Hey hey, my peeps!
Wait, strike that…how about we go with something a bit more palatable than stale, sugar-coated marshCRAPmallows?
Yes, yes…that’s better! How are you my little nuggets of bean-shaped confection? But none of the nasty black ones…and that’s not me being racist! 😉 No, we’re going gourmet candy shop here. I’m thinking some Tutti-Frutti, Toasted Marshmallow, and my personal favorite, Buttered Popcorn! Ahh, what can I say, spring brings out the sweeter side of me!
So yeah, in the weird way that my mind works, all that came from the thought of asking you if you’ve been getting some nice spring weather! See, this is why I shouldn’t type intros on Thursdays!
We got a lot of rain this weekend, but for the last few days, the sun has been doing its best to peek its way out of the clouds. I snapped this pic on my way into the gym the other day because I was super excited to see the trees blossoming…then got even more excited when I realized how artsy fartsy my picture turned out! 😉
I am (or actually have been for over a week now) OBSESSED with this song! I can’t seem to get it out of my head…hey, at least I’ve moved on from saying fuck all day, right? But seriously, is this video not the best?!
Besides, I seem to be saving all my “fucks” for when I’m watching episodes of Game of Thrones! Like…yeah…right? As of yesterday, I made it through all of season one. And I’d like to point out the fact that I am no longer covering my eyes at every gory parts! 😉
So I have this thing for skeletons. Always have. But even more so once I went to x-ray school. One of my co-workers hung this up in our department last week and I’ve decided that I need it printed on a t-shirt STAT!
For the last 1.5 weeks, I’ve been having a love affair with coconut butter, avocado, and sheet pans full of roasted vegetables drizzled with balsamic glaze (thanks for the idea, Laura)…particularly this one with carrots, turnips, parsnips, broccoli, onions, and FENNEL! Who knew roasted fennel was so frickin’ delicious??
I’m grateful to have found my kitchen mojo and really, I’m super excited to share the rest of this weekend’s recipes with you guys, but you’ll have to be patient with me because well, I seem to be having a bit of trouble in the writing department lately. Yesterday’s post was only just over 300 words yet it still took me nearly 3 hours to type! 😯
After NINE whole days on the SP cleanse, this was yesterday’s dinner! Yep, I TOLD you it would end in eggs…and of course there was bread! Like I’ve said before, I could never be vegan. Allow me to add that I could never be paleo either!
I have some thoughts I’d like to put together about my time on the cleanse, but I’d actually like to take a few days to note my feelings post restriction before sharing. Plus, with the aforementioned writer’s block, this could take a week to type! Ha!
Be sure to head on over to Spoons and give our lovely host, Amanda some love before checking out all the fantastically random link ups!
Do you like jelly beans? What’s your favorite flavor?
Tell me something that’s on your mind!

I’ve been on a balsamic glaze kick, too! (I had no idea how easy it was.) But I haven’t tried roasting fennel. Clearly I need to fix this.
I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve spent HOURS ‘writing’ only to come up with something like 200 words. There are times where I can pump out 1500 without even realizing it, and others where it’s just not happening. Hope you get your mojo back soon! And yaaaaaay for GoT! I’m still making my way through season 3, and I can definitely say that it only keeps getting better 😀
Oh man am I glad to hear that from YOU! I don’t know what it is, but I’ve just been in a “funk” lately…and then yesterday’s post came to me like that *snaps fingers in air* Haha! Fingers crossed more of that starts happening in the future! 😀
I can take or leave jellybeans, but the black ones are always just no…so gross. Where I worked in the summer we had a jellybean machine but the ones in it were just kinda meh…like a spearmint flavoured one. Who eats mint jellybeans?
I LOVE Jelly Beans – I actually only know them cause one of my ex boss was british and he used to bring them home from England. Now we can at least buy them in ONE shop here.
And I am right there with you – vegans, paleoists, even vegeterians – kudos, cause living without yogurt, oats, eggs or perfectly grilled giant prawns…..NOOOOOOOO.
I love that song!! It makes me run fast on the tread mill 😉
I’m not a big candy person period.. my heart lies with chocolate and cereal..
I really want a pair of ray ban aviators, it’s been on my mind for a while now just can’t bring myself to splurge.. yet..
Ahhh, I miss my knock-off Aviators…need to go shopping for some more soon! I can’t bring myself to buy the “real” ones because I will undoubtedly lose, drop, or sit on them! Haha!
All last week I was on a total avocado kick – and I’ve been on a coconut butter kick for a month now… and let’s face it roasted veg never goes out of style in my kitchen. The balsamic glaze idea is genius though!
I have become OBSESSED with Sam Smith!! Have you heard “stay with me”??? OMG feel all the feelings!
Oh wow, I’d never heard it until just now…what a voice!
You know jelly beans are the one candy I was just never into. In fact, besides peanut butter eggs, I do not like easter candy!
Sorry to be a downer but I can’t stand jelly beans haha! Love that song too. So good.
I roasted fennel too! It’s damn good. Unlike jelly beans. Sweets that don’t involved chocolate or PB? Ain’t nobody got time for dat. 😉
I’m impressed you stuck it out on the cleanse so kong! Really interested to read your post when you unblock yourself (pun intended).
Bahahahaha….hahahaha! Omg, you win!
I’m not a huge jelly bean person, but I am with you on the no paleo and vegan! I can’t give up my greek yogurt or peanut butter no way no how!
I like jelly beans… but I love Jelly Bellies (which I guess technically are a type of jelly bean)! I love all the different flavours they come in… the buttered popcorn and toasted marshmallow ones are the best.
Oh yeah, BIG difference! I won’t give regular jelly beans a second glance, but if you put a bowl of Jelly Bellies in front of me…don’t expect it to be there by the end of the day! Lol
I have been all about the roasted veggies lately. Oh how wonderful they are.
I wish it rained here. It’s been so hot lately. Not the good kinda hot either. 😮
I would never go out of my way to buy jellybeans, but if a bowl of them were in front of me I would go for the pink and blue ones 🙂
Toasted marshmallow jelly beans! YUM! I’m so with you on eggs. I don’t think I could live without them! In fact, I’m eating a big ol pile of them right now as I read this!
While some bloggers get influenced by food, exercise or diet through blogs, I’ve been blog pressured to GoT and Divergent. Both still on my to watch/to read list and….will be done this upcoming Easter break! Cannot. Wait.
Toasted marshmallow and sizzling cinnamon were my favs…no wait chocolate pudding. oh man, I need to live in a jellybelly factory.
Haha! Well NOW I have a friend who’s trying to convince me to read the books that GoT is based off of…have you seen those things?! They’re HUGE! Yeah…I might be thinking on this for a while! Lol
Wait, there was/is a chocolate pudding flavor?! Man, I seriously need to go to the candy store at the mall…it’s been TOO long!
Love jelly beans especially the lemon-y ones, hate black licorice and sorry…just the thought/smell of fennel makes me run away. That and anise which is kind of the same flavor.
I’ve always been the same way when it comes to licorice/anise flavors, but for some reason I really like roasted fennel. I think it’s because it’s not as pungent when it’s cooked!
I’m actually quite pleased the cleanse ended with eggs and bread. Now that’s how it’s done, and I loved that it gave you back your kitchen mojo. You might have to do one of these things quarterly or maybe you just need to start a love affair with spring vegetables. I’m there right now, and we could have a ménage a trios. You bring the broccoli; I’ll bring the asparagus. Oh wait, that makes four. Oops.
Haha! I might consider doing something similar…with like HALF the veggies! I mean seriously…all I gotta say is it’s a GOOD thing I work alone! And broccoli was one of the top offenders! 😯 Lol
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