What? Three posts in one week? Who am I?!?
I hope you guys got a bit of entertainment out of yesterday’s hyperactive post. I swear I wasn’t even riding a caffeine high when I wrote it. I guess…well, I guess I just missed you guys and I’m finally getting my groove back. 😉
But whether I’m playing Stella in the film or not, today isn’t a day laid out for structure. Nope, today is a day for Thinking Out Loud!
I met some friends last Friday to try out one of Clarksville’s newest restaurants, Liberty Park Grill (I already want to go back again this weekend just to try the Buffalo Cauliflower appetizer!). Liberty Park is where my favorite walking tracks are in town and also where I spent most of last summer recuperating my my knee after surgery. The restaurant is connected right to the park and overlooks the river. I ended up ordering the salmon salad, not because I’m a huge fan of salmon, but because I HAD to have the toppings: sautéed mushrooms, cilantro, avocado, AND feta cheese, I just couldn’t say no!
I was actually surprised that I really enjoyed the smokey flavor of the salmon and I loved how all the flavors worked together. Also, the sweet(ish) vinaigrette that came with it was ahhhhhhhhmazing!
I FINALLY made it back to the farmer’s market last Saturday! Granted, I was a bit rushed after waking up at 12:30 (when the market closes at 1pm) but I made it and I came home with some tastes of fall and a couple of seasonal denial items…and I also picked up a jar of my favorite FROG jam!
Which made for a perfect sweet and savory breakfast sandwich on some SUPER fluffy garlicky herbed bread. Yes, I bought a loaf of bread at the market when I already some at home…neither of which got me any closer to that damn French toast craving that I’ve been having for weeks, but we all know how that turned out! 😉
Speaking of going to the store and buying shit I don’t need. I’m back on the Big Lots bandwagon. I haven’t been in a while and over the last month, I’ve stopped in like five times! I found a box of decaf K-cups there the other day for NINETY CENTS! But what I really wanted to tell you guys about is this weird slash amazing tea! I stood in the aisle, hemming and hawing for like five minutes, but in the end, my curiosity won (like it always does). I have no regrets whatsoever. Actually, I’ve been back to buy more. It tastes like root beer…but it’s friggin’ GREEN TEA! And it’s even better mixed with this. 🙂
Has anyone tried the new pumpkin Chobani yet? I have a recipe for my own Pumpkin Greek Yogurt, but I just had to see how it compared. And? Right on target! Oh and in case you were wondering, with Tuesday’s pancakes, the season of self tanner pumpkin has begun! Now if I could just find THIS, my life would be complete! C’mon, you guys KNOW my obsession with pumpkin and peanut butter!
And it looks like everyone else is just as excited for pumpkin-mania…
I took this screen shot of my stats last week after Buzzfeed featured my Crockpot Pumpkin Chili in a roundup of slow cooker recipes. Holy 4,438 views batman! My highest ever and EXACTLY what I needed to see after taking a month off from blogging.
And what would a ToL post be without a little tuneage? Remember when I mentioned Shakey Graves a few months ago? Well I just discovered a new band called Little Hurricane, with a very similar sound. Anthony “Tone” Catalano handles most of the vocals while Celeste “C.C.” Spina rocks.it.OUT on the drums! I have to say I have a soft spot for female drummers. I always wanted to play the drums when I was younger, but when I joined the middle school band, my dad told me they were “just for boys”.
Ha, well in yo face, Daddy-O! 😛
Favorite line: “You and me are like biscuits and gravy” <3
Ok, I think that’s enough rambling for one day! Hop on over to Spoons and check out all the other thoughts running around the web today!
Have you broken out the pumpkin yet?
Any big plans for the weekend?
Since I’m working on Saturday, I plan on making the most out of the next two days…by carving an indention of my ass in the couch! But I DO hope to make it to Freeze Pleeze at some point because they just announced their pumpkin pie flavor is out! 😀
Yes I have problems. I am aware of this.

Pumpkin everywhere! Actually, my hands are orange from the tons of kabocha squash I baked so far! Seriously, I MIGHT turn into an orange oval BALL soon!
And congrats on the Buzzfeed feature!! So cool!!
Hmmmm…I wonder if there comes a point in the oranging of the skin where you actually start to take on other characteristics of your food? Don’t be surprised if I show up on your doorstep sometime soon and try licking your arm! 😆
God has blessed you with a Buzzfeed promotion. 🙂
have I told you how good it is to see you blogging regularly again? Because seeing your posts in my feed makes me happyyyyyy! And you better believe I’ve busted out the pumpkin already! I’ve actually been wanting to do it since waaaay back in August, but I did my best to hold out until September and now it’s all fair game. Too bad a lot of other people in my city have the same idea because… we’ve got a canned pumpkin shortage now!
Ahhh! You would not believe the huge goofy looking-grin I have on my face right now! I love you so dang much! Annnnnnd I totally owe you a text! I’ve missed you!
DANG, girlfran! I’ve been watching my stats drop which is really frustrating/depressing/whattheeff happened? But my self pitty aside… congrats to you on the BuzzFeed placement!! 😀
Awww, thanks Katie! And don’t get bummed about the stats…you’ve got a LOT on your plate right now! All will balance out in the end! 🙂
I know where you can find pumpkin Jif. IN MY PANTRY. 😉
I know where you can find a swift kick in the ass talking like that. You better be glad I got my hands on some before I saw this comment. 😛
I don’t normally eat much dairy, but if I find those pumpkin yogurts I am definitely buying some! That calls for an exception! 😉
Go Stella go!!!
Love the blogging mojo of late.
I had to giggle at this –>”Speaking of going to the store and buying shit I don’t need.”
Because that’s like… an appropriate segue for pretty much everything I say. *wink*
Story of my life.
Haha! Oh yeah, I’m guilty of it more times than I care to admit. Like the $30 I dropped at Target last night (mostly on food) when all I went in for was a hoodie. But c’mon, it was TARGET!
Target happens.
It even has GET in the name.
It’s almost like I rationalize my compulsive food-shopping because it’s food. It’s food! Humans NEED food. It won’t go to waste…etc. Oh and BOGOs….gaaahhh.
I could definitely fund a really sweet vacay if I grocery-budgeted more wisely. <– grammar.
Oh girl, you crack me up! AND? Make me feel so much more normal for my food hoarding! Lol 😉
I am in full-on pumpkin mode. I love it! 🙂 And I love your farmer’s market haul. Looks so good!
Congrats on getting featured in Buzzfeed lady, that’s fabulous! <3 And I'm getting into pumpkin mode. I think I want to make pumpkin bread this weekend.
Want to ship me some of that yogurt to Canada?!? Haha or maybe I just need to make a trip down to Buffalo soon. Most people here go to Buffalo to go clothes shopping… I just go for food lol.
Also wow, that’s awesome about the Buzzfeed feature! Congrats!
I’m currently hoarding kabocha! Apparently I can’t walk by them without buying at least one despite having way too many already…bring on the tan (:
Haha! That’s my girl! Kabocha lovers (not to be confused with oompa loompahs) UNITE!! 😉
Dudddeeeeee nice one with buzzfeed!!!
And can I just take a step back to give you a hailMary for that sandwich? It’s borderline illegal. (but not for us) .
Haha! Thanks friend! I raise my garlicky, eggy and jam-filled sandwich in your direction! 😉
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