Confessions & Contradictions

High School Reunion

I’m an EXTROVERTED introvert.

I’ve always thought I was pretty outgoing and spunky…therefore considering myself an extrovert, but when I saw this graphic on Meghan’s blog last week, I couldn’t help but identify with BOTH sides.

Introverts vs Extroverts


While I’ll admit to loving being the center of attention in any way possible – laugh with me, hug me, kiss me, throw money at me – I also have a strong need for my own space, time to do things at my own pace, and don’t interrupt me…or I’ll club you with my mace!

Sorry, I had to! 😉

Broken Bowl

I’m a total CLUTZ with CAT-LIKE reflexes.

I may walk into door jams, trip over my own feet, and knock things over on a pretty regular basis, but on most occasions (including a specifically impressive one yesterday involving a glass tumbling off the counter), I have a quick hand and can catch things  falling in mid-air! All that unfortunately doesn’t help in situations of mere stupidity…like turning one of my FAVORITE new bowls upside down and “thumping” it on the table in order to pry out the Almond Joy Breakfast Cookie inside…womp womp! 🙁

To Do List

I’m a NEAT FREAK with a CLUTTERED mind.

It’s no secret, I like things clean and organized…a place for everything and everything in it’s place…but only on the outside. As much as I would like to have things neat and tidy in my head, I am a total scatterbrain! I have so many things going on in there at once that I swear if I have a thought and don’t grab a pen and write it down in five seconds or less, it’ll be lost forever! And heaven forbid I sit that piece of paper down because in five minutes I’ll have forgotten where I put it!

Nut Butter Jars

I’m a HOARDER who likes to REDUCE.

It can be food or it can be lotions and body sprays from Bath & Body Works…for some reason, I can never keep myself from storing in excess. But with that being said, I also get this great sense of satisfaction when I finish something and get to throw away (or repurpose) the container. Oh and sometimes I just get on random clutter claustrophobia episodes and start getting rid of stuff left and right…kinda like when I sold my kitchen table five months ago and still have an empty kitchen! Oops?

Pina Colada Protein Pancakes

I’m a FOODIE who doesn’t want to talk food.

Sorry to tease you guys, but I just wanted to prove that I DID in fact have a recipe to share for Pancake Sunday, but I don’t know…I just don’t feel like talking about it. Actually, I’ve been sort of unmotivated lately on the food front and honestly, I think it has a lot to do with my to-do list up there…and the fact that I’m not sleeping well again. The recipe is typed but the pictures are nowhere near ready for sharing and well, I have emails from THREE weeks ago I’ve yet to respond to, laundry that needs done, hair that needs cut, continuing education credits that need to be thrown in the trash completing, grass that needs mowing, and the last time I checked, Elvira couldn’t change her own oil!

Wow, complain much?

Sorry…guess I’m just feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment. And tired. Forgive me? I’m fresh out of cookies, but I’ll do my best to get these cakes to you next Sunday! 😀

And last but not least…

I’m a DOG person who owns a CAT!

Seriously, Amanda shared the first one of these videos a couple of weeks ago, but this one is even funnier…and SO true!

Do you contradict yourself? In what way?

Are you a cat or a dog person?

Posted in Confessions, Personal, Randomness | Tagged , , , | 34 Comments

Fallout Friday



To say it’s been “one of those weeks” would be a serious understatement. Nearly EVERY HOUR of my ten-hour shifts for the last four days has been CRAY-ZEEEEEE! Luckily, it’s all behind me now and I’ve already got the weekend off to a good start. Since technically my Friday is Thursday and that’s when I’m typing up this post (did you follow that?)…

I made sure to CELEBRATE!

After a WEEK of pissing myself off with my incessant shivering, I caved and turned on the mother-frickin heat! I may be a bit bitter, but at least I’m warm now! 😉

I gave myself permission to sleep WITHOUT setting my alarm and didn’t wake up until 4pm…after going to sleep at 8am.

And instead of feeling guilty for not setting foot my fine ass in the gym all week, I laced up my sneakers, picked up my camera, annnnnd…headed to the park!

Fall Walk in the Park - SkyFall Walk in the Park - FeetFall Walk in the Park - WaterFall Walk in the Park - Creek & LeafFall Walk in the Park - EvergreenFall Walk in the Park - BridgeFall Walk in the Park - Yellow LeafFall Walk in the Park - Red Leaf

Confession: When I saw this leaf, I actually said, “ohhhhh preeeeeetty”! 😉

I stayed out until my hands were so cold it was hard to press the shutter release, came home, made a cup of tea the size of my FACE, whipped up some Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oat Bran, slapped that shit in a near-empty jar of crack (both sad and happy times), curled up on the couch, typed this post, and hit publish all before 9pm…bedtime!

Yes, that means I was only awake for five hours.

But I don’t know you guys…I feel like I might be coming down with something…I mean, do I look a little pale to you?

Me - Zombie 1

I think I may need to go to the doctor. My left eye is sort of getting fuzzy and…

Me - Zombie 2

I keep getting this weird taste in my mouth…

Me - ZombifiedFor BRAAAAAAAAINS!

Not as good as last year, but damn you Pic Monkey for charging for all the good stuff now…boo hiss…or should I say “gaaarrrrghhhh”?

Any big plans for the weekend?
If I’m feeling any better 😉 , I plan on meeting my two besties for dinner and drinks tonight!

Are you dressing up for Halloween? What are you going as?
I’m on call so just wish me luck I’m not zombie-ing it up at the hospital that night!

Posted in Friday Fun, Randomness | Tagged , , , , , , | 32 Comments

WIAW: A “Normal” Foundation

Hey guys!

So Saturday was a pretty busy day. Besides getting in touch with my inner narcissist and drooling over myself on a massage table, I was also tending to stuff around the house…cleaning, playing in the kitchen, and catching up on some blog reading too (if you’re wondering where the man-friend plays into all this, he was out of town). Since I was at the house all day, I figured it’d be a good day to change things up and finally follow the rules for What I Ate Wednesday…especially since I’ve played hookie for the last two weeks…sorry Jen! 😳

what i ate wednesday october breast cancer awareness halloween button

I used to have a lot of fun documenting all my eats every Wednesday, but I slowly got out of the habit of it once I started the night shift. It can be hard to remember to pre-make your dinner/snacks and photograph them before the sun goes down…and food captured  under fluorescent lighting? No thank you! So here ya have it, a FULL day of eats in live technicolor that don’t have an eerie greenish tint to them! 😉


I started my day off with a cup of HALF CAFF coffee (no more eye-bugging coffee chugging for me…funny it never occurred to me that drinking two cups of half caff is the SAME THING as one cup of FULL caff until I felt like I was having a frickin’ heart attack!)

Coconut Cashew Quest Bar

I rarely EVER skip breakfast (I mean, seriously, it’s the best meal of the day!), but I had to run out for some quick errands so instead, I grabbed a Quest bar for the road.

Pumpkin Spice Delight Cake When I got home, I suddenly got the urge to go to the gym, so I went with it! While I wasn’t feeling super hungry, I did feel like I needed a little something to tide me over…so I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to eat the Pumpkin Delight I nabbed from the break room THREE weeks ago and have been hoarding ever since! 😯

I used to eat these ALL the time as a kid…ohhh, the memories!

Voluminous Pumpkin Peanut Butter Oat Bran with Molasses Drizzle from

After I finished up 30 minutes of walking, 20 minutes of chest and tri’s, and 10 minutes of modeling, I was back from the gym and RAVENOUS so I made up for my lack of breakfast with a bowl of thick and creamy Peanut Butter Pumpkin Oat Bran!

Gingerbread Spice Tea

After I finished cleaning up the disaster I created in the kitchen after making ONE bowl of oat bran (?!), I settled on the couch with a nice WARM mug of gingerbread spice tea (x 2) and got caught up on emails and blog reading…all while cursing the subarctic
(read: 55 degree) temperatures outside.

I’m SO not ready for winter! 🙁

Cottage Cheese Granola & Cinnamon Roasted Chickpeas

Before I left for my massage, I threw together a small snack of cottage cheese topped with cinnamon roasted chickpeas and the last of the cranberry granola that Meghan graciously sent me home with week before last.

Many much moosen cinnamon added post pic! 😉

Adora Dark Chocolate Calcium

Plus a little dark chocolate for my belly AND my bones just as I went out the door!

Leftover Cheesy Chicken Spinach & Roll & SaladAfter a much-needed massage (you know it’s bad when the masseuse tells you that you really needed it), I came home and enjoyed the other half of my leftover chicken & spinach roll from lunch on Friday with some marinara for dipping and a salad of romaine, carrots, and tomatoes drizzled with balsamic vinegar.

Cheesy Chicken & Spinach Roll

Sorry, but that cheesy spinachy deliciousness deserves a closer look! 😉

Beachaven Red Wine

I ended the night with a glass of wine and Netflix while under my the WARMTH of my electric blanket.

Mini Pops Popcorn

And then somehow, this entire bag of popcorn disappeared…I blame Schmidt! 😉

All jokes aside, I have to say I feel very proud of myself for this day of eats…eating when I was hungry, stopping when I was full, and not over-analyzing every single morsel….after a couple days of getting caught up on sleep and really focussing on ME, I was feeling “normal” again. It really shouldn’t surprise me that, after months of hard work, I now have a strong foundation with intuitive eating, but for some reason it does. Kind of like looking back on a hike and seeing the long and winding path you’ve traveled to get to where you are…it’s humbling, gratifying, and validating.

Which is why I’m so excited to be able to share it with you guys! Jamie is extending a discount for her next Intuitive Eating Challenge to all KMB readers! For the next
48 hours, you can sign up for the 21-day challenge for only $39…that’s ten dollars off! You’ll receive daily lessons sent via email that will help guide you in changing your relationship with food AND yourself along with access to the members-only Facebook page where you can communicate directly with Jamie and also gain a TON of support from both past and present participants!

Just enter code: IEHEATHER at checkout!

I really hope that any of you out there who are struggling with an unhealthy relationship with food, will consider taking Jamie up on this incredible offer! Think about it…for about the cost of four jars of Justin’s nut butter, you can start a journey that can FOREVER change your life…which means so you can actually EAT that nut butter WITHOUT feeling guilty about it! 😉

What’s the best thing you’ve eaten this week?

Posted in Intuitive Eating, What I Ate Wednesday | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 60 Comments