Patience has never been one of my strong points.
Yesterday was a true test to my limits.
At the gym, I waited FIFTEEN minutes for someone to unhand myย foam roller.
At the post office, I waited THIRTY minutes to purchase a $1.20 stamp.
At home, I waited FORTY minutes to connect with internet tech support…
Only for them to tell me they couldn’t help me. ๐ฅ
While I’d like to say I maintained a certain level of grace during these times, the truth is I was a bit of a brat…huffing and puffing and blowing their house down tapping my foot. At the end of the day, feeling a bit defeated, I heated up a bowl of this deliciousness…
And just KNEW I couldn’t wait another day to share it!
It’s warm, it’s comforting, it has the ability to wash away all the trying times of a hard day. Oh and it also helps give you the energy to peel yourself out of your fuzzy robe and slippers, drive to Starbucks, and use their free wi-fi to type this post!
Obviously what I lack in patience, I make up for in pure selflessness! ๐
But seriously, you need this in your life.
I’ve made pumpkin chilis in the past, but I never thought they tasted any different from regular chili. It’s one thing when you’re trying to hide veggies in your food, but when you’re as pumpkin OBSESSED as me, you need something a little strange different.
This recipe is guaranteed to have your family and friends scratching their chins trying to figure out just WHAT it is that makes this chili so different from bowls they’ve had in the past. And whether or not you choose to share that little nugget of information, they’ll most definitely want seconds!
I know the man-friend did!
Crock Pot Pumpkin Chili
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 2-3 hours
Keywords: slow-cooker soup/stew high fiber high protein dairy-free fall winter
Ingredients (Serves 4-6)
- 1 pound lean ground turkey
- 1 medium-sized onion, chopped
- 1 Tablespoon minced garlic
- 1 15 oz. can tri-bean blend (pinto, kidney, and black)
- 1 15 oz. can great northern beans
- 1 15 oz. can stewed tomatoes, diced
- 1 15 oz. can tomato sauce
- 1 cup pumpkin puree (NOT pumpkin pie filling)
- 1 Tablespoon cumin
- 2 teaspoons chili powder
- 2 teaspoons garlic powder
- 1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
- 1 teaspoon cayenne (optional)
- Salt & pepper to taste
1. Crumble ground turkey into a large skillet and cook over medium-high heat until almost browned.
2. Add onions and garlic and continue cooking until meat is browned and onions are tender.
3. Transfer meat to a slow cooker, add the rest of the ingredients, stir, and cook on high for 2-3 hours.
4. Serve topped with a dollop of Greek yogurt and fresh avocado.
Feel free to make adjustments to suit your dietary needs….the ground turkey can easily be replaced with another can of beans or even crumbled tempeh.
You could also cook this on the stove top for 20-30 minutes or so, but I just love throwing everything in the crock pot and walking away…for some reason, that never seems like a test of my patience but instead like I just hired a cook to come in for the day! ๐
And of course the leftovers are just as versatile…serve it in a bowl, on a bed of spinach, or over some hot dogs!ย Try out different toppings…Greek yogurt, avocado, cheese, an EGG!!, pumpkin seeds, crackers, Fritos (a childhood favorite), or some PUMPKIN cornbread!
But that recipe you’ll have to wait for!
Because while I may be selfless, I’m still a bit of a tease!
And I’ll ALWAYS be strange! ๐
Told you I’d find a way to use this logo again, Laura! Be sure to head on over to Sprint 2 The Tableย and check out all the other delicious and creative link ups this week. Oh and while you’re there, how about rooting on our strange but good BUFF hostess as she goes on strange stage for yet ANOTHER competition this weekend!
Are you a patient person?
Anyone got a WORKING modem I can borrow?

My patience was left in the womb. Seriously I have NO patience whatsoever. Especially when I’m hangry. I know you feel me on that. And can we just fast forward to next week so we can talk about cornbread because that’s basically the only thing I’ve been thinking about for the last month!
Haha! Omg, Hangry Dav!! You’ve GOT to see this: It’s only funny ’cause it’s TRUE! Lol
And you should know that it was YOUR pumpkin cornbread that inspired me to make my own! ๐
I am certainly not the most patient person in the world… I try to be, but I’m just not! I feel like I’m always in a hurry, and thus, impatient. Oops. ๐ But this bowl of chili looks amazing! I just tried a pumpkin chili earlier this week and it was so good!
I am insane impatient, so I really appreciate the added effort to get to the coffee shop and redo this post. Totally worth it – it’s so yummy looking. I really, really want to make it next week. Add to the Pinterest!!!
And that logo. I’m stealing it. And Sarah’s. In fact, I’m just going to do a logo round up. LOL!
P.S. You’re linked. ๐
I love you. That is all. xoxo
No that’s not all! I hope the competition went well! Can’t wait to hear all about it! ๐
Sounds so Good, Heather. I’m going to try this with TVP…Yum!!
Aw shiz, she broke out the tri bean blend! Kroger? I love that one! ๐
You cornbread tease. I’m also working (um kinda working) on a pumpkin post right now too. Go figure.
Yes ma’am! Those are the only canned beans I’ll buy…when they go on sale for 89 cents! #dealdiva ๐
And I was wondering if you’d seen my post before or after typing yours…so glad I’m not the only pumpkin obsessed person right now! Ha!
Haha! I love that you even hashtag posts ๐
All day errrrrrrrrrrr day! ๐
I hope you’re not going to make me wait too long for the pumpkin cornbread ๐ it looks awesome!
And patience…bah. I have none of it.
your photography is amazing!! I love pumpkin chili, our recipes are almost identical!
Thanks girlie! It’s funny, this is basically just my standard chili recipe…can’t believe I’ve never thought to throw pumpkin in it before now! Not sure I’ll be going back to the regular any time soon! ๐
I am probably the least patient person on the face of this Earth. I’m perpetually 5 minutes early to everything, and if people are over 1 minute late, I get pissed. It’s a very becoming quality ;).
Good thing this chili only has 10 minutes prep time, or else who knows what we impatient assholes would do.
Happy Friday, love <3.
Ok, well I know our relationship has been going great and all, but I guess now’s as good a time as any to break the bad news to ya…I’m late to almost EVERYTHING!!! ๐ฏ
I’ve been seeing a lot of different pumpkin chili’s circulating these last few weeks. It’s getting to that point that I am going to have to bust out some dry beans, make a pot of chili and hide some homemade pumpkin in there…..but shhh don’t tell my family. ๐
You’re secret is safe with me dear! ๐
Squash is fabulous in chili, so pumpkin pretty much HAS to be, too!!
Reason #1266522 why I need a crock pot. Somedayโฆ. someday I’ll actually follow through and get one ๐ But seriously, this looks GOOD. And I love how you made it a point to say NOT to use pumpkin pie filling — could you imagine a chili made with pumpkin pie filling? Now there’s a strange (but good?? ๐ ) idea.
And I like to think I have patience, but definitely NOT when I’m driving. There’s nothing that gets to me like bad/slow drivers ๐ก
Haha! Oh gosh, that WOULD be interesting wouldn’t it? And seriously girl, best $30 ever spent…even if I do only remember to use it 1-2 times a year! Haha! Whoops?
Yup, totally making this dish this weekend! Now I just need that pumpkin cornbread recipe to go along with it… ๐
Coming Monday, love! ๐
I admire your patience – I would have lost it! I hate it when my day turns into one big waiting game. ๐
This chili looks fantastic though! I honestly think chili is one of my top 10 favourite foods.
Ohhh, let me guess your favorites! No particular order:
1. Salmon 2. Sushi 3. Tempeh 4. Oats 5. Barney Butter 6. Grilled cheese with turkey and apple ๐ 7. Kale 8. Brown Rice 9. Ratatouille and 10. CHILI!
How’d I do?? ๐
I am the swearing beast when it comes to technology problems. Seriously, it’s an issue. I start using words that are so bad and vulgar, that Sandro told me he would lock me out next time I start with a swering attack like this. I can’t help it, I am addicted to the INternet and when it doesn’t work, I FREAK OUT!
Ok, enough of this, fantastic news: I bought all the stuff for chilli tomorrow night!! I will make this! Yiiiheaaaaa!! Sooo excited. But girl, I need this pumpkin Corn Bread with it??!!
PS. You’re the PRO with food photography! I know you already now that, but it had to be said AGAIN!
Awww, thank you Lucie!! You are TOO sweet! And omg, I’m so excited for you to try the chili!! The cornbread recipe is going up on Monday BUT well, I might be able to make an exception for my favorite crack dealer! ๐
Emailing you now!
I just discovered the tri-bean blend. Perfect for someone like me who likes a variety of beans in her chili, and someones like my kids who don’t like lots of beans in their chili.
This looks yummy!
looks incredible!
I make a pumpkin chili, it’s one of my favorite fall meals. I love the slight creamy texture it adds to the chili. I’m excited for the strange pumpkin cornbread recipe.
Coming Monday to a broccoli blog near you! ๐
I am the most impatient person on the planet. LOL
The post office is seriously the worst. Why oh why is it always packed?
Your food photos are just amazing. I admire your work every time I come by here!
As for the chili? Well, thank you for not being patient and giving us the recipe now ๐ I have just a bit of pumpkin puree left in my fridge that needs to be consumed before I have to throw it away. And throwing it away would make a very sad Heather…so yes, thank you.
Aww, you are too sweet, Maria! And well, I’m always glad to be of service! ๐
Oh and can you believe that here it is what like 6-7 weeks before Christmas and they only had ONE guy working at the post office!? People were iRATE!!! I feared for my life! Lol
yes! this chili is a winner for dinner! you already sold me on it..and then you said something about fritos..and i loooooove fritos, but i haven’t had any in a realllllly long time! but see, i can be patient..although secretly i’m not at all! i think it’s a thing with us redheads, no? ๐
Haha! Yes, I’m willing to blame genetics on this one! ๐
I love pumpkin chili!! I used to make a veggie one in my crock pot…. so good!! Yours looks gorgeous!! ๐
Thank you, Karey! Yeah, I could definitely see this working with some corn and veggies…might have to try that sometime!
That is some MEGA patience there my friend!! NO WAY I would have time for any of that. Good golly patience is so not one of my virtues.
That chili on the other hand? Holy amazeballs. I need it. I’m not too big on pumpkin soups, but I’m thinking that if it is off set with the chili flavors, it just might be the perfect combination for me. And such a nice twist to the traditional chili!! Plus, Im always looking for an excuse to make another batch of my cornbread….
Oh yeah, if you don’t want to enhance the flavor of the pumpkin, just omit the cinnamon…the chili flavors and the tomatoes is all you’ll taste! And we could never go without the cornbread now could we? After a week of eating leftovers, I’m pretty much convinced that it is good anytime of day…especially for breakfast! ๐
Umm.. yum?! This looks SO good! I’m always saying I wish I could eat tomatoes so I could have chilli again – but now I want it even more! I wonder if Jesse would let me put pumpkin in his chilli – or I just “forget” to tell him and see what he thinks, haha!
I’m usually pretty patient – except when I’m tired… or hungry. If I’m hungry or tired the world better watch OUT! ๐ xo
Haha! Well, the man-friend didn’t know it was in there until I told him halfway through him eating his bowl! ๐
This looks wonderful! I will definitely be trying this one soon.
I’ve had to learn to be more patient. Most of the time I can keep it together, but I have my days..
Haha! Don’t we all? Thanks Jess! ๐
I can send you a modem from Australia but its going to take a LONG time to get there!!
Yum to that chilli! I wish my stomach didnt hate me so much when I had beans as I would be making this otherwise.
You need to post that pumpkin corn bread like now now now! (Now who’s getting huffy and puffy?)
I was trying to wait to comment on this post so I could broccoli bomb you or sprout bomb you rather but I just can’t do it!
Awww, well I take that as a FINE compliment…you just can’t get enough of my broccoli love! Though I hope you don’t think I love you any less for bombing you earlier today! ๐ Oh and the cornbread is posting on Monday! Just have to edit the pics!
This looks so good- I’d have to do some editing because only recently have I reintroduced beans, and this bean heavy dish might make my stomach go loco (fergalicious).
I am not the most patient of people but its something I’m really working on… I may have to forgo A bombing next week to wait for your cornbread recipe….
Ohhhhh! You went THERE! And now I’m gonna have that song in my head for the rest of the day! haha!
Don’t worry, your test of patience won’t be so long…I’ll have the cornbread recipe up on Monday! ๐
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When I first saw people specifying in recipes NOT pumpkin pie filling, I was kind of confused. Like why would someone assume that? But now I understand. Pumpkin pie filling in chili would be gross. (Now I need to go back and change my pumpkin recipes to specify this as well… but I won’t really. At least not until someone asks me about it. Haha).
Haha! I know, to me it just seems like common sense…I mean, I’ve picked up the wrong can at the store by accident before, but I’ve always known that they were two different things. And omg, just the thought of pumpkin pie filling in this…ick! #strangeandnasty Lol
Patience. What the hell is that? I have none or less than none if that’s possible.
I love crockpot meals; throw it all in and walk away. That suits me.
This chili must be freaking awesome if it got you out of your jammies and off to Starbucks. Even if it does have pumpkin. ๐
Well that annnnnnnd I am insanely addicted to the internet! I swear when the AT&T lady told me they could mail me a new modem but it would take 3-5 days to get to me, my heart skipped a beat! THEN she told me I could buy one myself and I couldn’t help but wonder what dummy sits by the mailbox for nearly a week waiting for them! Plus I saved on shipping and handling! Only down side was I had to scrounge up a bit of patience to deal with the idiotic Best Buy employee that I visualized myself strangling twice during a 5 minute exchange. Hahaha!
And can I just say that I’m SO proud of myself for whipping out the crockpot early this year? I went all winter last year and totally forgot about it…doh!
For real. I’m pretty sure I busted out the Crock Pot in August. I also had a bazillion tomatoes and hot peppers so I had to make chili, seasons be damned.
Happy to see you up and running again.
I am so not patient either!! That chili looks amazing though!! I def would want seconds!
Pingback: Guess what – I need a new Food Processorโฆ. | Fit Swiss Chick
Pingback: Whole Wheat Pumpkin Cornbread |
Wait you mean internet modems are supposed to connect you to the internet?! I just thought they were boxes full of blinking lights you have to unplug every 5 minutes (our internet service post-move is still leaving a little something to be desired…)
A crock pot is totally on my to buy list for when I move out next year (I can’t believe my parents don’t have one!) but I may have to pull together a stove top pot of this and work on my own winter glow ๐
Haha! Well, I have to admit that before I had problems with mine, I never knew what the difference was between a modem and a router! When it comes to technology and electronics, I just want to turn it on and it work…don’t ask me the hows or whys! Lol
Definitely try this on the stove! All it would take is about 30 minutes! Winter glow in a quickness! ๐
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Pingback: Pumpkin is More Than a Dessert Food โข Female Intel
Where can I find tri colored beans? Thanks
I get mine from Kroger. ๐
Pingback: 21 Fall Dinners You Can Make In A Slow Cooker : Easy Meals for All
Pingback: Thinking Out Loud: Park Eats & Pumpkin Treats |
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Do you drain and rinse the beans before adding them to the mix? I just put it together for tomorrow’s lunch (I am SO looking forward to lunch!!) and it looks kind of thick. I may add some chicken broth in the morning to it. Thanks for the recipe and help! I look forward to trying out more of your site’s goodies!
Aww, I’m so excited to hear you’re making the pumpkin chili! I’d love to know what you think of it. I usually don’t rinse and drain my beans when I’m making chili because I usually don’t add any additional liquid to it. I like my chili pretty thick. But you can totally thin it out with a little broth or water if you want it a little thinner.
Pingback: 10 Cozy Fall Crockpot Recipes | The Napkin
This was heavenly. HEAVENLY. The first time I made it exactly as written. So delish. The second time I made it completely vegetarian by omitting the turkey, substituting roasted butternut squash (and I added the entire can of pumpkin). I liked it even better! I served it at a chili party and guests asked me for the recipe. Thank you Thank you Thank you.
You are very welcome, Ashley! But perhaps I should be the one thanking you…you just MADE MY DAY! Plus, this is the best feedback I’ve ever gotten on this recipe. And I love that you made it your own. That’s one of the best parts about cooking because you learn so much while doing it. But the BEST part is hearing how much someone else enjoyed your food. Seriously, I’m grinning from ear to ear. Thank you so much!
Pingback: Slow Cooker Recipes for Fall - Very Erin
Pingback: 35 Slow Cooker Recipes Using the Fruits and Vegetables of Fall | Sidetracked Sarah
Iโve made this at least 10 times and itโs one of my go-to fall recipes. So amazing. Only change I made is to add a whole can of pumpkin instead of 1 cup. Makes it a bit thicker and more pumpkin-y. Thanks for this great recipe!
This looks so good- Iโd have to do some editing because only recently have I reintroduced beans, and this bean heavy dish might make my stomach go loco (fergalicious).
I am not the most patient of people but its something Iโm really working onโฆ I may have to forgo A bombing next week to wait for your cornbread recipeโฆ.
Pingback: Three Recipes to Welcome Soup Season – The Best Food Recipe
I just found this recipe for pumpkin chilli yummm so how DO I get your pumpkin cornbread recipe?? 💑 🐱 💟
Sorry I’m so late replying (I haven’t been able to access the admin side of my site for quite some time now). I’m so glad you enjoyed the pumpkin chili! It’s a big favorite around here…and it does go great with some pumpkin cornbread. Here’s the link to the recipe: ๐