Goooooooooood morning, loverlies!
So, omg, what am I doing? First I post a recipe (not to be confused with a non-recipe) after six months and now I’m actually HERE? for a What I Ate Wednesday?! Who the hell am I? I know, I know. But before you get all applaudy (that’s totally a word…because I just made it a word) on me, I have to warn you that I have some incredibly poorly-lit photos (fuck you, Daylight Savings Time) that kinda make my perfectionist eye twitch a bit, but umm, can you tell I’m kinda out of practice typing ACTUAL posts?
Yeah, let’s just do this already!
I woke up Saturday “morning” (5pm for those of you who care to know my night-walking ways) and headed STRAIGHT to the coffee pot, but not because I needed it. No, after getting NINE HOURS of sleep, I was perfectly rested. But it was FINALLY the day to open my pumpkin coffee! Omg you guys, this stuff is ahhhhhhhh-mazing! Well done Target…well done indeed!
While the coffee brewed, I set to work on “breakfast”. I actually haven’t had much of an appetite when I first wake up lately nor do I really care to think until the coffee has done its job at making me suitable for speaking in public.
So a broiled double chocolate chunk Quest bar scha-meared with [maple and brown sugah, bitches] peanut butter it is! See? You can’t take me anywhere! 😯
Later, after being released into the wild…err, I mean at work where I uphold the utmost decency and professionalism,
I busted out a crazy-eyed #publicbanana selfie…which actually wasn’t public at all since I was alone in the department at the time. But you wouldn’t know that unless I told you and I just…whoops?
For dinner (lunch…whatever, who keeps up with these things?!), I kept up with my childish antics and had a finger-licking-good plate of chicken nuggets, carrots, and my favorite beverage that just happens to be sold in the salad dressing aisle.
A pumpkin Chobani (mixed with pumpkin puree for added Oompah Loompahness) was my first snack of choice to get me through the wee mornin’ hours toward the end of my shift.
Along with a juicy Honeycrisp apple that I munched on while walking around the waiting room, breathing deeply and trying to inhale as much oxygen as our little collection of plants could give me to stay awake. 😉
Once home, it was time for some REAL FOOD! And omg, FINALLY some decent light to take a freakin’ picture! Behold, we have two farmer’s market eggs here, scrambled and sprinkled with black pepper with a side of toast topped with butter and a good slathering of my favorite boozy jam!
Then, after realizing that my day was sort of lacking in the veggies department (but NOT the water department…FOUR LITERS for the win!), I decided to wash it all down with a couple of glugs of liquid greens. But not just ANY greens…
My favorite, INCREDIBLE Greens!
I then took my Hulk-stached self to the bathroom, peed for the four hundred billionth time (TMI?), washed my teeth and brushed my face (err, I mean…you know what I mean!), took my “nightcap” from The Pink Ladies and promptly face-planted into my tempur-pedic pillow. Ok, wow, that was a lot of ‘P’s’! 😆
Don’t forget to click on over to Peas & Crayons and give Jenn a little love for hosting the weekly blog party that never ends. I’ll “see” you guys back here on Friday for a little something I’ve been working on! 🙂
What’s the best thing you ate over the weekend?

All of my food pictures have turned out pretty craptastic as well. But it’s okay because now all I can think about is scrambled eggs and black pepper. Or mac and cheese and pepper. And some Salt & Peppa. Push it! 😉
Whole Foods salad bar for me! I’m still getting used to having one near me, and loving every second of it! You’ve got me craving eggs and toast now. My overnight oats shall not compare. 😉
Oh god, I can’t even imagine what my bank account would look like if I had a Whole Foods (or a Trader Joe’s) near me. It’s still at least an hour long drive to the closest one for me. Hmmm, it’s been a LONG time since I’ve had some overnight oats…that needs to change real soon!
Everything is a little better with a schmear of something! Or a big schmear!
Love the idea of pumpkin coffee! couldn’t find any this year in the UK but have found some amazing peppermint mocha coffee – it’s Christmas in a cup!!! 🙂
Ohhh that sounds heavenly! I was over at a friend’s house the other day and we got the bright idea to add a couple of pieces of Hershey’s white chocolate peppermint bar to the bottom of our coffee cups and it was ahhhhhmazing!
Did you try both the maple and the pumpkin JIF? Which is better? I only did the pumpkin. Can’t be trusted to go back to Target… but if it’s worth it…
Don’t hate me baaaaaaah-ut, the maple one is better…like seriously tastes like you mixed your pb with maple syrup and brown sugar. All that’s missing is a stack of pancakes! 😉
Isn’t that Chobani good?! I was a total white girl stereotype the other day and bought three different kinds of pumpkin yogurt. I still have to try the Noosa (which I hear is amazing) but the Cho and Siggi’s were delicious! We cooked a mock-Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday and not only was it all mouthwateringly good but it has me ready for the real deal next week!
Hahaha! Well now I don’t feel so bad for buying umm, SIX? different pumpkin yogurts last week! I finally got my hands on the Noosa and the Siggi’s but I haven’t tried them yet…good to know the Siggi’s is worth it! I also found the Oikos pumpkin the other day and since I’m in LOVE with pretty much all they’re flavors (the low fat, not the fat free), I’m sure it’s gonna taste like heaven. And yes, I am hoarding multiple containers of yogurt at the moment. I have problems. 😉
lack of sunlight combined with general laziness (aka: every picture gets taken with my iPhone) means that my pictures suck lately too. Eventually, I will fix that :-p
I have legitimately been DESTROYING those jiff whips. I think, instead of pie on thanksgiving, I’m just going to bring the maple jiff whip and a spoon and go to town on it 😉
Bahahaha! Sounds like a good plan to me! Ohh, even better? Mix a tub of the JIF with a tub of Cool Whip! Omg, I’m drooling just thinking about it! Lol
Your eye makeup looks super cute in your wonkyeyedpublicnanner photo 😉
I caught up with a WIAW too! Like go us.
I looooove that maple PB – better than the pumpkin spice one dareisay.
And the ad on your site taunting me right now is fruit loops…. how effin appropriate is that?!
Aww, thanks love! I’ve been wearing eyeliner more lately (since I finally found one I can actually use without it looking like a five year old applied it for me) and I have to say I’m loving the look! If only I knew this back in high school! Lol
Omg, I was just telling Laura that the maple Jif is better than the pumpkin. And I’m sure she’ll be heading to Target tomorrow. Ha! Have you tried the s’mores one? I’m in love!
Haha! #cerealkillersforlife! 😉
Daylight savings are the effing bane of my existence. Not only for the fact that – coupled with the already awful light situation in my new apartment – I can hardly get a picture or two that aren’t looking like they were taken in some kind of dark room. The early onset of darkness is so annoying, too. It makes me somehow relate to your odd work schedule.
Also: stop those [un]Quest-ionably tempting creations. You know it’s not fair!
Omg, seriously! I change out a burnt out light bulb in my kitchen today and now I’m like ♫ I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW THE RAIN IS GONNNNNNNNNE! ♫
Well punny girl, you better just get to work on your research so I can start my QUEST toward the post office, huh? 😉
I would complain about Daylight Savings, but my bigger problem is the crappy lighting in my house. It’s so hard to get good natural light in it! Ugh. #bloggerproblems
The best thing I ate this weekend was a brownie with ice cream and toffee brittle at a restaurant. I dieeeed!
Oh what a relief to hear someone else has that problem! I was just whining about it today…my kitchen is situated directly behind my garage so I don’t have any windows where I need them. I have to TRY to make do with the tiny window above my sink, but I usually give up and end up toting my stuff to the back door! Ha!
And seriously…how did you know I was craving a brownie right now? 😉
Mmmmmm pumpkin everything is where its at! Especially in coffee form !
I had a beef roast and homemade rolls over the weekend and they were amazing!
I’m happy to see you (like me) are still in pumpkin/apple mode. I love Christmas but I’m holding onto my fall stuff til after Thanksgiving! =)) And it’s so interesting that your morning starts at 5pm ha — I admire your flexibility with your work schedule. Have a good day!
Yep! The time of day and any socially accepted schedule is totally out the window when you work nights. It took some getting used to, but I think now, after nearly three years, I’ve finally got it down.
And really, I’ve never been a huge peppermint fan (which is what almost everyone seems to go crazy over around Christmas) so I just stick to my pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and any other beta carotene containing delights and work to perfect my Oompa Loompa costume! 😉
HELLO. So I bought the jiff whipped from ‘Merica but the chocolate one. I never saw that one! The fact that it got quest bar action- you’ve given me ideas!
Oh yes, you HAVE to try it! The whips melt so well…amazing in oats too if you haven’t already figured that out…which I’m sure you have! Lol
I had the same thing for dinner tonight, except my eggs were slightly cheesy, and by slightly I mean a lot.
#PublicBanana for the win.
I love that you treat your 5pm wake-up call like morning, with coffee and breakfast. It’s awesome.
I’m also real jealous of that honey crisp. Those things are SO FREAKING EXPENSIVE here, and I’m always forced to go for the plain ol’ fujis. Sad life.
Well, duh…it’s because I’M awesome! 😉 Ha, it may seem a little weird at first, but it IS the first meal of the day for me and I’m not the kind of person who can wake up and eat something too heavy. I remember one year, I met my mom and sister for “lunch” at a sushi place right after waking up and yeah, that was innnnnnteresting!
Ugh, I can’t really do Fujis. Galas are my go-to when I can’t find Honeycrisps or Pink Ladies…I gotta have my crunch!
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