Peanut Butter Pumpkin Oat Bran

If it ain’t broke…

Thick & Creamy Peanut Butter Pumpkin Oat Bran with Nutrient-Rich Blackstrap Molasses  www.kissmybroccoliblog.comDON’T FIX IT!

I’ve never quite understood the term food “rut”. I get bored easily so I don’t tend to eat the same thing day in and day out. Food PHASES on the other hand are a whole other story! I become so completely obsessed with a new flavor/combo that I will makeover ANY meal for weeks just to enjoy it even more. I’ve done it with beets, mangoes, and a certain candy bar flavor combo that still happens to be going 😉 …just to name a few. So my latest phase should come as no shock…especially after last Sunday’s stack of mouth-watering pancakes!

I am (once AGAIN) completely OBSESSED with
pumpkin and peanut butter!

So obviously, when Laura one-upped my pancakes with her breakfast bowl of
Peanut Butter Pumpkin Pie Eggs, I just HAD to give it a go…

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Pie Eggs

I made a few small changes to the recipe: 1 whole egg + two egg whites, mashed banana instead of pear mixed in and on top, and a drizzle of honey instead of stevia.

And until Saturday,
this was the most DELICIOUS thing I’d eaten all weekend!

Voluminous Peanut Butter Pumpkin Oat Bran with Nutrient-Rich Blackstrap Molasses via

Until I got the bright GENIUS idea to mix my new favorite flavor combo into my favorite bowl of VOLUMINOUS oat bran! And then, on a whim, I added a drizzle of blackstrap molasses to the bowl and I just about friggin’ DIED!


Blackstrap molasses > regular molasses

Molasses Nutrition Facts

Same great taste, but with almost HALF the amount of sugars with a BAJILLION vitamins and minerals! Seriously, check out this article to read all about it! I’m sure you can find it at most health food stores, but surprisingly enough, I got mine at the co-op!

Voluminous Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oat Bran with Molasses Drizzle via

But back to some va-va-vaLUMINOUS oats! 😀

My trick with the oat bran is super simple…just double…or even TRIPLE the amount of liquid you would normally cook it in, pop it in the microwave, and watch it magically grow into a big bowl of deliciousness!

You can actually do this with oats too! Just be sure when applying this bit of breakfast magic, 😉 that you use a BIG bowl (I use this one)…otherwise, you’ll have a mess to clean up!

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Oat Bran

By: Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli

Prep Time: 2-3 minutes

Cook Time: 6 minutes

Keywords: microwave breakfast high fiber dairy-free vegan vegetarian high protein oat bran peanut flour fall winter

Ingredients (Serves 1)

  • 1/4 cup oat bran
  • 1 1/2 cups water (or non-dairy milk, or milk alternative)
  • 1 teaspoon maple extract (or vanilla)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1/4 cup peanut flour (or 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder + 1 Tablespoon peanut butter)
  • Toppings: 1/2 teaspoon blackstrap molasses, crushed peanuts and hemp seeds


1. Combine oat bran and water in a LARGE microwave-safe bowl, stir and microwave on high for 6 minutes, stopping to stir every 2 minutes.
2. Add remaining ingredients and stir to combine.
3. Transfer to a bowl, drizzle with molasses, add toppings and enjoy!

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Thick and Creamy Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oat Bran Drizzled with Rich Blackstrap Molasses

It’s so FLUFFAAAAAAAAY! <– Sorry guys, I had to! 😉

Have you ever tried blackstrap molasses?

Do you get into food “phases”? If so, what was your last one?

Posted in Breakfast, Recipe | Tagged , , , , , , | 44 Comments

Marvelous Minutes

Happy Monday, kiddos!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Although mine was pretty low-key, I have to say that nearly every MINUTE was jam-packed with MARVELOUSNESS!

2040 minutes…


Of sweet delicious slumber acquired in four days 😀

5 minutes…

Spinach & Chicken Roll with Cheese

Spent trying to decide what to order for lunch at Joey’s House of Pizza UNTIL I spotted this roll of carby, cheesy, spinach, chicken, and olive-y goodness!

9356256 minutes…

Gladiator Pizza

Of the man-friend’s life shaved off after finishing a slice of “Gladiator” Pie 😉

15 minutes…

Airplane Wing Table

Spent oogling over this airplane wing table I spotted at a salvage market…until I then spotted the $500 pricetag 😯

12 minutes…


Of Home Depot aisle-cruising with the man-friend before I got bored and started taking more narcissistic selfies.

30 minutes…

Treadmill Walk

Of PAIN-FREE treadmill walking at the gym Saturday afternoon.

60 minutes…


Of pure, drool-on-myself bliss Saturday night.

20 minutes…

TemperatureSpent hovering over the thermostat at different times yesterday trying to decide wether or not to turn the heat on.

For the record, my stubborn self decided to pull the electric blanket out instead! 😉

15 minutes…

Pancake Fail

Taken to prepare my latest and greatest pancake creation FAIL!

3 minutes…

Pancake Fail with Peanut ButterBefore this entire plate was licked clean!

*peanut butter and chocolate sauce fixes everything!

MIMMAs always, a big shout out to the lovely lady who makes Mondays a bit more bearable…and as always, the alliteration award goes to the author! 😆

How did you spend YOUR minutes this weekend?

Anyone else out there refusing to turn on the heat?
Hey, just another alternative to exercise, right Carly? 😉


Posted in MIMM, Randomness | Tagged , , , , , , | 46 Comments

Confessions of a Closet Narcissist

So yesterday…

Gym Selfie Yoga Pants

I went to the gym! 😀

For the first time in over a MONTH might I add, but that’s not the point…the POINT is that while AT the gym stretching before my workout, I looked over and saw this…

Gym Selfie Yoga Pants BootyHello, BOOTY! 😯

I then proceeded to take about five minutes to get a picture with the perfect arm placement, leg movement, and back arch needed to fully showcase this fun little find.

Later, I was walking on the treadmill, totally engrossed in my book, when one of my trainer friends (whom I know only from taking her Body Pump class) came up and said, “Hey girl! It’s good to see you again! Look at you, looking all skinny! I’m so jealous” to which I responded, “Ugh, not really…actually I’ve gained some weight…black is just my color.” *insert weak laugh here*

Um, WHY did I say that?! ESPECIALLY after hosting a freakin’ selfie photo shoot not ten minutes before that?!

After reading both Lindsay’s and Laura’s posts on giving and receiving compliments last week, I commented that I was better now about accepting compliments than I used to be because I know that when I compliment somebody, I truly mean it and I would hate someone to disregard a compliment from me. But while I was working out, I started thinking more and more about my sudden dismissive response…

Why do we find it hard to accept compliments these days? Is it because we live in a society where we put everyone’s needs before our own and it’s basically considered selfish to love ourselves? The definition of narcissism does not actually impart a negative connotation…that’s just something we’ve attached to it over the years.

So today, I say to hell with what’s right/wrong/culturally acceptable…I may not love every aspect of my body, but you know what? I may not have squats and dead lifts to thank, but I’m kinda lovin’ the junk I’ve recently acquired in ma’ trunk, AND a few other things as well!

I CONFESS that I love…

Selfie Julia Roberts Hair

My wild Julia Roberts-esque hair…

Now to figure out how to affix a fire-escape to the side of my one story house!

Selfie Dimples

My dimples…

Selfie Duck Face

My duck face full lips…

Selfie Eyes

My green eyes…which I’ve finally discovered how to magnify with purple eyeliner!

Note: I think I look a lot like my mama in this picture! 😉

Selfie TJ Maxx

My shoulders and collar bones…

My boobs (sorry, no picture for that one) but hey, I was a late bloomer so those are TOTALLY going on the list! 😉 And…

Gym Selfie

Did I mention my FINE derriere?

May I also confess that these are only HALF of the selfies I’ve taken over the last month…I cannot resist the urge to look at myself when I pass by reflective surfaces (windows, doors, mud puddles)…and mayyyyyybe the main reason I wear yoga pants around the man-friend so much is because I know that he likes them…like reeeeeeeeeeally likes them! 😉

‘Fess up! What three things do you love about your body?

Do you find it hard to accept compliments? Why?

Posted in Confessions, Workouts | Tagged , , , | 82 Comments