Hello, loves and happy Monday…
I should have seen it coming, what with the dwindling supply of “my Precious” summer berries and the appearance of EVERYTHING orange in blogworld lately, but nope, I still ended up getting totally blind-sighted! This year is just going by too quickly! And I swear if any of you mention Christmas, I will CUT YOU!
Obviously, this “Currently” post is going to be somewhat bittersweet…so get comfortable, grab something to sip on, and let’s take a look at how MARVELOUS September was to me…and for the love of God, somebody get me a tissue!
Current Book:
The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene’ Brown
Speaking of tissue, you ever been sitting in church and you felt like the preacher was totally “stepping on your toes”? Yeah, that’s EXACTLY how I feel with this book! I’ve mentioned several time about my struggles with perfectionism so when a good friend recommended this book to me, I was immediately curious. And even though I’m only a couple of chapters in, I can already tell that it was written JUST for me!
Current Music:
After my official Pancake Queen comeback, I set a Pandora station to “Bon Jovi” and have since been rocking out to the likes of Aerosmith, John Mellencamp, and JOURNEY! Only weird thing? When Creed popped in the other day…um, NO!
Current Guilty Pleasure:Β
Creating a few new recipes this weekend even though I already have FIVE that I still need to share AND you know, like a MILLION others that I can’t quit pinning!
Current Nail Color:Β
After nearly TWO MONTHS of perfectly polished nails (a record I think), I went ONE DAY without polish and all my nails broke off! So now I’m pouting…and refuse to paint them until they actually look decent again!
Current Drink:Β
Not sure what it is, but all of a sudden, I just haven’t had a taste for coffee lately…but I have been enjoying daily cupS of my new favorite green tea!
Current Food:
Between the salsas, the sandwiches, the salads and the breakfasts…I’d say this was one fruitFULL month!
Current Favorite Show:
I’ve only watched two episodes, but I just about pulled a Tom Cruise when I found out the SECOND SEASON OF NEW GIRL IS ON NETFLIX!!!!
Current Wish List:
For my NEXT foodie pen pal to be as thoughtful as the girl with the amazing pesto recipe! And for more of those CRACK coconut chips! But seriously, thank you SO much for my goodies, Lena! You seriously read my little foodie mind! π
If you’re interested in receiving an amazing package like this of your own, hop on over to Lindsay’s blog and check out the details about the Foodie Pen Pal Program!
Current Needs:
A massage…after sitting humped over this blog post for the last TWO HOURS, yo, my shoulders be tiiiiiiight! Nawwwwwmeeeeeeean?!Β π
Current Triumphs:
I mentioned last week how “normal” I’m starting to feel when it comes to food, but then I realized something else…it’s been almost a month since my last binge! Now granted, there have been a few instances of emotional eating, but seriously, the mentality behind it has changed SO MUCH! I honestly can’t even believe some of the (positive) thoughts that are going through my head now…but that my friends, is a post for another day!
Current Bane of Existence:Β
Besides the annoying appearance of fruit flies (MY fruit…MINE!), Tiger has been driving me NUTS! I let him out in the backyard for a few minutes a couple of weeks ago and now he will not SHUT UP! I’d let him out more, but he’s been de-clawed and I’m afraid of him wandering off and getting attacked! So…anyone have any tips for a DIY feline vocal chord removal procedure? Kidding…sort of! π
Current Celebrity Crush:
And my love for JGL grows…
Current Indulgence:
Seriously, for someone who swears she doesn’t like chocolate, this month, I’ve had an almost daily tryst with my tall short dark and handsome crunchy!
And look, I even found a way to incorporate it into breakfast dinner! π
Current Blessing:
Having this past weekend to completely decompress. I slept in, I ate cookies dough, and I even got the chance to spend Saturday evening with my parents!
Current Slang:
How about just belting out 80’s rock songs at the top of my lungs every chance I get? Kitchen…car…shower…I may or may not have used a stethoscope as a microphone at the hospital the other day…and that is why I work alone! π
Current Outfit:
Well, let’s just say after I got started on the party favors for Friday’s post, I went ahead and fashioned a little Garden of Eden type getup for myself. Hey, Halloween IS coming up ya know!
Current Excitement:Β
This time next week, I’ll be hanging with THIS girl…getting our groove on in the kitchen, eating good, and throwing all maturity out the window as we make ridiculous jokes about phallic vegetables! π
Current Link:
21 Cooking Tips That Will Change Your Life…you’ve GOT to check this out!
Current Mood:
What is your current triumph, indulgence, and excitement?
Let’s make this MONDAY happy!

Just added that book to my good reads list! Sounds right up my alley too!
You are my poster girl for intuitive eating, I’m hoping to get to where you are soon too. I’ve not had any binges but I don’t feel I’ve always been tuning into my hunger or having what I truly want but I know it is just an ongoing ‘journey’
I’ll take Tiger if you don’t want him!
Can’t wait for all your new recipes! Your photos have been inspiring me to read up a lot more on food photography – I even bought a few props.
Yes, it definitely is ongoing. There for a while I was kinda hung up on “perfecting” the intuitive side of me and actually, I think that held me back a bit. You just have to remember that sometimes things aren’t going to go as planned or you’re going to make the wrong “choice”, but it’s ok because you’re still on the climb up. Before long, you’ll have had so many learning experiences that it will all start to flow! You’ve got this girlie…stay strong! And remember to go easy on yourself!
And I just want you to know that you totally made my day just now with the comment about the photography! I swear I still have no idea what I’m doing but it’s so exciting to hear that I’ve inspired you! And yay for new props!! Ugh, I STILL wish I could secretly live in the Yoplait test kitchen prop closet! Lol
PS, oh lord, if ONLY Tiger could make it through Customs! Haha!
So much marvelous going on here and LOVE your progression with the relationship you have with food- so inspiring to see!
Oh dear, I went on Meghan’s blog for the first time a few weeks back and saw all her adult like content….and loved it. The two of you together… I can envision the posts after it to NEED a R rating. Just please be kind to the zucchini π
Thank you so much, Arman! And oh yes, Meghan is definitely a feisty one! Her posts never fail in the ab workout department…which I guess is good since I’m having to take a break from the gym! π Zucchini…*snicker*
Don’t like chocolate- er whaaatt! It’s a good thing I really like you or that could be a deal-breaker ;)! How can one post leave me craving a salad, sandwich and pancakes all at once- dayyyum! I can’t wait to see what shenanigans you and Meghan get up too- I can imagine some scandalous happenings! A current excitement for me is my upcoming trip to London —> t minus SIX days :)!
Hahaha! Well, at least we can bond over our mutual dislike for frosting! π
I love that you are SO marvelous lately, babe. it sure comes out in your posts and i am so insanely happy for you and omg i am so proud of you and your huge accomplishment! that deserves a high five! uhm you should email meeeee <3
i am so happy i finally tried your pancakes. welcome back pancake queen. like seriously. why why why why why did it take me this long to try them!? omg spank me.
ok i love u
Haha! Aww Meg! Your comments always bring such a big smile to my face! I wish I could give you a HUGE hug! Thank you so much! And yes, I will definitely email you for the high five…thanks for reminding me about that! Love you, doll!
I love jamming out to 80’s rock too. “Hot Blooded” by Foreigner is my biggest guilty pleasure haha. Except I just googled it and it’s actually from the late 70’s. Oops. π
Also it’s so awesome to read about your continual progress with your relationship with food. I’m so happy for you girl!!
Thank you so much, Chelsea! It’s good to finally be in a more positive place after so long!
Annnnnnd now I’m going to have that song in my head for the rest of the day! Funny…I thought it was 80’s too!
5 new KMB recipes??? October isn’t sounding so bad! Also I want your foodie pen pal…She apparently knows the way to my heart too!
π Join the program, Davida….and then – who knows? π
PS. I LOVED getting Broccoli bombed this weekend. Totally made my day! π
Awww, I’m glad you liked it! You were WAY overdue for one! π
That book looks really good!! I’ll have to add it to my list of books to read!
Aww, this whole post makes me SO happy I’ll even attempt a happy dance with Jazz hands again [awkward]. Your triumph is so worth celebrating – with a massage?! Don’t hate me for mentioning Christmas BUT how about bestowing the man-friend with a massage class and offer up to let him practice his newly acquired skills at home ;)? Not like that was a selfish gift or anything.
The book sounds like I should totally put it on top of my reading list because you know I’m not exactly free from perfectionist tendencies myself. Thanks for the recommendation!
I wish I could share your current excitement but at least you make me feel such a lot better about throwing maturity out of the window – if it has ever been present, that is ;). Remember to take enough photographic evidence of your shenanigans.
And I’m going to pretend I didn’t read that bit about you not liking chocolate. Wait, did you mention chocolate at all?
Hahaha! Nope…I don’t believe there was a mention of anything even RESEMBLING the likes of the cocoa bean! π Yeah! Jazz hands are MEANT to be awkward! Love it! And omg, you’re a genius with the whole massage thing! “Oh honnnnnnneeeeeeeeey?!” Hahaha!
On a serious note (because you know, sometimes I can handle that for a few minutes at a time), I totally recommend the book. You and I have a lot in common when it comes to perfectionism and our attitudes toward what we consider “failures”…I think you could definitely benefit from a read like this! And if you DO read it, we should form a little book club! I’ll bring the wine…or pancakes…or both! Lol
You know New Girl season THREE is already airing, right? π
I do…must you tease me so?! π Haha!
Heather, it was a pleasure to be your Foodie Pen Pal this month! I am happy to know you and enjoy reading your blog!
The feeling is mutual m’dear! I just checked out your reveal post and I swear I am on cloud NINE right now! You just made my night…er, morning! Thank you so SO much!!
You are very welcome π
Wtf, how is it practically October? Freaking crazy, I tell you. Um, I just wanted to say that I’m not a chocolate lover either, but I go through these crazy phases where it’s literally all I want to eat. Don’t fight it ;).
And I just wanted to share that the current bane of my existence is this nasty and HUGE zit on my face, which I’ve been picking at, so it’s now more of a nasty and HUGE and scabby zit/cyst/basketball-sized bump.
Haha! Glad I’m not the only one who can’t fight the urge to mess with pimples! Just have some chocolate…it’ll help you forget about it! π
SO glad that you are nearly a month binge free!! That is seriously something to celebrate right there…I wish I could go a month lol That book sounds fantabulous, but Im seriously in the middle of teen angst books over here for some reason. Although my favorite White Dragon book from high school is up next, and that is just all myth and folklore kind of stuff. I’m all over the place with my books π
And how on earth did I JUST start following you on pinterest! Don’t worry, I immediately clicked on the link and hit “follow all” You have another crazed stalker now :):)
Well, lucky for you, I was looking to fill my crazy stalker position! Just a bonus that you happen to be a ginger too! π
I’m a little all over the place when it comes to reading too, but I’m ALL about supernatural stuff…I’m REALLY thinking about reading the Mortal Instruments series next!
And thank you so much, love! I’m so proud of how far I’ve come…I’ve definitely come to the realization that most, if not all, of the work is in the mind! It takes a lot of patience (which I totally suck at) and a LOT of self-love (which I’m FINALLY getting better at!) ;D
I’m absolutely with you on the JGL love. And the lip-synching video just made me adore him more!
And yay on improved relationship with food! Honestly, the fact that you went a month without binging (and didn’t even really notice it until that one month mark) is a huge accomplishment, and shows how far you’ve come. Seriously happy you for you lady!
P.S. I adore it when I get a broccoli bomb :-p
YES! That’s what I was just thinking about the other day…the fact that everything just feels so fluid now…that I don’t even realize I’m being “normal” until after the fact! Thank you so much, Sam! You’ve definitely been a big inspiration to me during this journey! xoxo
Yay for your no binge month!!! Go girl!! So glad you have those lovely “good friends” out there to recommend books that speak to your soul π
Love you!
My current…something or other? In the final two weeks before my wedding, I’m now being bombarded with messages from various family members “shocked” that they can’t bring their kids…even though they’ve had 10 months to find a babysitter (bc save the dates went out at new years). I thought I was immune to the fits and excuses, but my body is breaking out in hives. Gah!
Oh honey!! Don’t fret! If they reeeeeeeeally care about you, then they will figure out a way. If they say they can’t and just want to b!tch and moan about a lack of childcare, then you’re better off enjoying the night without them. This is YOUR day…don’t let anyone bring you down or make you feel bad for having it exactly the way you want it!
And seriously, thank you SO much for telling me about this book! Love you MORE! π
If the fruit flies are bugging you still take a little plastic container, fill it with apple cider vinegar, put plastic wrap on top & poke little holes in the top with a toothpick. Catches those stupid little flies!
Awesome! Thanks girlie! Meghan said I might try adding a little dish soap to the mix too…I think it’s time for a little experiment! π
I think I read beer can get ride of fruit flies… need to google that again.
Your musical choices are brilliant. My “get pumped up” music always involves hair bands.
If I wasn’t so close to my competitions… can we do it another time???
I think we should.
Aw hells naw. You gals better not have TOO much fun. I’m jelly. Have blast! Make lots of inappropriate jokes! π
Heather used to work on the docks. Unions on strike. She’s down on her luck. It’s tough…so tough.
I hope you’re ready to share that spatula/microphone because in addition to grabbing white chocolate chips so we can bake all the cookies, I managed to score some OJ and champagne because if morning cooking is happening, then morning cocktails are too.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who takes two hours to write a blog post. Pretty much every single time.
To get rid of the fruit flies, put out a dish/cup of apple cider vinegar with a splash of dish soap and it will beckon the little suckers I have one on my counter all summer long because I’m not sharing my produce either.
I think you should let Tiger out. He’s a cat, so he’ll come back. I can’t explain why (it’s like their innate sense to use the litter box), but he’ll come back. You’ll see next week as my three go gallivanting clawless through the neighborhood. Probably spreading their sterile kitty seed wherever they go and loving life. What can I say? They take after their momma. π
Sterile kitty seed?! Bahahaha! Love it! And ok…I may have to take your advice on this…because I seriously had a vision of myself yesterday shaking the shit out of the poor little guy! π― Guess I need to go get him a collar first though. As much as he pisses me off, I’d hate for someone to “adopt” him! I’ll have to try that trick for the flies! I’ve done just ACV before but it didn’t work…I think I got one! Never knew the secret was dish soap! And omg, you are sooooo not alone on the blog writing…seriously, it took me like TWO DAYS to write the pancake post for my “comeback”. You know, it just had to be PERFECT!
Ok…moment of freakout in 3…2…1….MIMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH-SAsssssssssssss!!! I freakin’ LOVE you!! π
oh i bet that book is good! and i love your current blessings. You deserve it all friend. <3 you
Wowee. Your pen pal gave you a gold mine! π
Jealous that you get to spend time with Meghan!! Haha. I live so much closer and yet I still haven’t “met” her. I’m sure you too will cook up something fabulous. You should do a vlog… Although I’m not so sure how much witty banter the internet could withhold with you too both on the screen π
*Minor heartattack* I clicked on the JGL video without thinking and almost lost my comment. Why do I always do that on your posts? You just have too many good links I think.
Oh no!! I hate it when I do that! Haha! I had a (rather huge) comment delete itself not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES on Sarah’s blog the other day…I figured out after the fact that it had something to do with me using a > sign! Stupid thing!
Dear lord, we would for sure break the internet…or at least catch someone’s computer on fire! Haha!
Wait… you’re a Bon Jovi fan?! I think I may have just fallen in love with you a little more. I’m not big on his new stuff, but the 80’s? Ohhhh man. I’m pretty sure I know all the songs by heart π And after being away for the past 5 days, I think I managed to starve all the pesky fruit flies in my home… They may just be hiding on me, but fingers crossed that they’re gone for good. It’s not even that it grosses me out to have them sitting on my fruit (it probably should…), but I just can’t stand them buzzing all over the place. Grrr.
Oh HECK yeah! I’ve been a Bon Jovi fan for as long as I can remember! But I’m with you…it’s ALL about the early stuff! Except “Make a Memory”…aww, that song gets me teary-eyed every time I hear it! And I knew you could relate with those darn fruit flies! I’ve finally eaten up all the fruit that was around, but now the little devils are picking on my kabocha! π
Well done on the 1 month of no binging…keep up the good work. It’s hard but one day at a time you’ll crack it!!! Stay strong! That book sounds great! I might have to check to see if I can get a copy on Amazon.
Thank you so much, Shel! And yes, I would definitely recommend the book…the author has such an amazing insight when it comes to shame vs self-love!
Hollllllly Moly that cookie, pb and fruit goodness that is that last picture… I want that in my BELLY NOW π
Haha! It was definitely one of the best yogurt combinations I’ve made lately…I may or may not have shed a little tear as my spoon scraped the bottom of the bowl! haha!
Weird…I can’t drink coffee lately either and was craving TEA this morning….feeling a bit distressed about it though ):
By the way, I STILL think you need to check out “The Mindy Project” along with New Girl I swear you’ll like it and if I’m wrong…well, so be it (:
Gahhh! I forgot about that! Is it on Netflix or do I need to find it on Hulu?
I need to read a real book… lol I have been counting the days until the first weekend in November!! π I have a bunch of recipes I’ve been sitting on too… shame on us! lol
You already know it was a VERY fruitfull month around here also. We are one in the same hoarding our berries, but I suppose the first day of October is a good time to finally accept fall…
I know right? I’ve been gung-ho on the berries, but once the calendar flipped to October, it just didn’t feel right anymore! It’s time to GO ORANGE! Lol
Reading about the positives you’ve made on the eating front (especially being binge free for a month), is such a wonderful thing to be proud of you. You’re such a beautiful person, that I truly do wish nothing but happiness & triumphs to happen in your life. Continue listening to your heart & mind and you’ll be good to go in no time <3
Thank you so much, Jessie! I swear you always have just the right words! Love you!!
I hopped over here from the Foodie Penpal reveal for September and I enjoyed every word! Such a great blog post and you now have a new follower. I have suffered from binge issues for a long time so that was a soft spot for me to touch on. Happily clicking through your past post.
Awww, this just made me the happiest! Thank you so much, Chrystal! It’s definitely been a long journey and I have to admit that at times, I thought I’d never make it to this point, but I finally did and I’m feeling so proud of myself right now! I did a post back in August with some advice for preventing (and overcoming) binges…thought you might find it helpful! π http://www.kissmybroccoliblog.com/2013/08/15/thoughts-on-breaking-down-the-binge/
I NEED that book!! Oh my gosh, I sounds amazing. I’ve always thought JGL was adorable, but I saw Don Jon this weekend..LOVED it.. and then I heard an interview on NPR with him and LOVEEEDD that even more. Plus that lip sync video was unreal. HAHA. I am so jealous of your upcoming blogger meet up, please pet Max for me!
Omg, I hadn’t heard of Don Jon yet, but I just checked out the trailer and it looks awesome! I love where he’s singing Good Vibrations in the car! Lol! Oh, and you can be sure there will be some Max bonding going on…actually, she may want to watch out or I might try a little switch-a-roo with Tiger…black and white? Nah, Max has ALWAYS been orange! π
Love this post – delectable eats and link!
I love Lindsay’s Foodie Pen Pals program too!
Congrats on your binge free month! Wow – that is indeed a triumph!
My current indulgence are nut butter cookies – they are my main post workout snack, er I mean fuel! π
Thank you so much, Shashi! It’s definitely been a good month for me! And seriously? Nut butter = amazing…cookies = amazing…nut butter cookies = FREAKIN’ BRILLIANCE! Just please tell me there’s chocolate chips involved! π
I love where you put your blog name stamp on that tea picture! So clever! π Mmmmm that sandwich looks amazing
Thank you Sunnie! I’m playing around with trying to hide my watermark within the picture so it doesn’t take your eyes off the focal point…I thought that was a fun way to do it with this pic! π
New Girl is one of my current favourite t.v shows π Can’t wait for the third series!
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