Hey guys!!
Oh, how I’ve missed you! The man-friend and I got in late last night from our vacation in Panama City/Gulf Shores and today has been a WHIRLWIND to say the least! Getting things unpacked, running to the farmers’ market, grocery shopping, oh, and being sure to give Tiger a bit of love! I’ll definitely be doing a little recap post from our trip (including all the delicious eats), but since today is the LAST day of August (?!), I thought I’d pop in real quick with my monthly “currentlies”…and a few vacation deets! 😉
Current Book:
I took Fifty with me to the beach and while I did get a few chapters read, I’ll be honest, most of my time was spent flapping around in the ocean water. I WILL say though that things are finally starting to get interesting again!
Current Music:
I’ve had a soft spot in my heart for Paramore for a while now…I used to totally rock the mic with Crushcrushcrush on Rockband…and I’m LOVING this new song!
Current Guilty Pleasure:
Shopping! I can’t stop! I rarely ever buy anything for myself (other than food) but I have been on a shopping spree/warpath for weeks now…and it didn’t really help that the man-friend took me to a Tanger Outlet while we were in Gulf Shores! Lol
Current Nail Color:
Before going on vacation, I tried a new Essie color called The Girls Are Out. I really like it fun sparkle to it. I’m currently back to Sunday Funday, but I think tomorrow I’ll be changing it to yet ANOTHER new color…
Seriously guys, I’ve got a problem!
Current Drink:
Hello, my name is Heather and I’m addicted to flavored coffees…especially when different flavors are mixed together…caramel drizzled pumpkin pie in a mug, anyone? 😉
Current Food:
And more FIGS!!!!
Two guesses as to what I picked up at the grocery store today after getting back in town!
Current Favorite Show:
Thanks to the man-friend and his sharing of Netflix passwords, 😉 I’ve been watching a lot more TV over the last few weeks. I think I just need to learn to pace myself more…I marathon-watched Orange is the New Black in a day and a half and then got into New Girl and was done with it in less than a week! Ugh, I’m dying for more episodes!
Current Wish List:
I just got back from a relaxing, fun, and deeeeelicious week on the BEACH, I think all my wishes have been granted for now! 😉
Current Needs:
To get caught up with all of YOU! I can’t wait to read through all the comments from the last week of scheduled posts…like I said, I’ve missed you!
Current Triumphs:
Guess what! Guess what! Guess WHAAAAAT!
Not ONCE did I feel bad about myself once I was on the beach. I hate that I worked myself up so much before I left. I mean, it’s not like I was going on vacation at the PLAYBOY MANSION or something! I was in a beautiful place, surrounded by “normal” people having fun in the sun…and I did the same! 😀
Current Bane of Existence:
The nightmares that have ensued since watching the VMA’s last Sunday.
Current Celebrity Crush:
Umm, I may or may not have had a pretty hot dream featuring Dermot Mulroney in my kitchen feeding me figs dipped in honey? What?! The REAL question is this: How can such a sexy man have such an UNSEXY name?!
Current Indulgence:
At the beginning of the month, I finally got a chance to check out the new Massage Envy that just opened up down the road. After an hour of relaxing turn-my-muscles to mush session, I decided to sign up for their VIP membership…one 1-hour massage a month for only $59 (plus a few other benefits!)…best decision ever made!
Current Blessing:
Friends, family, my health! I’m just feeling really grateful for everything right now!
Current Slang:
Heyyyyy! I said “deets” in the intro to this post! That’s slang! Ding, ding, ding! I win!! Now…where’s my prize?! 😉
Current Outfit:
PJ’s and fuzzy slippers, but I’d much rather go back to this…
Current Excitement:
Excited to have had a great time on vacation, excited to sleep in my own bed tonight, and excited to try all of my new goodies…
My Foodie Pen Pal package from Lexi over at Tea & Crumpets came while I was gone, but I asked made Tori (who was popping in to take care of Tiger while I was gone) open it up and tell me what everything was over the phone. I swear it’s like Lexi was reading my MIND! Everything is definitely something I would have picked up myself. In fact, I couldn’t help but giggle over the Coconut Almond Quinoa Crunch (purple bag) since I JUST bought myself a bag at TJ Maxx a couple of weeks ago!
Thank you SO much Lexi!!
And check out what I sent to Chelsea from Six Pack Sexy…oh yeah, that’s some of my Almond Joy Granola! 😉
Current Link:
The Lean Green Bean…If YOU want to come home to a box FULL of foodie surprises…and who knows, maybe they’ll come from ME…check out Lindsay’s blog for all the “deets” on the FPP program!
Current Mood:
Content 😀
What are a few of your “currents” from August?
Anyone else having nightmares involving gigantic teddy bears wearing plastic underwear?

I will have to check out Orange is the new Black!! It sounds like a great one.That Miley Cyrus clip. Wow. Just wow.
I too can’t stop shopping at the moment. You’ve made me want to go out and buy some figs.
I’m currently obsessed with Oranges and Mandarins. I’m reading ‘Born to Run’ which I’m really enjoying but need another fiction book still to balance it out a bit.
I know what you mean…the Intuitive Eating book was great (and I STILL need to get a review up on it), but after I finished it, I really just needed a brain mush read! Ha! I have heard really good things about ‘Born to Run’ though!
Getchoo some figs gurrrrrl! Right meow! 😉
Love Panama City! I was in Destin and Panama City this summer and it’s absolutely my favorite place to visit. I’m really getting into Orange is the New Black too and I’m not usually a television person.
I’m on such a shopping kick too, which is strange because I don’t usually buy much for myself either. But I just can’t stop buying new clothes lately haha!
Yeaaaaah girl I’m so happy for you that you had such a good time at the beach without feeling self conscious! That’s awesome!!!
Currently I’m reading the Game of Thrones series, watching Girls, eating lots of BBQed foods and berries, excited about starting my internship on Tuesday, and feeling triumphant about having so many pre-written blog posts lol.
Ahhh, you just got ME excited…and I especially know the pride/joy of having pre-written blog posts! I was practically patting myself on the back for getting mine ready before vacation…I’m usually the WORST at planning ahead like that! I’ve heard so much about Game of Thrones but I’ve neither read nor seen the series. Might have to change this soon if I can ever overcome the intimidation over the the size of the books! 😯 Lol
I can’t wait to hear all about your trip, but remind me to bring my own coffee if I ever visit! 😉
You have the freaking best coffee flavors. I am amazed. I have yet to try a fig. Ever. I know way behind over here… Hope you are enjoying your long weekend! Foodie packages are the best.
Oh girl, I only just tried (and liked) figs last summer. I had tasted them before that, but only on their own…the trick is to pair them with something that really enhances the mild flavor otherwise they just taste kinda bland. Get you a few before the season is up and stuff them with goat cheese or peanut butter (either with a little drizzle of honey) and then report back to me STAT! 😉
Glad you had a great time on vacation & let go & enjoyed yourself on the beach! You don’t need to worry girl – you are seriously gorgeous & fit looking! 🙂
I’m envious of your FPP package! I signed up to try it again for next month, so hoping I get a good one! 😉
I’ve been loving on the figs lately too! Yum!
Oh Karey, you are too sweet! Thank you so much! And yay for FPP! Fingers crossed I get YOU as a pen pal! Oh my gosh, I’d probably spend a fortune on stuff for both of us! Lol
That nail polish, that song and the beach = yes. All the yes.
Welcome back Sweetie!! I am SO proud to have been your inofficial Foodie Penpal TWICE!!! I absoluely LOVe the coconut/quinoa/almond crunch, so perfect for me!! And of course everything else – the BEST part is always the letter of course!! 🙂
Can’t wait for your vacation recap!
Awwwww…wwwwwww!! Lucie, I love you to the moon! I just KNEW you would fall in love with the coconut crunch stuff! As soon as I had a taste, I ran back out to the store and snatched one up for you! Gotta take care of m’girl ya know! 😉
I love that new Paramore song too! Good stuff!
Heyyyyyy sexy lady! Nice bling in the button 😉
Great August, Heather! I’ve been enjoying all of your post about your vacation. Wow, it seemed longer than just 1 week. You packed a lot in. Glad you’re home safely! I need to get into the Foodie Pen Pal sometime. It looks like such fun! Have a great day!
Aww, thank you Fran! Yeah, after posting my Week in Review post and recapping it today, I couldn’t BELIEVE how much we crammed into the week! I’m just glad it didn’t feel like we were rushing around while we were there. It was the perfect mix of fun and relaxation…just what I needed! It had been WAY too long since I’d had a good getaway!
Pingback: Week In Review: The Vacation Edition |
OMG!! I totally just did a post about that paramour song the other day and how much I love it. I definitely need to sign up for the Foodie pen pals thing, that sounds amazing!! By the way this post really makes me want a fig. Haha that sandwich looks incredible.
1. Crank up that radio!
2. Fill out this form: http://www.theleangreenbean.com/foodie-penpals/ and
3. Go get you some figs, girl! 😉
I’m STILL stuck on the last book. AHHH! Must finish this week. It has taken me forever to get through!
Love the song. I actually posted it on my last entry too.
I love Netflix! In fact, I really need to cut back on my time spent on it as well. I too have watched New Girl and Orange is the New Black in just about the same amount of time. Eek, but they are SOOO good!
And I FINALLY signed up to be a foodie pen pal!!
I read the first two books in like a little over a week…it took me over TWO MONTHS to read the last one! Lol And now, instead of feeling “complete” like I usually do after reading a series, I’m just like, “man, I’m glad THAT’S over!” Haha!
Yay for foodie pen pals!!! Omg, you’re gonna LOVE it!
Pingback: Currently: September |