Marvelous Silver Linings

Happy Monday, cupcakes!

I hope you all had a wonderful…or better yet, MARVELOUS weekend! One of the things I love most about Katie is the fact that she is always quick to pick out a silver lining in any situation…she’s like the female version of Bradley Cooper…only without the crazy part…well, unless we’re talking about how she was scrubbing her floors on her hands and knees the day before Baby G cameΒ FINALLYΒ came into this world yesterday morning! πŸ˜‰


Congratulations Katie!!!

This past weekend had its share of ups and downs for me, but as I mentioned last week, I’ve been noticing my thoughts becoming more and more positive, so I thought I’d take a cue from Katie, and celebrate the SILVER! πŸ˜‰

It all started with a game of baseball on Friday night…


The Situation: Neither the man-friend nor I are really fans of the sport and the apples totally sucked.

Silver Lining: We got to spend the evening in the company of good friends, enjoy some beautiful summer weather, and had a lot of fun people watching!

The next morning, I was up early for my weekly visit to the farmers market

Farmers Market

The Situation: My purple carrot-having farmer wasn’t present that morning,

Silver Lining: I found some fabulous bread, purple bell peppers, AND a gorgeous orange zucchini!

Hello, my name is Heather and I’m a sucker for pretty vegetables! πŸ˜‰

Later that morning, the man-friend came to Clarksville (since I was on call all day) and we had made plans to head to the strawberry ranch for some fresh berry pickin’

Cloud PornThe Situation: they ended up being closed (*tear*)!

Silver Lining: We got Β a minute to enjoy the quiet stillness of the morning AND admire a bit of cloud porn! πŸ˜‰

And then we went shopping!!!!

Sam's ClubSam’s and TJ Maxx are to the man-friend and I as Disney Land and Six Flags are to children! πŸ˜‰

Free “lunch”…exotic cheese…and bulk packages of everything from multi-grain organic snacks to potted mystery meat…what more could you ask for?!

Blueberry Crackers

We of course settled for the former…and they are deeeeeeelicious…like little blueberry graham crackers!!

And speaking of TJ Maxx…

We went in on a mission to find more peanut butter Chimes (I still have PLENTY of the other flavors, but I’ve been going through withdraws for the last week or so without my favorite flavor)…


Situation: No peanut butter ginger chews ANYWHERE!

Silver Lining: MiniPops as far as the Instagram border can see!!!

AhhhI’vebeenlookingfortheseformonthshhhhh! πŸ˜‰

After a bit more shopping, we decided to head back to the house to chill a bit…

Tummy Woes

Situation: On the way home, my stomach started feeling sort of “wonky” which then turned into “ok, I’m sick” which THEN turned into “omg, I may need to go to the hospital!”…seriously, THREE HOURS of gut-wrenching pain out of Β NOWHERE!

Silver Lining: Finding out through trial and error and error and ERROR that the best cure-all is and always will be alka seltzer…and a million of humbling unladylike moments…let’s just say the man-friend and I are a LOT more comfortable around each other now! :-/

And then it was time for dinner!

Baguette & Salad

Seriously, I would go as far to call this lining PLATINUM!!

I had planned this for our meal since picking up the chicken and Gouda stuffed baguette at the farmers’ market earlier that morning so the fact that I finally felt better AND had somewhat of an appetite was more than a happy moment!

Served with this marinara that I just happened to find on sale for TWO DOLLARS and a side salad of green leaf lettuce, kale, cucumber, purple peppers, tomato, and homemade balsamic dressing, it was a meal fit for two bread lovers! πŸ˜€

The man-friend had plans early the next morning so he had to leave before midnight (so he didn’t turn into a pumpkin) but we at least got a little snuggle time in on the couch while watching a movie!


Situation: Four hours later (three hours after I went to sleep), I got called into work.

Silver Lining: Time.and.a.HALF!

Funny sidenote: When I answered my phone, they told me I needed to come in because my coworker was “underwater” and I was like, “What do you mean? Was there a flood?” πŸ˜†

Luckily it only took a couple of hours to help her get caught up, then it was back to bed for me…for the REST OF THE DAY!

Popcorn CRACKSituation: I got NONE of the chores completed on my to-do list for the day.

Silver Lining:Β Once I got to work, I was rewarded anyway!

Popcorn coated in white chocolate with M&M’s CRACK anyone? πŸ˜‰

How was YOUR weekend? Do any shopping, farmers marketing, or indoor swimming? πŸ˜‰

What was your last silver lining?

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48 Responses to Marvelous Silver Linings

  1. So happy to hear that you’re looking for the silver linings. You deserve every right to, Heather. I hope you enjoy your week. Thank candy (*ahem* I mean crack) looks like such a great treat!

  2. Jessie says:

    Popcorn coated with white chocolate AND m&ms? Oh shit! That sounds absolutely incredible. I may have to try this little recipe idea out soon.. I bet it would taste awesome on a cake… Alright, my birthday is in 9 days and cake is all that’s on my mind, Ha!

  3. You poor thing, I know exactly how it feels to get sick like that – I always go with seltzer water/club soda/soda water whatever you wanna call it! I find if you mix in a tsp of crushed ginger it helps even more!

    Happy Monday, love! Xx

  4. Hahaha the mini pop tastes good, but I thought it was kind of hard to eat because it’s so tiny!!!

    You’re good at finding the silver lining, girl πŸ˜‰

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Ha! That’s why you just put your mouth to the bag and tip your head back…classiness is not even option with those little buggers! Lol

  5. Lately I’ve been getting into what I call the “sunday slump” where I spend the weekend in my head and bumming around the house. So yesterday, I planned a day OUT – hot yoga, lunch at whole foods, computer work at a starbucks far away from home, my first lululemon purchase and home shortly before dinner time. While the “slump” started to hit around 6:30/7, I was SO happy I had kept myself busy and had FUN that it didn’t hardly matter that much anymore. At least I thought it was a silver lining… πŸ˜‰

    Now as for this stomach ache…could it have been that mystery meat? :-/

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Awww, that sounds like a GREAT day girlie!! I love doing that sometimes…just getting out of the house and doing “stuff”…it’s nice to have little adventures like that! Your first Lululemon purchase huh? Ut ohhhhh! Are you a total convert now? Do I need to confiscate your wallet? πŸ˜‰

      Hmm, yeah…like I told Laura, I knew I should have stopped at the fourteenth can of Vienna…LOL!

  6. Popcorn coated in white chocolate with m&m’s sounds amazing! As does a trip to the farmers market, I always lived finding new veggies at the market. I’m sorry you were having tummy troubles! Those are the WORST! My poor boyfriend has had to hear about my running stomach issues more times than he would ever have liked.

  7. Holy jesus that popcorn. If the stores were open today (it’s a holiday here) I’d be leaving right this second to find white chocolate and M&Ms…that is brilliant.
    Due to the holiday weekend, it was a busy but a fun one around here! Actually looking forward to just taking today to relax a bit.

  8. Love this Situation-Silver Lining post!!! And your Chucks.
    My weekend situation was that I am one year closer to hitting 3-0. The silver lining is that I have a year to mentally prepare myself. πŸ™‚

  9. Lucie says:

    Bahaha, you crack me up girl….β€œunderwater” and I was like, β€œWhat do you mean? Was there a flood?” !!!! 100000xLOL!
    I love the silver lining. And isn’t Katie the woman of the year, scrubbing the floor on her hands and knees in an overdue state??!!
    Ah, that popcorn….thank God I can not find it here. I would sit in it and inhale.
    I am sorry that you did not feel well stomach-wise, and I can totally relate – I had some f***ing issues on the weekend too, and it’s NOT nice. Don’t even get me started on the unladylike moments, haha.
    Happy Monday Beautiful!!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Omg, I have NO IDEA how she did it! I busted out the bucket and sponge yesterday and while I still have my gimp leg, I can’t even IMAGINE being pregnant…let alone OVERDUE and doing that! I think she was trying to self-induce…and obviously it worked! πŸ˜‰

      Glad you liked my “too sleep deprived to understand metaphors” moment! I have to admit I’ve gotten a giggle or two every time I think back to it! Sorry to hear you’ve got the tummy woes too! Any idea where yours might’ve come from? I’m at a total loss for mine! πŸ™

      • Lucie says:

        I watched it a bit and have different situations when it appears:
        – when I eat out – too much oil or unusual spices for me (ognions, garlic) to properly digest PLUS alcohol
        – too many hours without food and then a big meal
        – grains (especially bread)
        – not enough hydration or alcohol the night before
        Maybe that helps!!

  10. Silver Linings Playbook is one of my favorite movies. ‘I don’t want to stay in the bad place, where no one believes in silver linings or love or happy endings.’ Such a great way to look at life. Seeing the silver linings in life is the only way to make it through the tough days. And I’d say that you are doing excellent lady! Weird hours at work and stomach pains are no fun… But you made the best of the situation! πŸ™‚

  11. You inspired me to do my first MIMM post – yay!


    I hope your feeling better. I love reading your blog so much πŸ™‚


  12. What’s with you and all you’re tie-dyed hippie vegetables!? πŸ˜‰ That baguette would have made my weekend!

  13. Oh no – your poor stomach! Whats going on with it?! I seem to recall you’ve been having some tummy troubles lately. πŸ™

    I’m a sucker (omg, I just wrote fucker) for colourful heirloom veggies too. I have purple carrots, rainbow chard & a ton of weird heirloom tomatoes growing in my garden. I can’t wait until they’re ready!
    My weekend’s been fun – it’s still the weekend here in Canada (Canada Day), and it’s been HOT, but I’ve gone hiking, running, biking, and done a lot of laying out in the backyard with some wine and my e-reader. πŸ˜€

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Ok, so I seriously just spit water all over myself with your “sucker” comment! Hahaha! Sounds like you had one FABULOUS weekend! And I’m totally jealous of your over-abundant garden! Surely all that produce is too much for just you and the man…I think you should mail me some! πŸ˜‰

      And omg, I WISH I knew what the hell happened that night! I haven’t had an episode like that since right after my surgery when I was on all sorts of pain meds and even then, I don’t think it got as bad as it did this time…I was seriously like THISCLOSE to going to the hospital!

  14. omg that popcorn stuff is legit crack. Cannot just take a bite, ever.

  15. I need a minion to fan me by the pool and feed me M&M Popcorn Crack all day long. But I suppose that’s what manfriends are for, right?

  16. Those mini pops look amazing! The fact they have a cute character on the front makes them even more appealing to me haha; I’m such a sucker for things like that!
    White chocolate coated popcorn is definitely crack..chocolate coated popcorn is literally heaven!
    I went to see Despicable Me 2 at the weekend..I missed my delivery of my new phone though..silver lining I got my delivery of chocolates!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Oh my gosh, they are so fun…tiny salty (or cheesy) bits of goodness! I just wish they were easier to find without having to pay out the you know what online! Ohhh, how was the movie? I forgot it was coming out!

  17. Rach says:

    Aww what wonderful silver linings! I’m a sucker for pretty fruits and veggies too! πŸ™‚ And yay for time-and-a-half even if you did have almost no sleep, haha!

  18. I watched Silver Linings this weekend!

    Your poor tummy… I would blame the Vienna sausages. πŸ˜‰

  19. Ahh I love this post! Popcorn coated in white chocolate with M&M’s is something that needs to be in my life pronto. that looks so good, especially since I was JUST sitting here thinking I needed to make a trip to the kitchen for popcorn. it’s like the universe is giving me a sign. also- love your converse! I wore my last pair to death, and I haven’t gotten a new pair yet. I need to do that. And I’m glad your stomach troubles eased up!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      I honestly can’t see how the universe be any clearer! Hopefully you obliged…wouldn’t want to piss off the popcorn gods or anything! πŸ˜‰ And seriously, I LOVE my converse but I’m SO careful with them! I pretty much always check the weather report before wearing them because I’m afraid of getting caught out in the rain! They’re my first and only pair…my babies! Lol

  20. Love your silver linings! That is so funny to see the Sounds baseball team. I’m friends with one of the players girlfriends….they actually live here in Texas. I want to find me some purple bell peppers! Veggies are so pretty! πŸ˜‰

  21. That popcorn crack as you called it looks amazeballs, and I don’t use that word often or enough! But lately I know I’ve been slipping into my pessimistic ways, definitely going to be taking on the silver lining idea in everyday life.

  22. It sounds like you had a great weekend – I love going to ball games with friends (even if I don’t really pay much attention to the game haha). Sorry you got hit with that stomach pain though – it sounds like it was painful. πŸ™ I hope it doesn’t return!

    This weekend I worked, attempted to make a healthier cheesecake (and was only half successful), and went to the Toronto Pride parade with my friends. And today we have the day off because it’s Canada Day, so I’m heading downtown to watch some fireworks later!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Ohhhh, I’m always curious to see healthier versions of cheesecake…especially since the regular ones are usually much too sweet/rich for my tastes. By “half successful”…are we talking the bottom half or the top half? πŸ˜‰

      Hope you had fun watching the fireworks! It’s our Independence Day today, but they’re calling for a bunch of thunderstorms so I’m pretty sure the fireworks shows around town aren’t going to go as planned…I’m totally bummed!

  23. oh man… that popcorn… damn I wish I wasn’t allergic!

  24. Another silver lining – this was a great, fun post!

    And I want that stuffed bread please

  25. Love this post!!! Such a great way of reframing things in a positive way that may not have started out that way πŸ™‚

    That crack (m&ms) looks awesome!

    Situation: I had a major intuitive eating freak out yesterday all over a muesli slice. The silver lining is that it made me search for more intuitive eating resources and I found some amazing videos on YouTube!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      That’s great, Jan!! If there is ONE thing I’ve learned from my journey with IE, it’s the importance of staying positive! It makes such a HUGE difference when you face new obstacles (or even old ones that you can’t seem to get past). Have you checked out The link was given to me by another reader. I found some great insight/perspective in some of the forum posts!

  26. Fran@BCDC says:

    Heather, so glad that you’re starting to look at a difficult situation and turn it into a good one. I’m not always good at that but you’re encouraging me. Have a great day!

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Thank you, Fran! It doesn’t come easy…especially after getting into the habit of letting the negative take control, but I’m definitely seeing good progress! It really does make a HUGE difference when it comes to overcoming obstacles…if you don’t seek out the positive, you’ll just quit…and for my journey right now, that just isn’t an option! πŸ™‚

  27. I’m a firm believer in silver linings so this post puts a HUGE smile on my face – you make every situation how you want it to be. OH EM GEE, I saw that picture of your dinner the other night on IG and I *MUST* get my hands on a baguette stuffed with cheese and chicken… That is GENIUS. Ship one to me please? πŸ˜‰

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      So true! It’s like that saying: Not every day is good, but there is good in every day! πŸ™‚

      Haha! Dinner was pretty tasty, but I’ll admit, it could’ve used a bit more stuffing. I think next time, I’ll just pick up a plain baguette (which I’m suddenly obsessed with!) and make some sort of cheesy chicken dip to go with it!

  28. Allie says:

    Yay, I love all this looking on the bright side! And the idea of chocolate-coated popcorn. I’ve never been to a Sounds game–but I’m not much of a baseball person either. I am a cheese person though–how do you keep finding such fun-looking cheese? I still remember the veggie-filled stuff you guys brought to taco night! (Which we need another of SOON!)

    • kissmybroccoli says:

      Haha! It’s a gift really…a cheese attracting GIFT! πŸ˜‰ We DO need another taco night…I was just telling someone at work last night about the little spread you had going on that night! And I’m still convinced you have a magic hand when it comes to cucumber and onion salad…best I’ve ever had!

  29. Oh, I like the silver linings post. It’s fun to find the happy in sometimes not so happy situations. I don’t like the tummy woes though. I blame your free “lunch;” those samples always scare the crap out of me. Literally.
    Your farmers market finds are fab…purple bell peppers, orange zuchinni; you should make a centerpiece from them because they’re almost too pretty to eat. Almost.

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