Currently: November

Hey there my little turkeys!

I hope all my American friends out there had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday and hopefully didn’t stuff yourselves too silly with all that yummy holiday goodness! As for everyone else, I hope your day was just as great and on the off-chance it wasn’t, forget about it because it’s FRIIIIIIIIDAY!

And since it’s almost the LAST(?!) day of the month, I’m popping in with one of my favorite themed-posts! Yes, before we go fa-la-la-la-laing and decking all those halls, let’s take a look back on all the great things November had to offer…

Current Book:

Book & Coffee

After finishing up The Five People You Meet in Heaven, I plucked another red one from the bookshelf…and in case you’re wondering, yes, I have bought books in certain colors JUST for decorating purposes. Thank you to discount bookstores! πŸ˜‰

Current Music:

Β When I’m not rocking out in the gym or blasting the Buble’ in the car, I’ve been enjoying Β a favorite that I discovered this summer…The xx!

LOVE this song!

Current Guilty Pleasure:

Gym Selfies

I’m sorry I’m not sorry.

Current Nail Color:

Hmm, does the orange tint to my palms count? πŸ˜‰

Current Drink:


Still haven’t tracked down the coconut, but I’m slowly quickly making my way through all the flavors I CAN find!

Current Food:

Currently November FoodI think it’s safe to say, November was the month of the Oompa…Loompa that is! πŸ˜‰

Current Favorite Show:

So, while I was at my parents house last weekend, chilling with my mom on the couch while the man-friend and my dad shot up innocent trees in the backyard (no worries, private property and a WHOLE LOTTA acreage!), I caught up on a few episodes of an old favorite, Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives…but THEN this came on!

Guy's Grocery Games

Has anyone seen it?!?! Or more importantly, can you get me on the show?!

Current Wish List:

At the urging of my mama, I have been hard at work over the last couple of weeks coming up with a Christmas list. First things to come to mind: a tripod, this book, and a book light. Though none of that will overshadow the pony from last year! πŸ˜‰

Current Needs:

A vacation from work…I’m starting to feel like I could do it in my sleep…and well, some nights I think I do, but seriously, the repetition is getting to me. This happens from time to time but usually a week off helps center me once again.

Current Triumphs:

I GOT MY SCANNER WORKING!!!Β Consider this a warning…painfully cute throwback pics will be coming your way in the very near future!

Current Bane of Existence:

TigerI know, I know…but before you all start giving me the stank eye, get a load of this: So for the past month, I could SWEAR that my workout-room-turned-photography-suite smelled like cat litter. I lit candles, sprayed air freshener, and even sprinkled baking soda on the carpet and it was STILL there. Then, a couple of weeks ago, I found out why…
This little asshole has been PEEING ON THE FLOOR!! Please excuse me while I Google the legal consequences behind feline homicide!

Current Celebrity Crush:

Mmmm, muscly man meat! πŸ˜€

Current Indulgence:Β 

Childhood Nostalgia

Two words: childhood nostalgia πŸ˜€

Current Blessing:

This time of year always reminds me to count the MANY blessings…my family, my friends, my health, my job (which is basically just the means to get me to all my foodie treasures), but I wouldn’t be able to feel the joy all these blessings bring to my life without ONE important thing…

Sleep Sheets

And that would be sleep, sweet precious herbal sleep!

Current Slang:

I don’t know where it came from, but I’ve been catching myself saying “oh snap” a lot…do people even still use that?! Omg, I’m so old!

Current Outfit:

Scrub TopsKnowing that next month is going to be all about the red and green, I made sure to get ample use out of my festive, fall scrub tops! πŸ˜€

Current Excitement:

Ohhh, I want to tell you guys so bad…something that will make YOU excited too! But you know how much I like to tease soooo, you’ll just have to wait until Sunday! πŸ˜‰

Current Link:

Pic Monkey…you may or may not have noticed the watermark on my photos recently changing and that’s because after MONTHS of lusting over that and a few other fun-looking edits, I totally “splurged” on the Royale membership!

Santified Selfie

Let the seasonal photo-editing fun BEGIN!!

Current Mood:

Silly! πŸ˜†

What’s your current guilty pleasure?

Have you made your Christmas list yet? If so, what’s on it?

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44 Responses to Currently: November

  1. I splurged on the full PicMonkey membership a couple of months ago, too, and love it! I may need that food photography book too. Thanks for the idea. When I ‘m out and about shopping tomorrow, I’m going to look it up.

  2. lindsay says:

    you can come visit here for a vacation! πŸ˜‰

    and i think i need to get those sleep sheets for my husband. where oh where do you find them?

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Only if you promise to send me home with a bag-o-bites! πŸ˜‰

      I found the sleep sheets at GNC, but the man-friend told me the other day that he saw them at Walgreens too! They work really well! So well, that I took one about 30 minutes ago and the screen is now starting to get a little blurry! Lol

  3. throwback EVERYDAY!!! I cannot wait. Please let me relive your childhood with you! I spent 3 hours last night watching The Hills. MTV will always be my guilty pleasure!

  4. Wait until Sunday?! Gah! You’re killing me here, lady! I need to know what’s been amazing and fantastic in your life! And speaking of amazing and fantastic — Bubblicious!!! I haven’t had that stuff in -years- but it was definitely a childhood favourite. I specifically remember trying to blow the biggest bubbles possible, and then getting upset when they would bust and I’d have to try to peel them off my face. Good times πŸ™‚

    PS – I still say Oh Snap! all the time too..

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! I know, I’m soooooo cruel! But the news is up EARLY today! πŸ˜€

      And seriously, I have no idea how I used to chew this stuff! I have to bite the pieces in half if I want to have any jaw strength for the rest of the day! Lol

  5. Dammit woman, making us wait until Sunday for big news!! :-p Excited to find out what it is!
    And after a few weeks of my mom asking for it I finally got around to making up a Christmas list. Mine included a stick blender and I asked for a book on food photography as well. You’ll have to let me know if the Picmonkey Royale is worth it!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      You know, I have a stick blender and always forget to use it! I’ll keep you posted on the Pic Monkey if you give me some reasons to break it out! πŸ˜‰

  6. Scanners and Printers are the two computer things that I refuse to buy because I KNOW I won’t be able to get them to work. So props for you on the scanner and I can’t wait to see throwback pics πŸ˜‰

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Well, I thought I had it fixed…seems like every time I want to use it, I have to download the stuff all over again…ugh, I swear I am SO computer illiterate! Haha!

  7. Omg I still temember that Facebook conversation between you, your sister and your Momma from last year….soooo funny!! I hope you’ll get that pony! Lol
    My wishlist contains a new food processor….seriously, I feel like my right leg is missing since it died!
    Current guilty pleasure – I just wolved down 4 pieces of the BEST swiss dark chocolate!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! Yep, my pony has a permanent spot on top of the television! I’ll have to see where my sister unicorn has been hanging out! πŸ˜‰

      Poor poor food processor…RIP! Hopefully Santa will bring you one that’s totally badass!

  8. Love anything by Mitch Albom. Tuesdays with Morrie is the only book that has every made me cry!

    Also love The xx. “Intro” is a top fav of mine as well. Hope you had a nice holiday!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I’ve got to check out more of his books…I hear they’re all really good, but general consensus is that Tuesdays with Morrie is the best! And honestly, I don’t think I’ve heard a single song by The xx that I haven’t liked! πŸ™‚

  9. Do those sleep sheets really work? I just saw them the other day. I need to get better about sleeping… you know my night owl ways.

    I have half a mind to text you about whatever this secret is…

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      YES!!! They work SO well! I actually cut them in half sometimes if I know I’m not going to be able to get a solid eight hours to sleep…and they work quick too!

  10. I am loving La Croix, too!! So far my favorite flavor is the orange. I haven’t tried coconut yet, but I keep hearing that it is great.

  11. Kim says:

    but look how sweet that furry little face is? LOL

    I totally understand the cat issue — I have 5…. Yes 5! No I’m not a cat lady…. my boyfriend help contribute to the cat managerie!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh gosh, I can’t even imagine taking care of that many…I barely have the time to spend with one! Of course, that could be the reason for the piss…retaliation of sorts! πŸ˜•

  12. Oh the coconut is my favorite flavor! It’s hard to be mad at that cute little face but I’m sure you don’t like the cat piss smell.

  13. Sneaky teasing you for not sharing the wonderful news with everybody yet!
    You see, the problem that makes your complaints about Tiger so difficult to get are the accompanying pictures: he just looks too damn cute in all of them to actually seem like he could be much trouble at all ;). We already agreed on you not shaving him so don’t you start thinking of something even worse …
    I’m proud of you saving some of those poor little books in discout stores – even if just to decorate. Maybe you could show a picture of your well-stocked bookshelf one day :).
    Pretend you believed me when saying I was -so- not jealous of your Picmonkey splurge, okay? Hm … Kiss my Royale Broccoli?! Well, I guess it’ll be hard to overlook all the fun you’re going to have in your upcoming pictures – and I can’t even blame you.
    At first I thought the Vitamix might end up on my Christmas list but now … likely not anymore.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Shhh, our little seeeeeeeecret! πŸ˜‰

      Awww, no Vitamix? Did you not like working with it or is it due to other reasons? You never really said much about it after the initial reveal…are you hoarding all sorts of posts over there??

      I love shopping for books by their covers! I think I’ve only had it backfire on me once, but most of the time, it’s always a good one. I do the same with wine! Lol

      And if you STILL think Tiger’s cute after all that, you’ll have to fight Jan over him because it looks like he’ll be in an airtight box come Monday on his way to Australia! 😯

  14. OMG, that cat!! They can be evil little buggers, can’t they?! Mine used to get ahold of our electric cords & chew them! She had ruined so many electronics… even ruined the treadmill once. :/ So cute, but so much trouble. My sister’s cat once peed on their baby’s carseat & ruined it, along with her husband’s running shoes. lol
    My x-mas list is on Pinterest… it’s full of cute, engraved silverware, coconut butter, & workout clothes. You know, typical foodie stuff. πŸ˜‰

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg, that’s awful! It’s a wonder yours didn’t electrocute herself! I’ve scrubbed the wall/carpets today and aired out the room as best I can…hoping that overnight it will start to smell a bit better, but if not, I might have to look into renting one of those carpet cleaning machines…ugh!

      And I totally just got stalkerish and Googled you for your Pinterest! I’m following you now! πŸ˜‰ And omg, I want a spiralizer too!

  15. You know how much I love Triple D… but I actually haven’t watched Guy’s Grocery Games yet!!! I know, what’s the matter with me, right? What is it like?

    My Christmas wishlist mainly consists of clothes. I know, so exciting. πŸ˜›

    I can’t wait to find out your big news!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      It’s awesome! It’s kind of like Chopped in that they have a time limit on a dish they have to make, but since it’s aired in a grocery store, they have to shop for their ingredients and THEN make it…all in their given amount of time! Guy gives them rules each round and sometimes throws a wrench in there. Like once he said they could make ANYTHING they wanted…no holds barred…only they couldn’t use a shopping cart! They had to carry EVERYTHING in their hands! Or another time they could only shop in the candy/cereal/juice aisle! Lol

  16. Guy’s Grocery Games is a total guilty pleasure of mine, I am so entertained by it haha.

    Where did you get those Sleep Sheets? I am such an insomniac and nothing seems to work, but I’m always looking to try different things.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I actually found them at GNC on a Quest bar run. I got the man-friend hooked on them too and he just told me he found some at Walgreens the other day so you could look there too! They work really well…as in if you don’t have 8 hours to sleep, you might want to cut it in half! πŸ™‚

  17. I just haaaaad to click on the man meat link, and boy am I glad I did! Rawwrrrrr. The only problem is that character wears too many darn clothes!!!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      For REAL!!! I scrolled through at least a hundred pictures and couldn’t find ONE of him shirtless on scene…what the helllllll?! Lol

  18. Those are some sexy scrubs….I might have a coronary if you strut past me in that attire.

    No broccoli bombing this week because I am stoked to hear this Sunday Funday news. Secretly hoping you’ve been kicked out of America and need to find residence here. Personal pancake chef please?

    Current guilty pleasure is about to head out for a cheeky brunch with some mates- My christmas wish list is a kindle!!! Jan convinced me yesterday that I need one πŸ˜‰

    Cook your cat the next time it behaves in such a way!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Hmmm, I have always been fond of Chinese food! πŸ˜‰ And you know, my mom swears by her e-reader, but I’m so old school and feel like I need a real book. Sorry buddy, no such luck(?) on getting the boot from el presidente (yeah, don’t ask me why I just said it like that), but it is some good news for ALL my readers! πŸ˜€

      PS, I’m trained in CPR…just saying! πŸ˜‰

  19. I’ve said it before and I will say it again I will take that cat off your hands! πŸ˜‰ Pissing on the floor or not I’m on board with it!!

    Love your festive scrubs! Hope there’s a reindeer one in the mix with just a big reindeer in the middle.

    My current guilty pleasure is watching back to back episodes of Hart of Dixie whilst blog reading at the same time.

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I just spent the better part of the day today scrubbing the wall and carpet! Then I lit candles…and now the room smells like Mr. Clean-Yankee Candle-Cat Piss! Consider him yours…he’ll be in the mail tomorrow…but I’m NOT cutting any holes in the box so cross your fingers he makes it! πŸ˜‰

  20. Naww poor kitty katty…if he’s as naughty as he sounds I’m sure he would bite a whole in the box anyway πŸ˜‰

  21. YES!!! SANTA HEATHER!!! That was the most hilarious entertainment for me for about an hour after I found it!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg, it seriously took me longer to make that than it did to type up the post! I kept cracking myself up while sitting at my mom’s house! Her and my sis were getting a kick out of it too!

  22. I almost wish that my job would require me to wear scrubs everyday because they are just so adorable and fun. I would Scooby Doo for sure πŸ™‚

    Are you going to be using that bearded picture of you for your annual Christmas cards? Lol. I want a copy! πŸ˜‰

  23. Pingback: Currently: December |

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