. I’ve kind of been a little crazy for honey lately, going as far as to dip a spoon into the honey pot multiple times a day. And coconut! Gah! I just can’t get enough of it either. I recently came across some coconut Oikos and omigosh… my life will never be the same 😯

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg, Sam (Better with Sprinkles) has been taunting me with that Oikos for WEEKS!! And now YOU?! Waaaaah!

      The absinthe was a REALLY good flavor, but it was just a little “odd” for ice cream. BUT after having an absinthe root beer in Atlanta the last time I visited, I can’t help but think it would make one INCREDIBLE root beer float! HEAVEN! πŸ˜€

  17. The pizza toppings you chose are my favorites . . . and I also like to add broccoli! I had a mad craving for sushi last week . . . so we definitely took care of that by swinging by my favorite Japanese marketplace and asking for a sashimi platter. Delish.

  18. yum!!! I have yet to try seitan but tempeh salad looks delicious πŸ™‚ i am intrigued by ice cream choices you have wow. on a different note, SNL with JT was hilarioussssss.

  19. My last craving was sushi – which we had at our favorite all-you-can-eat place on Monday night. I can put away a LOT of sushi! πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Ahhh, you and me BOTH! The man-friend and I went out for sushi last night (first time in FOREVER!) and I was stuffed to the gills by the time we left! TOTALLY worth it!

  20. I thought that was a very large personal pizza! Lucky you for leftovers! I was laughing when I saw your cracker with mustard because I used to eat that all the time! Back when I was a starving college student, I always had saltines and mustard stocked in my fridge/cupboard for emergencies AKA, only enough money for beer not food! Ha!
    Unfortunately I’m battling another cold so I haven’t been craving much this week as far as eats go. Today all I wanted was some green juice so I’ve been sipping on fresh kale, apple, lemon, ginger and carrot juice all morning. Hoping it will give me some extra vitamins and minerals to help get me healthy!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      “AKA, only enough money for beer not food!” <- The ONLY emergencies when you're in college! Ahh, so many memories...or at least I THINK I remember them all! πŸ˜‰ Sorry to hear you're feeling ill again! But glad to hear you're giving your body plenty of the good stuff to get you back on track! Feel better vibes coming your way! xoxo

  21. how fun are those ice cream flavors!? i want the sweet potato w/ marshmallows..OH! and a slice of that insane pizza. πŸ˜‰

  22. mmmm that pizza looked amazing! I absolutely love pizza! That’s actually a craving i’ve been having but have not been out to get some! The last craving that I satisfied was with kale chips – the cheesy kind! YUM!
    I love Arctic Zero ice cream. Never seems to disappoint me! I love the coffee the flavor the most but your creation of PB and J is tempting to try out!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I’m the same way with the AZ…it always takes care of my sweets cravings! The coffee and the cookies and cream are my top favorites, but the strawberry has REALLY been growing on me…especially since my PB&J discovery! I ran out of cereal, but the other day I mixed in some peanut flour and it was ahhhhhmazing!

      Get you some pizza woman! Lol

  23. purelytwins says:

    craving pizza now πŸ˜‰

  24. Emily says:

    Ahhh…that vegan restaurant has me drooling! YUM!
    I love exploring new places like that and, thankfully, LA has an amazing vegan scene so there’s always new things to try!
    I actually don’t think I’ve ever had a vegan philly (even when I was fully vegan for 2 years) so that’s something I’ll definitely have to add to my list!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      That was one thing I absolutely loved about visiting California a couple of years ago…the foodie scene is like a whole other world! So many options! I was so glad I got the chance to experience raw cuisine for the first time there at Cafe Gratitude…it was so good!

  25. Kim says:

    If you have not tried this “ice scream” yet I highly recommend it. I can’t always find the other one so the other day in the local grocery store I found this one…… soooo good.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh my gosh, I’ve never heard of this brand! Where do you normally find it? I have GOT to try that PB&J!!! πŸ˜€

  26. Those are some interesting ice cream flavors! They sound really good though!

  27. I love ADHD posts. They’re such fun and maybe that’s because I’m your ADHD counterpart. Those pizzas look exactly like what the Hubby and I order, except they never upgrade the size accidentally. Damn conscientious workers.
    I love the ice cream too. I seriously won’t buy ice cream to keep in the house anymore, except on a very rare occasion. I have no self control and will eat a bowl every single night until its gone, and that’s not many nights. I will however go out for ice cream, specifically to a local gelato place, and indulge to my hearts content.
    Hope the PT is going well.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha, you are totally me ADHD twin! Wait, what was that…squirrel? πŸ˜‰

      And I am the SAME way with the ice cream…I always say I’m going to be better and portion it out slowly…Bahaha, yeah right! Most of the time, I’m lucky if a whole half gallon lasts more than 4 days! 😯

      The PT is actually going REALLY well! I had my second session today and was pretty impressed with the progress I’ve already made. She gave me a TON of exercises and stretches to do for my “homework” over the weekend. If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to put weight on it by next week! *fingers crossed*

  28. That pistachio honey looks amazing!!!!!

    So much food porn here! πŸ˜‰

  29. Loved JT on SNL, he’s the best! Also that meal looks fabulous. We have an amaing Vegan restaurant here called Native Foods. I love it!

  30. Hahaha I was like, “If that is a single sized pie, I would love to see the large!” πŸ™‚

    Alright, I need to make more homemade seitan…and get it into a Philly “cheese” “steak” ASAP.

    Condiments on crackers for the win!

    I have watched JT from SNL more than is appropriate. And for a girl who rarely laughs out loud (aside from conceptually), I was DYING.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      “And for a girl who rarely laughs out loud (aside from conceptually)” <- I'm LITERALLY laughing out loud right now! πŸ˜‰ And for real...it's been at LEAST a year since I've made homemade seitan! I used to be completely obsessed with it...I blame my foodie ADD!

  31. I love eating at vegan restaurants because the menu option are always SO creative. Of course, then I often go home and recreate a non-vegan version of whatever I ordered ;-).

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I do the same thing! Either that, or I try out a vegan recipe and then I go and bastardize it with cheese, yogurt, runny egg, etc! Lol

  32. Cereal + ice cream = my kind of evening snack!! πŸ™‚

  33. Shh….don’t tell my husband, but I’m a little in love (ha!) with Justin Timberlake, he was awesome on SNL. And truth be told, my husband is well aware of that. Whiskey and pecan ice cream??? I’m booking a flight! πŸ™‚

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Come on down!…er, over? up? πŸ˜‰ We’ll bring home half the shop, make sundaes, and spend the rest of the night oogling over JT online! πŸ˜€ And seriously…has he not gotten like 233797296 x cuter since his NSYNC days?! 😯

  34. WOW!! I’m craving pizza now!! I love your cracker with mustard! Thank you for sharing your creative food journey and humor with us! Have a great day!

  35. That seitan Philly sandwich looks amazing! I love reading about vegan restaurants :).

    Mustard on saltines? That is a new one to me, but definitely something that I would try!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      It’s actually pretty good! I got started on it in high school. My friends and I were totally cheap and would go to a local restaurant, order water and sit there eating the “free” crackers covered in ketchup, mustard, and…if someone happened to have 50 cents, we’d get some ranch dressing! Ha!

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